Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1211 Willing to be a disciple (4k)

One good thing about the Internet age is that if you want to read it, you can always see some comments that are not isolated from the surrounding ecology.

As the leader, Fang Zhuo has always known that there are almost always good people around him, so he is willing to see what others think. Reports, Weibo, Zhihu, company forums and even Moments are all excellent angles for snooping.

On these platforms, you can even see the quarrel over "Will Yike acquire Amap?"

Fang Zhuo saw that the previous debate was still decent, and he analyzed the competition and trends in the map market, but his level became lower as he went on, such as "Fang Zhuo has always been ruthless" and "You can tell what Fang Zhuo will do if you watch him in the past." Words like "Don't you know who he is?" came out.

Regarding Yike’s acquisition of Amap…

It should be the other way around, maybe Gaode just needs to find the sponsor.

If Gaode wants it, can the shareholder Yike refuse to give it?

Also, please do not implicate individuals with company actions.

Fang Zhuo found that his perspective on public opinion had been distorted. The incident hadn't happened yet, so there was nothing to talk about now.

However, when he dealt with the finishing work after the SMIC shareholder meeting, he found that there was still a lot of public opinion discussing the combat effectiveness of "President Fang and the Yike Department", including this time handling it as the fifth largest shareholder of SMIC. The control rights are also attributed to the "Bing Xin of Panyi Science and Technology Department", which has a strong industry influence.

Bingxin has been partially lifted in media reports. Everyone is very interested in talking about its technical strength and also deconstructing the support behind Yike, an internationally renowned brand.

And let’s talk about how many years Mr. Fang, the richest man, can remain in power if Bingxin is launched on the market.

Even Su Wei noticed this different public opinion situation from the past.

When she walked into the study at night, she first checked to see if President Fangda was doing business, and then saw that there were no information or documents on the screen. She smiled and said, "Why are you looking so serious when you check Zhihu?"

Fang Zhuo touched his cheek and asked, "Are you serious? Well... being serious is right. Everyone is saying that I am a tiger, saying that I want to eat Gao De, and naming me as a cannibal. "

Su Wei wondered: "You told others to tell the truth when you were in a meeting at SMIC. Now let's see the truth. What's the point of being aggrieved?"

Fang Zhuo frowned and argued, "This is a matter between companies."

Then he started talking about "business behavior", "let nature take its course" and "market competition", and the study was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

Su Wei laughed for a while and then asked about Bing Xin's public opinion.

Fang Zhuo explained: "The topic of semiconductors is relatively unpopular, and the media is not very popular. However, the current size of ice cores can no longer be hidden. Taiwanese reporters and Samsung have increased their lobbying efforts in the United States since last year, and will continue to do so next year. There are listing actions, one more and one less, well, this time it is a little bit necessary.”

Su Wei nodded, indicating that she understood, and asked: "Is the ice core sure to be launched in Xiangjiang?"

Fang Zhuo thought for a moment and replied: "It is safer to be in Xiangjiang. Off-site factors are likely to expand this year. I still have to go to the United States to see the specific situation."

His trip was postponed for a month because of the SMIC Incident. Now the Tang Dynasty was defeated. If it couldn't launch any fierce response, it would be considered an end.

As long as SMIC continues to advance technologically in the future, both the top and the local government will give more support to the high-level pairing of Wang Ningguo and Yang Shining. However, with the sudden attack and the subsidence of the storm before Datang, everyone is wary. With the major shareholder holding 16.8% of the shares, it is difficult to repeat the same operation.

Su Wei chatted a little more about the work at hand and Fang Zhuo's schedule. Before leaving the study, she suddenly turned around and said: "When Yike annexes Gaode, you should stop reading comments online."

Fang Zhuo waved his hand and sighed: "It doesn't matter, men's minds are always filled with grievances."

The main reason for Yike and Amap is that they have been determined for a long time. Now other map competitors also have giant figures, and they are already ready. Public opinion should not focus on Amap. Yike’s support to many manufacturers in the YMS ecosystem is real. Yes.

Except for the necessary links, Fang Zhuo felt that he didn't want to eat anything from the sidelines.

He shook his head, and finally glanced at the screen, and happened to see a saying - the capital market is a sword and a sword. For those companies that deal with Yi Ke, although the tiger's poison does not eat its seeds, Mr. Fang is not a tiger after all, and now it is Fang. They are always more powerful than tigers.

Fang Zhuo closed the computer with an expressionless face. People in the world misunderstood him deeply.

The next morning, just as Fang Zhuo was confirming the flight itinerary at the Yike headquarters, he suddenly received a call from Ni Runfeng, the head of Kesheng Company, and learned that the caller was calling him from the hospital. The reason for hospitalization was a fall. Broken bones after falling.

Fang Zhuo frowned when he heard this. There has been a lot of news from the hospital recently. These old friends are really "old" friends.

He expressed his greetings to Lao Ni, who suffered a fracture, and also proposed to visit him.

Ni Runfeng expressed his gratitude, but said that he was in his hometown, and then revealed the real reason of the call, and asked a question that surprised Fang Zhuo: "Mr. Fang, if you want the mobile phone company, I plan to sell Kesheng. Retired from now on.”

Fang Zhuo said in surprise: "Old Ni, didn't you have a broken leg? Could it be that other problems were found?"

Ni Runfeng sighed: "There are no other problems, but this fall will probably take several months of recovery. As I was lying on the hospital bed, I suddenly felt that it was time to live a retired life, and I was old enough."

Fang Zhuo was silent.

Ni Runfeng continued: "As for Kesheng, the market competition we face will become more and more fierce, and the homogeneity of smartphones will become more serious. Everyone now knows what the gameplay is like. When I fell, I was lying on the hospital bed looking at the ceiling. , I feel like I have to change my life in a few years.”

He sighed: "Mr. Fang, you also know that my son is not interested in the company. I thought about it, but first I have to ask you if you are interested."

Fang Zhuo heard this, and if Yike was unwilling to buy it, Lao Ni was afraid that he would look for other buyers.

He frowned, considered for a moment, and said, "Old Ni, you fell a little hard this time."

"Well, I'm still getting old after all." Ni Runfeng replied.

"Well, Lao Ni, you can take care of it first. Your proposal is a bit sudden. I'll let the company discuss it." Fang Zhuo said.

The call between the two ended.

Fang Zhuo asked his secretary to notify the general office of the news and let them discuss it.

At this point in time, Lao Ni suddenly understood the secret of retirement, and the option he proposed was indeed a direction within Yike - to make entry-level models himself.

However, the main reason why the company's strategy has not been adopted is that the YMS ecosystem is built together with many brands, and Yike needs to take the initiative to maintain this relationship, and these brands are basically in the entry-level smartphone market.

If Yike goes down, other brands may suffer first.

In particular, the YMS ecosystem is in full swing this year, with many businesses developing very well.

Fang Zhuo thought for a while, but still felt that it was not appropriate to directly acquire Kesheng Company. At the very least, the current time was not good enough.

At the end of the day, the members of the general office were not all present, so we briefly discussed the Kesheng Company that Ni Runfeng was willing to offer.

Opinions are quite conflicting.

For example, Liu Qiangdong strongly believes that Kesheng should be acquired.

Like Qi He, he believes that maintaining broad influence is enough.

There are supporters of both views.

Yu Hong watched this discussion. In comparison, she did not make a predetermined position on the business direction of the domestic market. After careful consideration, she mentioned something: "The son of Mr. Ni of Kesheng is working in the company. On the one hand, let him To control Kesheng, on the one hand, we increase investment, and it will always be better if we use a different skin."

"Ni Boren has done a good job in the domestic supply chain. He should be unwilling to go out." Fang Zhuo made his judgment based on his own impressions and the phone call with Lao Ni.

"At this moment, Kesheng has gained some scale and fame." Yu Hong said calmly, "With the company increasing investment and resources, even if the market competition is fierce, Kesheng still has room to gain a foothold. As long as Ni If Boren can continue to expand the scale of Kesheng, it will definitely be better in terms of economic benefits alone, but this matter still needs to be communicated."

Yike Company is an internationally renowned brand, and it is very unlikely that Kesheng will achieve its current position in the industry. The two companies are naturally very different in this regard, but Ni Boren's personal wealth is likely to greatly increase in value. .

The two opinions reached a compromise, and the key to the compromise was his son Ni Boren, who was "pledged" by Ni Runfeng in the company.

Fang Zhuo believed that the proposal from Mr. Yu was more in line with the company's overall development, and since it was her who proposed it, she would be responsible for the communication.

Yike invested a sum of money in Kesheng when it was first established. This investment was not just because of Ni Runfeng, an old friend of the old Jianghu. Employees of Yike who started their own businesses also received investment. Similar investments are important to large companies. It is said that it is a very cost-effective behavior.

Now by adding shares, Kesheng, which still retains a certain degree of independent operation, can make more attempts, and it and other companies in the YMS ecosystem are like biological children... ah no, like biological nephews and god-nephews.

Well, suddenly I have a familiar experience again.

Fang Zhuo considered the situation of domestic manufacturers. The "Morning Light" chip solution adopted by Kesheng this time was not very competitive compared with MediaTek because it was Morningstar Semiconductor's first venture.

But a breakthrough from 0 to 1 is rare. After Morningstar was acquired, it strengthened technical cooperation with Yike. Its subsequent iterations are expected to strengthen its competitiveness.

Yu Hong had a phone call with Ni Boren who was in Chengdu. The latter... really didn't want to take over his company, but he was willing to give it another thought.

This matter is not urgent.

The battle for control of SMIC has become a new business case.

However, what attracted attention this time was not so much the methods used by the parties involved, but the game between major shareholders and even shareholders and the overall interests of the company.

It is obvious that Datang's plan for SMIC is to put the latter's interests in a secondary position. However, it has greatly interfered with normal operations, which has caused many business management and financial professionals to have relevant discussions.


Even in a dire situation, as an old friend of Mr. Fang, Li Guoqing also paid attention to SMIC's situation this time. He even posted a WeChat Moment after the results of the extraordinary shareholders' meeting were released to slightly criticize Datang, who was trying to resist.

However, when he saw the media praising Mr. Fang for being cruel and ruthless, he felt that this time he was really unjust.

Mr. Fang's counterattack this time was completely defensive, a rallying cry, and a reversal of the major shareholder's actions. Therefore, the focus should be on criticizing Datang's inappropriate behavior.

On July 21st, Li Guoqing was discussing business outside. In his spare time, he also talked about Mr. Fang's news this time.

However, in the middle of his words, he suddenly received a call. Penguin, the major shareholder, voted to remove himself as chairman and president at the board meeting he authorized, and announced job adjustments for some senior executives.

Li Guoqing was dumbfounded and was still talking about other people's boards of directors. In the blink of an eye, his own board of directors immediately set fire to it!

He rushed to the headquarters in a hurry, but before he got there, he received another call. Penguin people broke into the office, took away the company's official seal and financial seal, and directly wanted to take over the company's operations.

Ever since Penguin dismissed former Alibaba Tiejun He Xueyou from his post last time and sent a team into, Li Guoqing’s relationship with them has been somewhat tense. Mi Tuan from the outside has been attacking fiercely, and Dang Tuan’s business has suffered setbacks, which is even more internally unstable. .

However, no matter how unstable he was, Li Guoqing never expected that Penguin would come and snatch the official seal. What kind of business method was this? Is this something a normal person can do?

However, when Li Guoqing returned to the company angrily, his indignation and arguments could not shake the arbitrariness of the major shareholder at all, and this was in Pengcheng.

Li Guoqing argued until late at night and found to his despair that it had no effect.

He looked at the dark sky and thought about the rice dumpling nets hunting for dumplings in various markets, and suddenly made a decision: "Let's go to Shencheng to find Mr. Fang."

"Ah? What's the use of looking for Mr. Fang? He didn't vote for us either." The assistant was puzzled.

Li Guoqing waved his hands and said nothing. He had shares in, so he could sell it to the party at a low price and let him come in to stir up trouble with Penguin Dog.

Although Mi Tuan is powerful, if he changes sides and surrenders with courtesy, won't he lose his status as a prince?

Li Guoqing thought about the collision between the two giants, and his thoughts were not very clear, so he felt that he should still have value.


This time he did meet Mr. Fang as he wished, but this man's expression was very subtle.

"Qingzi, come to me now..." Fang Zhuo received an old friend in the office who had already sold his company to him once, "Why didn't you come earlier..."

Li Guoqing pointed out the problem: "Mr. Fang, I have been here a long time ago, and you refused to invest in me! But this time I am selling at a low price!"

Fang Zhuo remained silent, so miserable.

Li Guoqing was a little excited: "Mr. Fang, last time you asked me to withdraw from the market and become an investor. Now I understand, so I took the money and became an investor honestly!"

Seeing that the giant leader was silent, he expressed his position: "Mr. Fang, from now on I will invest and do things. If you need anything, I can cooperate!"

Fang Zhuo understood that Qingzi had been hit many times and was willing to be his subordinate... Dog.

He took a sip of tea with some embarrassment and thought it would be better to speak clearly: "Qingzi, I don't want any cooperation here, and there is no shortage of people. You should discuss with Penguin how to deal with the shares."

Qingzi wants to be the one, but the problem is that the top ones, Lao Xiong and Wang Ge, have money and resources, while others like Lei Zi, Dong Zi, Sun Tongyu and others also have vision and ability...

Not everyone can be a lackey.

"Qingzi, go ahead and find Penguin." Fang Zhuo issued an eviction order.

Li Guoqing said angrily: "Mr. Fang, don't look at the monk's face but also the Buddha's face!"

Fang Zhuo said in shock: "Whose Buddha face are you looking at?"

"You sit on that plane all day long, and you ruin my reputation every time. Did I say anything? Are you unwilling to help me at this time?" Li Guoqing said angrily.

Fang Zhuo shook his head and sighed: "Qingzi, quickly take the money from Penguin and leave. If it's too late, it will be gone. Retire and enjoy life after you get the money. This is the last advice after seeing the Buddha's face."

Li Guoqing slammed the table and stood up, turned around and left, leaving only the last trace of grief and anger: "You giants don't have any good things!"

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