Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1230 Sony’s Future (5k)

Ihara Katsumi left, Nakahachi Ryoji apologized, the east wind prevailed over the west wind, and the meeting could continue.

However, everyone was still brewing their own thoughts. Some people felt that when Sony was in such chaos and confusion, President Fang needed to speak out in such a commanding manner, while others still criticized President Fang and Stringer's expensive relationship.

However, Nakabachi Ryouji suddenly felt as if a basin of dirty water had been poured on his head.

From the 1st to the present, what he has done in Tokyo is to make people speak out to the media, criticize Stringer, lobby various factions, and try to take advantage of the opportunity to regain the CEO who once failed.

Nakaba Ryoji thinks he has a good chance of winning this time.

However, Mr. Fang's words just now made him realize a problem.

Can Sony's current situation really be attributed to Stringer alone?

In other words, if Sony suffers serious losses, will angry shareholders think that Stringer or the management headed by Stringer are responsible?

He said he was sidelined, but since he is the executive vice president and one of the two directors on the board of directors besides Stringer, he might be purged by the shareholders, right?

Regardless of whether Sony cannot be destroyed or established, don’t be destroyed first...

Is Nakaba Ryoharu willing to bow and apologize to Mr. Fang at a small meeting? Is it embarrassing for a world-renowned business leader like him to apologize? No shame!

At the very least, just don’t criticize yourself like this again at the shareholders’ meeting…

After Nakahachi Ryoharu left CFO Ihara Katsumi, a new Xiao Jiujiu emerged. He didn’t even know what was going on with Sony, and shareholders didn’t even know what was going on with Sony. A shining CEO like Mr. Fang, the best CEO in the world, might be the one leading everyone’s ideas. Beacon.

If, if we can get Mr. Fang's support again, is it now the time to put things right?

With this idea in mind, Ryoji Nakahachi was much more cautious when talking about the reasons for Sony's decline and the actual situation.

After being so calm, he looked at the other executives in the conference room and felt that their expressions also had some inexplicable meaning, and he couldn't help but feel chilled in his heart.

As he spoke, the original wording was disrupted and slowly changed into what he just heard.

Find out the situation, confirm the loss, throw away the baggage, and start again.

Fang Zhuo drank coffee and listened to Nakaba Ryoji's speech. He felt that it was a lot easier for him to listen to. However, Nakaba Ryoji has been lurking for so long. He can not only apologize to himself but also proceed from reality. People like him cannot Push it up.

Reform, Sony needs reform, how to change it specifically...

Fang Zhuo also helped Sony think about a new future.

Looking back now, we see that Stringer's work on Sony has been criticized by various sources. In the past few years since he took office, Sony's electronic product business has gradually declined, and there have been rumors of being packaged and sold.

He has cut multiple product lines, reduced investment in the semiconductor business, and this year also started a "zero environmental load" plan to transform into a green industry.

Today, it seems to have confirmed many people's concerns about his initial rise - Stringer, who has a non-technical background, does not have that gene.

The most visible thing about him is that he abolished the original decision-making system and successfully created a decision-making mechanism in important areas headed by the CEO, but this is now also being criticized.

If the result is wrong, everything is wrong.

But Kazuo Hirai, who really successfully led Sony ZTE, was also adapted to a more Western-style mechanism to a certain extent. He moved to New York when he was 6 years old and joined Sony America.

Fang Zhuo doesn't know what strategy Kazuo Hirai has adopted to turn around Sony. He is only starting from his own perspective. If he were to run Sony himself, he would firstly comply with public opinion and continue to lead the reform banner, and secondly continue to reduce employees and abandon To get rid of business burdens, thirdly, strategic focus and product structure also need to be adjusted.


Fang Zhuo is stuck in a long process, including spin-offs, sales, divestitures, layoffs, structure, and focus. It is indeed not an easy job and requires a leader with inner tenacity, courage, and leadership.

The meeting lasted for a long time, and under the leadership of Fang Zhuo who set the atmosphere and Nakaba Ryoji, everyone's speeches gradually became enthusiastic again. In any case, except for a few people at the meeting, they all wanted Sony to get better. .

In the second half of the process, Zhongbo Liangzhi gave way to the voices of other executives, but he also paid attention to Mr. Fang's attitude.

When he really started talking about Sony's future, he asked: "Mr. Fang, what do you think Sony will do next?"

"Just now our CFO Ihara Katsumi mentioned my personal relationship with Mr. Stringer. It was indeed because of my friendship with him that I agreed to join Sony's board of directors." Fang Zhuo said calmly, "When Sony has reached the point where it is today, I It’s sad too.”

Quietly sad.

"Objectively speaking, I focus more of my energy on my own company, and it is difficult to promote Sony. In today's situation, I can't talk about Sony's future. Therefore, I will no longer serve as Sony As a foreign director." Fang Zhuo submitted his resignation.

What he values ​​most now is the sensor company that cooperates with Sony. At the earliest, he cooperated with Sony Sensors to establish the Shanghai ice core production line in Shanghai. He was the leading operator with 50%+1, and later he further invested in Sony. The sensor has also received financing from other institutions, and will continue to be added if there are no surprises in the future.

There are other Sony products... of course, but now they are at a stronger stage of their own development.

Fang Zhuo also wants to end his friendship with Jazz.

Zhongbo Liangzhi saw that Mr. Fang was resolute, so he obeyed... but he didn't obey, thinking that he couldn't obey like this!

What kind of person is Mr. Fang now?

Not mentioning his achievements in the business field, let’s talk about his sharp comments on CEOs. Just look at his attitude of defending Stringer and criticizing himself and Katsumi Ihara. Without the position of Sony’s foreign director, Sony’s top executives may not be the best. All must be within his gunfire.

Ryoji Nakaba changed his mind at this meeting and felt that he could win the support of Mr. Fang, a foreign director, to try to compete for the CEO position.

He still remembers the first time Mr. Fang came to Tokyo to attend Sony's board of directors.

"President Fang, you can't leave!" Ryoji Nakaba said excitedly, uncharacteristically, "President Fang, Sony is in chaos right now and needs the guidance of you directors with outstanding achievements. You can't leave!"

Fang Zhuo didn't think that Ryoji Nakahachi was sincere in keeping him, and he also knew the superficial emotions of the Japanese. He shook his head and said, "It's no longer necessary. Sony needs to start a new era."

"Mr. Fang, Mr. Stringer has left. Sony is almost completely collapsed. Do you want to leave at this time like Katsumi Ihara?"

Ryoharu Nakahachi did not hesitate to use CFO Katsumi Ihara who was not attending the meeting as an example, and said: "Sony's management structure needs to be reshaped, Mr. Fang, I think the functions of the nomination committee should be strengthened, and you are the best person to be in charge of the committee. Ah, Mr. Fang, you can’t leave!”

He tossed out ideas that came up during his meetings.

The nomination committee is a special committee within the board of directors. As the name implies, it makes recommendations on the appointment and selection mechanism of senior executives. It is generally composed of outside directors.

Sony's board of directors, led by Stringer, has established a nomination committee and a remuneration committee, which can play a supervisory role in terms of procedures, but only in terms of procedures.

Zhongbo Liangji believed that this period was the time to strengthen its functions, and he used this to express his stance to Mr. Fang.

I sincerely want to stay with Mr. Fang, and I can use Sony's conditions to negotiate the follow-up.

As soon as Ryoji Nakahachi said this, other executives in the Tokyo conference room were a little surprised or even stunned. There is a nomination committee, but this nominal committee now wants to seek an outsider, Mr. Fang...

Fang Zhuo frowned and briefly observed the expressions on the screen, but they were not very realistic.

He pondered deeply.

Having said that, my friendship with Jazz was only average, so I was doing him a favor by not expelling him from the Yike board of directors.

"Mr. Fang, regarding the future of Sony, we will go to New York to discuss with you again, and we also hope to communicate with Mr. Stringer again." Nakahata Ryoharu further requested an interview.

Interviews are always more convenient when the door is closed.

Now I always feel like I have nowhere to hide on Yike Online.

Fang Zhuo's expression softened: "Sony's future deserves caution. I also suggest that you have good communication with Stringer and let us get through this difficult time together."

He only mentioned Stringer, not himself, but he did not insist on resigning as an outside director.

Instead, Nakabachi Ryoji's nerves became tense, thinking that the next period of time might determine whether his career could reach a new level.

"Sony's future depends on everyone. The current situation is already very dangerous. If we don't unite, if we continue to be as motivated as Katsumi Ihara, maybe there will be no Sony name in a few years." Fang Zhuo updated his statement. , once again named Ihara Katsumi.

Zhongbo and Mr. Fang named the CFO at the same time, which sounded like they were sending a signal.

The executives participating in the meeting had their own thoughts, but they really needed to discuss the future of the group.

At the end of the meeting, Ryoharu Nakabachi made a suggestion, believing that Stringer's resignation could be accepted, but the news should not be announced immediately. It still needed to be communicated in New York before being carried out in a smoother way.

By the time Fang Zhuo closed his computer, it was already early in the morning. He rubbed his face and called the old jazz man to briefly explain his participation in the meeting.

Nakaba Ryoji's attitude has changed quite differently, and the purpose is not difficult to guess.

Speaking of which, Norio Ohga's reason for choosing Nobuyuki Dei was due to elimination. Later, Nobuyuki Idei was jointly invited by Stringer and Ohga. Now, this new generation of Sony leaders is about to resign on his own initiative. Born under circumstances...

Sony's foundation is still solid and it can withstand the torment of two leaders, but I don't know if it can withstand the third one.

When Stringer heard on the phone that Nakahata Ryoharu and others were coming to New York, his reaction was very dull: "Come on, Nakahata Ryoharu has long wanted to be CEO."

"Is he suitable?" Fang Zhuo asked.

Stringer was silent for a while: "I don't know."

Fang Zhuo felt that this answer was a bit unexpected: "Don't know?"

"Yes, I don't know. This is what I really think. These days, I am also thinking about and reflecting on my work in the past few years as CEO." Stringer said with emotion, "If I had not become CEO, if Sony had not been so If Ryoharu Nakahata was made CEO, he might have been able to do a good job at Sony, but if he is asked to deal with Sony's problems now, I don't know what will happen."

Stringer's Sony career is over.

He looked back on the past. At the time, he had great ambitions to ascend to the position of head of Sony, and he discussed Blu-ray standards with Gates in high spirits. He always felt that he would accomplish everything with a high-profile achievement.

But now, there are huge losses, voluntary resignation, widespread criticism, glory gone, and the future is unclear.

Stringer really doesn't know who can lead Sony forward.

"Sir, you must have some suggestions for them. Is it possible that you just resign and don't care about anything? I still think it's better to put an end to it." Fang Zhuo said.

Stringer was silent again and asked, "Will you join the nominating committee?"

Fang Zhuo asked, "Do you want me to join?"

"You..." Stringer swallowed and suddenly said, "Sometimes I feel that inviting a rival boss like Yi Ke to serve as a director is like planting a Trojan horse for Sony."

Fang Zhuo laughed dumbly.

He had recently been paying attention to the cooperation between Microsoft and Nokia, and wanted to see if that Trojan horse would reappear. Unexpectedly... well, the Trojan horse turned out to be me.

"Yike only has a competitive relationship with Sony Ericsson mobile phones. We cooperate more than compete in many fields." Fang Zhuo said, "I have always viewed the relationship between our two companies this way. Besides, Sony Ericsson mobile phones are half as good as Ericsson. I I don’t think it’s because of Yike that Sony Ericsson’s mobile phones didn’t develop, it’s more of an internal issue, Sir, what do you think?”

Stringer sighed: "Yes, looking at it now, Sony should re-elect a Japanese CEO. Ryoji Nakahachi is hopeful, and so are Hiroshi Yoshioka and Yoshihisa Ishida."

Except for Ryoji Nakahachi who has been sidelined in recent years, Yoshihisa Ishida and Hiroshi Yoshioka are both senior executives in charge of business. The former is in charge of Sony Computer Entertainment and the latter leads the television business.

Stringer hesitated for a moment and then said: "Actually, Kazuo Hirai's work in online entertainment is also good, he is still very capable."

Fang Zhuo said "hmm" and thought about making suggestions for Sony.

Stringer briefly talked about his thoughts on the three people. How should I put it? Sony almost collapsed across the board. It was probably because of the shortcomings.

"Okay, I still mean that. I have to give the company an explanation after all." Fang Zhuo looked at the time. It was already 2 o'clock in the morning. "It's too late. Let's meet and chat when Zhongbo and the others arrive."

Stringer agreed, and when he was about to hang up the phone, he suddenly asked: "Which company will be exposed on the wiki?"

"Ah? Is there any news now?" Fang Zhuo asked.

Stringer said: "Mr. Fang, you are well-informed. I thought I would hear new news."

"I am also very concerned about this matter. From Olympus to Sony to Takata, different Japanese companies in different fields are involved in such a wide range of things. It is really unlike the ordinary situation." Fang Zhuo analyzed.

Stringer nodded slightly, it was indeed unusual, it seemed organized and premeditated.

He put down the phone. If Mr. Fang was really involved, then he was more extraordinary than he thought.

Stringer looked out the window. The night was particularly dark today.

The next day, Fang Zhuo, who was working normally and paying attention to the current public opinion situation, unexpectedly received a call from Jazz. His first reaction was that Zhongbo and the others had arrived, and then he realized that it couldn't be that fast.

"Mr. Fang, Kazuo Hirai came to me and wanted to visit you." Stringer told Fang Zhuo even more unexpected news.

Fang Zhuo is a person who likes to take the initiative, but Kazuo Hirai...

He smiled and said: "No problem, does he also want to try to compete for the CEO? At noon, I have time at noon, and I have a meeting with Yike in the morning. I have been working on the company's cloud business recently, and I am a bit busy."

After consultation, Yike's cloud business has been initially determined to try the German and French markets to empower small and medium-sized enterprises in Europe and take its cloud business to places where Amazon and Google have not yet done so.

In addition, Yike Cloud will be separated from Yike YMS and become a parallel business group YWS - Yike Web Services, further enhancing its strategic positioning in the company.

The morning Yike meeting ended and it was approaching noon.

Fang Zhuo met Kazuo Hirai for the first time.

Compared with Stringer, the 51-year-old Hirai is considered young.

Regarding this person, Fang Zhuo's deepest impression of him was his smile and the title of "No. 1 Saxophone" given to him by everyone. Kazuo Hirai visited the scene and played the saxophone before bidding farewell to the Ginza Building.

However, Hirai did not smile today, but seemed a little nervous.

"We've ordered a meal, let's chat while we eat, but we don't have to go around and around, just say what we have to say." Fang Zhuo knew that the protagonist of today's trip was not Stringer but Kazuo Hirai.

Stringer nodded without objection.

Fang Zhuo noticed that Kazuo Hirai took two breaths, probably to relieve his mood.

After sitting down, Hirai Kazuo used his subjective initiative and stated the purpose of his trip: "Mr. Fang, do you think I can be the CEO of Sony?"

"You can't." Fang Zhuo said bluntly.

Kazuo Hirai was not angry and asked the reason: "Why?"

"You found me, but you have poor eyesight." Fang Zhuo replied.

Kazuo Hirai didn't think there was any problem.

Fang Zhuo smiled and said: "I'm just a foreign director. You should persuade Jazz to support you more, or go to Tokyo more. What's the use of having me as a foreign director? I'm actually not as influential as you think."

Although Sony is in chaos, the situation will eventually calm down, and by then, the foreign directors will be just foreign directors again.

"I heard that Ryoji Nakahachi and others are also coming to New York to visit Mr. Fang." Kazuo Hirai said about the news he heard from Stringer, "I will also go to Tokyo, but I still hope that Mr. Fang can help me. Put my name forward on the board.”

Fang Zhuo said seriously: "Sir and I have talked about you and said that you are very capable, but in a situation like Sony's, what good strategy do you have on a ship that is leaking everywhere?"

Hirai Kazuo knew that this was a question made by the foreign director in the face of his request.

He said seriously: "President Fang said that Sony's ship is leaking water everywhere, so our first step is to block the water and increase revenue and reduce expenditure."

"All Sony's baggage can be thrown away, the LCD panel we cooperate with Sharp can be stopped, our chemical department can be sold, and our optical drive department can be sold. If the optical drive cannot be sold, then it will be disbanded directly." Hirai Kazuo said that his strong man had broken his wrist, "There is also the computer business VAIO that can be sold."

He mentioned Sony's four important business lines in one breath.

Fang Zhuo was a little surprised: "You want to sell them all?"

"Yes, Sony is too bloated. These businesses cannot be profitable and will only continue to drag us down. Sony suffers from the disease of big companies. It always feels that these businesses can be kept and they can wait and see, but now they can't wait any longer." Hirai Kazuo said his observation.

Fang Zhuo said: "If you do this, you will definitely attract criticism."

"There are always people who have to bear the criticism. As long as Sony can go into battle lightly, I believe there will be a painful but refreshing new beginning." Hirai Kazuo continued, "Not only these businesses, but also the real estate purchased by Sony around the world, including the Sony Building, including The Tokyo headquarters building can all be converted into funds."

He said solemnly: "We need blood to flow, not let it rot in the company."

Fang Zhuo glanced at Stringer.

Stringer was expressionless, as if he had decayed.

Fang Zhuo thought about it and found that this was quite consistent with his own thoughts, but Kazuo Hirai's observations and understanding of the business were more specific.

He nodded: "If you want to get out of the quagmire, you should travel lightly. Sony's business is a bit complicated."

Hirai Kazuo continued to talk about his thoughts on Sony, including the synergy of various business sectors, including the transfer of core areas to imaging, games and mobile directions.

He saw that his eloquent talk was rewarded with frequent nods from Mr. Fang.

Lunch time passed quickly, and the conversation lasted until past one in the afternoon.

"Sir did not misjudge the person." Fang Zhuo wiped his hands and praised, "No matter whether it can be implemented or not, your idea is very revolutionary, very bold, and very decisive."

Kazuo Hirai nodded with some joy. Mr. Fang was the most influential person in Sony Wai Tung.

Fang Zhuo glanced at Stringer and said, "In a few days, I will communicate with Sony's senior management. I can't guarantee what it will be like."

It's hard to guarantee this. After all, they are responsible for the business that Hirai Kazuo wants to cut down, such as televisions and computers... Let's see if they agree to be cut down.

If they agree, they have nothing to say.

Kazuo Hirai immediately stood up and bowed to express his thanks: "Please, Mr. Fang!"

Fang Zhuo shook his head: "You're welcome, it's just for Sony's future."

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