Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1246 Upward Strength (4K)

The celebration banquet inside the ice core is not formal, or rather a ceremony to bridge internal technical disputes than a celebration banquet.

Obviously, the ceremony was complete when Liang Mengsong presented his technical intuition based on a large amount of work.

The rear gate will undoubtedly become the technical solution for ice core at the 28nm process node, and the front gate, which also consumes R\u0026D efforts, may be the solution for the next process of ice core.

As long as it's not too wasteful, as long as it's not too useless, it's good. What's more, it's more useful than imagined now, and many people's emotions have been greatly relieved.

When Fang Zhuo walked with Professor Hu Zhengming on the HKUST campus and talked about this incident, he couldn't help but smile and said: "Who said Dr. Liang is straight-tempered, he is particularly good this time."

"People are subject to change. He was sitting on the bench at the station reporter. When he came here, with your full support and gradual advancement in technology, he was willing and able to handle these things." Hu Zhengming Smile slightly.

He continued: "Besides, this time he has once again used facts to strongly prove his strength in the technical field. He launched the back-gate scheme in an attitude that the truth is in the hands of a few people. This is also very important for the next work."

Fang Zhuo nodded silently, walked for a while and then smiled: "I won't be the last one to know, right?"

"That's not the case." Hu Zhengming was referring to the overtaking development of the next step of the ice core manufacturing process. "This matter needs to be cautious and needs to be supported by the results of research and development. Even so, we are still not sure. Liang Mengsong is telling you now that he is also pulling you. It means taking a gamble together."

"Then should I support it?" Fang Zhuo wanted to hear more opinions.

"Do you know why such a choice is possible?" Hu Zhengming asked.

"Because of FinFET technology." Fang Zhuo answered.

"An important reason is that FinFET changes the logic unit structure from planar 2D to three-dimensional 3D. This is very different from the previous technology, and it is not a logical advancement." Hu Zhengming said slowly, "Transistors cannot Unlimited shrinkage, when it shrinks to about 20nm, it will encounter problems in quantum physics."

He continued: "I made improvements back then to solve the leakage phenomenon inside. The introduction of FinFET can not only reduce leakage caused by physical phenomena, but also increase the contact area, which is helpful for continued size reduction."

Seeing that Mr. Fang was listening very seriously, Hu Zhengming smiled and said: "The problem lies in the 20nm critical point. This process node can either continue the original technical architecture or introduce FinFET."

Fang Zhuo nodded and said: "Intel chose to import FinFET near this node, Taiwan Journal chose not to import it, and Samsung probably also did not import it."

This is the technical roadmap announced by the manufacturer. Samsung is currently only talking about 28nm.

Because of the particularity of the process nodes, everyone's choices are similar to the bifurcation of the front and rear gate schemes again.

"Mr. Qiu believes that 20nm is as useless in the market as 90nm. As for Liang Mengsong, he believes that such a transitional node can make a breakthrough by introducing FinFET." Hu Zhengming added here He said, "Of course, considering the special circumstances of ice core development, our situation is always more difficult."

Fang Zhuo thought carefully and realized that he still wanted to hear the opinion of Professor Hu, a great expert: "Professor Hu, if it were you, how would you make a decision?"

Ice cores face special choices in terms of technology and technology, just as they may also face special treatment in the outside world.

At this juncture, the step-by-step development of 20nm is a very safe choice, but the risk of radical development of the next generation 14nm is much greater.

"It's difficult to make a decision." Hu Zhengming said sincerely, "If you had asked me this a month ago, I would still support 20nm because we have been doing this on multiple lines."

The research and development of advanced ice core processes is not linear, but involves multiple teams.

"But now, facing Liang Mengsong who scolds Fang Qiu like this, I am hesitant."

Hu Zhengming sighed: "Mr. Fang, process research and development affects the whole body. It is not only about ice cores, but also about the future of Yike. It also involves all aspects of upstream and downstream. I really can't provide more decisions. "

The progress of ice core is the foundation of Yike's long-term success. Once this foundation is shaken, the success built on it will be risky.

Fang Zhuo nodded after a long time and walked and thought with Professor Hu on campus.

The two walked quietly for a while and greeted enthusiastic students when they met.

Hu Zhengming responded with a smile and expressed some concern about the academic status of this student from the School of Microelectronics.

HKUST did not establish the School of Microelectronics earlier. It was precisely to promote Hu Zhengming’s return to China that HKUST established the school and invited him to become the first dean.

In the past few years, the cooperation between HKUST and Bingxin, or in other words, the cooperation between domestic universities and Bingxin has been very deep and good, and they have been cultivating and importing talents.

Fang Zhuo was watching the conversation between the two, and was still wondering about Bing Xin's situation this time.

Unexpectedly, this student actually yelled at me before leaving.

"Mysterious man, come on!"

Fang Zhuo: "..."

He could only smile back.

"Mr. Fang, there is no need to come up with a result now. This matter still depends on the further judgment of internal research and development. Well, it depends on Liang Mengsong's judgment." Hu Zhengming noticed that Mr. Fang's face was solemn, so he relaxed.

Fang Zhuo only said: "The external situation is deteriorating."

Hu Zhengming immediately frowned. This is the most annoying thing about Bingxin. The external situation will amplify the risks of Bingxin's decision-making.

But what to do? This matter always needs someone’s decision.

Can Liang Mengsong make the decision? He can provide strong technical advice, but the real decision-maker is Mr. Fang next to him.

Fang Zhuo took a few breaths of the fresh, cold morning air on campus and shook his head slightly: "I'll think about it more."

He changed the topic to another matter when he came to see Professor Hu: "I heard from Mr. Qiu that the professor is considering doing more academic research?"

"As you get older, you have more problems with your body." Hu Zhengming joked, "And there is Liang Mengsong. Well, if you ask me, he is now the number one person in the world. With him here, I feel relieved, so... , I just want to beg for bones.”

"Professor, without you in charge, I always feel uneasy." Fang Zhuo persisted, "This time the ice core is used to verify the plan of the front and rear gates, I thought, I will keep this mechanism in the future and learn from the Belgian Microelectronics Research Center , and also established an ice core microelectronics research center, and professors also conduct academic research in ice cores."

There are similar departments within Ice Core. Now it is time to further clarify its positioning, invest more funds, learn from the Belgian mechanism, and build it into a pearl of microelectronics research in the mainland.

"I have now handed over a lot of work to others, and they have done a very good job." Hu Zhengming said slowly, "I am also very hesitant."

Fang Zhuo asked: "Why are you hesitating?"

"If the ice core continues to march toward 20nm, then I will take a break. If it continues to march towards 14nm, then I will continue to hold on." Hu Zhengming said seriously.

Fang Zhuo laughed: "Professor, you..."

Aren't you adding weight to the decision-making direction?

"Mr. Fang, I'm not forcing you to go to 14nm. If it's true, I will decide based on the situation. If ice core is made at 20nm, I will change my mind. If Liang Mengsong and the others can sustain it, if FinFET is introduced into 14nm..." Hu Zhengming paused After a pause, "After all, I was the one who invented this technology."

He lamented: "That was 12 years ago."

Hu Zhengming proposed FinFET in 1999. This year, Intel has introduced this technology at 22nm, 12 years have passed.

"Mr. Fang, you have to make decisions based on the actual situation. I also make decisions based on the situation. Even if I stay, it's just a name, I just want to see."

Hu Zhengming walked a few more steps and reminded: "Mr. Fang, this time is not like 90nm. That was something Liang Mengsong had verified in Taiwan. Now he is not too sure. He is trying to break through and try."

Fang Zhuo nodded, understanding this nature.

He chatted with Professor Hu for a while, and when he saw the class time, he watched him go to teach the students.

On this day, everyone was very busy. Fang Zhuo listened to the technical demonstration report briefly, and then gave his assistant a task, asking him to sort out the technical situation of ice cores with tens of thousands of words, and use it to talk to his superiors later.

In the evening, Fang Zhuo had dinner and talked on the phone with his American counterpart. He tossed and turned in bed, unable to fall asleep.

Now we have to wait for the technical demonstration, but no matter how we demonstrate it, it will be risky until it finally succeeds.

Alas, I just regret that I didn’t study hard before and make progress every day.

Oh no, even if you study hard and make progress every day, how far do you need to learn to discuss correct technical decisions with Dr. Liang and others?

Fang Zhuo had a thought in his mind, and he only slept hazily for a while in the second half of the night.

When he got up in the morning, he drank a cup of coffee and called Teacher Xiao Su.

"The dark circles under my eyes are quite heavy. Are you going to have a meeting all night?" Su Wei said with a smile.

"Insomnia." Fang Zhuo shook his head.

"The richest man still has insomnia?" Su Wei laughed even more.

Fang Zhuo said disapprovingly: "What's wrong with the richest man? The richest man still got in."

Su Wei thought about it, yes, quite a lot.

Fang Zhuo talked about his pressure. This situation caused him more pressure than the dispute over the 28nm plan. However, the external environment was still changing.

"Do your best, An Tianming." Su Wei listened carefully to the pressure from the richest man and said seriously, "If it were me..."

Fang Zhuo listened with some anticipation.

Su Weika took a few seconds and said: "Hey, don't say it, hey, really don't say it, my throat suddenly felt dry, cough, I won't talk nonsense, President Fang Da, no matter what, no one will blame you of."

"No matter how you make a decision, Bingxin has made progress and everyone is praised. If Bingxin encounters a setback, you, as the leader who doesn't understand technology, have to shoulder the responsibility and protect the people who develop under you. How can you still give up the responsibility? Going out?"

"You've been scolded a lot over the years, so what's the point?"

"As for the company, Yike is working hard to develop the cloud business. The 28nm of Bingxin is a sweet node and will be the money bag for a long time in the future. The difference is not much different, that is, you have been moving towards the best batch. It’s just benchmarking.”

Yike and Bingxin have always been the best companies in the benchmark industry, which is also a source of pressure.

"Hey, you guys, one or two of them said they couldn't help me make decisions, and overtly and covertly hinted at how I should make decisions." Fang Zhuo complained.

"No, I don't want to be scolded. I didn't mean it." Su Wei smiled, "I'm just trying to comfort you."

Fang Zhuo was somewhat relieved.

However, we still need to continue to listen to the thoughts of the world’s number one person on this matter.

Liang Mengsong had work in the morning, and Fang Zhuo only saw him when he was eating in the cafeteria at noon.

"Well, how should I put it? The risk is quite high." Liang Mengsong's expression was very calm. "Let's wait and see. Again, let's see the results of the argument, but there are still risks."

Fang Zhuo suggested: "How about I recruit people from SMIC? I think Wu Jingang and others from SMIC are also good, so I can bring them over to help with the argument."

Liang Mengsong glanced at Mr. Fang in surprise and politely declined: "Goodbye, coming here will not help."

He pondered for a moment and lowered his voice: "Mr. Fang, tell the truth, how much time do you think we have before we are restricted?"

"One or two years." Fang Zhuo replied.

Liang Mengsong's heart twitched.

Fang Zhuo continued to answer: "Three to four years, maybe five years?"

Liang Mengsong said angrily: "What's the difference between what you said and not saying anything? Mr. Fang, if you think about it this way, whether it's 20 or 14, the ice core is making progress. The difference lies in the extent of progress."

Don't worry so much about gains and losses.

Fang Zhuo took a sip of the soup and sighed: "Dr. Liang, I want to improve the strength of the Taiwanese."

"If you want to say that, then let me tell the truth. It's me, Mr. Fang, not including other people, not including our team. It's just my personal opinion." Liang Mengsong said seriously, "I tend to Introducing FinFET at the 14nm node.”

Fang Zhuo found that even after hearing this, he still hesitated.

"Anyway, things are like this now. Mr. Fang, please help us gain time for development, and we will strive to increase the strength of Taiwan Records." Liang Mengsong continued, "I communicated with Mr. Qiu last night. The R\u0026D department will have to work in three shifts. I’m so sorry, if I don’t take advantage of this moment to rush forward, I’m not sure what will happen next.”

"Even this remuneration must be given enough, otherwise, it may be counterattacked without any results."

Liang Mengsong had already made up his mind to give chase first, no matter which direction.

Fang Zhuo rubbed his face: "That's no problem, Dr. Liang, okay, all I can do is help buy time. Let's divide the work and do our best."

"Yeah." Liang Mengsong nodded and said, "One more thing, you can donate my salary in the past few years to your 'Let me see who doesn't like semiconductors' scholarship."

Fang Zhuo was surprised: "This..."

"If you can't spend it all, there will be more money later. It's a waste to put it in your bank account." Liang Mengsong said calmly, "It's better to let it be used more."

Fang Zhuo nodded: "If it goes well, there will be a lot of money after the listing."

Liang Mengsong was not interested in talking about this anymore, and just said: "Since Mr. Fang has agreed, our all-weather research and development operations will start tomorrow."

He glanced at Mr. Fang and finally said: "I have to do it myself to give the station record strength." (End of Chapter)

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