Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1264 Take action (4k)

Fang Zhuo still needs to go to the United States.

Because Su Wei was pregnant, her original schedule was postponed, and Suning started a price war, so she simply stayed at Tesco, and the meetings she had already arranged with Nvidia could only be postponed.

In view of the complexity of the situation, in addition to Bingxin’s German vice president, Qiu Ciyun, the CEO, also flew to Washington.

However, in terms of popularity, ability to respond, and representatives of Bingxin, Qiu Ciyun and others can never be compared with Fang Zhuo, just like Zhang Zhongtou of the Taiwan Journal named Fang Zhuo instead of Liang Mengsong.

When Qiu Ciyun arrived in the United States, he also visited Ice Core users, but most of the people he met were deputies. Even Nvidia, a customer he had been cooperating with since 65nm, only talked with Huang Renxun for ten minutes.

Regarding the current situation that Bingxin may face, Huang Renxun is quite realistic: "This is not a problem that we can communicate with, and this is not something that we can influence. The current situation of Bingxin has many geopolitical influences. If you want to reverse it, I’m afraid we still need Mr. Fang to promote more communication, and maybe a little luck.”

The current situation is that multiple departments are said to be jointly investigating and studying the condition of the ice core.

This has slowed down the launch of ice cores.

For Qiu Ciyun, what he wanted was for the ice core to be slow, but the situation revealed by this slowness now worried him.

He knew the reason why Mr. Fang postponed his trip to the United States, but he still had to call and explain the situation.

Fang Zhuo, here, this month, in addition to paying attention to the price war, he also slightly inquired about the structure of senior executives. Needless to say, Teacher Xiao Su's medical condition, he was mainly worried about her uncontrollable busyness.

There are many things on the table and in front of you, so you have to deal with them. Even if you look at them and hand them over to others, you probably won't be able to avoid having to worry about them.

Therefore, in addition to elevating Sun Qi to the position of executive vice president, Tesco also imitated Yike and established an organization such as the general office, and tried to work together to lead Tesco forward.

If the effect is satisfactory, this institution can also be established permanently in the future.

This depends to a certain extent on Su Wei's will.

On May 2, Fang Zhuo received Wang Xiaochuan, CEO of Sogou, on the 23rd floor of Yike, and once again discussed the cooperation between the two parties.

Compared to the last time when we were still talking, this time because the head of Sohu was taken advantage of, everyone had a much happier chat.

On the one hand, Yike's YMS can slightly increase the setting frequency of the built-in engine. On the other hand, Yike's own browser will also improve the status of Sogou engine.

In addition, Yike will make additional investment in Sogou’s technology research and development.

In addition, Fang Zhuo also talked about the development of Kesheng mobile phones.

“The market is expanding, but the number of mobile phone manufacturers is shrinking. If OPPO and other mobile phones want to challenge higher prices, Kesheng will take on the important task of attacking their mainstream products. I believe that as more efforts are made in this field, Sogou will follow suit. Benefit."

Wang Xiaochuan nodded and said with a smile: "Now there are rumors in the world that Yike's Zhurong chips will be transferred to Kesheng."

"More or less, it's just internal technical support. Competition for entry-level models is the fiercest now." Fang Zhuo pondered for a moment and talked about the domestic market plan led by Liu Qiangdong. Rumors about Kesheng's mobile phones were also intentionally released. .

Wang Xiaochuan listened very carefully.

In today's mobile search market, Baidu still ranks first, but it is no longer as dominant as the PC Internet. In addition to the impact of the development of smartphones, Baidu's own advertising has also been criticized.

Sogou has very good control over this area now, and the reputation of "simple" can be fermented.

Judging from the current market share of the entire market, Sogou is looking at the other two companies, and may soon surpass the declining Yisou and enter the second-to-one position.

Of course, this is only the mobile market. Although the total number of domestic mobile phone users has officially surpassed PCs, the PC Internet market is still quite huge, and Baidu's gold-making capabilities on PCs can further grow.

Wang Xiaochuan and Mr. Fang chatted very happily. When they were about to stand up and say goodbye, they suddenly thought of another thing. Well, what, where is my boss?

The last time we met was at the end of last month, and the last time we called was in the middle of last month, and then there was no news.

Although Mr. Zhang is in a special situation now, wouldn't it be better to see him again?

Mr. Zhang is missing. Could it be that Mr. Fang kidnapped Mr. Fang before agreeing to this cooperation?

He hesitated and asked, "Mr. Fang, where is Mr. Zhang?"

Fang Zhuo replied: "I'm discussing physics with our experts at the Yike Research Center."

Wang Xiaochuan nodded, and it sounded similar.

He asked for advice: "Then let me go and see Mr. Zhang?"

Fang Zhuo thought for a while and asked, "Do you understand physics?"

Wang Xiaochuan shook his head.

"I see that Brother Chaoyang is very happy at the Yike Center recently. Let's let physics heal him." Fang Zhuo said sincerely and made another joke, "We can wait until Sogou is listed before notifying him."

Wang Xiaochuan could only joke back: "Then I'll call Mr. Zhang when Sogou is about to sell himself."

Fang Zhuo said seriously: "If possible, I still think it would be better for Sogou to be listed independently."

Wang Xiaochuan believes that Mr. Fang is telling the truth, and everyone should believe what everyone says at different stages.

The meeting between the head of Yike and the CEO of Sogou will effectively promote the cooperation between the two companies.

Out of respect for Sogou's chairman, Fang Zhuo told Zhang Chaoyang about the matter again, but the latter's reaction was very dull, with a sense of a hermit wandering in the physical world.

On May 4, after attending another e-commerce general office meeting chaired by Su Wei, Fang Zhuo’s itinerary was confirmed to take a flight to Silicon Valley the next day.

In the evening, Fang Zhuo sat at the table in the CEO's office and talked about work again.

"Just let go of the work that needs to be done. You see, our Yike general office is running well. People, you have to learn to relax at the right time."

Su Wei laughed dumbly: "President Fang, President Fangda, don't you think these words coming from your mouth are very unconvincing?"

She looked at Fang Zhuo, who was stunned, and said softly: "I will pay attention. Well, I won't check in advance whether he is a boy or a girl."

When Su Wei said this, she suddenly discovered a question she had never discussed before: "Do you want a boy or a girl?"

Fang Zhuo was stunned for a moment and said thoughtfully: "The boy is not bad, he may become a scientist in the future."

"Where's the girl?" Su Wei felt a little inexplicably nervous.

Fang Zhuo thought for two seconds and replied: "The girl is not bad, maybe she can become a cute scientist."

"Okay, I only have one request for her, just don't inherit your career idea." Su Wei smiled.

Fang Zhuo laughed loudly: "Just inherit my sincerity."

Seeing his sincerity, Su Wei didn't know how to evaluate it for a moment.

On the morning of the next day, Fang Zhuo drove to the airport amidst the blessings of his old mother, "You have no conscience." He planned to deal with the ice core situation, which has been getting worse recently.

Liu Zonghong followed his habit and prepared the latest Chinese and foreign newspapers, company key reports and several ice core technical research reports.

However, when he got on the plane, he found that his boss was a little different from usual, and he barely opened the documents in front of him.

Liu Zonghong guessed that it was related to the happy event, because the ice core matter had always been so troublesome, and Mr. Fang should have already expected it.

Sure enough, he was greeted by the boss's leisurely sigh.

"What would it be like if a person had a lot of wealth from the beginning? What would his understanding of the world be like?"

Liu Zonghong felt that his boss would probably have a new kind of worry from now on.

He smiled and said: "Mr. Fang, I haven't thought about this. I really can't give you any experience."

Fang Zhuo thought about it and said with some embarrassment: "I don't have this experience either."

"Probably, maybe, maybe..." Liu Zonghong folded his armor first, and then said, "As long as you can choose your own way of living, you can have a little regret, but not too much."

Fang Zhuo thought for a long time and finally said: "It would be great if we could train scientists like Dr. Liang."

Liu Zonghong couldn't help laughing: "Dr. Liang is top-notch globally, but children always have unlimited possibilities."

Fang Zhuo nodded silently and stopped thinking about this. If the soldiers come to stop him, if the baby comes... maybe he will grow into a scientist by himself.

He turned to pull out a technical report on the ice core and saw some textual descriptions and data presentations that quickly made people fall into a sleepy state.

When the flight was less than halfway through, Fang Zhuo suddenly woke up and sighed: "If you are like me, it will be difficult to become a scientist."

Liu Zonghong secretly laughed, but after all the laughter, Mr. Fang sometimes chatted with Mr. Qiu and Dr. Liang, and he couldn't quite understand them, which was something he didn't understand a few years ago.

The private plane arrived in Silicon Valley smoothly.

As Fang Zhuo's itinerary was confirmed, the people he wanted to meet were re-invited and confirmed. Silicon Valley will visit a group of executives from technology companies, with the goal of promoting harmonious business exchanges between the two sides and speaking out for it.

The last time I flew from the United States to Japan and returned to China for the New Year, the United States did not stop tracking ice cores because of the Spring Festival. However, the fraud incident of Japanese companies that swept the world did get a lot of attention.

The tricks, scope and duration of counterfeiting by Japanese companies have become a hot topic in the American business community. Moreover, many capital giants took the opportunity to enter the market, instigating a wave of attacks on Japanese companies.

These have somewhat replaced the topic position of some ice cores.

However, the turmoil in public opinion has subsided, and investigations by multiple departments are actually underway.

Bingxin has equipment procurement and technology introduction licenses, but these are subject to review from time to time. In the past few months, the number of visits by review teams has increased significantly in Luzhou and other factories.

This is also a side proof of the situation.

Fang Zhuo arrived at the hotel, and after taking a short rest, he met Qiu Ciyun, who was already waiting in Silicon Valley, and asked him face-to-face again about his current situation in the United States.

"I'm really not good at this." Qiu Ciyun had to think that his performance on this trip was not good. "Last time I met Huang Renxun, he asked if he could guarantee the stable production of ice cores. I really couldn't give him a guarantee."

"There is nothing guaranteed about this." Fang Zhuo said without hesitation, "If there is an abnormal situation, it is a force majeure, and it is not our intention to disrupt customers' orders."

Qiu Ciyun wanted to laugh but didn't: "Nvidia found us because the production capacity supply of Taiji was not stable enough. This..."

Customers like Nvidia have been cooperating closely with Taiji. However, Taiji had problems with its original production capacity planning and skipped R\u0026D, which made them turn their attention to step-by-step ice cores.

Today, ice core has 62% overseas customers, and most of them are attracted by the competitive price of ice core.

As the manufacturing process of ice cores gradually approaches the front line, it still maintains a price gap of about 8%-11% with that of Taiji and UMC, which is highly praised by customers.

However, compared to price, stable supply of production capacity is the most important thing.

"Don't worry, Mr. Qiu, our production capacity will be stable. Looking for Huang Renxun now is just to let him add icing on the cake, not to let him help in times of need." Fang Zhuo said firmly.

When Qiu Ciyun heard what his boss said, he suddenly became surprised: "Mr. Fang, do you have an inside story?"

Fang Zhuo shook his head.

Qiu Ciyun looked at Mr. Fang in confusion.

"I'll practice first, and I'll tell you this when I see Huang Renxun tomorrow." Fang Zhuo explained.

Qiu Ciyun: "..."

"It's hard to find someone to help you when you need it, but it's much easier to add the icing on the cake." Fang Zhuo said with a smile.

Qiu Ciyun found joy in suffering and felt that Mr. Fang's words were indeed reasonable.

That night, Fang Zhuo also met Yu Hong who was in Silicon Valley.

The first time Yu Hong met her boss, she congratulated him on the continuation of his bloodline, and then criticized his actions.

"Can't you just give Weiwei a holiday? Isn't that too much for a capitalist like you?"

Fang Zhuo was innocent: "Do you think I'm not willing to let her go? I made the decision to make Sun Qi the executive vice president, established Tesco's president's office, and planned some new powers... But she can't do it. She insisted on continuing to work.”

Yu Hong sighed: "Business brain is contagious."

She shook her head: "Have you decided on the name of the child?"

"I suddenly thought of a name on the way here, how about Equation?" Fang Zhuo said with a smile.

Yu Hong stared at the man in front of her: "Think better of it, you bastard."

Fang Zhuo "coughed" and said that he would seriously consider it again. He ended the discussion and turned to listen to Yike's changes in the US market.

From last year to this year, the overall performance of the smartphone market can be said to be Yusanjia or Yusanjia.

Under Yusanjia, mobile phone competition has become fierce.

Nokia, which defected to Microsoft, performed poorly, Motorola, which was acquired by Google, did not launch products that were popular with the market, Sony Ericsson mobile phones were affected by the overall image of Japanese companies, and their market share continued to slump...

Established mobile phone companies fell into decline. In order to reverse the decline, they desperately lowered prices and had a head-on collision with companies such as HTC. The result was a vicious cycle for both parties.

There were rumors that Microsoft wanted to acquire Nokia to reshape the giant's product competitiveness.

This is considered to be good news for Nokia or Microsoft. (End of chapter)

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