Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1304 The First Sword (4K)

Fang Zhuo was very annoyed that the progress of ice core 28nm was accidentally leaked, but for more people, this is more joy than worry.

Since last year, ice core has been rumored to be blocked in the development of 28nm. Various descriptions have been described as nose and eye. Now there is good news, which is certainly worthy of congratulations and celebrations.

However, the breakthrough of 28nm cannot be a temporary success. For the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, this means that the prospectus provided by Bingxin is not clear enough in some aspects and the expression is too concise.

As for the joint sponsors, they were also very confused after suddenly receiving a new inquiry from the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. The advanced process research and development of ice cores, um, this, that is to say, is it possible that they had a sudden epiphany?

That is, it was indeed blocked before, and then it was enlightened in December, broke through in January, and went into mass production in February. Therefore, what everyone saw and said are all facts!

It was Bingxin that made the belated announcement, pointing out the description in the prospectus, "In terms of advanced process research and development, we are advancing the development of the 28nm process in an orderly manner as planned. Bingxin International has repeatedly proven that it can "Strong R\u0026D strength for sustainable development", "Ice Core International's overall production capacity and advanced process research and development have not been affected"...

Look, we have long said that this is something that has been verified, and we are already advancing the development of the 28nm process.

The outside world said that we have difficulties in research and development, but we ourselves have never admitted it and even refuted it!

As for why we didn’t disclose the risk trial production and other aspects of 28nm...

I think about it, I think about it.

Oh, yes, we rarely disclosed this information to the outside world before!

Otherwise, how would the outside world call us mysterious? It’s always been like this!

Of course, Bingxin's reply was relatively tactful, and he still hoped to pass the inquiry process as soon as possible. At the same time, institutional shareholders such as Goldman Sachs immediately became energetic again and called Mr. Fang to discuss the price of the listing.

After deciding to switch to Hong Kong stocks, Bingxin's listing market value fell from the original US$22 billion to US$16 billion, which was greatly affected by the outside world. This undoubtedly brought great losses and psychological gap to shareholders.

On February 5, only five days before the Spring Festival, Shao Zongming, vice president of Goldman Sachs, asked Mr. Fang a question on the phone.

"Mr. Fang, tell the truth, is the 28nm of the ice core real?"

Fang Zhuo was not surprised when he received a call from Goldman Sachs. He said "Ah" to such a question, but he immediately understood what was going on. Goldman Sachs may have suspected that he had released false news in order to increase the stock price.

As for...

He said angrily: "It's true, isn't it written in the media that he has a nose and eyes?"

"Media, media, well, media..." Shao Zongming hesitated and gave a small doubt, "Having a nose and eyes may not mean it is true."

Considering Mr. Fang’s character and past operations, how could the good news about ice core being suddenly hyped at this juncture not arouse people’s thoughts?

Fang Zhuo's answer became concise: "It's true."

Shao Zongming listened to Mr. Fang's three words, silently speculated for a while, and almost said clearly: "Mr. Fang, the research and development of advanced processes is difficult. Even if there are some twists and turns in the process, it will not be a problem. Our listing on the Hong Kong stock market will not take too long. It will be very soon." There will soon be a pricing issue, but we are professional and can properly handle the twists and turns."

It’s okay if it’s fake, just tell me, I’m a professional, let’s do it together!

Fang Zhuo understood instantly and sighed deeply: "Everything must be done in compliance with the regulations, and it will be listed as it should be. Listing is not the end of Bingxin. You people are just eager for quick success and quick profit."

Shao Zongming didn't mind the criticism, but feeling Mr. Fang's firm attitude, he could only end the call in frustration.

However, he thought about it for a long time that night, and finally failed to understand whether what Bing Xin did was true or false. Mr. Fang's character and work style were very unpredictable, and even the things that happened at critical moments were extremely unpredictable. Paradoxical.

However, regardless of whether it is true or not, it is the shareholders who benefit in the end.

The impact of 28nm small-scale mass production lasts until the Chinese New Year. Fangzhuo continues to receive inquiries and messages from different aspects, as well as tentative product introductions from customers.

Looking around the world, only Intel, Taiwanese, Samsung, UMC and Ice Core can do this process, and Intel does not do external OEMs, that is, there are only four companies.

Even if the time is extended to 2013 this year, I am afraid that only one new company will be added.

It is almost foreseeable that 28nm production capacity will be very tight, which will most likely lead to a situation where it is impossible to place an order even if you get money. It is said that Taiji is vigorously opening new factories, but I am afraid that the tense situation will continue for a while.

On New Year’s Eve, February 9, snow finally fell in Shanghai.

This year, it was still the custom for the two families to celebrate the New Year together, and because of Fang Xiaoman's birth, the scene was far more lively than before, and Su Wei's smile almost froze on her face.

At 10:30 at night, Su Wei carried the sleeping child into the room and saw Fang Zhuo coming out of the study.

"There seem to be a lot of calls this year?" she asked.

"I'm rushing with Ice Core during the Chinese New Year. Many people don't seem to believe that we have achieved this level of 28nm. After getting my confirmation, I was both happy and worried." Fang Zhuo pinched his brows, "After all, Ice Core I just received a 'Purchasing Guide' from Washington last year. At this time, the news about the manufacturing process has caused a bit of a stir, and I am worried about another chain reaction."

Su Wei nodded silently. Although the restricted machine was a machine that had not yet been commercialized, the light of the unsheathed sword had already changed many views.

The restrictions on ice cores have made many people no longer optimistic, and they cannot dig their heads into the soil and be an ostrich. A relatively low-key intuitive impact is that large funds have increased their investment scale.

No matter how you predict it, it is still not as shocking as if it happened so suddenly.

Fang Zhuo patted Weiwei's hand and said with a smile: "But it is the Chinese New Year after all. In the end, everyone wishes each other a Happy New Year, and unhappy things will have to be left to next year."

Su Wei walked a few steps and suddenly said: "I was thinking just now, I don't know what Taiwan reporter Zhang Zhongmo was thinking."

"Increase the production capacity of 28nm and find a way to steal Apple's remaining chip orders from Samsung. If you can order some of our ice cores easily, what else can you think of?" Fang Zhuoping said calmly, "Taiwan Technology Reserve With that much lead, he’s definitely having a solid year.”

Su Wei has been idle since she was at home. In addition to caring about the operation of Tesco, she spends a lot of time thinking about semiconductors in Aiwujiwu. She also often looks at the documents from Bingxin. She will smile and say: "As long as we fully promote FinFET technology on 16nm If it comes to fruition, Taiwanese journalists’ lead will be gone, right?”

"I just sent a New Year greeting message to Liang Mengsong." Fang Zhuo said from the side, "What do you think I sent?"

Su Wei shook her head, how could she guess this.

Fang Zhuo said: "Process is king, happy New Year."

As soon as the Chinese Spring Festival is over, the wind from the east finally blows to the west.

Zhang Yaqin resigned from Microsoft a year ago. Due to time constraints, he simply celebrated the New Year in the United States this year. After completing the process, he flew to Silicon Valley to visit the place where he would work in the future.

Yike's R\u0026D center in Silicon Valley is quite famous.

Zhang Yaqin saw Yike's logo from a distance, and then saw his old classmate Qu Jiajun standing at the door waiting for him.

"Hey, old corpse!" Zhang Yaqin ran two steps quickly and held the hand that his old classmate came up to with a smile on his face, "Tsk, I've gained a lot of weight."

Qu Jiajun was a classmate in the junior class of the University of Science and Technology of China. He had a dream to stay in school and become a teacher, so he was jokingly called an "old corpse." He later studied at Stanford and jumped from Google to Yike in the first two years.

Zhang Yaqin went to the University of Science and Technology of China at the age of 12. He and Lao Shi have a real teenage friendship. They have kept in touch for many years. This time when I visited the Yike R\u0026D Center, I simply called him.

"It's inevitable to get a little fat." Qu Jiajun didn't take it seriously and said with a smile, "Hey, on behalf of Yike, I would like to welcome our CEO of Microsoft."

Zhang Yaqin nodded with a smile: "What? Can't I, from Microsoft, come visit Yike?"

The fact that he left Microsoft and switched to Yike was not made public. Only a limited number of people knew about it, and the person in front of him thought he was still working at Microsoft.

"Okay, okay, you Zhang Yaqin are great now, come on, come on." Qu Jiajun took a visitor card to his old friend and invited him, "But we, Yike, are not bad either. If you are willing to jump over from Microsoft, the treatment will be great It’s definitely not bad.”

He knows that Zhang Yaqin doesn't seem to be very popular at Microsoft now.

"What kind of benefits can I get if I jump here? Can you give me a job as the president of the business group?" Zhang Yaqin laughed.

Qu Jiajun really thought for a while, frowned and said: "The president of the business group...this...Yu, Xu, Qi, Wang, the four of them have very senior qualifications in Yike, it is Wang Jian, he Leading people to develop cloud computing, this credit status is also very stable, it is difficult."

He suddenly raised his eyes to look at his old friend: "Are you serious?"

Microsoft's senior vice president level is also quite high, but compared with the presidents of Yike's four major business groups, it is still far behind.

"Haha, old man, those four are so stable. You can convince Mr. Fang to open a new business group for me. Then we can reunite, right?" Zhang Yaqin teased.

Qu Jiajun was sure that the Microsoft vice president was joking, and said angrily: "What do I have? Come on, your honor, come here, I will show you."

Zhang Yaqin was in a good mood and followed his old friend to visit Yike Silicon Valley Center, knowing that this is the heart of Yike... one of, forget it, one of the internal organs of Yike, and launched the "Yike independently designed" that is resounding all over the world. Zhurong" series of chips.

Qu Jiajun naturally knew his own flagship product, so he specially took Zhang Yaqin to visit the first floor of the chip design department, and talked endlessly about the role of Yike chips in the high-end market.

"Hey, who doesn't know about Yike chips? I work at Microsoft and I know it too." Zhang Yaqin listened for a while and deliberately teased, "Isn't this the only thing Yike has to offer?"

Qu Jiajun thought for a while, took his friend to the upper floor, and introduced: "Dr. Porter is also from Stanford. He used to set up a P.G\u0026A company, which was later acquired by Yike. He is engaged in ARM server chips. , and was also selected for the industry's new talent selection and so on."

"After they were acquired, they switched to the design of independent chips. Later, with the success of Zhurong chips, they switched back last year and still made ARM server chips. Well, you know ARM last year, oh no, it was the year before last, the year before that. The ARMv8 architecture was released, right?"

Zhang Yaqin's thoughts turned around a few times before words of surprise came out of his mouth: "Is Yike going to make a server chip suitable for its own cloud computing? Is it based on the ARMv8 architecture? That's a bit difficult! The ecology is not good!"

Qu Jiajun glanced at his old friend who was more responsive and said with a smile: "The ecology of software and hardware does seem to be a problem, but I heard from him that the progress is not bad, and the 64-bit instruction set is much better than the previous 32-bit."

Zhang Yaqin was silent for a while and said: "I didn't expect Yike to enter the field of server chips. If it can achieve results, it will be of great significance to cost reduction and efficiency increase of cloud computing."

And this is precisely related to part of the work that I am responsible for.

"That's for sure, otherwise Porter wouldn't have returned to his old profession. Moreover, I see that there have been breakthroughs in the process development of ice cores in the past few days, and they have started to work on 28nm." Qu Jiajun said with confidence, "Bo Their team is still recruiting people. According to Mr. Xu, there is no problem if the ecology is not enough. If we work hard in the next few years, the industry ecology will slowly improve, and it is not just a temporary competition."

Zhang Yaqin nodded and commented: "Mr. Xu is not well-known, but he has integrated Yike's R\u0026D system well."

"Hey, Mr. Xu said he was a lubricant." Qu Jiajun felt quite happy when he saw his old friend being surprised, and revealed, "We should be able to see an ARMv8-based chip first this year."

Just as Zhang Yaqin was about to speak, he saw the old corpse saying hello to the foreigner coming towards him, who happened to be Dr. Porter whom he mentioned just now.

The two stopped to chat, and heard "Happy New Year" coming from Porter's mouth.

Zhang Yaqin listened politely for a while, and when Porter left in a hurry, he couldn't help but said: "Yike has the patience to invest and can do business linkage. This is really good."

"Hey, you are not only patient, but also generous." Qu Jiajun took his old friend down from the elevator to the 7th floor where he was, and said with a smile, "Let me show you our group's project work. We are just doing it for fun. Apply for funding. I filled it out casually, but I didn’t expect that I applied as soon as I applied.”

Zhang Yaqin pursed his lips and followed the old corpse into the office. As soon as he entered the door, he was startled by the figure standing next to him. He took a closer look and asked, "Does Yi Ke still want to do the robot business?"

"No, this is what we do for fun, you see." Qu Jiajun opened his notebook and used his work to greet his friends.

Zhang Yaqin saw the dumbfounded robot waving at him, bending down again, and then... nothing more.

He was silent for a while and asked: "That's it? No more? Is it so easy to apply for funds?"

"What do you know? My robot is equipped with face recognition. When I came in just now, it automatically recognized my permissions." Qu Jiajun shook his head and said, "Besides, my works have social significance, so this is how I say hello. I plan to show it to Mr. Fang when he comes to inspect it, and the name of the work will be 'Hello, Mr. Fang'."

Zhang Yaqin took two breaths and asked, "Are you serious?"

"Why are you not serious? Our R\u0026D center is very relaxed." Qu Jiajun said with a smile, "Mr. Fang is also very nice."

Zhang Yaqin was silent for a few seconds and said, "I'm going to cut off this project of yours."

Qu Jiajun asked inexplicably: "Who? You? Cut it off? Are you using Microsoft's sword to kill my Yike project?"

Zhang Yaqin had to confess his identity: "I was cut off as the senior vice president of Yike and the president of the Emerging Industries Group!"

Qu Jiajun listened to this string of titles and thought about the joke he just made about the new business group, and was stunned: "Huh?"

Zhang Yaqin's expression was serious. It's great to have a glimpse of Yike's research and development today. However, the first sword to go ashore is to kill an old friend first...

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