Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1324 Press Conference (4k)

On October 26, at 4:30 in the afternoon in Shanghai, the Yike Autumn Press Conference at the Yike Center had already gathered Chinese and foreign reporters, company employees, many partners, and users who had registered for the lottery.

At the same time, many people in Europe and the United States got up from bed early to watch Yike's press conference.

Since Yike and Apple launched the smartphone wave in 2007, consumers have gone from novelty and acceptance to love and tolerance, and have increasingly felt a sense of homogeneity towards many brands in the mobile phone market.

But last year, Yike launched a full-screen mobile phone, and that exciting feeling came back.

Unfortunately, due to limited screen production capacity, Yike’s full-screen Mars 6 Pro has been difficult to buy. Someone even complained on Twitter that he couldn’t buy it after buying it on Amazon for a year.

Mars 6 Pro has received almost universal praise not only because of its comprehensive screen but also because of its innovation in homogeneity. Therefore, this year’s launch event also attracted more attention.

What's more, this is still hosted by Mr. Fang himself.

Apple's Steve Jobs passed away, and the new CEO Cook disappointingly failed to lead Apple forward. The stock price in the secondary market plummeted, and the user group was even more disappointed.

In this comparison, Mr. Fang, who has come out again after three years, is even more exciting.

"I don't know what changes this year's mobile phones will have. Hey, I think Yike is already rising before the Nasdaq. The press conference hasn't even started yet, and the market is optimistic about it."

"After all, it's Mr. Fang. Yike's stock price has risen very well this year. Don't get involved with something like Sony."

"Hey, it may not be Sony who takes the initiative, but Sony must be the biggest loser. It seems to have developed a promising business like CMOS in the past few years. No wonder it is so urgent. The time for Sony's extraordinary shareholders' meeting has been set. On the 10th of next month, that CEO may really step down."

"Sony is having a hard time now, and it will definitely be even harder in the future. If you offend Mr. Fang..."

"Mr. Fang is okay, he seems to have stopped eating people so much in the past few years."

"Yeah, yeah, Robin said it was very good, and Didi, Kuaidi and Bumblebee also said they were very good. Speaking of which, I tried the 'Dada' that was launched yesterday. Its account seems to be directly connected to Yixin." It’s super convenient and the simplest to use on the market.”

"Are you using the Yixin applet? I looked at it, and it is indeed similar to the description of Duji's light application, but more comprehensive. This has the size of Yixin. I guess, Duji's strategic direction Wasn’t it directly abolished?”

"I have offended Mr. Fang, but you still want to..."

"What does it mean to be offended? If you don't give it, you are offended, right? You have to be like Sina who takes pride in being raped, right?"

The Sina reporter found a shooting angle and heard the lively discussions among the guests. He silently turned over his badge and thought about how to write this scene at the press conference.

Otherwise, let’s find an opportunity to write about Mr. Fang’s old friend. Wang Fengyi of Shenxin Science and Technology said it well. There is nothing wrong with being a dog. He has hugged Mr. Fang’s thigh tightly since Yike was besieged. He has not done anything in these years. Eat less meat and drink more soup.

What is investment perspective?

No wonder he is the number one investor in the country.

The Sina reporter was thinking about it when he suddenly saw a number - 81 - light up on the stage screen. He was suddenly filled with doubts. What is this? There are 81 seconds left to go on stage?

Just like him, the lively discussion in the venue died down as the numbers appeared, but soon turned into discussion again. The numbers did not decrease, it was not a countdown.

After such a small discussion for a while, with the slight fluctuation in the numbers, Fang Zhuo, the head of Yike, stepped onto the stage of the press conference and waved to everyone.

The scene broke out into extremely warm applause.

When it comes to Mr. Fang's reputation in the industry, it is difficult for anyone to compare with him. Although there are still doubts about some of his occasional actions, he deserves such applause.

The numbers on the big screen are still changing, 81, 83, 84, 80...75.

"Thank you all for coming to Yike's 2013 autumn press conference." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "Long time no see. I'm very excited."

After saying this, he looked back at the numbers behind the screen, and shouted to the side: "Raise this number, don't let everyone see that I am lying."

However, the number remained stable at 75, and even dropped further to 73.

The live guests and viewers of YouTube, Yishi, and official online live broadcasts were very confused. What does it mean?

"Hey, they don't want to change it. This is my heart rate." Fang Zhuo waited for five seconds and said with a smile, "This is the real-time heart rate displayed by this gadget in my hand."

He showed the camera the watch he was wearing, which also had heart rate numbers on it.

Everyone suddenly realized that this must be Yike's new product this year, and it was introduced by Mr. Fang at the front. Similarly, we can understand what we just said.

Hmm... Before going on stage, my heart rate was still over 80, but once I got on stage it dropped to 75. I said I was excited, but in fact my mood was more stable...

“I have tried this watch for two months and it feels really good. It can count steps when running and detect heartbeats at ordinary times. It also integrates call and voice text message functions connected to Mars and Selfy, which solves some scenarios. Convenient operation.”

Fang Zhuo introduced casually, and the screen behind him listed in detail the functions of the Yike watch, including calls, voice messages, weather, navigation, music, heartbeat, step counting, etc.

"We have specially developed a W1 chip for this watch. Well, it is Watch 1. The performance is not bad. It also integrates a heart rate sensor, acceleration sensor, and ambient light sensor..."

"We agree that it will have more application prospects in the future, and if you like it, we will launch a more comprehensive version next year."

Fang Zhuo said this, and then showed everyone the important call function in detail, calling Siri to dial the number in the address book.

The detailed parameter information of Yike smart watch is listed on the big screen. It is like integrating a small mobile phone into the watch, but calls and text messages need to be realized through a voice assistant, and the best voice assistant on the market is Yike Previously launched Siri.

No one expected that Yike’s autumn conference would launch an early adopter smart watch.

With the display of the head of Yike, several Nasdaq watch-related stocks experienced slight declines before the market opened.

Watch brand:? ? ?

The final displayed price of the Yike smart watch is US$249 abroad and 1,500 Chinese coins domestically.

By the time the introduction of this product was over, without Fang Zhuo saying anything, as the heart rate number on the screen increased, everyone seemed to know what was coming next.

75, 79, 84, 91.

Mr. Fang's heart rate reached the highest level since he took the stage, breaking through 90.

"Last year, we launched a mobile phone with a full-screen design with trepidation, and we were very worried about whether people would like this radical style."

"Then, from last year's launch to today, Mars 6 Pro has sold a total of 12.83 million units worldwide."

Sales figures for Mars 6 Pro appeared on the screen.

12.83 million!

"Compared to our overall sales, the Pro version is not particularly sold, but... it is really out of stock from beginning to end. Basically, one is sold out." Fang Zhuo's heart rate slowly dropped. Jiang said, "Thank you very much for your love for the full-screen mobile phone, and I am also grateful for your understanding of us. I am really sorry for the wait I have caused you."

He extended his hand to invite the suppliers in the audience: "Come on, Mr. Okuda, I want to apologize to everyone."

Sharp President Ryuji Okuda in the first row stood up after hearing this. After waiting for two seconds, he saw that Mr. Fang had no intention of joining him, so he turned around and bowed to apologize.


The guests and audience watching this scene suddenly felt...well, it seemed a bit like the press conference three years ago.

"In one year, we worked quickly and slowly. Sharp's new production line was officially put into operation last week, which means that the production capacity problems that plagued us have been greatly alleviated."

"Yike has wanted to provide everyone with a complete screen since 2007. This year, I have also seen many domestic peers come up with new ideas. Some of them are really good, but the screen performance still needs to be greatly improved. space."

"Based on this recognition from everyone, our Mars series this year are all full-screen products, and there are still two designs, Mars and Mars Pro."

"Among them, the Pro version provides stronger shooting, but in order to achieve this capability, it has to change from the original opening to bangs."

Fang Zhuo took out two mobile phones this year, Mars and Mars Pro. The former is basically last year’s Mars 6 Pro, while the latter gave up digging holes and switched to a full screen with bangs.

This change lies in the fact that bangs can accommodate more components and achieve stronger functions.

Fang Zhuo prefers the hole-punch design in his heart, but for the powerful functions, he can only approve this design. Otherwise, many users can share more detailed photos using other cameras, such as the more expensive Mars 6 Pro. On the contrary, the effect is inferior.

This is a problem that has appeared frequently in the past year. The full screen does bring higher screen utilization and user experience. However, there is a misalignment in the speed of this hardware advancement.

This year, the Pro version of Liu Haiping has a 5-megapixel lens in the front camera and a flash, while the standard version of Mars with a hole punch can only have a 2-megapixel front camera and no flash.

Fang Zhuo used the new Pro to take test shots, showing that the front-facing shooting effect is still excellent.

Yike was well-known in the market for its front-facing camera innovation. The full-screen display was forced to dig holes and gave up this feature. Internally, it was considered that the gain outweighed the gain.

Now, that choice is left to the user.

As Fang Zhuo talked about the trade-offs brought by the full screen, the company's stock price changed a lot in the pre-market trading on Nasdaq, and Samsung Electronics silently started to fall.

Just before this press conference, there were rumors circulating in the market that Yike chose to cooperate with Samsung in order to solve the production capacity constraints of the screen.

Samsung's screens have always been very good, and in the past year there was talk of investing in Sharp. Although there is competition between Samsung and Yike, there is also a lot of cooperation between the two companies, including patents, chips, systems...

Therefore, the news that Yike purchased from Samsung has been recognized by many people. The popularity of full-screen products has been confirmed. As long as the production capacity constraints are solved, sales will definitely increase significantly.

However, Sharp still maintained its exclusive supply cooperation this year. The previous rumors were falsified, and Yiko abandoned the original design of Mars and fully ushered in the full-screen era. This current situation and prospects are negative for Samsung Electronics.

As a direct competitor, Samsung Electronics will be more strongly affected than the cross-border watch brands.

"Oh, yes, both Mars and Pro have heart rate sensors installed. Yike is also cooperating with professional institutions to present more medical information."

"Everyone should rest assured about this, whether it is a mobile phone or a watch."

"Yike has launched a mobile Internet ecosystem with many cooperations, and the content ecosystem includes this area. For example, searches using Siri, what is displayed on the watch are all our efforts in this direction."

Fang Zhuo briefly mentioned heart rate, watches and mobile ecology.

The pre-market notes were unwilling to be left alone and also fell in cooperation. Don’t forget the mobile content ecosystem. Work hard, just work hard, Mr. Fang, who can work harder than you...

After Fang Zhuo said this, he forgot his words a little and looked back at the screen, which showed a comparison of the shooting of this year's new products and last year's mobile phones.

"What did I just say? Oh, I haven't been on stage for a long time, so I am really unfamiliar. Look at this night shot. The improvement in this effect is due to the fact that we increased the photosensitive element by 15%, which increased the size of a single pixel to 1.5 microns, coupled with the larger aperture, allows the camera to take in more light, so the effect is really outstanding.”

Fang Zhuo couldn't help but feel proud when he said this: "Yike has researched and invested a lot in the filming, and the results have always satisfied me. You can also watch Selfy later."

After he said this, he took a deep breath calmly.

However, the heart rate numbers displayed in real time on the screen gave him away.

My heart rate dropped back to 75 and suddenly shot up to 96.

There was some commotion at the scene, and the audience and businessmen watching the live broadcast immediately focused their attention, and the media reporters even touched the shutter with their fingers.

"This time Mars is equipped with the Zhurong 04S chip. In the first half of the year, the Ultimate 2 we launched was the ZR 04, with first-class performance and satisfactory performance."

"And the ZR 04S has some minor changes."

The heart rate number exceeded 100, 101!

Everyone was attentive, and the guests on the scene were even more breathless. Mr. Fang, stop pretending, you are wearing a lie warning device!

"ZR 04S has baseband integration and supports the world's mainstream communication standards. It is a breakthrough for us in chip design." Fang Zhuo said lightly.

The heart rate also easily exceeded 110!

ZR 04S integrates baseband and no longer uses Qualcomm’s baseband chip?

In just a few seconds, the sound of discussion erupted in the venue.

This noise caused Qualcomm's Nasdaq stock price to plummet before the market opened...

Yike has made a breakthrough in baseband, then...

For a moment, I seemed to hear Qualcomm’s cry, ah, Mr. Fang, don’t kill me...

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