Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1327 Counterattack (4k)

"Yike released a new flagship mobile phone, and many stocks started to fall. Apple fell. After Apple fell, Samsung fell. Samsung fell. After Samsung fell, Qualcomm fell. Hey, let me tell you, it's all right!"

Recording interrupted.

Li Guoqing thought about his tone and felt that the relationship during this period was not very strong and his thoughts were not smooth enough. He needed to think about it again. Well, why should someone "should" be so good?

Soon, he figured it out, it was time! If you don’t want to make progress, you deserve to fall!

"Wait a minute, I'll rewrite it again." Li Guoqing signaled to his two assistants not to rush on, but to concentrate on revising the manuscript.

Since he decided to make a difference in the investor industry, he has set a small goal for himself, at least to become a well-known investor, and how to become famous...

Nowadays, the Internet, mobile Internet, and social media platforms are so developed. To put it bluntly, Li Guoqing feels that it is easy to become famous as long as he puts down his posture.

Ah, no, it's not that I've put down my figure, it's that I don't have much figure in the first place.

Li Guoqing corrected his thoughts and planned to explore the development direction that was still a bit hazy. He always felt that this reputation could be transformed more.

"The main point is still to talk about Qualcomm. They are also miserable, but not as miserable as it. Mr. Fang took out the chip, his heart rate jumped up, and its stock price also jumped wildly. The people on Wall Street must be the most sensitive to this matter. .”

Li Guoqing corrected the direction of the manuscript. One reason was that it was true, and the other reason was that he always felt that some media were careless and not as professional as he was.

"Mr. Li, I received a lot of feedback about your speech on the show last time. I really like your love. To be honest, we are making our own column on Weibo. Maybe we can use this as the title of the column." Assistant Zhen Shengwen suddenly spoke up and mentioned the boss The effect after the previous show.

"Oh? Really?" Li Guoqing took it seriously, thought for a while, and asked for advice, "How about giving it a formal name, 'Qingzi loves to tell the truth'?"

Zhen Shengwen had a lump stuck in his throat. He wanted to vomit but couldn't. No, Mr. Li, why are you so proud of yourself? The world is not good, so don’t do this to yourself!

He said tactfully: "Isn't it too... straightforward?"

"Ha, if you dare to take action, there is nothing you can't say." Li Guoqing was somewhat disapproving, but he also valued the young people's opinions. After thinking for a moment, he said, "Then it's called 'Old Li loves to tell the truth.'"

Zhen Shengwen feels that this is much better. Mr. Fang cannot call you Qingzi. You should really be Qingzi. "Old Li" is very good. He can go up or down. He can be an Internet veteran if he goes up, or he can go down. He is the master of the bathhouse.

"Mr. Li, Samsung's new phone is out. All Trump series are equipped with their own Exynos processor, which is said to be a historic eight-core processor!" Another assistant Qin Guangcai updated the news in the mobile phone circle in a timely manner.

Li Guoqing paid more attention to smartphones because of Yike. After hearing this, he asked: "How does this compare with Yike's Zhurong, Qualcomm's Snapdragon, and Apple's A chip?"

"Samsung's Lee Jae-yong ran a live test at the press conference, and the Exynos processor ranked first!" the assistant replied, "Well, but it is a 32-bit processor, which is different from the 64-bit processors of Yike, Qualcomm, and Apple. Same."

32 bits, but 8 cores.

First place in on-site running scores.

Li Guoqing thought hard and slowly gave his thoughts under the gaze of his assistant: "Samsung is not very good. The other three are all the world's top chip designers. It is normal if one company has differences. These three companies all choose the latest 64-bit architecture. It is its own So awesome? There must be a compromise in it."

He has run a business himself, and sometimes his actions are out of necessity. Since Samsung chose the eight-core route, it may have thought it was better when it established its direction. After seeing that its opponents have chosen 64-bit architecture one after another, it has already There isn't enough time.

Samsung's high-end phones are already weak, and further delays will mean that this year's traditional sales season will be entirely handed over to competitors.

He thought seriously for a while, and suddenly he was stunned: "No, isn't Apple launching a conference tomorrow? How can Samsung beat Apple's score at the event?"

"The logo is covered, but... you can tell it's Apple at a glance. It's so secretive that it has the effect of leaking secrets." Assistant Qin Guangcai read the latest news from all sources.

A moment later, he added: "Apple CEO Cook has already blasted Lee Jae-yong on Twitter, reprimanding him for such serious leaks. Their tense relationship has become even more tense."

Apple and Samsung are dealing with mutual patent litigation. This year's iPhone 5S has completely transferred the order for the A7 chip from Samsung to Taiwanese. The two companies are in a state of conflict.

"Do you think Apple will use Yike's baseband chips?" Li Guoqing pondered for a while and asked.

Qin Guangcai said: "Yike is not sure yet whether there is an independent baseband chip."

Li Guoqing said firmly: "There must be!"

He continued: "You don't know Mr. Fang, but I know him. He doesn't talk empty words at certain moments. Now it depends on whether Qualcomm believes that Yike's preparation can bring losses beyond their imagination. ”

The two assistants looked at each other, but Old Li Zi always had inexplicable firm confidence in the other person.

"This recording will be continued after the Apple conference is over tomorrow. Hey, I, Lao Li, have also caught up with the fashion and become a mobile phone blogger." Li Guoqing shook his head, already noticing that everyone is paying a lot of attention to smartphones.

The next day, after the Apple press conference ended, Li Guoqing also quickly caught up with the hot topics and compiled an evaluation of Yusanjia's mobile phones, plus a warning to Qualcomm.

Lao Li, who loves to tell the truth, has gained popularity among some people. After all, he has flown a plane with the same name and has rich knowledge and experience.

However, the three consecutive days of Yusanjia's press conference were indeed full of highlights. Yike broke through the baseband, Samsung showed off eight cores, and Apple...Apple took out an iPhone 5C.

Compared with the A7 processor, which is also a 64-bit architecture, Apple's 5C is even more surprising.

Since the release of the iPhone, its brand image has been aimed at high-end products. At that time, it was compared with Nokia. Over the years, it has formed a fixed image of a high-end brand. However, this time the 5C is obviously emasculating...

Both at home and abroad, there was an interpretation for the first time, a cheap version of iPhone!

Doesn’t Apple clearly give its logo, 5C, Cheap’s C?

However, Mr. Fang, who is obviously also paying attention to competing product information, expressed his position on Twitter: Cook made the right decision, and Apple should face up to the broader market.

Apple CEO Cook, who is also paying attention to public opinion, saw Mr. Fang’s tweet. He immediately reflected and asked, was this a wrong move?

Mr. Fang stood up and agreed at this time, probably because he was not extremely opposed to it in his heart!

But no matter what, the press conference has been released, and this is the product strategy for this year.

During the three-day mobile phone launch conference on 26, 27 and 28, Yusanjia’s new products immediately became hot searches on different media platforms around the world.

Who is the most powerful flagship phone this year?

The three manufacturers that once had in-depth cooperation in chip design have gone in different directions.

Yike integrates baseband and launches an impact on Qualcomm.

Apple tried to add an M7 co-processor to the A7 chip, and Qualcomm is still the baseband.

This time, Samsung is hailed as the last glory of the 32-bit architecture, launching an 8-core luxury processor and choosing a baseband chip in cooperation with Intel.

Just as some of the first evaluation agencies or individual bloggers to get their hands on the mobile phones began to test the actual devices, Qualcomm finally gave a counterattack.

Qualcomm filed a patent lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California, claiming that some of Yike's Mars models infringed on six of its patents and requested a ban on the sale, advertising, display, marketing and warehousing activities of the infringing products in America.

Just after the launch of the Zhurong chip, many media have predicted Qualcomm's possible actions, but its shot still made headlines in many media.

——Qualcomm restarts patent war?

——Yike’s patent rematch!

——Following the patent litigation between Apple and Samsung, the battle between Qualcomm and Yike is coming as scheduled!

——The relationship between Qualcomm and Yike is both cooperative and competitive.

Qualcomm’s lawsuit in California explicitly requested a sales ban, but according to media analysis, it is generally believed that Qualcomm will still seek a more favorable patent settlement in the end.

This has been common in past cases.

On the contrary, Yike and Apple's previous fight with Nokia was quite surprising, probably because they are both mobile phone manufacturers.

Perhaps because Yike’s previous patent case was so famous, as soon as Qualcomm took action, some media immediately put the microphone in the mouths of Wall Street fund managers, asking what they thought of the stock prices of Yike and Qualcomm, and whether there was a possibility of shorting Yike .

Most fund managers speak tactfully, but some speak their minds anonymously.

"Still shorting Yike? The last group of short sellers of Yike didn't survive. Bridgewater and Goldman Sachs, their funds also collapsed when they should!"

"Yike and Qualcomm are in the relationship between manufacturers and chip designers. They are still cooperating. The Selfy that was just released uses Snapdragon. If they suddenly reconcile, the stock price will immediately blow up the short sellers. !”

"Qualcomm is not very capable of doing this, but what about Yike? Where about Fang Zhuo?"

"If Fang Zhuo backhandedly paid the patent fees directly, the money he earned off the market might be more than the patent fees he paid! He still has a lot of rich and powerful money in his MIGA fund."

Even if they remain anonymous, the fund managers interviewed did not go too far or too far. In short, in a word, don't end the game. As long as you don't end the game, you won't give evil people a chance to do evil.

However, to everyone's surprise, Qualcomm launched a lawsuit, and Yike did not make much movement except for a brief statement of response. The company's public relations department stated that it would be subject to legal procedures. Two days ago, it praised Apple's actions on Twitter. There was no trace.

Yike has matured and has already smuggled communication channels?

Now that Yi Ke is a member of the Yusan family, he no longer shows the excitement to everyone?

New products are launched in major channels in autumn, and products such as Mars, Selfy, and Watch are still very popular. This year, in addition to Yike and Sharp, Apple, LG, and Samsung have also made breakthroughs, using standard versions and The full-screen version was sold in a mixed manner, and Qualcomm’s lawsuit did not delay the product’s hot sales.

However, a suspected Yike counterattack still appeared.

On November 2, to Qualcomm’s surprise and almost at lightning speed, China Antitrust claimed to have received reports from companies and formally launched an investigation into Qualcomm’s suspected monopoly behavior.

Perhaps for the sake of the image of a certain company, the case was announced in the morning, and additional information was added in the afternoon. It was a report received from Broadcom in the United States.

Broadcom has done this not once or twice. In Europe, the United States, Japan, and South Korea, it has sued Qualcomm. When the name appeared this time, it seemed like a sudden realization.

Well, that's probably it. It's just such a coincidence.

As soon as the antitrust investigation came out, Qualcomm's volatile stock price continued to fall.

Coincidentally, IDC, a world-renowned data company, provided timely analysis and assessment. According to Qualcomm's fiscal year 2012 and this year's Q1, Q2, and Q3 quarterly reports, the Chinese market has become an important revenue component of Qualcomm, and is expected to account for more than 40%.

What are the consequences of an antitrust investigation in such an important market?

Just when Qualcomm was clarifying that its market share in China was not that high, another of its customers stepped forward. Apple COO Williams told the media that it was re-evaluating its patent licensing cooperation with Qualcomm and believed that Qualcomm’s charging methods had certain limitations. unreasonable.

He also gave a simple and straightforward example. If an iPhone is charged a patent fee of US$20 by Qualcomm, once the iPhone only increases the storage configuration without any other changes, thereby increasing the price by US$50, then, The additional $50 will also be allocated to Qualcomm.

The iPhone has already paid for the original patents used, and the price has increased without using new patents, but it still has to pay Qualcomm.

Is this reasonable?

The public statement from Apple's top executives caused Qualcomm's stock price to continue to fluctuate downwards, but this was not Apple's most significant statement. Just one day later, CEO Cook personally expressed his views.

"To some extent, we look forward to seeing Qualcomm make changes that are more conducive to the development of the industry."

"But if this kind of change is difficult to happen, I very much agree with Mr. Fang's call to me yesterday. Apple and Yike may have the ability to promote this change."

"WLS has done a great job and it's worth looking forward to."

Apple is very close to directly joining forces with Yike. Perhaps the only thing that binds it is the contract with Qualcomm, or it may be the Qualcomm baseband chip that is still used in new iPhone products.

In addition to the impact on Qualcomm caused by Cook's statement, another piece of information he mentioned has also attracted everyone's attention. The original wireless business unit of Infineon, WLS, has been jointly acquired by Yike and Apple. At this moment, " Great job”…

Within two days, WLS announced a new baseband product, the company's first 4G baseband chip.

Yike still did not file a countersuit as quickly as last time, is suspected that the work it is promoting in an orderly manner is burning the heart of Jacob, the head of Qualcomm.

It seems that there are indeed some situations beyond imagination. Otherwise, let the masters compete with each other and just click on it, right?

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