Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1342 Tendency (4k)

Bumblebee contacted quickly, and Du Ji faced a dilemma.

Ma Dongmin had to convene a meeting of the strategic investment department to discuss the current situation.

How to make a note?

What is the direction of the online ride-hailing market?

"What the hell, the guy named Li is really not a thing! We support him so much! Now he is selling the company completely regardless of our ideas!" Xia Daochang, the vice president of the Strategic Investment Department, was indignant and strongly condemned Li Yongjin. way of doing.

"I shouldn't have voted for the Hornet in the first place, its team is too bad!"

"Last year, Li Yongjin faced the acquisitions of Kuaidi and Didi and regretted it again and again. This shows that he is an untrustworthy person!"

"It's fast, too. I was let go last year, but this year I'm eager to get in!"

"That's because Yike's Dada wants to annex Bumblebee. If this is the case, Dada will be the strongest among the remaining three families."

There was a sound of crusade in the conference room, and there were also voices saying that Bumblebee should not be invested, but to Ma Dongmin's ears, this was almost equivalent to vetoing himself.

After all, it was her decision to invest in Bumblebee before, and she even promoted the decision when she was not even the person in charge of the strategic investment.

Did you choose the wrong person?

A thought flashed through Ma Dongmin's mind, but he quickly threw it away. He cleared his throat and then said slowly: "From last year to this year, many online ride-hailing brands have died. Bumblebee can still be a first-line brand today. Li Yongjin They are still capable and the Hornets are still valuable."

First of all, the Bumblebee is not a complete mess and still has value.

"Yes, at least it will help our Duji Wallet a lot. It is expected that by the end of the first half of the year, the number of registered Duji Wallets will exceed 100 million." Zong Xiuxia, another director, noticed The landlady frowned before and spoke out in support, "This is of great significance to the company as a whole."

She continued: "The significance of the existence of our department and our strategic investment is to contribute to the overall development of Duji. Looking at the catalyzed online car-hailing market alone, Duji accounts for a part of the share. This is not easy."

“Think about our opponents, think about those three companies, they are not soft on investment at all, which proves that we are completely correct in focusing on the payment scenario of the travel market.

Zong Xiuxia's words calmed everyone down. The main reason was that everyone knew that this was the boss's wife's son, and they also knew what she was doing after talking so much.

"Bumblebee is just in contact now and has not made a final decision yet. What is before us now is, should we do something?" Zong Xiuxia asked.

She glanced at the boss's wife, then at all her colleagues, and said: "The company's voting rights on Bumblebee's side are not high, but we are the party leading the investment during this period, and other institutional shareholders stand with us. Yes, it’s not that we don’t have the ability to stop the Bumblebee, nor that we can’t destroy the Bumblebee, it’s just that we need to consider which option is best for us.”

Destroying the Bumblebee is obviously not the optimal solution.

But we definitely can't sit back and watch Li Yongjin sell Bumblebee like this. Any of the other three companies that get Bumblebee will definitely not use the "Duji Wallet" for promotion, even if Duji pays for subsidies.

Then, the bumblebee must be stopped.

Should we break up the relationship or continue to invest money?

Many people feel that Li Yongjin may not really want to sell Bumblebee, but is responding in this way to Duji's recent refusal of financing.

Discussions arose in the conference room, and there were many supporters of both responses.

After all, Du Ji is also one of the YBATs. How could he be manipulated by a project he invested in?

It must be torn apart!

On the contrary, the sentiment is not that strong. Although I support investment, I am also worried. The company has invested in too many areas this year. The online ride-hailing business is burning a lot of money, and the map market is actually also fiercely competitive.

In addition, Duji is still facing attacks on its search business on PC and mobile terminals.

The road to transformation in Duji is not easy, but unfortunately, money is being spent everywhere nowadays.

The discussion of differing opinions quickly became heated.

Ma Dongmin frowned and listened, with all kinds of thoughts running through her mind. She actually had some doubts about the motives of Li Yongjin's group. The events of last November were still fresh in her mind.

However, the situation ultimately fell into Duji’s transformation needs. After all, it was difficult to improve payment. Should we just give up?

But keep shelling out the money...this bumblebee...

This bumblebee isn't strong enough. Let it go. It's a pity. Don't let it go. The market's performance is also disappointing. Just invest money in it. It won't work again after a few twists and turns. It's just like today's stock market. style.

In February, it was still at 2,400 points. If you weren't careful, it dropped by 200 points this month. It's not far from the 2,000 point defense, which is a headache.

"The company's transformation path cannot be interrupted. Sogou is bringing increasing pressure on the PC side. We cannot go back on the path we have already pioneered."

Ma Dongmin said this after the discussion gradually became quieter.

This means that she tends not to break her skin.

Ma Dongmin felt that Duji was the major shareholder after all, so he could still negotiate if he made do with it. If they were to break up, how would they do it? To what extent? Will the other three companies have an opportunity to take advantage of it?

"However, if you continue to give money to Bumblebee, there is also a problem. With the same money in the same market, Bumblebee always does not do as well as its competitors. Why is this?"

"Someone just said that its team is too bad. I think there is a certain truth."

"What if Bumblebee is replaced by our team?"

"Does it make you more effective?"

Ma Dongmin proposed a new direction.

As soon as these words came out, many people were shocked.


Change to our team? More effective?

As expected of the boss lady, she is indeed confident.

But... what actual achievements are the basis for deriving greater combat effectiveness?

Some people are thinking, the company does have offline teams, but if they are allowed to compete in the online ride-hailing market, is it... this, is it... cough, cough...

As we all know, Duji’s core business is search, and it has been relatively easy to do business around search in the past few years.

Looking at the situation of the other three opponents, Yi Ke and Ali have fought hard all the way. The Penguins have been a little worse in the past, but they seem to have made great progress in the past two years, and their own...

It’s hard to say.

This situation is not easy to express, boss lady!

Ma Dongmin looked at the thoughtful crowd and thought he had found a new solution. He said seriously: "If Li Yongjin really wants to sell the company, let us do it ourselves. At the very least, it will not attract investment." The force will be higher because our emphasis is different.”

YAT all ended up at a distance, and B entered the game directly, so why don't investment institutions hurry up and get the money?

"Our team is still very good." Zong Xiuxia agreed.

As soon as she spoke in agreement, someone immediately spoke in agreement.

"Mr. Ma makes sense. If you invest money in Bumblebee, you don't know how they will spend it. If it is one of our own, it will be much easier to do things."

"Anyway, the current investment focus is on us. It's really better to acquire Bumblebee directly, just like..."

It's like the acquisition of 91 Wireless, but this comparison is not stated. The acquisition of 91 Wireless was previously said to be a bit tricky, so it's better not to mention it now.

Ma Dongmin nodded slightly. Only an excellent team can create an excellent company. Duji is one of the four giants, so the team is naturally excellent.

Although Duji invests money, it is not just an investment institution, but has a huge team.

This is Ma Dongmin’s confidence.

The road to transformation cannot be interrupted. Mobile payment connects various traffic flows. Bumblebee has spent a lot of money. Putting these factors together, it seems obvious what to do.

"I will take people to talk to Li Yongjin directly to see what he wants to do."

Ma Dongmin did not decide on the acquisition, but wanted to wait and see how the situation develops.

Naturally, everyone in the conference room had no objections. At this time, some people hoped that Li Yongjin just wanted to take the opportunity to seek new financing for Duji...

It would be really crazy for this own team to take over Bumblebee's business!

In that case, just change the name to "Big Yellow Crazy".

But do you want some advice?

Let's wait for the boss lady to check on the situation.

Perhaps, there are others who are loyal and courageous.

Ma Dongmin didn't notice the slightly weird atmosphere after the meeting. She directly contacted Li Yongjin in person again. This time it went smoothly and they made an appointment for face-to-face negotiation.

Binggui was so fast that she flew people to Jiangcheng just the next day.

Just when the boss lady Duji visited Bumblebee, new news emerged from Yike. Qi He, the president of YMS, commented on Bumblebee in the circle of friends.

"The foundation of Bumblebee is still good. Unfortunately, if it had received investment earlier last year, the market development may have been very different."

"But, that's how entrepreneurship is, it's all about results."

"In some situations, if you persist bravely and you lose, you are a loser. If you turn around in time, you lose again, you are still a loser."

"Entrepreneurs often have sentiments, but sentiments do not count. When employees reach out for wages to support their families, sentiments cannot be transferred."

"I appreciate Mr. Li's willingness to let go of Bumblebee at this time."

Qi He made some comments, which was regarded by the outside world as a sign that Dada had contacted Bumblebee.

Ma Dongmin, who arrived in Jiangcheng, received a report from her subordinates and learned about Yike's movements. The first time she saw Li Yongjin, she asked directly: "Have you met Yike?"

Li Yongjin hesitated for a moment and chose to tell the truth: "I've seen it before."

Ma Dongmin's heart tightened: "Have you negotiated a price?"

"No." Li Yongjin shook his head and said, "We met briefly and just discussed the possibility. Mr. Ma, the market competition is too fierce. I have a hunch. Forget it, I can't say I have a hunch. I can only say that I don't have the confidence to go. To the end.”

"The market competition is fierce. As an entrepreneur, you say you want to surrender?" Ma Dongmin asked.

"I am not surrendering, I am..." Li Yongjin did not continue, I am offering Duji City.

"Mr. Li, the market is not that good, but it is not that bad either." Ma Dongmin persuaded, "I know it is crazy to burn money, but this madness will not be endless."

Li Yongjin suddenly became angry when he heard this, and asked back: "Mr. Ma, you said it so easily, have you ever fought on the front line? Do you know the pressure faced by the front-line market?"

Ma Dongmin was startled, this was indeed not the case.

Li Yongjin turned to look at the senior executives of Duji who were with him, and asked the same question: "Have you ever presided over front-line competition? You know that every day when you open your eyes, you will spend 100 million, and when you close your eyes, you will spend 100 million tomorrow. Do you know how stressful this is?"

He stood up and walked around the office in a serious and even manic manner.

"100 million, 100 million a day, what is this concept?"

"Always short of money, always faced with cut-off of supply, never afraid to face losses that may screw up my brothers and sisters, never see the end of competition!"

"This is what Bumblebee is facing!"

"Mr. Ma, I know you think I'm trying to get money from you, but to be honest, I really don't want to do it anymore!"

"I just have one request right now, I just want to sell Bumblebee at a good price!"

Li Yongjin stopped, looked directly at Ma Dongmin, the proprietress of Duji, and said bluntly: "The one who is quick can give a good price, Bumblebee is his, Didi can give it, Bumblebee will change his surname to Penguin, Yi If Ke can give it, I will go to Shanghai tomorrow, and the same goes for Duji."

Ma Dongmin looked at Li Yongjin, whose eyes were red, and after a long silence, he confirmed again: "You really don't want to continue to go further in the online ride-hailing market? It is possible for Bumblebee to go public, and you can become a person on the Forbes list in the future. rich man."

Li Yongjin laughed: "I don't think about that anymore, Mr. Ma, I just want to say one thing, Yike and the others are too strong."

Ma Dongmin sighed, feeling that Mr. Li really wanted to quit.

After a cup of tea, Ma Dongmin said: "Let's think about it, Bumblebee doesn't have to be in such a hurry."

"Bumblebee has already reduced the subsidy. Today there is no 100 million, but there are still tens of millions of expenses. I can't afford to wait." Li Yongjin said, "I am very anxious, and so is Bumblebee."

"No matter how anxious you are, you can't sell the company today!" Ma Dongmin frowned.

Li Yongjin raised his hand and looked at the time: "I have to say, Mr. Ma, there are still two hours before the meeting time that Mr. Yi Keqi and I have scheduled. I don't know if I can sell the company today. "

"You..." Ma Dongmin's eyes were filled with anger, but what she met was Li Yongjin's bloodshot eyes that were sleep-deprived.

"Let's hurry up. I hope Yike can give a good price. However, out of respect for Du Ji, no matter how others give the price, I will inform Mr. Ma as soon as possible." Li Yongjin shook his head, " This is also my last..."

He wanted to say "last goodwill", but in the end he didn't have the nerve to say it.

Even if you raise the price and want some money, it's not so bad.

Li Yongjin put his weak mood behind him. Mr. Qi said well, the result is right, everything is right, and he still needs to continue to learn from Mr. Fang. (End of chapter)

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