Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1352 Acquisition (4k)

Apple took action, and Qualcomm's market value fell by US$70 billion. It immediately received a funding tray, and in the next three days, it approached the US$70 billion mark again.

Not only Qualcomm executives like Jacobs, but also many media and analysts have written articles, believing that Qualcomm's market value must be above 70 billion no matter what.

After all, Qualcomm still has an advantage in the field of 4G communications and can still be said to be the most advanced mobile phone chip design company. It also reached close cooperation with Samsung this year.

In addition, brands such as OPPO, VIVO, HTC, LG, Sony Ericsson, and Motorcycle are still partners of Qualcomm. With the pressure from the anti-monopoly alliance formed by Yike and Apple, these brands occupying the middle and low-end markets have also obtained Qualcomm With higher attention, many have product plans equipped with high-end Snapdragon.

With all this, and Yike's first defeat in patent litigation, Qualcomm has already lost $30 billion. Isn't that enough?

Therefore, as various analysts predicted, despite the impending loss of such an important customer as Apple, Qualcomm's stock has continued to be sought after by funds, allowing it to remain relatively strong amid the shocks until late April.

On April 25, Qualcomm's stock was once again boosted by funds, and finally stabilized at US$71.2 billion. It not only recovered the billions of dollars lost due to Apple, but also experienced a small increase.

"Isn't it a little faster?"

From last year to this year, especially since the Spring Festival, because Fang Zhuo had been busy with activities and social activities in the evening, mostly going home to spend time with his family, Su Wei had a particularly clear understanding of the trends in the Yike Department.

This time it’s about Qualcomm, and there are no surprises.

"I'm not in a hurry, but my friends want to make money, so maybe they are in a hurry." Fang Zhuo sat on the sofa and carefully watched the work preparations of the deputy director of Yishi, and said calmly, "The process is not important, the final effect is important."

"Yes, you are all professionals in doing this." Su Wei said seemingly convinced.

Fang Zhuo took a breath and changed the subject: "I have to go to Luzhou next week, will you come with me?"

Luzhou is really Su Wei's hometown. Sometimes when Fang Zhuo goes back, she will complain that he doesn't greet her.

"Next week... I'll see what the arrangements are tomorrow. If I remember correctly, I might have to go to the capital." Su Wei thought for a while and said, "Forget it, it probably won't work. There's no need to squeeze in time."

Fang Zhuo said "hmm" and silently flipped through the documents.

When he put the document on the coffee table, Fang Xiaoman, who was happily crawling on the floor, grabbed a corner of the document with quick eyes and hands, grabbed it, shook it and ran towards his mother.

"Hey, I keep it confidential." Fang Zhuo raised his hand and threatened, "Xiao Man, I'll spank you if you take it casually next time!"

Fang Xiaoman didn't even look back, he just handed the document to his mother like a treasure.

Su Wei only glanced at it twice and said: "What's the secret? I've heard it a long time ago at home and on the phone with investors. Isn't it just a short video project? Hey, that's strange. Since you value this, Why did you drag out an ordinary deputy director?"

The one who looks like Mi Tuan is Lei Jun, and the one who looks like Dada is Wei Zhe. Not to mention how famous he is, he is still the number one figure in the world.

"You use the word well, mediocre deputy director." Fang Zhuo was amused, "Fan Ming has just become the deputy director of Yishi. He is already quite good. Some people just miss a chance. Why, you were Are you some kind of outstanding business leader?”

It is said that Liu Bang assembled a world-beating team in just one county. He sincerely felt that the deputy director of Yishi was enough, and he did not ask to start the project with nothing.

Although Su Wei has been in charge of Yiguo for these years, she is not arrogant. She was stunned when she heard this, but she nodded and changed her words: "That makes sense. He showed his acumen despite the talents of Yigu. Yes, Mr. Fang, you are good, you are good."

Fang Zhuoran said: "How about it? Do you want to invest some money in Tesco?"

"There is endless money to be made. It would be great if Tesco can maintain its current growth. I am responsible for shareholders, employees, and consumers." Su Wei said seriously.

Fang Zhuo gave a thumbs up.

Su Wei paused and said, "Just invest some of my private money."

"You... I just wanted to praise you for being good." Fang Zhuo teased.

"Gonggong, I am responsible for all aspects of the company. Privately, I invest money, buy property for my son, and take responsibility for my son. What? Is there something wrong?" Su Wei said confidently.

Fang Zhuo glanced at Fang Xiaoman, who had just offered the treasure diligently and was now crawling on the ground towards the toy car, and sighed: "Okay, anyway, as long as he doesn't start a business in the future, anything will work."

Su Wei frowned slightly, but before she could speak, the phone on the coffee table rang.

Then, she heard Fang Zhuo's call.

Gaode, it's settled.

"How much?" Su Wei turned curious about Gaode's transaction price.

"The overall purchase price is US$1.588 billion." Fang Zhuo replied.

Su Wei knew that Yike already owned shares in Gaode, but the price was indeed not cheap.

She pondered for a few seconds and commented: "It's not cheap, but it's worth it."

The Amap map in the hands of Cheng Congwu is just an Amap map. However, in the hands of Yike, it can link products and businesses in the system such as Yixin, Yike Pay, Yike Mobile, Dada, etc., and its role is not insignificant.

And as the news of Gaode's betrayal of Yike was officially finalized, as the most important competitor in the map market, Duji... Duji was inevitably affected.

This is the first time that the stock price has fallen due to Yike's actions.

Especially after the Spring Festival, Duji is like a barometer of Yike’s business.

If the Yike is not good, the score may not fall.

If Yike is good, Duji will most likely fall.

This inexplicable confrontation also comes from competition in many fields.

On April 27, even Penguin Finance, which had a tense relationship with Yike, couldn't help but publish a "note" note, mentioning the new trend of B, which was really about to fall out of the giant industry, in the middle of this month.

"The 'Light App' launched by Duji last year has completely failed due to Yixin's mini program, but why does it still not give up on this and launch an upgraded version of 'Direct Account' this month?"

"Is it because you see the success of Yixin Mini Program that you think there is still much room for success in this direction?"

"I think Duji probably didn't realize that the traffic it holds in its hand is a ball of loose sand, while Yixin's traffic is a solid fist."

“The difference between the two is huge in how they empower specific businesses.”

"In addition to the almost easy-to-determine future of Duji Huabing strategy, its progress in the online ride-hailing market is also unsatisfactory. The acquired Bumblebee still needs to spend money, and simply changing its name to 'Duji Taxi-hailing' has no impact on consumers. It reflects every bit of appeal.”

"Moreover, in March and April, there were frequent reports of foreign online ride-hailing brand Uber entering China. In the past two days, it was even reported that Uber was already building a Chinese team. This is also bad news that caused the share price of Duji to fall."

“The online ride-hailing market continues to burn money, the map market is destined to further increase competition due to the acquisition of Yike, the new group buying has not met expectations, cloud computing is still far away, and Duji’s Q1 financial report shows that its revenue has declined. ——Although it only fell 1% year-on-year, more importantly, Duji’s core search was eroded.”

"What should I do?"

"After Alibaba's B2B business was delisted in Xiangjiang, it has been preparing for its overall listing. Yike, which is rooted in the global market, is still growing rapidly and building an ecosystem. Penguin has gradually stabilized after experiencing the turmoil. Not to mention how impressive it is. It can also be said that it is quite satisfactory, with only Duji..."

"It seemed like it was losing blood everywhere, but it was still at a loss."

"With Yike's acquisition of AutoNavi, it may be unintentional, but it is objectively closing in on the encirclement formation to compete with Duji. Li Yanhong should no longer be so gentle, and he should be more proactive in facing problems."

"How to face the competitive pressure of Yike's giant?"

"Perhaps this will be a question that more people need to think about."

Penguin Finance asked a slightly gimmicky question.

Interestingly, a few years ago, the industry also asked a similar question. At that time, it was "how to face Penguin's traffic attack." Now it comes out of its mouth like this...

Times have really changed.

Precisely because the question was asked by Penguin, many people were very interested in putting the two together to answer the question.

"If you can't beat it, join it. Yike is involved in a lot of businesses now, but maybe he learned the lesson from Penguin back then, and he still saves the meat after all."

"Penguin's Traffic King is too overbearing, while Yike is a lot gentler. Duji does provide a sample of how to face competition from Yike. It would probably be very uncomfortable for anyone else in that position, but since it is Duji Now that it's there, let's wait until Du Ke is dead."

"There is no more YBAT, now it is YAT!"

"The current situation of Duji is really difficult. Under such circumstances, I actually bought Bumblebee into its ownership. I can only say that I am very courageous. The online ride-hailing business has actually become a burden on Duji. It is impossible for it to Defeating the other three giants with deep pockets means that the cost-effectiveness of its investment will only become lower and lower.”

"The decision to acquire Bumblebee is said to have come from Duji's proprietress, who is now in charge of Duji's strategic investment. However, if I am not mistaken, Ma Dongmin has a PhD in biology, and her investment decisions..."

Online ride-hailing, maps, group buying, cloud computing, mobile search promotion, coupled with the recent personnel turmoil, without professional analysis, even the masses can see that Du Ji is not good.

Penguin Finance may be a bit of a nuisance next to it, but the questions it raises after being spread have attracted everyone's interest in answering them and inspired everyone to do things.

Someone on Weibo launched a call to "send Duji to the last leg" and listed the medical advertisements that Duji has still not given up on mobile devices to this day.

Such a call has been echoed by many melon-eating people. There is no better feeling than that a small substitution can determine the fate of a giant...

Penguin asked, Duji was even worse, but Yike continued to pursue his competitive moves unswervingly.

As expected by the industry, Yike digested Amap almost seamlessly, announcing a plan to invest an additional 200 million in the map business on just the first day of May.

In addition to the numbing impact on the stock price, a vice president of Duji Maps, perhaps unable to bear the pressure, submitted his resignation on the second day of May.

The problem with this ship seems to be a bit big...

However, no matter what Penguin Finance says, no matter what the public calls for, no matter what changes occur in the record, there is no movement at all from Yike executives who are usually happy to end up taking the blame, as if they are quietly tightening the rope little by little.

On the sixth day of May, although it was a foreign news, it still replaced Duji in many financial media and became the focus of everyone's attention.

——Sources claim that Singaporean semiconductor company Avago is approaching Qualcomm with the intention of launching an acquisition of the latter.

Avago? Qualcomm? Acquisition? Singapore?

Because of Yike's cooperation and competition, Qualcomm is quite famous in China, and its recent patent litigation with Yike is also extremely eye-catching. At this time...

From which rock did Avago spring out?

The domestic media was quite confused. This time, not only were domestic people confused, but Wall Street was also inexplicably shocked. They once suspected that this "source" did not have enough information.

But soon, Avago confirmed this personally.

Avago CEO Chen Fuyang was interviewed in Silicon Valley and expressed the company's intention to acquire Qualcomm, proving that he had already had a phone call with Qualcomm head Jacobs.

A hillbilly CEO of a hillbilly company, that's probably what the Silicon Valley media has in mind.

Therefore, in response to Chen Fuyang's description, the reporter's question on the spot was not friendly enough: "Mr. Chen, did Jacob laugh at you after hearing your phone call?"

"There was no ridicule." Chen Fuyang smiled calmly, "He just told me... to get out."

Several reporters couldn't help but burst into laughter. They had a very real reaction. What kind of company is Qualcomm? What kind of company is Avago? Isn't this person taking advantage of the high-profile commotion to stand up and increase his presence?

"But I made him listen to my intention in one sentence. I think you can also learn from it." Chen Fuyang continued.

The reporters were a little curious.

Chen Fuyang still smiled and told the news: "I told Jacob that we think Qualcomm is a great company, and we have spent US$1.1 billion to acquire 2% of Qualcomm's shares."

$1.1 billion? 2%?

Did the funding for the Qualcomm tray a while ago come from Avago?

The reporters looked at each other and suddenly felt that the hillbilly CEO of the hillbilly company was no longer so rural. They immediately expressed their respect for money, got closer to the microphone, and asked questions more enthusiastically.

Chen Fuyang did not answer targeted questions at this time, but faced the media cameras and made a formal announcement: "Avago will launch an acquisition offer for Qualcomm!"

Purchase offer!

Acquisition, we are serious!

Become famous in one fell swoop!

Avago, a company from Lijiapo, plans to acquire the world-famous Qualcomm, which made headlines in major media and successfully caused Jacob, the head of Qualcomm, to tear up the newspapers he ordered.

Qualcomm is a high-tech company and a family wealth that must be defended! (End of chapter)

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