Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1364 Countdown (4k)

There was nothing new about Fang Zhuo's attendance at another court hearing in California. It was far more boring than the appeal in San Francisco. Some simple questions even had to be asked four or five times.

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals partially supported Yike’s appeal, and the tension caused by this will continue.

Judging from the current situation, regardless of whether Yike and Qualcomm, or Apple and Qualcomm, the final result is unlikely to end within the year.

The current consideration from the company's legal department is that since the stage for the decisive battle with Qualcomm is set by the Supreme Court, but the company's background does not have an advantage, it can try to work with Apple to consolidate the two lawsuits at the circuit court level. By then, the Supreme Court may ignore Yike's influence.

The lawsuits filed by Apple, Yike, and Qualcomm belong to different federal district courts. Logically speaking, it is not easy to consolidate the cases for trial. However, when Apple lost the case, it also appealed because the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals also has jurisdiction over the Northern District of California, which heard the case. District Court, therefore, the two cases were changed to the same circuit court, which made the procedure much easier.

As a result, the two sides will merge the cases, and the chances of winning the decisive battle will also increase.

Fang Zhuo naturally respects the opinions of professionals. When it comes to the lawsuit with Qualcomm, it really depends to a large extent on judicial procedures and rulings.

As for the impact of this lawsuit outcome on Qualcomm...

Looking at the two-way rush between Jacob and Chen Fuyang, it is likely that they have to consider the impact on the "New Qualcomm", but at that time Jacob probably does not need to worry about this matter.

After Fang Zhuo finished the part that required his attendance, he did not go to New York immediately. Instead, he went to Los Angeles for a walk and made appointments with American friends whom he did not know very well but who laughed when they met.

Gasoline Man is already waiting in Los Angeles. The weather here in August is quite comfortable, which is very suitable for friendship and team building. And if you consider the possible changes in Yike's future, if we meet again at this time to show off, then It is even more necessary.

Kong Yu already knew that Bingxin had made a certain breakthrough, so he was well aware of the upcoming turmoil. All he could do was... turmoil is turmoil, and interests are interests. Conflicts can exist, but friendship cannot be broken.

As for the safety issues mentioned by Mr. Fang...

Kong Yu felt that he could not be more ferocious than the previous short squeeze. At that time, he was a disguised perpetrator. Now he might be a victim, so he could still do it to him?

No way, right?

However, he has recently been very interested in European culture and art, and plans to arrange his affairs in the United States and go to Europe next year to receive the influence of art.

On August 7, when Fang Zhuo was flying to New York, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco had already started to merge the cases between Yike and Apple.

In principle, there are relatively few mergers in the appeal process, but it is not impossible. It just requires more complicated procedures and requires high-level judicial review and consent. It is also feasible.

Fang Zhuo arrived in New York in the morning. After a brief lunch, he met with American Vice President Schroeder at the Yike Building.

"Don't tell me, it feels really good to sit here." Fang Zhuo's office belonged to the former head of Sony, but it has been reorganized. It is not as old-fashioned as before and looks more modern.

"Occasionally Stringer came to me for something, and I asked him to come directly, but he never came here again." Yu Hong talked about her old friend.

Stringer is not only an old friend of Yike, but also a good friend of Yike.

"Old Sir, he shouldn't have any grudges. Later, it was Sony who attacked him, but I stepped in to defend him." Fang Zhuo said with a smile.

Yu Hong curled her lips. When things got to this point, regardless of whether they were premeditated or not, the biggest beneficiary would always be easily hated by others.

After thinking about it, she asked: "I think Sony hasn't been able to produce CMOS in Japan yet? Is there any hope of competing with us this year?"

"IDC estimates that there is hope in the fourth quarter. It was originally a promise made by Sony to appease morale. It is normal for it to be delayed for a quarter." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "There is no rush, everyone is not in a hurry, anyway, we have Yike Optoelectronics Delivery, quality too.”

Yike Optoelectronics has taken over almost all of Sony's CMOS customers. The factory is the same and there are many original people. In order to calm the turmoil, Yike Optoelectronics also offered a wave of discounts to customers.

For nearly a year, Yike Optoelectronics’ CMOS sensors have been supplied to brands committed to mid-to-high-end positioning, and Sony has released greater production capacity than before.

According to current business estimates, Yike Optoelectronics' revenue is expected to exceed US$2 billion in 2014. If growth continues, this will be a business worth tens of billions of US dollars in the future.

Of course, Sony's CMOS this year is not competitive and it should join the competition next year at the latest, but Yike Optoelectronics is not afraid of competition from the other party.

"It's not easy for Sony. You have to hold your nose and pay a ransom fee." Yu Hong looked at Fang Zhuo with a half-smile.

Sony eventually took back Sony Sensors, but other shareholders needed money to buy their shares.

"The ransom fee was written in black and white and cannot be denied easily. I even gave them a discount, less than 1 billion US dollars. The additional condition is that we will no longer harass our Yike employees. It is considered to have ceased and the two parties have reconciled." Fang Zhuo refers to some Yike employees who jumped in.

Sony was very angry before and insisted on being held accountable, but times have changed and changes in shares have been involved. This is the final result of the matter. Anyway, the media no longer pays attention to it. It can be regarded as resolving the matter and focusing on its own development.

Yu Hong gave a thumbs up, still admiring Mr. Fang for being so skillful in taking advantage of others.

At half past nine, Vice President Schroeder knocked on the door. He had already communicated with his boss in advance and knew that this trip would be another interview with the big boss, and that the formal appointment process would follow.

As an American, Schroeder ranks very high in the management of Yike. He is a member of the general office, the vice president of the United States, and also has a seat on the board of directors. Now that he is taking over as the president of the United States, he has taken a step further.

However, even so, he doesn’t know the specific status of this year’s new products, only that they may be delayed.

It wasn't until Schroeder heard the simple notice from Big BOSS that he understood the plan for this year's flagship product... It's not about innovation, ecology, brand, or production technology...

Samsung and Apple have successively released news. This year’s chip will definitely be a regular upgrade, definitely 20nm, and Yike will go directly to the previous generation, with performance advantages...

There has never been such a favorable situation!

Schroeder felt his mouth was dry. Bing Xin, how did Bing Xin break through? The boss and Mr. Yu are really at loggerheads, why is there no news at all?

He sighed long and complained: "Mr. Fang, Mr. Yu, I feel the ceiling in the workplace within Yike! With such important news, I actually..."

The two major R\u0026D centers in Silicon Valley and Shanghai have always maintained a high degree of confidentiality in chip research and development. Moreover, they have also conducted research and development on the 20nm process, and now they are announcing the latest situation without hesitation.

My heart is like a deer bumping around.

Plop! Plop!

"The risk trial production of Ice Core has just been successful, and there is still a lot of work to do. This is the latest news." Fang Zhuo said slowly, "But there is no doubt that our release will be later than Samsung and Apple."

Schroeder couldn't think about his job at this moment. The thoughts in his mind were spinning again and again, and he immediately suggested: "Mr. Fang, I suggest that we start a countdown on the official website and major channels before the Samsung and Apple launches. For example, in Times Square, New York, if we set the time at 4 p.m. on October 30, how many hours are there between now and then, just count down!"

"We are the most influential mobile phone brand in the world. As long as we show confidence, no matter how the other two launch their products, there will always be consumers waiting for us!"

"4G was released last year, and this generational replacement effect will be stronger this year. We need to lock in some hesitant consumers!"

"It's a pity that if it's October and November, the channel distribution may not be in place, um, but we can still catch up with the peak seasons of Black Friday and Christmas."

"Oh yes, we can also cooperate with operators to open blind bookings in advance!"

"If our products are not good enough, blind ordering may backfire, but this time we have produced a product with a generation-leading chip performance. I believe that even if blind ordering causes some problems, it will not be a big problem!"

Schroeder became more and more excited as he talked. He stood up a bit glumly, as if he was already holding the latest Mars in his hand, and murmured: "This time we have the best mobile phone in the world."

He looked up at Mr. Fang again and raised his voice: "No one!"

The world's best mobile phone from Yike, bar none.

This reputation alone is sure to spark a sales frenzy in global markets.

Fang Zhuo poured some cold water on him: "Schroeder, you sit down first, not necessarily. Maybe I won't be able to take out my mobile phone this year."

Schroeder's hot heart seemed to have been taken out by the BOSS and smashed to the ground again and again. He opened his mouth in shock, no, no, no, you...

"It can only be said that the hope for this year is relatively high." Yu Hong added next to her, "But we must also be fully prepared. Your proposal just now is good. Once the ice core is confirmed, our various publicity channels this year You can all count down, I believe the effect will be good."

There is a countdown on the official website, a countdown in Times Square, a countdown in the New York Times to buy two months of space, and a countdown on the Amazon product page. Be sure to promote this new product in place.

Yu Hong unconsciously thought of Mr. Fang's previous retelling. Dr. Liang said that Yike could feel good before dying. She didn't think she would die, but she would definitely feel good.

This rare opportunity must be seized.

Schroeder took a long breath, grabbed the tea cup and drank half of it, finally calming down.

At this time, he said sincerely: "Bing Xin's crossing of generations this time is amazing!"

More information came to mind.

Schroeder suddenly said: "Intel only announced their new generation CPU using the 14nm process in June. What is going on between this 14nm and Ice Core's 16nm? If they are the same product, how big are the performance advantages and disadvantages?"

"Intel is still strong. Ice Core's 16nm is a 3D structure introduced into FinFET. It was originally supposed to be 14nm, but now it's a compromise." Fang Zhuo said, "This time for the new Zhurong, I heard their introduction, and the process changes are still very big. It's big. The core area alone is only 78 square millimeters, which is much smaller than the 144 square millimeters of Zhurong last year. You don't have to worry about performance improvement. As for the same products, we can't compare Intel's now, who knows."

Schroeder seriously suggested: "Mr. Fang, since I don't know, what I mean is that we will surpass our opponents anyway, so what's the compromise? Just use 14nm as the name. Will everyone study the difference here? No, more consumers only look at digital logos.”

Fang Zhuo thought about it briefly and said, "It's better to look at the naming of the ice core. This is not important."

Schroeder thought it was quite important. He planned to call and communicate with Mr. Qiu and Mr. Liang over there after the ice core made some progress.

"The investment of Yike and Bingxin may see returns this year. Next year may be our harvest year, but we will definitely face challenges." Fang Zhuo said, "However, challenges are challenges. Once new products are launched, our stock price will There will be another increase, but before that, you have to discuss stock awards for employees."

Schroeder nodded. At this time, the focus unconsciously turned to what Mr. Fang only said: "There will definitely be challenges." He turned his head slightly and saw Yu Hong's solemn eyes. He only felt what he was thinking today. Extraordinarily many.

Why should we give rewards to employees at this time? Firstly, it is to share the success of the company, and secondly, it must also stabilize their mood when facing challenges in the future.

"Schroeder, this time President Yu strongly recommends you to take over the position of president of the United States." Fang Zhuo talked about the promotion, "She believes that you have enough ability and courage to be responsible for the entire North American market. This appointment will also go through the board of directors." discussion, but the board of directors will also trust Mr. Yu’s judgment.”

Schroeder knew what was going on with his company's board of directors. He expressed his attitude to his boss and thanked Mr. Yu.

"Yike Company has achieved great success since 2001, but I believe that we can achieve greater success after going through ups and downs. I hope that Yike will not let down your talent." Fang Zhuo stood up and talked to Schroeder shake hands.

Schroeder shook hands vigorously.

By the time he left BOSS's office, thinking about the 16nm flagship product, today's market competition, and the future challenges, he felt that his clothes were soaked with sweat.

Qualcomm's lawsuit is ongoing, industry mergers and acquisitions are underway, and Yike's blockbuster products are in the pipeline.

Fang Zhuo's focus turned to foreign countries, but Yike did not relax about the domestic competition. Instead, he maintained his own rhythm and fought fiercely with his opponents in an orderly manner.

It's August now, and Duji can't stand taking a taxi any longer.

"Do we need to invest so much energy and money in the ride-hailing track? What can this bring us back? I don't think this is a good decision! The price-performance ratio is too low!"

At the Duji high-level meeting, Vice President Guo Shihuang finally couldn't help but speak on the spot and raised questions, and the target was directed at Dr. Ma, who was sitting next to Robin.

Ma Dong was sensitive to the gazes of many executives, and his face darkened.

There was a tense atmosphere in the conference room.

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