Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1366 Defense War (4k)

On August 13, since Duji entered the taxi-hailing market, it has once again changed its leadership.

This third time, the person in charge of Duji Taxi has been replaced by Xiang Hailong, a vice president who is one of the top five most powerful people in the company. This is also another new business that he has taken charge of after group buying.

However, the burden is getting heavier and the company's situation is getting worse and worse.

Xiang Hailong had no choice but to be moved to the position of Duji Taxi. He could only announce that the company would continue to increase its efforts as soon as he took office, trying to send a signal of confidence to the outside world.

According to the original words in the press release, "Mobile taxi-hailing is a long-term business. Duji is determined to continue investing and has the responsibility to provide quality services to more consumers."

However, just two days after Xiang Hailong took charge of "Duji Taxi", a rumor spread that Duji was looking for a suitable buyer for "Duji Taxi".

On one side, executives like Xiang Hailong are in charge, and on the other side, Duji wants to sell the taxi...

Did Duji transfer Xiang Hailong just to polish his brand and sell it at a good price?

Such news is quite shocking.

However, it is easy to buy projects, but difficult to sell projects!

Within a week, when the gossip was verified to some extent, the sales situation of "Duji Taxi" was also followed up. It is said that few people are interested in the top four projects in the country, Yike has not been approached, and Alibaba has little interest. Penguin politely refused, and Penguin gave up clearly after two talks...

Then, Duji is already looking for powerful investment institutions such as SoftBank to take over.

However, I still didn't get much enthusiasm.

This is not difficult to understand. A major theme in the mobile taxi-hailing industry has been mobile payment. Alipay and Yipay, which are already leaders in the payment market, are still leading. Penguin Wallet and Duji have poor or no foundation. Wallets are still lagging behind.

For the other three giants, Duji’s taxi-hailing data is available as long as they are subsidized, so why spend huge sums of money to buy Duji’s taxi-hailing data?

For investment institutions, it is difficult to take over the business. First, it means continuous investment mainly from their own side. Second, they cannot find a suitable payment brand. Third, they do not have a strong operation team.

These conditions limit the emergence of receivers.

In this way, although the vice president held several meetings with Hilong in an attempt to regain confidence, there were rumors floating outside, the internal subsidy investment budget was obviously at a cliff, and the morale of the team became very low.

I couldn’t fight it, so what should I do?

On August 19, a short video circulated on the Internet made Xiang Hailong extremely embarrassed.

——Xiang Hailong: Crazy! I have never seen a mom-and-pop shop that is reliable! Even if it was Fang Zhuo, would he put Su Wei in the company? This job is really impossible!

The background of the short video was obviously a private banquet, and Xiang Hailong was photographed holding a glass of wine. After saying these words, he drank the wine in one gulp, looking quite melancholy and dissatisfied.

Mom and pop shop!

Not reliable!

Even named Fang Zhuo and Su Wei!

This leaked video immediately became a hot topic or related recommendation on many platforms, and a steady stream of enthusiastic fans further pushed Duji Xiangzong into an even more embarrassing situation.

There is an anonymous person on Zhihu, but it is clearly stated that he is an employee of Duji. He also gossips enthusiastically, claiming to have seen Mr. Xiang in a hurry.

There were vests on Tieba, and even a new "Brave Xiang Hailong Bar" was built directly. Unfortunately, this new Tieba did not survive for more than half a day and died young.

At this time of crisis for Xiang Hailong, some industry seniors tried to step in to help the company.

——Li Guoqing: Yes, the "mom-and-pop shop" Xiang Hailong mentioned is our Dangdang, and I take the blame! Robin, please don't blame Xiang Hailong. It's not a good time to cause trouble again!

Xiang Hailong did not identify who it was in the short video, as if every mom-and-pop shop in the world had been hit.

——Li Guoqing: Hey, but having said that, Robin, shouldn't you also reflect on it? Let's just discuss the matter and ask Hailong's newly responsible "Du Ji Taxi". This is not to respect others, but to embarrass them! If you ask Mr. Fang to do it, he won't be able to do anything about it now! Also, it seems to me that the proprietress of the company does not have particularly mature investment experience, so how can we let her be responsible for strategic investment?

——Li Guoqing: Because she is a shareholder? Because she is the boss lady? Hey, it’s no wonder that people complain to Hailong, but at this time, we need to be broad-minded, laugh, and reflect more on ourselves.

——Li Guoqing: There are a lot of rumors about "Duji Taxi" now. It is said that the situation is not very good and there are not many buyers. I, Lao Li, can give me a tip. Since I bought it from Li Yongjin, I will sell it at a discount. Give it to him! Facts have proved that the Duji team is not as good as the Bumblebee team. Duji can clearly reposition his task as finding money, and all the problems will be solved!

Li Guoqing, who loves to tell the truth, came forward and received praise from many friends. They believed that this old man was affectionate and had ideas. Of course, it was not his problem that the ideas did not work, it was his ability that ended there.

No matter what, what senior Keiko said, "It is not appropriate to cause trouble again" is always correct.

The people who eat melons are very enthusiastic, but unfortunately, Duji has never responded. The person involved, Xiang Hailong, also did not accept media interviews and just focused on the work at hand.

Duji chose cold treatment, which is indeed a characteristic of the rapid change of Internet focus.

It was not until the end of August that a new piece of news about Du Ji selling herself in a taxi reminded many people of the little gossip that had existed before.

——Duji Taxi, which has been looking for a buyer, finally found a willing seller, Uber.

Duji announced that it will build the domestic market together with the international mobile taxi brand "Uber" to provide consumers with more professional and high-quality services.

Duji sold out "Duji Taxi" and returned to the role of an investor, negating its previous entry action, and allowing foreign Uber to enter the Chinese market!

Many people had been waiting to see Duji's taxi-hailing chicken feathers, but they didn't expect it to magically turn them into "half-land chicken feathers" by finding buyers in need!

This is the foundation of the giant.

Out of respect for the giant, Qi He, president of Yike YMS, reposted the news of Uber’s acquisition in his circle of friends, congratulating him: Duji has successfully left the taxi market. This year’s goal is to make Duji sweat again in the search market. ,come on!

Although Duji did not disclose the transaction in detail and even named it "cooperation", "Duji Taxi" directly changed its name to "Uber". This is undoubtedly the demise of the brand, and the details are no longer important. .

Soon, Qi He posted a second circle of friends and gave his opponent some eye drops: YMS actually doesn't like to poach people, but Xiang Hailongxiang is always a surprise. If Mr. Xiang is not happy in Duji, you can consider trying Yike.

Xiang Hailong rolled his hands and saw Qi He's speech. He could only say that he added another layer of sadness on top of his sadness.

Over the past week or so, the atmosphere within the company has become extremely awkward.

As if to avoid herself, the boss's wife never attended the company's high-level meetings. Although Robin talked to her once and had a formal heart-to-heart talk, the eyes of her colleagues were always so playful...

That is to say, after the successful sale of "Duji Taxi", news spread in the company that Dr. Ma is no longer responsible for the company's specific investment affairs...

Did you force the boss lady to quit?

No! No!

This is simply self-destruction and forcing the boss lady to quit!

Xiang Hailong felt that it was really hard to continue working at Duji. He was not sure if Robin had a thorn in his heart, but he was sure that there seemed to be an extra thorn in his heart.

However, it can be said that this thorn was inserted by myself.

Just quit...just quit...that's it...

Xiang Hailong had similar thoughts in his mind for two days in a row, and even began to prepare to find an auspicious day for himself to resign. However, Robin had another interview at this juncture that temporarily gave up his decision.

"We are no longer on the same level as Yike." Li Yanhong didn't use polite greetings and talked about the situation calmly when he came up.

Xiang Hailong remained silent. This matter has actually been clear since last year.

Duji has encountered competition and challenges, and has experience fighting against international giants. However, an international giant like Yike that grew up in the local area was really underestimated!

It is both powerful and has local experience. Even its local business operations are top-notch.

Originally, we hoped that Duji would have a brand moat in the search field and have the inertia of the majority of users, but Yikezhi forced Sogou to focus on the mobile terminal first, then leverage public opinion, connect with opponents, invest heavily, and build an ecosystem. Finally, Here comes another move to defeat the PC...

Facts have proved that brand inertia is not so indestructible under a multi-pronged offensive.

Of course, there are also stupid operations performed by Du Ji to force the mobile terminal.

However, this is what happened...

Xiang Hailong sighed inwardly. There really was no need for Mr. Fang to do anything. Yike's YMS had already created a step-by-step competition, which was vaguely like a kingly competition. Although Duji still had a dominant market share, it fell into a disadvantage.

"Mr. Xiang, do you think we can still suppress Sogou and Yike in the PC search market?" Li Yanhong said.

Xiang Hailong felt that the answer to this question was already reflected in Robin's pessimistic tone.

Even Robin, the leader, is beginning to be pessimistic. It’s really...

"We are still the number one search engine in China." Xiang Hailong did not answer directly, but emphasized the current situation. He thought for a few seconds and sighed, "The current Yi Ke is too strong, and it brings more pressure than the previous Penguin." powerful."

"Penguin only oppresses those small and medium-sized companies, but Yike oppresses even the giants!"

"It's more penguin than penguin!"

"If this continues, I'm afraid that Yike's anti-monopoly against Qualcomm will also fall on itself!"

Li Yanhong nodded slightly, acknowledging Yike's oppressive power, and also believed that its ecology may face certain risks.

Xiang Hailong was filled with righteous indignation, but there was still the remaining half left unsaid in his heart. When Penguin was so angry, it was the one who directly used traffic to rob various tracks. If it had grasped the key points like Yike before, the others would have cooperated. , I’m afraid the situation is also different.

Mr. Fang will never fail to pay attention to this. Under his leadership, Yike adheres to the purpose of "maintaining progress" when expanding its scale, and when it reaches a certain level, it adds "technology for good".

How to be kind?

Xiang Hailong regrets that his company seems to have become the other side of the comparison. To be honest, Sogou has canceled medical advertisements, optimized the PC experience, and strictly controlled advertisements. This is indeed very user-friendly. It is no wonder that it eventually led to the July market crash. Qualitative change.

But, this is really not commercial enough!

If it were just Sogou, Sogou wouldn't be able to do this!

However, if Sogou relies on Yike, it will have the capital to develop rapidly against the nature of commercial profit-seeking.

Xiang Hailong is almost certain that what Sogou does is just the next Amap acquired by Yike. Only by truly relying entirely on Yike can Sogou's engine gameplay be sustainable.

Sogou itself is not commercial enough, but it integrates into Yike and becomes a tool that operates in the ecosystem. This seems to be commercial enough, because Yike can fully afford it.

Xiang Hailong has repeatedly thought about the opponent's strategy and plans since he officially faced Yike. However, it is a pity that he has reached the current situation.

"Mr. Xiang, anti-monopoly and other things are just a matter of who knows when in the future. Fang Zhuo has always been good at dancing. We can't place our hopes on that." Li Yanhong said soberly.

Xiang Hailong wanted to cut off the concept of "us" in his heart, and Qi He seemed to have extended an olive branch to him...

"Now there is some very unfavorable news for Yike." Li Yanhong suddenly said this seriously.

Xiang Hailong was a little surprised: "What is it?"

"Yike's main business is mobile phones, with a mid-to-high positioning, but its main business now has two major difficulties, which are likely to turn its prosperity into decline." Li Yanhong said, "First, Qualcomm, which has patent advantages, has already We are seeking to ban the sale of Yike’s infringing mobile phones, and secondly, Yike’s mobile phones this year may have to be delayed due to poor research and development of ice cores.”

"Yike is strong, but the stronger it is, the more powerful it will face stronger opponents."

"It wanted to acquire Broadcom, but the U.S. side was so vocal that it couldn't acquire it. Under this situation, Qualcomm is likely to get a ban on sales."

"In the past, Yike beat us with its global market revenue. It is an international giant. In the future, if it becomes a domestic giant, we still have a chance to win."

Li Yanhong looked at Xiang Hailong, already aware of his intention to leave, and advised him, "Don't you want to try again? Are you going to leave the company just because you are so easily provoked?"

"Ice Core also said that its research and development was poor last year." Xiang Hailong told the situation.

Li Yanhong shook his head: "This time is different. It's September now, and the ice core may really encounter difficulties. This is our opportunity. Mr. Xiang, a gentleman hides his weapons and waits for the time to move."

Xiang Hailong felt that he might not be a gentleman, but he might be able to wait for the time and move, and he didn't want to start the next step of his career with ridicule behind his back.

He pondered over and over again and gave advice: "Robin, we have to shrink the front line. If we can't stop the decline of search, everything else is useless. We have to increase revenue and reduce expenditure."

Li Yanhong nodded solemnly, admitted defeat, and determined to start a search and defense battle.

On September 3, Avago announced its acceptance of Qualcomm’s acquisition offer.

This also means that Qualcomm is about to start a civil war.

When Fang Zhuo received the news, he was playing with the latest Mars equipped with a 16nm chip.

He thought about the current and future situation, thinking about his main energy and these opponents, and thoughtfully asked his secretary Liu Zonghong: "Remember the matters discussed by the general office, and take advantage of the momentum of the new model to clean up the country, and solve it All opponents must be dealt with quickly."

Deal with the opponents you can deal with as soon as possible, so that you can free up your energy to prepare for the biggest challenge.

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