Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1371 The Last Time (4k)

Fang Zhuo's job in Washington is far easier than in New York and Silicon Valley. Basically, he just meets big-name friends here.

He rarely comes to Washington, but he still rents and buys a lot of real estate here, and the last week before returning to the country was spent in Kalorama, a wealthy area.

If nothing else happens, the shadow shareholder will also move into his villa here after leaving the White House in two years. Of course, in name, this 800-square-meter house is only a long-term lease for him.

This type of rental is not limited to this one, and some of the vacation expenses over the years have been property gains from MIGA funds.

Strictly speaking, all wealth growth is legal. However, when the wealth growth is too explosive, it cannot be announced even if it is legal. Since last year, shadow shareholders have been reducing the proportion of property in the MIGA fund.

However, for things like Qualcomm's acquisition of Avago, which will obviously push up the stock price, some of the money that was taken away has been re-injected, and the relationship between the two parties has always remained quite rational.

Fang Zhuo had not seen Ozi for several years and had no interest in meeting him. But this time he was about to leave the United States. The two still met in the villa, but the topic was only about basketball.

There was a basketball court in the villa, where Fang Zhuo and Ao Zi were playing basketball, while Kong Yu, who was also in Washington, was picking up balls with his close friend Austin, who was a shadow shareholder. But while the big shots were chatting about basketball and games, the two of them were talking about serious matters.

Kong Yu talks about the impact of acquisitions and mergers on Qualcomm's stock price, talks about Yike's new products will further stimulate the stock price, talks about Bingxin International's technological advancement and release of production capacity, which will provide the most suitable opportunity to sell stocks, and talks about his views on the euro exchange rate. Low, let’s talk about MIGA Fund’s judgment on US listed companies...


Fang Zhuo won the 1V1 with a mid-range shot.

He wiped his sweat and said with a smile, "No, you're not focused enough."

Although Aozi was playing ball, his ears were not consciously listening to what Kong Yu said. He heard Mr. Fang's underlying meaning and smiled, pointing to his head: "There are always many things in my mind, I'm sure Why don't you focus, you really want to win."

Fang Zhuo took the ball from Kong Yu and patted it on the ground: "Just giving it a try."

"I heard that you are going back to the East to prepare for the company's press conference? I, an Yike fan, have been looking forward to your mobile phone this year for a long time." Ozi said casually.

"Well, I have a press conference and will stay in Shanghai for a while to spend time with my children." Fang Zhuo threw the ball back and said with emotion, "I sometimes think about it, if I don't create Yike, if I don't put Yike With such a big business, life will be much easier and there won’t be so many worries.”

Ozi immediately said: "That won't work, Yike fans won't agree."

Both of them laughed.

It's hard not to feel harmonious when meeting like this.

Regarding Fang Zhuo's plan to stay in China for a period of time, he has vaguely talked with several golf friends, and the reason is also very legitimate: to return to his family more often.

The biggest label on Fang Zhuo is that he is the head of Yike.

Yike is now very popular, especially in the past year, after suppressing Apple and Samsung, it is almost the undisputed strongest high-end mobile phone brand. However, the other two competitors, Samsung's products failed, their chips and workmanship were poor, and Apple's strategy failed , the cheap version of iPhone hurts the brand positioning, and is not as smooth as Yike's development.

However, Yike's main product is consumer electronics. Although there are many sour criticisms, the existence is still acceptable and explained, and its listing on Nasdaq is also legal.

However, his other label is more sensitive - the founder of China's largest wafer manufacturing company, Bingxin International.

The superimposition of these two labels always inevitably brings a certain degree of uncertainty.

Fortunately, seeking common ground while reserving differences, the third label of the MIGA fund has become a lubricant to a large extent. Whenever the friction is rough, it will be much easier to use more lubricants.

However, the effect of 1 plus 1 greater than 2 erupted from the first two tags is too obvious, and small lubrication cannot stop large friction.

After meeting the largest shadow shareholder, Fang Zhuo packed his bags and planned to fly to France first and then return to Shanghai.

Bingxin finalized a new wafer fab in France last year. It basically follows the plan of the German factory. Now it is doing the final equipment debugging. He plans to go shopping and spend some time in China.

On October 29, Fang Zhuo took a car to the airport, where the "Qingzi" was already waiting.

Austin, a close friend of the shadow shareholder, made a special trip to see him off.

In the car, he asked with great interest what Mr. Fang thought of the current dispute at Qualcomm: "Mr. Fang, do you think that Chen Fuyang can really compete with Jacobs?"

"I don't know, but Qualcomm does need a leader with more outstanding capabilities. Most media criticized Chen Fuyang, but some media recognized his ability. If I have to say, I am not praising him. Chen Fuyang is indeed more capable. Suitable for Qualcomm," said Fang Zhuo.

Austin mused.

Kong Yu, the co-pilot, said at this time: "We have to support Chen Fuyang. Some of our money is still in Qualcomm. Now is not a good time to make a move. We have to wait for Chen Fuyang to push up Qualcomm's stock price to get the maximum profit."

Austin nodded slightly, knowing that this was what Mr. Fang and his group were doing.

The convoy arrives at the airport.

"Austin, you are always welcome to visit Shanghai. There are many opportunities in the East that are worth exploring. Asia contains many areas for wealth growth." Fang Zhuo shook hands with his close friend.

Austin agreed with a smile on his face.

Fang Zhuo waved goodbye and took people on the plane.

Private plane takes off.

Kong Yu flipped through the newspaper on his seat for a while and suddenly let out a sigh of relief: "Mr. Fang, I won't take the same plane with you next time."

"Who do you mean is more dangerous?" Fang Zhuo asked without looking up while playing a decompression game on Mars 8.8.

"I'm even afraid that the 'Qingzi' will suddenly fall while it's flying." Kong Yu said bluntly.

Liu Zonghong glanced at the gasoline man dissatisfied.

"Bing Xin's confidentiality work is quite good. It's not serious, and the conflicts are not that sharp. It's just that you have something in your mind." Fang Zhuo said with a smile.

Kong Yu took a sip of red wine. He really had something in his mind. If the 16nm of the ice core were exposed, it would probably shock the whole world and it would be impossible to cover it up.

He has decided to mainly carry out low-key activities in Hong Kong, Singapore, Paris, Berlin and other places depending on the situation in the next few years.

"Qingzi" flew silently in the sky.

Fang Zhuo had enough experience with the game on Mars 8.8. He put down his phone and took the document handed over by his secretary. He couldn't help but feel a little emotional: "Maybe a new and more challenging era has begun."

Kong Yu geared up: "Mr. Fang, I'm ready. If the worst happens, I'll enter the big A."

Fang Zhuo said "hmm" and said tactfully: "It doesn't need to be such a big challenge."

Kong Yu laughed out loud, but Mr. Fang was still humble and unwilling to use his magic hand.

Time has entered November, and Fang Zhuo, who only visited France for three days, soon returned to China to prepare for this meeting with global consumers.

Qualcomm's Jacobs and Chen Fuyang are still criticizing each other, and they are getting more and more fierce.

Samsung's Trump and Apple's iPhone have already reached the hands of many consumers, but the countdown on Yike's official website and offline channels and the Mars 8.8 banner this time have successfully aroused the hearts of many people, who want to wait for the last flagship of Yusanjia Make a purchase decision after the debut.

Broadcom has officially accepted Intel's acquisition offer. Intel has submitted review requests to 10 countries or regions around the world, and has not yet heard any objections.

Competition in different fields around the world is in full swing, and Yike’s countdown is getting closer to the autumn launch.

On November 9, Fang Zhuo, who returned to Shanghai headquarters from Luzhou, listened to a YMS meeting. President Qi He reported on the recent domestic competition, mainly talking about taxi hailing and search.

Duji has already given up on taxi rides, but with the entry of Uber, the domestic market has reignited a war that is expected to continue until next year. Fortunately, Penguin can’t hold on any longer.

How many first-tier brands can survive in the domestic taxi-hailing software market?

From last year to this year, the understanding inside and outside the industry has been changing. As of November, many people are pessimistic and believe that it may be difficult to support even three companies. At most, two can only eat meat, and the rest can only drink soup. .

After Du Ji, penguins also seem to find it difficult to eat meat.

For YBAT, taxi-hailing software is just a battle for mobile payment scenarios, while for Penguin, its expenditures are becoming less and less cost-effective, putting more and more pressure on itself.

Penguin didn't have time to laugh at Duji in the second half of this year, and soon realized a similar situation - investment institutions were not optimistic that Penguin would survive to the end, especially after Duji fell.

Duji's admission of defeat had a chain reaction. Venture capitalists in the Penguin camp were already shaken and did not want to continue investing money.

There is another problem that Penguin is just as difficult to solve as Duji. So what if we can get a certain share of the taxi-hailing software?

Mobile payment is a comprehensive competition in the payment scene, and this competition has emerged from e-commerce, developed in the group purchase business, and has become increasingly fierce as the smart hardware side matures.

Penguin’s e-commerce business couldn’t succeed, and Penguin’s group buying was a mess. Penguin didn’t have the advantage of hardware. It soon painfully discovered that the mobile payment window was shrinking, but the essence of this shrinkage was the business performance of previous years. .

Yike and Alibaba already have an advantage, and this advantage is snowballing. The competition between them in payment is the first to crush other competitors, even if these competitors also include giants like Duji and Penguin.

There are also gaps among the giants.

Penguin, which suffered a defeat in mobile communications, will find it difficult to regain its position as a front-line giant.

Fortunately, this entangled and depressed mood can be relieved by looking back at the even more depressed Du Ji.

"Duji has stopped losses in time, its business is shrinking, and the previous negative optimization on the PC side has disappeared." Qi He talked about Duji's most important search, "I have to say that Duji's search brand is still very good. It’s valuable, and once its frivolous operations stop, users’ abandonment will slow down.”

"So it seems that there is no way to win quickly this year?" Fang Zhuo asked. He had previously hoped to deal with all the opponents that could be solved before Yike faced the biggest challenge. The General Office had a lot of discussions about this.

"This is a long-term competition and a collision of the whole. We still need to continue to invest in the search-derived ecology." Qi He said seriously.

Fang Zhuo could see the unfinished meaning in his expression and signaled that he didn't need to show off.

"Brand recognition is very important. I just said that many users have brand inertia. Therefore, I have been thinking recently that we can actually strengthen this aspect." Qi He suggested, "For example, our Yike brand is It’s very loud, much louder than Sogou.”

Fang Zhuo frowned.

"Sogou is already second on the mobile side, and is still closing in on Duji's share. It is also forcing Duji to stop negative optimization on the PC side. It can be said that Sogou has gained a very good user base." Qi He said seriously, "I even think Sogou's historical mission may end here."

Fang Zhuo's brows tightened.

"Mr. Fang, we are going to launch Mars 8.8 this year. If we can gain more brand value through this, it is worth using. If we face more challenges, our global business will inevitably shrink. How can we support this plate?" ? It’s nothing more than increasing revenue and reducing expenditure.” Qi He pointed out the future development, “Why not take advantage of the company’s stock price to be pushed up by new products and directly acquire Sogou to completely suppress Duji.”

Regarding the possible situations that Yike will encounter after releasing Mars 8.8, the General Office has gradually gained more consensus. Even if Aramco needs to respond, it will take some time.

Yike can definitely use this time to make acquisitions, optimize its business structure, and improve its hematopoietic system.

Qi He firmly believes that Yike can break through the tight siege, but he also hopes that the process of this breakthrough will be more comfortable.

Facing Qi He's gaze, Fang Zhuo said angrily: "I want you to deal with your opponents before facing any trouble, not your partners!"

"Mr. Fang, why do you think Sogou resists being acquired by us? Why do you think Sogou doesn't want to go further? Yike's name is not a burden, Yike itself is a golden brand!" Qi He explained.

Fang Zhuo was embarrassed for a while: "We have acquired AutoNavi, but AutoNavi still maintains its name. According to your wishes, you want to acquire Sogou and change Sogou to 'Yike Search'..."

Qi He nodded. Otherwise, if the brand power is also used, the word "Yike" can directly bring competitive bonuses. This will also prevent opponents from counterattacking later.

Why not let it counterattack? Just kill him directly.

He listened to Mr. Fang's words, considered the situation, and promised: "Mr. Fang, this is the last time. We don't need to make any other acquisitions. The purpose of YMS is to build an ecosystem with partners."

Fang Zhuo was silent.

Qi He reassured: "Mr. Fang, just this time, we may have to focus on changes in the global supply chain."

Fang Zhuo sighed: "You are forcing me."

"It's Duji who is forcing us. Duji is still a bit stubborn. It only needs the last straw now. Let's let it be kind and be kind." Qi He changed his angle, "Mr. Fang, I can go and talk to Sogou first." , Sohu Chat, if they don’t want to, we will never force them.”

Fang Zhuo sighed and raised his cup to drink tea.

Qi He knew that Lao Mo agreed.

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