Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1376 The Strongest Core (4K)

An overseas phone call ended.

The demeanor that Apple CEO Cook maintained quickly shattered in one person's office.

Two things happened in one day, Yi Ke's Mars and Qualcomm's coaching change, which shocked him extremely.

Cook already had certain competitive expectations for this flagship because of Yike's countdown, but... this time it really exceeded expectations! If there is no problem with the ice core manufacturing process, it will really put great pressure on the iPhone!

However, last year’s low-cost strategy proved not to be in line with Apple’s development. This year, in order to regain its momentum, iPhone launched a bigger strategy, increasing the size of the product... This happened again with Mars 8.8...

Cook put down his phone and looked at the small round mirror on the table in confusion.

When he first took over as CEO, he encouraged himself in the mirror at home every day to forget the shadow of Jobs, but now... the shadow of Jobs is gone, replaced by the shadow of Fang Zhuo!

Also, Jacob from Qualcomm is not that unbearable...

He has done so much for Qualcomm and successfully brought Qualcomm to the forefront of the world. Why was it changed like this?

Cook is worried. Seeing that Apple's strategy has encountered problems internally and externally for two consecutive years, is his position as CEO...

But then he thought about it. Fortunately, Samsung still had a share, so it was still relatively good.

Cook rubbed his face and couldn't wait to see how Mars 8.8 performs in real life.

Coincidentally, Lee Jae-yong, the crown prince of Samsung, who was in Seoul, was in such a bad mood that he dropped the phone he just finished answering to the ground. He successfully added another unit to Trump's sales.

There is almost no need to speculate that the one most affected by Yike Mars 8.8 will be Samsung’s flagship product.

Although they are both from the three major companies, Apple still has a system ecosystem, while Samsung and Yike are both in the Android camp and have always been the most vulnerable. This has also been reflected in today's fluctuating stock prices.

Apple has fallen by 3 points, and Samsung has fallen by almost 7 points!

Lee Jae-yong had a headache.

After a while, after taking the medicine, Lee Jae-yong no longer felt any pain. He vowed not to knock again next time.

He calmed down for a while, changed to a new mobile phone, and was about to call Jacob from Qualcomm. When the call was made, he remembered that the other person was no longer the CEO of Qualcomm.


Trump sales +1 again!

Mud, the business he took over from his father can be taken away!

What kind of second generation is this Jacob!

Samsung Prince Lee Jae-yong was furious and calmed down again before calling Qualcomm’s new CEO Chen Fuyang, chatting with him about the cooperation between Samsung and Qualcomm, and tactfully expressed his dissatisfaction with the Snapdragon 810 again.

Originally, the problems with the Snapdragon 810 made Samsung uncomfortable, but Yike directly came up with a blockbuster product this time!

The house leaked and it rained all night, Zhu Rong used his energy to burn Xiaolong!

Lee Jae-yong is already considering installing his own chips in advance. Last year he had no choice but to switch from Orion to Snapdragon, and this year he will have no choice but to switch from Snapdragon back to Orion...

Why is there so much helplessness in this world?

After Li Zaiyong ended the call, he frowned for a long time, feeling an unavoidable feeling of frustration filling his heart. Ice Core International has taken the lead in manufacturing processes. If it relies on China's huge market, it will probably create an excellent cycle.

So how can Samsung pursue it?

This may bring about not only the decline of the mobile phone business, but also the pressure of multiple related businesses. Ice Core International’s storage business in China was spun off and has been extremely low-key, but it also received Qimonda The patents and technologies are probably also quietly accumulating strength.

While Lee Jae-yong was sitting alone in the office thinking hard, the landline on his desk rang. It was his father's secretary who called and asked him to go to the ward immediately to report on the business situation.

Samsung head Lee Kun-hee was admitted to the hospital due to acute myocardial infarction in May this year. In order to ensure safety and because of his age, he still stayed in the hospital even though he had recovered well.

Li Zaiyong understood that it must be this news about Yike that also alarmed his father.

Yike is coming fiercely...

While Li Zaiyong was arranging his mood and clothes, he suddenly remembered a saying he had heard before. With Yike like this, he really wanted to turn Samsung into a "little Yike".

It has been eight generations since Yike launched Mars in 2007, and it has been eleven years since Ice Core launched the project at the end of 2003. After such a long time, the two companies have combined their swords to finally create Mars 8.8, which is a global sensation.

Yike has always been strong, which is also recognized by Wall Street.

But this year he’s so’s beyond the realm of possibility!

Whether it was the Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, or the world-renowned financial television station CNBC, they all immediately conducted extensive reports based on the information they currently had.

In particular, CNBC directly invited experts from the mobile phone and semiconductor industries to participate in the discussion to discuss the significance of Yike’s Mars 8.8 and Ice Core International’s 16nm process.

"Yike is the best mobile phone in the world. I know that many people may find it difficult to accept this in their hearts. I have also seen some people think that Yike's Mars 8.8 is only ahead because of the breakthrough in the manufacturer's process."

"But I must point out that Bingxin International has always been Yike's closest partner, and its founder is Fang Zhuo, the founder of Yike."

"In other words, Fang Zhuo has been building an industrial chain system from upstream to downstream for a long time, and it is precisely through this good cycle that he has gradually improved his business map."

"In fact, there is a general term for Fang Zhuo's company in China, which is called the 'Yike System', and Bingxin International is the foundation for its continuous growth."

"Without Ice Core International, Qualcomm might not have cooperated with Yike, and Google might not have joined forces with Yike. Without Ice Core International, Yike might have had a hard time launching its self-designed chips. At the very least, It won’t go that smoothly.”

"However, the manufacturing process alone is not enough. We can clearly see that this year's Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 is not so compatible with Taiji's 20nm process, and there are obvious heat dissipation problems."

“We can’t see for the time being whether Yike’s Zhurong 05 chip is as powerful as Fang Zhuo claims. However, due to Yike’s long-term cooperative relationship with Bingxin International, I tend to think that the Zhurong chip this time will not be too big. The problem is, at best, the level of manufacturing yield.”

“The success of the Yike Mars series is a foregone conclusion!”

"Who can stop it?"

“Who can stop Fang Zhuo from reaping the rewards in a big way after years of investment?”

"Perhaps this is the best president in the world."

The invited expert Toli came from AMD, and his analysis was full of admiration. Mr. Fang’s seeds 11 years ago have blossomed and bear fruit after going through difficult cultivation. This in itself is a business case worth writing about.

However, compared to Tolley, Kurtz, another former senior vice president from Motorola, was very unkind and pointed out the threats and challenges posed by Yike, believing that this was not just a problem with the mobile phone business.

"The C-end market has always been the most competitive area. It is not something to be happy about when an Eastern company suppresses Apple and Samsung."

"Tolly also said just now that this is the success of the 'Yike Department', and Ice Core International plays an important role in it."

"I don't understand how a company like this can be so mysterious and develop to the point where, hey, it's time to take action!"

Kurtz made the appeal.

Tory, who was next to him, interrupted at this time: "Actually, Bingxin International can no longer obtain more advanced equipment from ASML. This is a hidden danger of the 'Yike System'."

Kurtz immediately said: "Do you think I don't know? But this is far from enough. Our semiconductor industry should exert stronger power to limit the development of the 'Yike System'. First, Intel should cancel its relationship with Bingxin International cooperation, and secondly, Yike’s monopoly lawsuit against Qualcomm should be ruled to fail immediately!”

He continued gushingly: "I have seen what Taiwanese executives said, and I agree with this. The emergence of Ice Core International is disruptive to the global semiconductor supply chain!"

"Not only that, the development of Yike and Bingxin International is a reflection of the rapid development of the East. We must conduct a comprehensive review and vigilance from technological competition, industrial structure, business behavior to global influence!"

"What I want to say is that once Yike and Bingxin International rely more on their own huge market to compete globally, this is likely to be a disaster!"

"Yike Mars can be strong, but it cannot be too strong. It deserves everyone's vigilance! It is threatening our Apple, our Qualcomm, and may even threaten our NVIDIA and Intel in the future!"

When Kurtz said this, he suddenly saw Tory's disapproving expression next to him and said coldly: "Tory, do you think I'm kidding?"

Tolley responded: "Yike is indeed very strong, so strong that it can directly compare with two companies like Apple and Qualcomm. But if you continue to add Nvidia and Intel to this camp, it is difficult for me to imagine that this will happen in the future. ”

Kurtz immediately refuted: "Do you think that with Bingxin International's continuous R\u0026D investment and process breakthroughs, Yike will only be satisfied with this? Yike is already China's largest cloud computing supplier, and even , it also launched a server chip based on the ARMv8 architecture, named after ancient Chinese culture, called 'Nine Chapters'!"

“This is the ambition of Yike’s development!”

"Bingxin International was able to support Yike's development in mobile phone chips when it was not leading. Now, it has the most advanced manufacturing process in the world. Even if the design is inferior, it can be made up for by the advancement of the manufacturing process!"

"If you believe that Fang Zhuo is the best president in the world, then you have to believe in his courage to use Bingxin International to expand his business and his ability to continue to snowball in business!"

"Toli, that's Yike, that's Fang Zhuo!"

“All competitors who don’t take them seriously are already falling behind!”

"No, even those competitors who looked at them squarely are falling behind!"

Kurtz threw out the "Yike threat theory" and the "Fang Zhuo threat theory" and called for more checks and balances.

Toli thought about Ice Core International's world-leading manufacturing process, the huge market in the East, the development of Yike and the ability of Shiyi's good president, and had to fall silent.

For example, there are many programs on CNBC that invite experts to discuss, and there are also many programs that make vigilant arguments like Kurtz's. It is really...

An honor like being number one in the world is so weighty!

The undisputed number one in the world is even more eye-catching!

For a time, there was a wave of "Yike fever" in public opinion after Yike's autumn conference.

On November 16th, Beijing time, when the visiting media reporters got the promised Yike Mars 8.8 and Mars 8.8 Pro, a bigger "Yike fever" appeared.

Because they were too impatient, and because they wanted to know whether this "world's first" was worthy of its name, reporters from Europe and the United States did not even have time to board the plane back home, so they were called by many parties and asked to conduct actual tests.

For example, reporters from the Wall Street Journal are relatively laymen. They only know that the phone is very smooth to use and does not feel any heat. Therefore, they cannot provide more professional opinions.

But there are also reporters from Bloomberg who are technology product enthusiasts themselves, so they can do part-time reviews and unboxing live broadcasts on YouTube.

This reporter named Rom, he has a newly replaced iPhone 6 Plus, and he also found a colleague to get Samsung's latest Trump, plus the Mars 8.8 he just got, this brings together Yu Sanjia flagship product.

When Roma started the live broadcast, it was morning in China and 8 pm Eastern Time in the United States. Therefore, his evaluation was rarely broadcast by many TV stations.

Rohm was not alone. In fact, he felt as if he was holding a press conference, surrounded by many colleagues, and cameras of all sizes were set up.

"Well, I have iPhone, Trump and Mars in my hands. I am very excited. Maybe I can change my career and become a blogger in the future."

"Well, how does Arlington usually evaluate products? Hi, Arlington, are you watching my live broadcast?"

"No matter, let's run a score first!"

Rohm took a breath and introduced the commonly used benchmarking software GeekBench, which is a cross-platform CPU benchmark suite that is also familiar to many viewers.

As a reporter, he knows how to whet his appetite. He first tested the iPhone and Trump in his hands, namely Apple's A8 and Qualcomm's Snapdragon 810.

The single-core test results show that the A8 is 1630 and the Snapdragon 810 is 1163. This has always been Apple's advantage, and the performance is obvious.

In the multi-core test results, the two companies immediately reversed. The A8 is 2927 and the Snapdragon 810 is 3899. This is also the advantage of Snapdragon multi-core.

Roma only tested these two items for the time being, knowing that the audience and the TV station were waiting for the real protagonist.

He took a deep breath and started testing Mars 8.8.

The machine was freshly unboxed and tested live throughout the entire process, without any tampering.

Mars 8.8, single-core test results, scored 1874, surpassing the strengths of the A8 by 15%.

Mars 8.8, multi-core test results, scored 4986, surpassing the strengths of the Snapdragon 810, and a significant 27.8%. As for the comparison with the A8, this directly reached 70%!

The media reporters in the conference room looked at the data in silence, and the YouTube live broadcast comments quickly filled the screen.

Rom looked at the results in his hands and murmured to himself the same sentiment as the audience:

"The Earth moves the strongest core!"

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