Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1380 Integration

His brother, whom he had not seen for a long time, came to visit. Not only for personal friendship but also to explain the situation, Fang Zhuo put down his work early and drove directly home at noon without going anywhere else.

This was Zheng Danrui's first visit, and also the first time he saw Fang Xiaoman. He teased her for a while and gave her a small red envelope.

During lunch time, we exchange cups and cups, reminisce about the past, and look forward to the future.

Zheng Danrui felt far more emotion than Fang Zhuo. The man next to him was different from the past. The Yike Department, which he single-handedly led, was already a behemoth, and he himself had become a very influential representative figure in Eastern business.

He liked the slogan shouted by Yi Ke very much, keep making progress.

Who doesn't want to join the club? However, Yike and Fang Zhuo are progressing so fast!

The wine is flowing and the atmosphere of the family dinner is relaxed.

"Fang Zhuo, actually, there is something I have been wanting to ask you for these years." Zheng Danrui has been calling Fang Zhuo "Mr. Fang" ever since he met Fang Zhuo. This is the first time he has called him by his first name while eating and drinking, but after three drinks, It's not out of the ordinary at the moment.

"Brother Zheng, tell me, I will tell you everything." Fang Zhuo said with a smile.

Zheng Danrui held the wine glass and sighed with a hint of drunkenness: "When you did that online registration, did you already expect that online charging would be banned?"

Regarding Mr. Fang’s first project that year, Zheng Danrui was the one who always supported him behind the scenes, also because it was an information construction project that he had dug out first-hand.

However, the originally planned closed-loop charging was vetoed after the superiors considered the impact, which forced him to come to the door in person. He asked very straightforwardly that Mr. Fang must maintain the project, and he also took advantage of the situation and helped him a small favor. , changing the nature of funds.

For many years after that, Zheng Danrui felt that it was Mr. Fang who helped him maintain his grades, but then... Yi Ke became popular and Mr. Fang was clean and pure. He couldn't help but have an idea... He didn't Could it be that he was also designed into it?

The past is long gone, and everyone is in a good situation now. Logically speaking, you can just keep things in mind whether you can ask or not. However, when he had nothing to do in the past two years, he thought about it and always wanted to understand it.

"Hey, brother, when you mention it, the past is really vivid in my mind. Oh, how could I have thought that I would be killed by the policy." Fang Zhuo stopped calling "Brother Zheng", and his words were full of sincerity.

He sighed: "To tell you the truth, during the first two years of my career as Yike, I was often brooding about it. I tossed and turned at night and couldn't sleep. If it hadn't been for your protection at that time, there might not have been Yike. Later, Yi Ke The development momentum of Keke is good, and now that we have money, my knot is slowly unraveling.”

Zheng Danrui wished he had sharp eyes and could tell whether what Mr. Fang said was true or false.

He was silent for two seconds and took the initiative to raise his glass.

The two drank a toast, and those long-decided past events were buried in the wine.

Zheng Danrui chatted a little more about his work in business, changed his title to "Mr. Fang" again, and asked: "Mr. Fang, what do you need from Bingxin now?"

"Speaking of what is needed... actually it is not something that can be done in a short time. Many things cannot be done in a hurry, and reinventing the wheel itself requires patience." Fang Zhuo thought about it, and finally thought of something that we could talk about, "We I have made a lot of plans in the semiconductor industry, whether it is design, manufacturing or C-end competition. However, when I was in the United States a few months ago, I wanted to try to form a strong alliance with Changdian, and I also made an appointment when I returned to China. Let’s talk, but these days, they are kind of avoiding me.”

Really hiding!

Either he flew to Pengcheng, or he flew to Singapore, or he went on an inspection trip somewhere, but couldn't squeeze in the time to meet.

Fang Zhuo was not a person who forced others to do something difficult, so it was fine if others asked, but this was his own brother, so since he asked, he might as well talk about it.

I am engaged in business, and he is engaged in business. They are both similar, and they can bounce ideas around.

Zheng Danrui just picked up the cup and gently dropped it on the table.

He knew what the ice core meant to Changdian, but the flowers were willing and the water was ruthless. Ice cores were important, but not all other companies had to ask for them.

Moreover, Changdian has achieved good results in the semiconductor packaging and testing process. If it can acquire Singapore's STATS ChipPAC this time, its size will suddenly increase.'s different now.

Ice Core has successfully launched the world's first 16nm process technology, and there are already rumors of being targeted. It is not easy for children.

Besides, Changdian may not really be unwilling.

Does avoiding Mr. Fang mean that you are unwilling?

Mr. Fang is not a casual person. Facts have proved that he is really capable of achieving results. From the perspective of the development of the overall industry, are wafer manufacturing and packaging and testing more closely linked?

If the industry is about to face changes, everything else will be secondary. Of course, whoever can do it will be allowed to do it.

Zheng Danrui's thoughts turned around a few times and he criticized: "Mr. Fang, Changdian has its own plans. It has great ambitions to acquire STATS ChipPAC this time. Are you not disrupting other people's hard work!" "

When Fang Zhuo heard the criticism, he felt more relaxed and replied seriously: "Indeed, every company has its own plan. I feel uneasy when I think that it may disrupt the ideas of Changdian, but …”

He still used competitors as an example: "Bingxin's competitors in the industry are only those, and among them, Taiji and Samsung are involved in downstream, in order to seek an overall strategy with higher cost performance. This direction should be the right direction."

"Similarly, Mr. Qiu of our Ice Core has always wanted to expand in this direction. Our previous attempt was to jointly develop advanced packaging with Changdian, but the effect was not very good."

Zheng Danrui listened carefully, nodded silently, and saw that Mr. Fang was not without reason.

"If possible, we still hope to completely complete the overall layout of the domestic industrial chain. Next, we will focus more on fighting tough battles and reinventing the wheel." Fang Zhuo paused for a moment and said sincerely, " It is true that time does not wait for us, and it is not easy for Bingxin to catch up to where it is now.”

Zheng Danrui pondered again and again, then nodded and said in an informal manner: "Then let me ask you. It is always a good time for everyone to sit down and discuss the future of the industry."

Fang Zhuo raised his glass happily.

Zheng Danrui also raised his glass, but he still couldn't help but say: "Mr. Fang, you are the biggest and strongest like this. You really don't miss any opportunity to speak."

"Forget it for others, my brother opened his mouth." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "I did it."

Zheng Danrui drank together. This glass of wine was for nothing else but the poem I heard Mr. Fang say in the office earlier.

At noon, the guests and hosts enjoyed the family dinner.

However, although Zheng Danrui came here informally, he still had a small mission and wanted to hear firsthand the ice core leader's assessment of future risks and the latest plan.

In this regard, the wafer manufacturing service alliance led by Bingxin has been providing data and reference opinions, and is also striving to promote the development of the domestic industry.

However, many people still want to know Mr. Fang’s own judgment and attitude.

Fang Zhuo had another chat about this in the evening. The conversation took place in the "Huali Phase I" factory area. Ever since it was acquired by Bingxin, it has been cooperating with many domestic manufacturers and trying to beautify and localize its products. Wire.

In the past two years, the progress of de-beautification has been very good. Although there are certain competitiveness issues in the yield rate, it is generally satisfactory. Of course, this is also related to its manufacturing process.

The de-beautification production line that "Huali Phase I" first ran through was 65nm, which means that it was only able to run through 45nm in the third quarter of this year, and there is still a lot of room for yield improvement.

"This speed is actually quite good." Fang Zhuo took Brother Zheng for a walk in the factory area, pointing to the B line that was just completed a few months ago, and said, "After all, the outside world is not monolithic, and there are always twists and turns every step of the way. The space, 45nm looks very different from the 16nm in Luzhou, but the Luzhou side is full of the most cutting-edge equipment in the world, and the meaning is different. "

What's more, the next route has been verified step by step by ice cores.

"It will be great when we can run through the 16nm of line C here." Zheng Danrui said with hope.

Fang Zhuo thought about this question...

He replied sideways: "If the industry situation changes greatly, there is no need to rush for cutting-edge breakthroughs. The 16nm of the ice core itself can be more advanced. There is a huge market for advanced and mature processes such as 28nm and 45nm." As for space, Ami will only control it from the tip down. The more we control, the more we can operate without hindrance, and the smaller the overall impact will be."

Not all products must be 16nm. Ice Core is still expanding its 28nm production capacity. The competitive standard for 16nm is to compare with Taiwanese and Samsung, but 28nm is actually more advanced than most manufacturers in the world.

Even now, Ice Core's 45nm still contributes 22.9% of revenue, and its share in the past two years was as high as 33.6%.

According to today's industry perspective, 28nm will be the dividing line between advanced processes and non-advanced processes, which means that it can contribute longer vitality.

"Well, we have strategic space, but Yike..." Zheng Danrui thought of Yike who was in the spotlight.

"Yike is a listed company on Nasdaq. Our market capitalization is now very high. Many stocks are in the hands of institutions on Wall Street. No matter what, we do not expect to be subject to immediate enforcement. Maybe the other side is also finding it difficult. "Yeah." Fang Zhuo talked about the current situation, hiding some parts that were difficult to describe.

Zheng Danrui nodded and said, "I just feel sorry."

"This is a new thing." Fang Zhuo pointed to Huali's factory again, and then pointed in the direction of Luzhou, "It has already been started in Luzhou."

He finally pointed in the direction of Yike's headquarters: "Yike has also created a big market and is still trying its best to ship goods. These are improvements beyond my imagination. Sometimes I think about it, it's already Very gratifying.”

Before Zheng Danrui could say anything, he saw Secretary Fang standing on the other side answering the phone and then coming over.

"Mr. Fang, Intel announced that it will launch 14nm processors on December 31." Liu Zonghong reported the news, "He also said that the cooperation between Ice Core International and AMD will be a severe challenge."

"We haven't officially reached a cooperation yet." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "It's the last day of the year and we have to leave our names for 2014. It's hard for Intel."

There was something wrong with the computer, and I didn’t bring my notebook back. I worked on it for a while and will make up the word count tomorrow.

I came back after the Chinese New Year and am so busy... I feel very apologetic to thank the leader Ren Kankan for the reward, the leader Guo Bohu for the large reward, and I am also very grateful to everyone for their continued subscription and monthly support.

If there are no accidents, the book will be finished by the end of next month. If there is an accident (meaning updates are too slow), the book will be finished in April.

Next month I won’t be very busy, I plan to update more and make up for the past overdue updates, I can’t finish the book but I still owe it…

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