Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1389 Hopeless (4k)

Fourteen years after its establishment, Duji finally found the meaning of its existence.

Of course Li Yanhong was joking.

In other words, joy in suffering.

However, his words made many senior executives who were already unhappy feel... hopeless, and immediately two directors left in just three days.

However, not only the media was not surprised, but even Li Yanhong himself was not too surprised. Everyone has his own ambitions, so let's go.

On January 8, when Li Yanhong accepted the daily work report from the vice president to Hilong, he was suddenly shocked by the other party's words.

"Robin, I need to take a break." Xiang Hailong submitted his resignation calmly after reporting his work.

Li Yanhong could accept that others have their own ambitions, but he could not accept Xiang Hailong's ambition. He looked at his powerful vice president in shock: "Mr. Xiang, what do you mean? Do you want to take a vacation?"

Xiang Hailong said without any hesitation: "Robin, thank you Duji for nurturing me, but my body really can't support it during this time, and I want to leave the workplace for a while."

Li Yanhong looked closely at the vice president in front of him and asked: "Who poached you? Where are you going? Ali? Penguin? Or...Yike?"

Xiang Hailong sighed and replied: "No, I have no plans to go to these three companies. I am really... exhausted physically and mentally. I need to rest. If my body adjusts well, I may do some investment work. For the time being, No other ideas."

Li Yanhong digested the first big news that shocked him in the Gregorian New Year. After a moment, he said, "Mr. Xiang, if you are under great pressure and feel uncomfortable, just rest for a while and adjust. There is no need to leave your job. After you adjust and take charge of the business you should be responsible for, our company cannot live without you."

As a hero of the development of Duji, as the powerful vice president, and as a member of the decision-making team, if Xiang Hailong leaves, it will almost be a repeat of the internal personnel turmoil in the middle of last year.

Li Yanhong didn't want to see such a scene, and he really didn't want to lose another cadre when Du Ji was under pressure.

"Robin, I..." Xiang Hailong hesitated for a moment, but it was not that he was hesitating whether to leave or not, but that he was hesitating whether to speak frankly. In the end, he said concisely and forcefully, "I have decided."

Li Yanhong looked at Xiang Hailong, who responded with a calm expression.

"Hilong, the company is at the most critical moment. I understand that you want to take a rest at this time, but can't you come back to help the company after you have rested?" Li Yanhong changed his perspective.

"Can't help." Xiang Hailong became more concise.

Li Yanhong stood up and walked around the office: "If you have any opinions about the company or me, just say it directly. I think there is nothing we can't talk about."

"Robin, I really have no objection." Xiang Hailong really had an objection, but after making the decision, he didn't want to talk. "I just have a physical problem, and, to put it bluntly, if I stay, I can help the company develop." To win the tough battle, I will grit my teeth and hold on, but..."

He felt helpless when he said this and spread his hands: "The problem is, it's useless for the company to keep me here. Now unless Fang Zhuo is brought to the company, the company's business will only be cannibalized little by little. This is As for overall strength, Yike has developed too fast.”

In the past two years, Xiang Hailong was like a brick that was moved wherever needed. He was responsible for searches, group buying, and taking care of taxis. However, he was at a disadvantage in every aspect.

Such repeated defeats will really break Dao’s heart!

After Yike officially launched the brand name "Yisou", the two were already at the same level in the PC search market. CTR's click-through rate shows that Duji's market share is 43% and Yisou's market share is 37%!

Within a week, the company changed its name from Sogou to Yisou, and its market share increased by nearly 10 points.

This is an improvement that shocked and even despaired the inside of Duji. I had guessed the brand value of Yike, but I had not guessed its such high value!

On the mobile side, Sogou overtook Duji with a 2-point advantage in early December last year, announcing that the top spot in the mobile market had changed hands.

PC + mobile, there is only a thin difference between Yike Basic and Duji.

Xiang Hailong believes that we may see the end of a giant this month.

If it is only second in search, how can Duji be called a giant? What else can we rely on to counterattack?

Do you really want to rely on foreign uncertainties?

We are not sure about it abroad, but Yike is very sure at home!

Xiang Hailong lost confidence and did not want to play the role of "a link in curbing Yike's monopoly" in the company.

"Hailong, are you so willing to give up the market to Yike?" Li Yanhong put one hand on his desk and raised his voice.

"Robin, it was never us who gave up to Yike, it was Yike who snatched it away!" Xiang Hailong couldn't help but reflect after saying this, "Perhaps, it can also be said that it was our wrong decision that gave up. , when Yike is already eyeing it, we should not be in a hurry, we should not optimize the PC, we should not rush into the taxi market, and we should not jump into group buying... If we are too hasty, we will make mistakes in a hurry!"

Xiang Hailong shook his head and reflected: "But...any company that is targeted by Yike will have a hard time not being impatient. Duji has faced greater pressure in the past two years than Penguin did back then. It's hard for us not to be impatient. It’s hard not to make mistakes.”

Yike has been advancing with strength in the past two years, neither hurried nor slow, neither arrogant nor impatient, and now the performance of the overall search market has proved that these are enough.

When the tide receded, Xiang Hailong almost overturned the company's past major decisions. He felt that if he had stuck to the search track two years ago, he might have been able to fight with Yike.

However, at that time, Duji had high confidence in search, and believed that it could rely on this brand and traffic to expand in multiple fields, keep up with the popular expansion of giants, and tell capital stories and grow in volume.

One is radical, the other is conservative, and only the final result can verify which one is right.

But Xiang Hailong himself was also inclined to be radical at the beginning. At this moment, what else can he say?

Just be willing to accept the loss.

But Xiang Hailong admitted defeat, and Li Yanhong was still unwilling to accept this collapse-style surrender.

Duji still has 43% of the market share!

How can you occupy the first place and then surrender!

"The taxis have been sold, and the subsidies for group purchases have been reduced. Let's take it slow. Duji Maps is still quite successful. With PC and mobile, we are still the number one search brand in the country. Hailong, Google didn't beat us back then, do you think Yike can do it?" Li Yanhong encouraged Xiang Hailong.

Xiang Hailong just remained silent, and the answer in his heart was self-evident.

Again, the international giants faced this time grew up from the local area, and they are very patient.

Even, he didn't want to say something more discouraging. Duji was not fighting against the complete Yike at all, but just a YMS business group of Yike.

According to the information leaked by Yike, the general manager Fang of Yike basically didn't ask about the competition in search, and Qi He was behind the competition.

Li Yanhong sat down again and said, "Hailong, do you have any opinions about me? You can raise them. Or do you have any opinions about Melissa? You can raise them."

Melissa is the English name of his wife. Since the failure of Duji Taxi and the face-to-face questioning by senior executives at the meeting, Ma Dongmin gradually faded out of the management.

But even so, the bleeding of the online car-hailing market still makes many people feel uneasy. The money could have been transferred to other projects.

Xiang Hailong shook his head and still didn't speak.

"Hailong, I regard you as the future CEO of the company!" Li Yanhong threw out a hypothesis.

Everyone knows that Xiang Hailong is the real power of Duji.

Xiang Hailong wanted to laugh but didn't laugh when he heard this. Future CEO?

He is a vice president with no financial power at all. Many obviously asymmetric things have to go through CFO Li Xinzhe, and Li Xinzhe reports to Robin.

What future CEO, what Duji prince, what company's second-in-command.

Duji has never had a prince, a second-in-command, or a future CEO!

This is just Robin's own.

Xiang Hailong did not say what was in his heart. He thought it would be better for both of them to be more decent.

"Robin, I will always be grateful for your respect for me and for Du Ji's training of me, but I have made up my mind. I want to take a break and return to my family. You really don't need to persuade me anymore. I will arrange all the work that should be arranged." Xiang Hailong stood up while speaking, leaving no room for dialogue.

Li Yanhong said with regret: "Why is it so?"

Xiang Hailong moved his right hand. Seeing that Robin had no intention of shaking hands, he could only nod and quietly leave the office where he had been many times in the past few years.

Goodbye, Robin, goodbye, Du Ji.

Li Yanhong sat in the office for a long time and couldn't let it go.

As for Du Ji today, he felt that Xiang Hailong was almost behind him. It was not an exaggeration to say that he was "highly powerful". How could he leave like this, even a little irresponsibly?

After a long time, Li Yanhong began to think about how to reduce the storm of Xiang Hailong's resignation.

At the moment of life and death for Duji, the resignation of such a high-ranking executive will definitely hit the confidence of employees again. To put it bluntly, Xiang Hailong's communication and low-keyness will be much better, at least better than last year's shock.

Li Yanhong considered the candidate to replace Xiang Hailong, but after thinking about it, the executives who came to his mind were always a little bit off.

When it was close to noon, he was getting more and more confused. He almost wanted to call Xiang Hailong again, but thinking about the other party's performance of leaving, he gave up the impulse.

Li Yanhong picked up the phone with extremely complicated feelings, but before he looked at it twice, he saw a similar repost in the circle of friends.

It is worth mentioning that Li Yanhong once gave up using Yixin because of the competition with Yike, but too many internal employees and people around him used Yixin, so he started using it again. The reason was also very simple. Duji and Yike did not compete in communication software.

At this moment, Li Yanhong clicked on the dynamics of the circle of friends, and it was a reposted video from a new video software "Tik Tok".

As soon as he clicked on the video, he frowned and saw Fang Zhuo, the head of Yike.

Fang Zhuo in the video was filmed by someone else. He was holding a mobile phone with a smile on his face. He laughed "hahahaha" and then invited the other party to visit Shencheng.

Then, after Fang Zhuo finished speaking, he released his finger on the screen and suddenly found that he had not pressed the recording button for the voice he just sent, so he had to send "hahahaha" and the invitation again.

However, the first time was a very natural voice reply. This time it didn't send successfully and tried to repeat it again. His laughter always seemed unnatural.

Finally, Fang Zhuo looked helplessly at the shooting angle, waved his hands, and said, "Stop filming, and don't post it even if you do. It's too embarrassing."

A small scene of using Yixin in life, but the protagonist of the video is the head of Yike.

Li Yanhong himself used Yixin and experienced a similar situation. The first time it was not sent, and the second time he used voice it felt strange, so he often chose to type instead.

After watching this video, he smiled knowingly.

When he casually clicked on another video in the circle of friends, it still showed the scene of Fang Zhuo using Yixin, but this time he listened to it again after sending the voice.

Li Yanhong felt a little uncomfortable at once. What's going on? Isn't this him?

Did the person named Fang install surveillance around him?

Li Yanhong turned off the video and suddenly found that there were many more shares from Douyin in his circle of friends. He was surprised. Is there any large-scale traffic diversion between this new APP and Yixin?

Such collaborations are uncommon.

Li Yanhong had previously caught a glimpse of the launch of Douyin, which was said to have received investment from a number of well-known figures and Yike, but the specific scale was not disclosed, and the founder came from Yike.

He frowned, quickly flipped through the relevant information, confirmed the important traces of Yike's existence, and then came up with some thoughts in his mind.

A short video platform?

It looks like a video version of Weibo.

Does Yike want to use Yixin’s traffic to launch a video version of Weibo platform in the 4G era?

Do you want to follow up?

Li Yanhong subconsciously had an idea.

Then, he started to think, since Yike provides money, if the short video is important, why isn't it directly embedded in Yixin? Does this prove that it is important but not that important?

Li Yanhong's questions are also questions of several other companies.

Yike's name is a golden sign. Although it did not directly do it this time, the entrepreneurial team and funding undoubtedly came from its hands, and the project logic is relatively clear, which has made many people think about related changes.

Nowadays, more and more mobile phone users have upgraded to 4G, and faster network speeds seem to be able to support changes in mobile video formats. The text version of Weibo is an important social media platform, and the “video version of Weibo” is Isn’t it a new social media platform expression based on the 4G era?

However, the industry is still analyzing that many people who have been shared by Yixin and Moments have flocked to Douyin to try it out and discovered a new world.

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