Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1395 The God of Wealth Sinks (4k)

On February 3, with only two weeks left before the Spring Festival, Alibaba's market value basically stabilized at 220 billion US dollars.

Sun Tongyu flew from Guangzhou overnight yesterday. Even though he didn't get enough sleep, he was still very energetic when he arrived at Yike headquarters today.

Whether it was Mr. Fang's call or Yike's meeting at this critical moment, it undoubtedly proved that Yike still has great ambitions in the field of e-commerce. Looking at the domestic market, if you want to compete with Alibaba, you can only look at it.

Sun Tongyu has been busy with Mi Tuan for the past two years, which is very fulfilling. The original experience of pioneering e-commerce seems to have gradually become a vague dream. Occasionally, it rolls in my heart at night, but it will soon be covered by the reality of work.

It's just a job, it's just the old employer, so what?

After all these years, I don't feel anything at all, and my heart is as calm as water.

Besides, don't we also suppress Alibaba's reputation in the group buying market?

Just after Sun Tongyu received the call from Mr. Fang and before he took the flight to apply for the job,, which is responsible for group buying business of Alibaba, suddenly increased its subsidies, almost replicating the offensive launched by Taobao and Tmall against Yiguo before the Spring Festival.

Going public is different, having money is different!

The fire in Sun Tongyu's heart became more fierce.

He had all kinds of thoughts and guesses in his mind, but walking in the headquarters of Yike today, in addition to the entanglement with his predecessor, he couldn't help but pay attention to the atmosphere inside Yike.

I heard that the situation facing Yike is more troublesome, and it is not known what direction it will take.

This may also affect the competition between Yike and Alibaba, which is indeed a small disadvantage.

However, Sun Tongyu didn't need to pay special attention. When he walked past the workstation, some gossips about the current situation floated to his ears, which seemed to show the tension of Yike in the face of the current situation to a certain extent.

"Mr. Sun, I won't go into the meeting room." Liu Zonghong, who led the way, said so when he was about to reach the meeting room.

"Just do your thing. I don't need you to lead me. I'm familiar with this place." Sun Tongyu smiled at Fang's secretary.

Liu Zonghong knocked on the door of the conference room, said hello to Sun Tongyu, and then left in a hurry.

As soon as Sun Tongyu entered the conference room, Fang's voice came to his face.

"Please welcome Mr. Sun Tongyu, our e-commerce consultant, group buying pioneer, Ali Caishen, and former head of Taobao." Fang Zhuo introduced him like this, "Welcome him to give us a few words."

Faced with such ridicule, Sun Tongyu shrugged helplessly. He glanced and saw that they were all familiar faces, and he felt relieved. Mr. Fang was of course, Mr. Su of Yiguo, Mr. Xiong of IDG, Mr. Zhang of Yixin, and... Mr. Fan of Douyin, the latest rising star.

Five groups of people, if you add yourself, that's six groups of people.

This specification has fully expressed respect for Alibaba, which has a market value of $220 billion.

"Mr. Fang asked me to say a few words, so I will." Sun Tongyu was not afraid of the stage, and raised his voice slightly, "If Alibaba wants to compete, then let it compete!"

Xiong Xiaoge said good, and immediately asked: "How to compete?"

Sun Tongyu's eyes fell on Fan Minggang of Douyin, who was the deputy director of Yike and almost one of the most popular people in the business world in the past month.

How should Yike strengthen its e-commerce competition with Alibaba?

Sun Tongyu had repeatedly considered it before coming. Just as Alibaba established Tmall to enter B2C, Yiguo also tried to leverage Taobao's C2C, but the effect was not good.

This is a bit like Yixin's siphoning of mobile communication traffic after it has scale. Taobao has this status in e-commerce C2C, and Yiguo has failed to succeed in repeated attempts.


Although Alibaba, Penguin, and Duji all focused on social networking after following the short video, believing that this is another derivative competition of social platforms in the 4G era, Sun Tongyu believes that the short video track is likely to touch the new form of e-commerce.

Its content must be rich, and it can display products more intuitively. Its inherent social attributes can bring stronger interactivity. Coupled with data algorithms, buying while watching will definitely have a place in the future.

As for how big this place can be, it remains to be seen.

Sun Tongyu retracted his gaze and answered Mr. Xiong's question with a smile: "I think Douyin can be of great use. This short video social platform can have a wider coverage than Weibo, and for e-commerce business, a weapon to develop sinking markets and expand consumer groups may have appeared."

Several people in the conference room unconsciously changed their eyes. Although the time to notify Sun Tongyu was nine o'clock, everyone actually arrived at eight o'clock and had discussed the new future of e-commerce competition for a while.

Sun Tongyu answered on the spot, and his ideas coincided with the discussion just now. He is worthy of being Alibaba's former "God of Wealth".

"Mr. Sun, sit down." Fang Zhuo stretched out his hand.

Sun Tongyu took his seat and suddenly had a sense of déjà vu of accepting a test. Is this, is this answer in line with Mr. Fang's wishes? If they don't get along, well, they won't be kicked out after two cups of tea, right?

"Mi Tuan is good, and it's developing very fast. How is Junzi doing recently?" Fang Zhuo didn't rush to talk about Alibaba, and asked about the recent situation of his old acquaintance.

"Junz, ahem, Jun Zong, ah no, President Lei is very busy recently. Alibaba launched the "New Year Offensive" this time, and Mi Tuan is under great pressure. It directly burned money to subsidize, which is an old routine but effective." Sun Tongyu changed his name twice before getting rid of the influence.

"You guys have already given the code name of 'New Year Offensive' internally, right? Hey, Alibaba's IPO is really full of ammunition this time. At present, it is not limited to group buying, e-commerce, maps, and taxis. They have all launched more intense competition. It is worthy of being one of the two poles." Su Wei sighed.

Xiong Xiaoge nodded and said his observation: "Alibaba has obviously adjusted its competition strategy through this IPO. Maybe they think that taking advantage of the tricky situation of Yike, now is a good opportunity to launch a large-scale attack."

Alibaba is not a temporary impulse. Its aggressiveness in many fields must have been planned for a long time.

As for taking advantage of the opportunity of Yike's troubles, the people present did not think there was anything wrong. There is nothing to say about commercial competition.

"Yike's problem this time is indeed tricky." Fang Zhuo did not hide this in front of these people. He said very honestly, "Alibaba's listing response is very good. It is a good choice to launch an offensive with such momentum."

He continued: "But Yike is tricky. What does this have to do with the Yike system?"

Sun Tongyu's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this.

Yike system is a widely circulated name, not only in China, but also in the media of Meilijian. Everyone has always been accustomed to thinking that Yike is the absolute core. If the core performs poorly, the whole system will decline.

However, when it comes to business, does Yike or Mr. Fang need to bear any funding issues?

Just like today, as soon as Mr. Fang spoke, people from all walks of life arrived.

Even if Yike faces challenges, it will not affect Mr. Fang's mobilization of resources. Compared with Yike's funding, people in the system may even hope that they will pay more money and work harder.

Yike does not need to work hard. As long as Yike and Mr. Fang become a caller and act as a glue, there will be no problem.

"Mr. Sun just said something very good, developing the sinking market and expanding the consumer group. I have seen Mr. Ma's many speeches in New York, and he has set his sights on the wider world, and has set the domestic goal as a more diversified development." Fang Zhuo turned to the main topic, "But, whether to go up or down, whether there is more room for upgrading or a wider sinking market, I think Mr. Sun's original choice is still relevant now."

Sun Tongyu's eyes condensed, and he felt the eyes of others looking at him. After a little thought, he explained: "When I was still at Taobao, I had some disputes with people in the group about the direction of development. At that time, I planned to let Taobao go down and sink, but more people wanted to do mid-to-high-end, and then..."

Then he was kicked out.

Sun Tongyu only explained these two sentences, but he also felt a kind of encouragement from Mr. Fang's words just now.

After the incident that year, in an interview, the host asked him if leaving Alibaba was equivalent to his martial arts being abolished, and his answer at that time was - martial arts were outdated.

Sun Tongyu didn't know whether Mr. Fang meant to express it this way, but he did have a strong feeling in his heart that was difficult to describe.

Is it outdated?

"In the past few years, Alibaba has spent a lot of effort on Tmall. We are in extremely fierce competition with it in the first and second tier cities. Today's mid-to-high-end consumer market is tending to be a red ocean, and the two big promotions every year are becoming more and more stressful." As someone who has competed with Alibaba for many years, Su Wei introduced her true feelings, "If you ask me, it's really not that easy to go up. From 1 to 60 to 70, this speed is very fast, but from 70 to 90, the time and energy spent are much more than the previous ones."

Sun Tongyu was about to nod, and suddenly felt that Mr. Su was referring to something. The mid-to-high-end consumer market must be rooted in the corresponding groups that are constantly expanding with economic development.

"It's hard to assume what happened in the past. If Alibaba had asked Mr. Sun to insist on sinking the market, developing the third and fourth tier cities and even the rural areas..." Su Wei took a sip of coffee, "It's hard to say whether Taobao would be stronger, but the effect of upgrading Tmall and mid-to-high-end at that time was indeed immediate."

Now there is no way to verify the choices made in the past.

But now we can try to decide the future development.

Su Wei glanced at the people present and said affirmatively: "Yiguo is increasing its penetration into the sinking market, but because of its own positioning and our costs, the effect of this area is not outstanding, but I can say that the domestic sinking market is very broad and worth developing."

Yiguo has limitations in entering the sinking market, and Alibaba is also watching its every move. It must not only deal with competitors, but also ensure its own growth.

Ma Dian said in New York that it is not easy to have a back-and-forth with Yike, but it is not easy to have a back-and-forth with Alibaba purely in terms of e-commerce.

The head of Yiguo answered Mr. Fang's question and gave a firm judgment, which made the other people excited.

President Su is relatively low-key in her work and behavior, but Yiguo is the only e-commerce company in China that can compete with Alibaba. Her judgment is sometimes more convincing than data.

"Douyin is a new form of attack. However, Yixin's traffic has now reached the third and fourth tier cities and rural areas. It is right to hope for changes in Douyin, but the sinking market itself already has the power to change the situation. The power of the two combined may be a surprise." Fang Zhuo expressed a clear attitude to Sun Tongyu.

Su Wei invited more directly: "Mr. Sun, we can wait for the accumulation of Douyin and Yixin, and also see the changes in Alibaba's radical strategy, but I think you can prepare to start a C2C company, and then use the power of these two weapons to see how far your ideas can go."

one second.

After just a second, Sun Tongyu nodded.

And in the second second, he said slowly: "Okay, I have already named the company."

The five people in the conference room were a little confused. They just looked at each other. Have you already given the child a name?

Even Xiong Xiaoge couldn't help but suspect that Mr. Fang had made it clear to Sun Tongyu in advance. He didn't do this kind of thing just once or twice.

"Mr. Sun, you said, let's all come together to find out the details." Fang Zhuo was a little curious.

"How about calling it Yitao?" Sun Tongyu said seriously. If you can absorb the luck of both families, why worry about accomplishing great things?

Fang Zhuo: "..."

Xiong Xiaoge has a wide range of interests and immediately said: "Mr. Sun, no, there is already Yitao. It was established three years ago and specializes in cashback for shopping."

Sun Tongyu frowned and said again: "Then call it Yimi Tao!"

Add one more family and absorb the luck of three families.

Xiong Xiaoge: "..."

Su Wei smiled and said: "It's not good. The rice balls are not yet popular. Mixed between the two extremes, I'm afraid it's not balanced enough and may not be beneficial."

"Yi A, Ke Tao..." Sun Tongyu shook his head.

Fang Zhuo felt that the "God of Wealth" might have gone crazy. He suggested: "Think about it when you go back. There is no rush to do this. Make the necessary preparations and resources. Ali's momentum this time has not been exhausted. Douyin's Platforms also need to develop.”

Sun Tongyu thought for a moment, gave up naming for the time being, and asked: "Mr. Fang, what time do you think would be more appropriate?"

"It has to be this time next year. Ali will launch a 'New Year's Offensive' this year. If it can be well prepared next year, you can also give it a 'New Year's Counter-offensive'. It will complement each other." Fang Zhuo said with a smile.

Sun Tongyu only felt that it took too long, but this was also a necessary accumulation.

He pursed his lips, nodded and made another request: "Mr. Fang, if I am really in charge next year, I hope you can write a calligraphy for me."

Fang Zhuo laughed dumbly. He had been mentioning his own words recently: "What to write?"

"Just write 'New Year's Counterattack' and I can hang it in my office!" Sun Tongyu added, "New Year's Counterattack"!

Fang Zhuo laughed and flatly refused: "No."

Sun Tongyu: "..."

Su Wei suggested from the side: "Let's do this, write the words 'E-commerce God of Wealth'."

Sun Tongyu: "..."

Fang Zhuo was moved and pondered: "How about writing 'The God of Wealth sinks'?"

"It's already sinking, don't sink." Seeing the slippery slope, Sun Tongyu urged, "Just two words, 'God of Wealth'!"

Fang Zhuo nodded this time, not only wielding the sword of the past again, but also reviving the old flower name.

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