Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1402 Wind and Rain

Bingxin is restricted.

Bingxin is restricted again.

After Bingxin was unable to purchase the Netherlands' NXE:3100 and subsequent upgraded models in July 2012, it was subject to more stringent restrictions on February 28, 2015, Eastern Time.

In addition to Bingxin International, the list of Amei's strict selection also includes 13 subsidiaries of Bingxin International. The measures this time are mainly one review, two restrictions and three prohibitions.

First, export review. If Meilijian companies want to export goods or technologies to Bingxin, they need to obtain export licenses issued by American companies.

Second, strengthen restrictions on Bingxin's technology exports, especially for equipment and software related to 14/16nm and below advanced process technologies. Unauthorized exports are not allowed.

Third, Meilijian companies are prohibited from providing specific equipment to Bingxin International. Applied Materials, KLA-Tencor, Lam Research and other global advanced Meilijian semiconductor companies may be forced to suspend cooperation with Bingxin.

The three measures are aimed at restricting Bingxin International from obtaining advanced semiconductor technology, delaying the progress of research and development in the field of advanced processes, and weakening the competitiveness and development speed of Bingxin and the semiconductor industry it represents.

Once the measures from BIS were officially released, Bingxin was the first to be affected. The stock price, which had been rising in the past two years, especially with the launch of 16nm, suddenly collapsed. It once plunged 18.5% during the trading session. Although the decline narrowed at the close, it still set a record of 15.3% as the largest decline since its listing.

In one trading day, the market value that had only risen in the past two years fell by nearly 50%.

Similarly, Yike, which shines around the world because of its process advantages, was also affected by Bingxin's restrictions. Compared with Bingxin, which was directly on the list, its decline was only 6.8%, but because of Yike's size, this 6.8% is the loss of a Bingxin.

Not only that, Yike was included in the Nasdaq 100 Index several years ago, and its market value is among the highest in the world. Its plunge has brought down the Chinese stocks listed in the United States, and the U.S. stock market has also fallen under pressure.

For a time, the financial market felt quite shaken.

In the past few months, Yike has always had a shadow when its products were popular. Now it is directly confirmed, which will have a strong and far-reaching impact on Yike's subsequent development.

And, new and bigger shadows have also appeared with the BIS list.

What will happen to Yike?

Bingxin International is indeed an important supplier of Yike, but after all, it is not the only wafer manufacturing company in the world. Whether it is Taiji, Samsung, GlobalFoundries, or UMC, it seems that there is still room for choice.

It's just...

The founder of Bingxin International is also the founder of Yike. The two companies have one boss. What will he do?

BIS's move on Bingxin does not seem to be just a move on an Eastern company. It may affect a wider range. What will the subsequent trend be?

Domestic and foreign media reported the relevant situation in a frenzy. The employees of Yike and Bingxin also felt that the situation was dangerous and somewhat panicked. If it was facing commercial competition, Yike had never been afraid of anyone along the way, and every time it fought, it was a giant opponent. However, when geopolitical factors suddenly magnified...

Can it still fight?

Yike did not respond to interview requests from many media, and executives also remained silent. For example, Qi He and Liu Qiangdong were blocked by reporters and just waved their hands and left in a hurry.

Whether it was the president of the business group or the president of the region, they neither wanted nor were qualified to answer such questions. Moreover, when Bingxin really faced problems and Yike really faced risks, even if they had heard Mr. Fang's determination many times, other thoughts would inevitably emerge in their hearts. Does Yike really want to do that?

Does Yike still have room for maneuver?

Such problems and decisions can only be decided by one person.

The reporters who called remotely and those who waited offline also had the same understanding. When they raised questions, they also had similar questions - "Where is Mr. Fang? What is Mr. Fang's attitude towards this?"

Such questions were not answered. Some people speculated that Mr. Fang had flown to Washington to mediate, some speculated that Mr. Fang went to Beijing, and some speculated that Mr. Fang should be in Luzhou at this time.

In fact, Fang Zhuo still knew the decision from BIS earlier than the public news this time.

So, he had communicated with many leaders during the day on the 27th, and arrived in Luzhou in the evening.

When BIS sent the message in Washington on the evening of the 28th, it was already the first day of March in China. Fang Zhuo felt the evaporation of wealth while receiving various calls.

Among them, the most anxious one was Su Zifeng, the head of AMD.

The company's ZEN architecture was sold, the cooperation agreement between the three companies was signed, and the R\u0026D personnel were in place. They were just waiting for the giant to give advanced empowerment... Before the empowerment, a document from BIS arrived first...

Su Zifeng felt her scalp tingling.

Alas, Mr. Fang was very straightforward about the price, but he didn’t pay it all at once, but in stages…

Don’t do it!

It’s impossible for a company like AMD to be conspired by global giants and BIS… Then the price you paid would be too high!

It definitely won’t be like this… But it’s hard to be affected by it!

Su Zifeng had anticipated the risks of Bingxin, but she took a small gamble, thinking that as long as Bingxin could last for a year or two, AMD could successfully transform and impact the existing market.

But it didn’t last…

It was even far below expectations…

However, this cannot be blamed on Bingxin. Bingxin must want to hold on more than herself!

Su Zifeng's helplessness and pain across the phone almost turned into a physical entity and appeared in front of Fang Zhuo.

He comforted her in time: "Mr. Su, it's okay. Life is like this. Sometimes there are always some regrets."

Su Zifeng: "..."

She really needs to be comforted, but the person opposite her may be more qualified to need comfort.

Her thoughts were a little messy. She turned over and over for a while, and asked with hope: "Mr. Fang, is there any hope that Bingxin will be removed from the list?"

"Absolutely impossible, what are you thinking." Fang Zhuo couldn't help laughing, "I don't have such an illusion."

Su Zifeng smiled bitterly and said: "Mr., you are so decisive."

"This is the reality." Fang Zhuo said a few words, and then said, "But Bingxin is like this, AMD doesn't need to be too pessimistic. BIS mainly restricts the export of American companies to Bingxin this time. What AMD needs now is just a temporary license from it. Our R\u0026D cooperation will not be affected. Bingxin itself Our 16nm process will be affected, but we are trying our best to reduce this impact, and AMD's prospects are expected to be maintained. "

Lisa Su sighed: "The temporary license... this is very unreliable."

"No, AMD's temporary license can be very guaranteed, Mr. Su, I am very sorry about BIS's measures, but since AMD has chosen Bingxin, Bingxin is willing to do its utmost and be responsible to AMD with sincerity." Fang Zhuo said seriously, "The temporary license will not be too short."

Lisa Su raised her voice: "Really?"

"Really, if it doesn't last until the end of next year, I will refund you the money at that time." Fang Zhuo said so.

Lisa Su's voice became higher: "Really? ?"

"Just kidding." Fang Zhuo couldn't help laughing again, "Mr. Su, need to calm down more than me."

Lisa Su didn't know whether she needed to calm down or the person opposite was too calm.

It actually sounded like it wasn't Bingxin that was doing its utmost and sincerity, but Mr. Fang was doing its utmost and sincerity, especially considering the restrictions on Bingxin and the situation facing Yike, which made her even more respectful.

At the end of the call, Su Zifeng asked or advised: "Mr. Fang, is there room for mediation in Yike?"

"Then wait until BIS mentions Yike, and then we'll see." Fang Zhuo replied.

The call ended, and the phone was placed on the table.

The interrupted meeting in the office resumed, but the senior executives attending the meeting did not speak for a while.

After a while, Ice Core CEO Qiu Ciyun slowly said: "The storm is coming."

Fang Zhuo flipped through the documents and corrected: "No, Mr. Qiu, it's already here."

Consider the final plot arrangement...

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