Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1412 Meeting (4k)

Whether the informal meeting held by Bingxin in Luzhou will be effective or not depends on subsequent developments, but at least it showed the mental outlook of Bingxin's top management, which can be considered an encouragement to everyone.

From the list released by BIS on March 1st, although many manufacturers have quickly established new business interactions with ice cores and obtained new opportunities for domestic substitution, however, everyone is quite pessimistic about the future of ice cores.

This pessimism stems not only from the strength of the other party, but also from Bing Xin's silence, Yike's movements, and Mr. Fang's silence.

The ice core is indeed very powerful, pushing the level of manufacturing to an unprecedented level in the country, but... will it be a flash in the pan? Will there be a wave of resignations in Bingxin? Will Academicians Hu and Liang be shaken?

Another extremely important point is that once Bingxin loses its order from Yike, its hematopoietic function will be severely damaged. According to its own financial report information, it received 14 billion chip orders from Yike in 2014 alone.

If BIS's restrictions are followed, Bingxin will not only lose orders from Yike, but also lose technical cooperation with Yike and the companies affected by it. The former may still be able to obtain some compensation from some domestic manufacturers, but the latter is almost impossible. Difficult to remedy.

The country has always called "Yike system" and "Yike system". At such a crisis moment, the value and charm of Yike to this system have become increasingly precious.

The interaction between Yike and Ice Core not only builds the excellent strength of the former's products, but also promotes the continuous progress of the latter's technology.

Now facing external pressure, this system will either fall apart or be squeezed closer by the pressure, and its direction will almost depend on Mr. Fang alone.

Mr. Fang has wealth, career and status, so what will he choose?

However, no matter what he chooses at this moment, he will hardly be criticized. Yike and Bingxin have done enough. If Bingxin stops production and Yike changes manufacturers, can it be said that it is his fault?

On this occasion, the words "100% support for ice core" and "do it yourself, have enough food and clothing" were spoken by Mr. Fang in public, and everyone who participated in the meeting felt heartbroken.

However, some doubts about the other party's general decision-making also arose in everyone's mind.

There is no room for more detailed discussions in informal industry meetings, and Fang Zhuo has no such intention. He just wants this meeting to show more about the stability and expectations of ice cores.

However, after the meeting ended, Chairman Bingxin had private conversations with many colleagues, and Fang Zhuo found that everyone still asked about his attitude more.

It was uncertainty before, now it is worry after certainty.

"Mr. Fang, the temporary license issued by BIS always has an expiration date. What will happen then?" Zhao Jinrong, the head of Northern Huachuang, was the first to communicate with Mr. Fang. He drank tea and did not ask about the ice core. Instead, he asked about Yike.

"Just do what you have to do. If you have permission, sell it. If you don't have permission, don't sell it." Fang Zhuo said easily.

There were ripples in Zhao Jinrong's tea. He put down the cup and thought about Yike's achievements. It was hard not to show a strange expression. Fang always had some long-term plans, so he couldn't just fall apart.

He looked at Mr. Fang, feeling that he was joking but also feeling that his eyes were serious.

"Mr. Fang, you..."

"Well, Mr. Fang, that..."

Zhao Jinrong hesitated again and again, and for a moment he didn't know what to say appropriately.

"It's better for you to have it if your father has it." Fang Zhuo said calmly, "This is not the matter of the Bingxin family in the first place. Yike cannot be alone. I never take chances. Mr. Zhao, this is the matter of our entire industry. Regarding the matter, the Luzhou factory is also waiting for the equipment verification from Northern Huachuang, so you don’t have to worry about any vacillation in my decision-making.”

Zhao Jinrong took a breath: "Mr. Fang, I'm not worried about your decision, I'm just worried about Yike...I don't know if this is right, I just feel sorry for Yike."

"The growth of the domestic smartphone market has a trend of slowing down, but there is still room for further improvement in the mid-to-high-end market." Fang Zhuo pondered for a while, "If Yike really loses the US market, we still have this growth hedge. , Mr. Zhao, it is difficult for Yike to have more space now that its size has reached this point. If there is space, it will be supported by our own family.”

"Just like I took SMIC as an example, Bingxin is willing to make the space for international cooperation more relaxed."

"Similarly, if Yike's market space is sluggish because of ice cores, it will inevitably be reborn because ice cores break the restrictions."

"But some people definitely don't believe it. It takes a lot of collisions to make people believe it."

Zhao Jinrong thought about the fluctuations in market value of tens of billions of dollars in the past month, and thought about more shocks in the future, and said sincerely: "This kind of competition is beyond human control."

"It's not that mysterious. It's just that many people think it's not there yet, but we think it's already there." Fang Zhuo paused and said, "We are still confident."

Zhao Jinrong nodded silently and said after a moment: "We at Northern Huachuang can only do our best to do the things we are doing."

Fang Zhuo took the initiative to stand up and stretched out his right hand: "This time is my own business, and it is indeed everyone's business."

The head of Yike is very sincere, but he is used to showing different levels of sincerity when facing different people. Mr. Zhao, who cares about the future of Yike, talks about the changes in the domestic smartphone market and his own company. judgment.

As for Yin Zhiyao, the head of Zhongwei, in addition to talking about these things, he also talked a little about his feelings and his personal position.

"Yike, Bing Xin, and I, we have to compete to the end. This is actually not the decision now."

"Otherwise, we will not be able to do the wafer alliance or the A/B/C line of Huali."

"Mr. Yin, don't worry if others ask me. Why do you ask me like this?"

"I think my decision-making should not be taken for granted. Mr. Zhang and Dr. Jiang helped us back then and laid the foundation for the introduction and development of ice cores."

"Now that we have reached this moment, Mr. Zhang, Dr. Jiang and I are considered close friends. Isn't this decision surprising?"

Yin Zhiyao was poached back to China by his junior student Jiang Shangzhou. His company, China Micro, cooperated closely with Yike and Bingxin. Yike alone had a "China Micro Office", and the company's etching machine was already in Luzhou. -3 factories run, it is a globally competitive product.

Now I am very pleased and impressed with the preparation and attitude of the Yi Ke Department.

He couldn't help but sigh: "As the saying goes, people are divided into groups, Mr. Fang, I like what you said very much. Great companies will always go through life and death. The words you gave to Lao Jiang at the beginning, I think are also suitable for you now. Not ashamed to be the best in the world!”

Fang Zhuo also sighed: "Mr. Yin really deserves the award, I just..."

He shook his head: "I just have money."

Yin Zhiyao immediately praised: "Okay, it's good to be rich. If you don't have money, you can't do anything. Mr. Fang, I'll give you a drink with tea instead of wine!"

Fang Zhuo picked up the tea cup, signaled to Mr. Yin from afar, and drank half a cup of herbal tea.

When Yin Zhiyao said his goodbyes and left, the last person who had a private meeting today and who was also very valued by Fang Zhuo soon arrived. It was Wang Xinchao, the head of Changdian.

Changdian is in the process of acquiring STATS Chippac. If nothing unexpected happens, the acquisition will be completed in Q3, and the funds used for the acquisition of Changdian have also changed some sources, part of which comes from Yike.

After persuading from all sides, Wang Xinchao has acquiesced in the integration of ice cores.

However, this integration changed slightly on March 1 this year, which had to make him rethink the future.

In the final analysis, Wang Xinchao is still more willing to lead Changdian to complete the original plan and make the company a world-class packaging and testing company.

He walked into Mr. Fang's office, first nodded in greeting, then took the hot tea from the secretary, and then drank the tea in silence. He was the most indifferent person among the people who came tonight.

Fang Zhuo didn't mind this and drank tea slowly.

When the tea gradually became cold, he took the lead in breaking the silence and said: "Part of the business of Changdian after completing the acquisition will be affected. What is Mr. Wang going to do?"

Wang Xinchao didn't answer immediately. He drank tea one after another. After a while, he asked: "Mr. Fang, what do you want me to do? I still want to ask you what to do!"

He heard the meaning of these words. Even if Bingxin was in this situation, he would not give up the acquisition of Changdian.

Otherwise, Changdian's packaging and testing business will not be affected by this crisis and will only be restricted by BIS after being acquired by Bingxin.

"Does Wang always want me to rush to Washington, break into the BIS office, and cross out the name of the ice core from their documents?" Fang Zhuo half-smiled.

Wang Xinchao said stiffly: "I didn't say that. The restriction on ice cores is because the United States is not particular about it. It has nothing to do with ice cores and it has nothing to do with you. But you ask me like this, how can I solve it? Mr. Fang If they can’t solve the problem of ice core, how can I solve the problem of long-lasting electricity?”

"Well, since Mr. Wang has no objection." Fang Zhuo nodded, "Then you just know our determination to compete to the end."

He signaled that the conversation between the two would end here.

However, Wang Xinchao did not stand up, but still said: "I have an opinion."

He has an opinion, and Changdian has a solution, which is not to be acquired by Bingxin.

"Then keep it." Fang Zhuo glanced at the leader of Changdian.

Wang Xinchao guessed that Mr. Fang knew what he wanted to say. He pressed the table with one hand and stood up: "Mr. Fang, I have an opinion. I want to say that Changdian can retain its own operations. We have a global market in the field of packaging and testing. Yes, this part can still bring great benefits!”

"Ice cores need deeper vertical integration." Fang Zhuo said lightly.

"Bingxin has..." Wang Xinchao didn't finish his sentence and sat back down again, "Mr. Fang, I want to say this sincerely, I don't think Bingxin's current focus is on acquiring Changdian."

"Indeed, Bingxin's acquisition of Changdian is not the focus, it is just a side trip." Fang Zhuo's eyes became sharp, "We have reached a consensus on this matter, and I don't think there needs to be any back and forth."

Wang Xinchao fell silent.

"The Yike Department is facing various challenges this time. If Mr. Wang is interested in adding another item to the ice core, there will be no problem." Fang Zhuo added a cup of tea and said calmly, "Since the Yike Department has done well, it is no longer important. The preparation for the market also comes with the determination to implement the established strategy at all costs.”

Wang Xinchao thought about the violent shock caused by Yike's loss of the US market, and then looked at Mr. Fang's calm expression, and could only see four words - kindness does not lead to soldiers.

What does it mean no matter the cost?

Changdian has used Yike's money for this acquisition. Although it is a major shareholder, its shareholding ratio does not have an overwhelming advantage.

What's more, the Yi Ke Department is bound to receive support from all levels.

He frowned and said helplessly: "Mr. Fang, I just think that the situation has changed, and Bingxin's acquisition of Changdian may not be a good time in the near future."

"As long as Changdian continues to develop, the global market will accept Changdian." Fang Zhuo said in a deep voice, "It will only be better if Changdian's research and development is placed within Bingxin. If this is done well, a relaxed global environment will naturally be achieved."

Bingxin had previously established a joint venture with Changdian, but the cooperative research and development with different positions was not smooth, which prompted Bingxin's determination to acquire it. Of course, this is also related to Changdian's own equity structure.

Wang Xinchao fell into a difficult silence.

"If Mr. Wang is really powerless, Bingxin can ask for someone else. Anyway, there will always be someone who is not afraid of Meilijian." Fang Zhuo said at this time.

Wang Xinchao jumped up and glared at Fang Zhuo: "What's so exciting! Changdian will definitely be affected. Isn't your loss of money much more than Changdian?"

Fang Zhuo replied: "I have money."

Wang Xinchao gritted his teeth and said: "It's good to have money, it's great to have money!"

"That's what Mr. Yin of Zhongwei said." Fang Zhuo suddenly wanted to laugh.

Wang Xinchao was shocked: "You are going to maliciously acquire Zhongwei?!"

Fang Zhuo was at a rare loss of words tonight. After ten seconds, he corrected himself: "Bingxin has never been malicious to Changdian, and I don't plan to acquire Zhongwei. Mr. Yin is praising me."

Wang Xinchao didn't understand how this was a compliment.

He rubbed his face and said very toughly: "Okay, since you Fang Zhuo is so tough, then I will see if you are so tough on the outside. Integration is integration!"

Fang Zhuo nodded slightly: "Okay, the acquisition will be completed within this year. I hope we can make greater progress in the field of packaging and testing."

Wang Xinchao stared at Fang Zhuo for a few seconds, and said the last sentence before leaving: "But I just don't accept it!"

He strode out of the office.

Fang Zhuo was speechless for a while. If he didn't accept it, then don't accept it. It's no big deal.

It was already one o'clock in the morning.

Fang Zhuo quietly drank the last tea, and just took a few steps when he received a call from Qiu Ciyun.

"Mr. Fang, are you still awake?" Qiu Ciyun said after the call was connected.

"No, I'm just about to go back. Mr. Qiu is still awake so late?" Fang Zhuo held the phone in his hand. The cold air in the early morning made his inevitable fatigue subside.

"Dr. Liang is still here with me. Do you want to have a small meeting?" Qiu Ciyun invited.

Fang Zhuo glanced at the watch on his wrist and smiled: "I really want to agree to you, but even my watch reminds me that I need sleep and that I'm under too much pressure. We still have to respect science. How about tomorrow morning?"

"Your thing is not scientific." Qiu Ciyun said disdainfully.

"Take care of yourself. I want everyone to live a few more years together, so that our Ice Core Trio can dominate the world." Fang Zhuo said.

Seeing that he was not coming, Qiu Ciyun had no choice but to agree: "Okay, let's have another meeting tomorrow morning."

Just as he was about to hang up the phone, he suddenly asked: "A trio? What about Professor Hu?"

Fang Zhuo smiled and said: "A trio has four people, isn't that common sense?"

Qiu Ciyun snorted, and seeing Dr. Liang's tiredness across from him, he felt that he really had to plan for the long term, although he felt that he could still fight for another three days and three nights.

"See you tomorrow, I hope it's a sunny day tomorrow."

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