Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1420 Checking for deficiencies and filling gaps (4k)

On the penultimate day of June, Yike officially received its second temporary license from BIS and continued its cooperation with Ice Core.

Also on this day, Fang Zhuo and Zhang Rujing, who were flying back from Qindao, happened to see the logistics truck delivering domestic large silicon wafer samples for inspection at the door, and pointed it out to Mr. Zhang.

"The quality of this batch of samples is good, with high defect rate, thickness uniformity, resistivity and other indicators. The next step is to see how it performs in the production line process." Zhang Rujing looked at the car and said with both joy and worry. , “I hope the stability and reliability of small batch trial production will be good enough.”

This is the 12-inch wafer developed by the company he founded after leaving SMIC. It has been supplied to SMIC in the past two years, but the advanced process requirements of Bingxin are very high, and there was no new evaluation until this time.

After the evaluation is completed, the ice core will be tested on a small scale. If the performance of this process meets the requirements, large silicon wafers will be available for long-term supply.

"Even if this batch doesn't work, it should be possible within the year. Your cooperation with SMIC is very good." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "Would you like to see the new factory?"

"Everyone who is really famous in the country will be brought under your control." Zhang Rujing suddenly sighed.

Luzhou has been building the semiconductor industry with ice core as the center. With the advancement of ice core manufacturing process and its increasingly important position in the mainland, the intensity of this construction and policy support are also increasing. big.

When there is more pressure from the outside, when Aramco’s carefully selected list appears, new projects have been launched in Luzhou frequently since February.

Up to now, Luzhou has planned four parks around Yuhu Road: Equipment Industrial Park, Materials Industrial Park, Manufacturing Industrial Park, and Packaging and Testing Industrial Park, covering the industrial links from top to bottom. Among the top ten domestic semiconductor equipment manufacturers Seven companies have set up R\u0026D centers here, and all the top ten chip design companies have R\u0026D centers and branches here.

Since the launch of Ice Core, in the past twelve years, this place has gradually become a region with the most complete domestic semiconductor industry chain, the most advanced comprehensive technology level, and the strongest independent innovation capabilities.

After Zhang Rujing was invited by Fang Zhuo to become an ice core consultant, although he traveled all over the country during this period, he could feel the development of ice core even more through his contacts with different manufacturers.

The market value of ice core may fall, but its drive and development of the industry is truly based on this land.

"It's not about tinkering, it's called unity, which is strength." Fang Zhuo corrected Mr. Zhang's remarks.

"Yes, unity is strength. Let's go, give it a try." Zhang Rujing spoke quickly without saying much. While following Mr. Fang towards the destination, he chatted about his trip to Qindao.

The large silicon wafers required for advanced technology and ArF photoresist are both raw materials and are monopolized. However, the former has basically confirmed a breakthrough. The samples for ice core trial production this time are the final run-in.

Zhang Rujing has been concentrating on this since he left SMIC and is relatively confident in it, and he came back today also for the basic field.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Zhang Rujing and Fang Zhuo met the team from the Chinese Academy of Sciences together, and held a simple unveiling ceremony with them to announce the establishment of the integrated circuit public service platform.

The main body of this public service platform is composed of two parts. One is the R\u0026D teams from Bingxin and Yike, and the other is the Luzhou EDA Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. They will rely on this platform to provide SoC/IP common technology R\u0026D and technical services to the domestic semiconductor industry. , PCB design and consulting, EDA tool services, and assisting enterprises in planning suitable chip design environments and providing complete chip design solutions.

To put it simply, it is mainly used as a backup for EDA tools.

The EDA tool is quite basic and is known as the mother of chips. It runs through the entire process of chip design from logic design to mask generation. Without it, modern complex chip design is almost impossible to complete.

This field is basically monopolized by three American companies, Cadence, Synopsys, and Mentor, and Yike and Bingxin have maintained cooperation with them and obtained long-term software licenses.

However, as Bingxin joined the list, the three companies successively interrupted their cooperation with Bingxin in the first half of the year.

This means that Ice Core can still use EDA tools, but it cannot obtain new tools, new upgrade services, and related technical support.

However, although Ice Core also has design work, this is mainly the domain of Yike, and the three companies are still Yike's partners.

This situation makes people have to guard against it. Fortunately, Yike and Bingxin have already developed alternative solutions internally. Now as the situation changes, they are further gathering strength and increasing investment.

Not only that, in addition to its own research and development, Yike's investment in this area has also not stopped, which is to prevent future risks.

The unveiling ceremony was very simple, and there was no media participation, which was a symbol of the process. However, many important figures from the Chinese Academy of Sciences came to help Bingxin.

Near noon, Ice Core CTO Hu Zhengming appeared, took over Mr. Fang’s work, and communicated with helpers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences about ice core conditions and industry development.

Zhang Rujing looked at the very harmonious situation and couldn't help but say to the other party: "Yike and Bingxin have really made a complete industrial chain layout, we just need time."

"Everyone has said that there is not much time left for Yike." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "It is definitely not possible to prepare everything thoroughly, but I still have some confidence."

Zhang Rujing nodded silently, already seeing that the integration strategy backed by Yike and Bingxin was completely aimed at a full-scale conflict.

Like this public platform, Yike and Bingxin have developed nearly 40 software tools for software and hardware development for 16nm. There is still a gap between replacing all of them, but a lot has been prepared.

This is true for EDA tools, this is true for our own large silicon wafers, and this is true for the photoresist jointly produced by our joint venture with Xinyang.

The upstream and downstream of the entire industrial chain are very clear, and the weaknesses that Bingxin needs to keep running are also very clear. This is not only known to the outside world, but also Bingxin or Mr. Fang are extremely clear.

The problem is...the work in this area did not start this year, or even last year.

As far as Zhang Rujing knows, this kind of work has been slowly carried out since 2008.

As the saying goes, it’s important to be on guard against others, but Mr. Fang doesn’t seem to be feeling at all excited about the success of the global division of labor!

Zhang Rujing felt that this was not in line with human nature, but when he thought about it, if it was Mr. Fang, then it would not be in line with human nature.

"Mr. Fang, when Mr. Qiu goes to Germany and France this time, in addition to the factories there, will he also discuss supply stability with Linde Group and Air Liquide?" Zhang Rujing suddenly thought of going abroad when the lunch was about to end. Qiu Ciyun.

Fang Zhuo looked at Mr. Zhang strangely, nodded and said, "Of course."

Germany's Linde Group and France's Air Liquide Group are suppliers of special electronic gases for ice cores.

In this field, four major groups occupy most of the market in the world, one in Germany, one in France, and two in the United States. They deliberately avoided the United States when selecting suppliers for ice cores.

Generally speaking, during the chip manufacturing process, even a slight deviation in gas purity may lead to the scrapping of the entire batch of products, so no one will easily change suppliers.

Based on this situation, the choice of ice core is still to support domestic enterprises on the one hand, and on the other hand...

Fang Zhuo added: "General Manager Qiu is lobbying Linde and Air Liquide to build a joint venture plant in Luzhou. There is no specific news yet, but judging from previous contacts, Air Liquide probably has some intention."

Zhang Rujing perked up and said, "Is Faliukong willing?"

"We still need to negotiate. Just like when we went to Germany and France to build a factory and get subsidies and loans from them, both sides must have the conditions to see-saw." Fang Zhuo lowered his voice, "It is independent and controllable. Europe is not affected now, but There is a factory here, and there is more independent and controllable insurance.”

This is different from core equipment, photoresist and other manufacturers. Both Linde and Air Liquide operate globally and are also building localized joint ventures in China. Therefore, Qiu Ciyun will go out to talk to them about Ice Core.

"You really went through it from top to bottom, research and development, investment, factory construction, cooperation, hostile takeover, hostile takeover, amazing, amazing!" Zhang Rujing clearly felt the Yike Department at this moment overall rhythm.

Although there is wind and rain outside, Yike Department has been doing its own thing steadily.

Fang Zhuo seemed to have heard an inappropriate word, and did not dwell on it. He just said: "It's not 'you', it's 'us'. It's us who work together to find out and fill in the gaps, and together we minimize the impact."

America's restrictions still have an immediate impact on ice cores. The biggest problem is the decrease in yield. However, in the past nearly four months, the technical support of American equipment has been supportive, and the yield is slowly recovering. .

Zhang Rujing patted Mr. Fang's arm and said nothing.

The establishment of the integrated circuit public service platform did not stir up any waves, and the last two days of June ended uneventfully.

Fang Zhuo got up early and returned to Shanghai on the first day of July.

Unlike the usual reading of documents and newspapers or frequent phone calls, he slept all the way this time, and he was indeed very tired recently.

But when he arrived at Yike headquarters, Fang Zhuo became energetic again after consuming a cup of bitter coffee.

He said hello all the way, took the elevator to the 23rd floor in the eyes of his colleagues with surprise and surprise.

After sitting in the president's office for about half an hour, Executive Vice President Yu Hong ended the meeting and met her boss.

"A little thinner." She commented.

"It's okay." Fang Zhuo played with two mobile phones from competitors and said without raising his head, "Apple and Samsung don't seem to bring any surprises. Oh, Samsung's curved screen is a bit interesting, but I still like the straight screen. Screen."

Samsung released the Glory in May, and Apple released the iPhone 6S just last month. Neither of them brought any shock to the market, but at last they no longer let Mars 8.8 be the only beauty, which has achieved the greatest significance.

In addition to more or less functional updates, Samsung's curved screen solution this time has also been sought after by many, and it has always had advantages in this regard.

"There is really no big surprise. This is also the evaluation of many media." Yu Hong nodded, "Everyone is waiting for our new machine to see how it will be affected."

Fang Zhuo said "hmm" and said: "We are just doing regular upgrades, optimizing the full screen, optimizing the chip process, and optimizing the system functions."

This year is a regular upgrade year for Yike, but this "routine" is based on Mars 8.8, that is, the ice core 1FET will still be launched step by step.

Yike's autumn conference is scheduled for September, four months apart from Samsung and three months away from Apple.

In other words, Yike’s Mars 9 will still have chip performance half a generation ahead.

This should be an excellent cycle. Stronger technology brings a better market, and the latter continues to promote the former, so that the market and products can continue to lead.

"The market is waiting and watching." Yu Hong said thoughtfully.

The recent stock price of Yike has been quite stable. However, the U.S. stock market is generally rising this year. Yike has not grown despite the excellent market performance. This has shown the sentiment of the secondary market.

Fang Zhuo nodded and said meaningfully: "Not only the stock market is waiting, but everyone is waiting."

Nasdaq is waiting, Samsung and Apple are waiting, Taiwanese companies, GlobalFoundries, UMC and even Intel are waiting. Domestic friends are waiting, as well as the administrative level.

Yu Hong understood what this man meant, and Yike was at the forefront of the storm.

Just as she was about to speak, secretary Liu Zonghong walked in.

"Mr. Fang, Mr. Wang heard that you are back and are coming to the company."

Fang Zhuo heard the secretary's tone and knew who it was, so he smiled and said, "What does he want?"

"It seems..." Liu Zonghong recalled, "It seems like nothing happened, I just said I came to have a meal."

Fang Zhuo snapped his fingers and responded with a smile.

Yu Hong also knew who it was and said, "Wang Fengyi may be involved in investment. I know he visited Qi He."

"Okay, show me the Kunpeng you proposed for the project." Fang Zhuo mentioned a work matter. Without Xiao Yu's push, Yike's decision would not have been passed. The difference in the previous votes was not big.

Yu Hong asked her secretary to get the documents and chatted for a few more times about the company before turning around and going about her work.

Fang Zhuo was flipping through project documents in the President's Office, thinking about everyone's ideas and industry conditions, while waiting for Wang Fengyi's arrival.

Near noon, Wang Fengyi walked in with a brushed face.

"Mr. Fang! I miss you so much!" He expressed his joy.

Fang Zhuo pointed to his watch: "If you want to tell us something in advance, if everything is fine, I will have a small meeting."

"Well, can't I just miss you?" Wang Fengyi felt that he had to say hello first.

Fang Zhuo pointed to his watch for the last time.

"Ahem." Seeing that he was serious, Wang Fengyi said, "It's nothing big. I'm just looking at investment projects recently. I happened to see you come back and wanted you to take a look at the details."

"Did you find Qi He?" Fang Zhuo mentioned the information he heard from Xiao Yu.

Wang Fengyi said "uh": "I'm looking for him. I want to ask Yike if he can do it. There is a shared bicycle project in Beijing. I think the idea is pretty good."

He sat down after saying this: "This is the era of your giants. If the giants move, everyone will be blinded. Therefore, I feel that if Yike does it, then I will not invest."

"You can invest if you want." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "Is Shen Xin short of money?"

"We're not short of money, but we don't want to do useless work. China's number one investor still wants to keep his eyes like gold." Wang Fengyi said seriously, "Also, Alibaba seems to be a little interested in this field."

Fang Zhuo put down the document in his hand and said thoughtfully: "I have been busy with ice cores recently, but I have been listening to Ali Ali. This shared bicycle seems to have no sound yet."

"Aren't you competing for the payment scene? The last mile of this is logically similar. It is nothing more than a bicycle version of 'fast'." Wang Fengyi understood it from this perspective.

Fang Zhuo was thinking about what would happen at the end of the year, hesitated for a moment, and said, "I'll talk to Qi He later, and you go talk to him. This matter is not urgent."

Wang Fengyi was happy and surprised at first, and then looked at Mr. Fang's expression, which seemed to be extra unpredictable.

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