Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1436: Phased Success

Fang Zhuo slept soundly that night while adjusting to the time difference, and he did get up very late.

At 9:30 in the morning, he fumbled for his phone and saw all kinds of missed calls and messages under the silent mode.

Because he had just returned to China yesterday, he had already said hello in advance, and all important matters would be discussed at the company, so most of them were greetings from friends and feedback on some minor situations.

For example, the poems shared with the audience late at night not only triggered reports in China, but also attracted attention from foreign countries about the author and the background of the times, and there was also a lot of hype about political factors.

Under the current circumstances, Yike Mobile's withdrawal from the US market is only a procedural process, but Yike still has other markets around the world, and it still needs to focus consumers' attention on the normal business field.

If you don't occupy the public opinion position, it will be occupied by the enemy.

Fang Zhuo thought while eating breakfast, and finally updated his status on Twitter, sending expressions in English and French continuously, seeking a basis for mutual understanding.

——We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness。

——Les hommes naissent et demeurent libres etégaux en droits。 The distinctions sociales ne peuventêtre fondées que sur l'utilité commune。

The former comes from the American Declaration of Independence, which means "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

The latter comes from the French Declaration of the Rights of Man, which means "Men are born and remain free and equal in rights. Social distinctions can only be based on the common good."

In any case, Yi Ke and the legitimate development of more people always have a legitimate reason.

Fang Zhuo read the comments on Twitter and found that some people did not know the source of the two sentences and criticized him for not being qualified to define "self-evident truths", but he did not refute this.

Sure enough, someone soon helped to explain that this was one of the founding documents of the United States at that time. No matter what Yi Ke and Mr. Fang said, this was not their definition...

Fang Zhuo opened Douyin on the way to the company, and the first one he saw was "Good morning, Mr. Fang" with more than 1 million likes. He was stunned and couldn't help laughing. He flipped through the comment area and casually asked the secretary: "Who planned the promotion of "Good morning, Mr. Fang"? "

Liu Zonghong was stunned when he heard this, and hesitated: "It seems that no one planned it. Uh, but after such copywriting becomes popular, it will probably naturally get Douyin's push traffic."

After he said this, he immediately used Yixin to ask Douyin to verify the correctness of his information, and then told the boss again that Douyin may have a certain bias, but it is more of a spontaneous action by users.

"Hmm..." Fang Zhuo pondered for a moment, "Hmm."

Liu Zonghong was very curious about his boss's current mood and smiled, "Mr. Fang, how do you feel when you see these videos?"

"Hurry up and give them a like." Fang Zhuo swiped his hand on Douyin, "This is real money support, and, you see, we can have a lot more interactions than Tmall, this kind of communication based on social media attributes is still a little different."

While giving a like, he also considered posting a new video in response.

When he arrived at the company, Fang Zhuo lowered the car window and shot a ten-second video driving towards the Yike company logo, and added the copy "Everyone, good morning, the whole world, good morning".

After getting off the car and entering the company, almost everyone he met today repeated the same words.

"Hi, good morning, Mr. Fang."

"Mr. Fang, good morning."

"Mr. Fang is here, good morning!"

Fang Zhuo walked into his office surrounded by such online and offline "good morning" voices.

Although he has experienced many scenes in recent years, this crowd is still quite fresh and emotional.

Fang Zhuo poured a cup of tea, sat down and opened Douyin. The video he posted not long ago has exceeded one million likes. This is a small reflection of the super traffic mixed with his personal, Yike incident and last night's live broadcast.

At the same time, the number of comments is also growing rapidly.

Fang Zhuo looked carefully. Many comments are encouraging and supportive, and some are very interesting, such as "Yike's market value is almost falling to Alibaba."

This is not very respectful to Alibaba... But thinking about the public invitation to "participation" during the live broadcast last night, it seems that he has no position.

Fang Zhuo happily selected some comments to reply. After finishing a cup of tea, Liu Zonghong sent the latest data of this Double Eleven.

He took a quick look and suddenly had the urge to send a short video to Lao Ma to announce the good news.

As of 10 a.m., that is, ten hours after the opening of Double 11, the sales of Yiguo and Douyin exceeded 70 billion. Although the promotions were all explosive in the early stage, this also means that today's sales will inevitably exceed 100 billion.

The full-day data of 618 in the first half of Alibaba's first half of the year was 110.7 billion.

The most important thing is that in these 10 hours, of the 70 billion, Yiguo's self-operated sales accounted for only 72%, that is, 50.4 billion, and the remaining 19.6 billion came from third-party stores.

The main rival of e-commerce, Alibaba's Taobao and Tmall ratio is about 58%:42% this year.

More intuitively, the ratio of Yiguo's third-party and Yiguo's self-operated is 28%:72%.

Taobao accounts for 58%, Yiguo's third-party accounts for 28%, which seems to be far behind, but Yiguo's third-party accounted for only 3% in Double 11 last year.

Although the statistical ratio this year needs to be mixed with the cooperation of the Douyin platform, Yiguo has undoubtedly achieved great success and development with live e-commerce, and it can almost be said that it has broken through the barriers of the past overnight.

In the past few years, Yiguo has been trying to build third-party stores and enhance their vitality, but the results have been poor.

Now, the Double Eleven promotion with Yiguo + Douyin as the main body, not to mention being on par with Alibaba, has indeed suddenly narrowed the huge gap.

Fang Zhuo looked at the simple and clear data summary, but he didn't send it to Lao Ma after all.

Yiguo and Douyin will publish the data themselves. Considering Feng Qingyang's online gift in the early morning, let him be more stable for a few days. Tmall has indeed seized the beachhead of e-commerce live broadcast and created a great momentum.

But... the huge traffic of our side has wiped out everything, and it will inevitably continue to demonstrate its power in this regard.

Fang Zhuo put down the file, thinking of Qiu Ciyun who had returned home early due to illness, picked up the phone and sent him a voice message.

"Mr. Qiu, I asked the company to send you old mountain ginseng when I got off the plane yesterday. I dug it for you in Paris, France. Eat more and get back to the battle position quickly."

Qiu Ciyun is not young anymore, and the main cause of his collapse this time is overwork.

He received a voice message from Mr. Fang and was about to thank him, but suddenly he felt something was wrong. Can this old mountain ginseng really be dug in Paris...

"No hurry, wait until Washington continues to attack Bingxin, and then I will step forward." Qiu Ciyun replied, and mentioned Yike and Bingxin's judgment on the next situation.

These judgments have been made for a long time, and the current situation is just a gradual verification.

Whether in Luzhou or Beijing, Qiu Ciyun and Mr. Fang have reached a consensus.

In the future, the main goal of the domestic semiconductor industry has shifted from breakthroughs in advanced processes to the guarantee of mature processes, and Bingxin's main goal is to balance process optimization and production operation.

As for Yike, which was officially restricted yesterday, its phased goal is to maintain the stability of the mobile phone product supply chain and ensure the supply of products to the market. Among them, the output of core chips is closely related to Bingxin's goals.

Now and in the future, yield and profit can be temporarily sacrificed. As long as the entire industrial chain can continue to operate, this is a phased success.

Yike has expressed its position, Mr. Fang has shown his determination, and Bingxin is still working hard, but facing the world's most powerful country in the business field, these alone may not be able to dispel the concerns of many people, including internal employees.

Therefore, the phased success is not only of practical significance to the operation of the Yike system, but also a great encouragement to employees, industries, and industries.

Qiu Ciyun exchanged a few words with Mr. Fang about the situation of Yike and Bingxin. At the end, he sent a latest report he had just seen.

"In the early hours of the morning, Fang Zhuo, the founder of Yike, unexpectedly started a live broadcast on Douyin, responding to the unreasonable interference from BIS in Yike's production and operations two hours ago."

"Like all kinds of information before, Mr. Fang insisted on Yike's unwavering choice in the face of power."

"At the peak of this live broadcast, 4.89 million people listened online at the same time, and the subsequent dissemination spread to all aspects. Everyone witnessed Mr. Fang and Yike's character under difficult circumstances."

"I have never liked to personalize companies, because any legal and compliant business behavior should be allowed, and sometimes it does not conform to simple concepts. Just like Yike facing BIS, if it chooses to terminate cooperation with Bingxin, it should be understood, because Yike hopes to continue to maintain more than anyone else. Strategic alliance with Bingxin. "

"That's why when Mr. Fang spoke to the media around the world, when Yike would rather withdraw from the US market than cooperate with Bingxin, when the whispers of "Prisoner's Song" sounded during the late-night live broadcast, and when consumers responded to Mr. Fang with good morning..."

"I can only say that the values ​​and spiritual attributes beyond commercial behavior are the difference between great companies and ordinary companies."

"This is Mr. Fang's fireside chat in the new era, and I am fortunate to participate in it as a listener."

"As Mr. Fang said, Yike does not live under the expectations of Wall Street and Washington, it lives in the never-ending wave of globalization, it lives at the forefront of ever-changing technological innovation, and it lives on the increasingly diverse needs of the vast number of users."

"What doesn't kill Yike will only make it stronger."

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