Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1438 This is just the beginning (4k)

Schroeder, the president of Yike USA, left Shanghai with a heavy heart and returned to Silicon Valley. In addition to the worries about the company's current situation, he was also uncertain about his personal future. He felt exhausted.

Needless to say, the company would rather abandon the US market than compromise. The boss has already expressed a firm position, which will only usher in an increasingly fierce storm.

But this... leaving Yike...

Schroeder has not considered this, but as a director of Yike and a member of Yike's senior management, he is actually cautiously optimistic about the future.

Although the US market has been lost now, this is for greater and more solid autonomy. It may not be impossible to return to the throne after a series of problems in the future.

Schroeder has been in Yike for nearly ten years. He has witnessed and promoted the company's rapid development with his own eyes, and he is also very confident in the company's operating mechanism.

In addition, Yike and Bingxin, two companies that can be said to have topped the world's top in their respective fields, will surely burst out with a force that will surprise the outside world under pressure.

In addition, there is also Mr. Fang, who is the best and the most crazy in the world. He has extraordinary leadership.

Therefore, Schroeder really believed what he said in the meeting room of Yike General Office, abandoned his fantasy, and prepared to fight, and the fight was of course for the goal of winning.

However, Mr. Fang's advice to him now is to incubate a new project...

Schroeder hesitated.

While hesitating, he was still under pressure to deal with Yike's affairs in the US market, because BIS's trade license control on Yike based on the Export Control Regulations required communication with many of Yike's US customers.

Operators such as Verizon and T-Mobile, suppliers such as Intel and AMD, and channel vendors such as Amazon and Best Buy... all need to sort out the complicated work before completely exiting the market.

What made Schroeder feel even more complicated was that although BIS had restricted Yike, Yike's sales performance in the US market this quarter was not only not affected, but extremely popular.

No matter what messy factors there are outside, Mars 9 still has the world's strongest core.

According to the current trend, when the traditional peak season of the fourth quarter ends, the US market will contribute more than $43 billion in revenue to Yike this year.

$43 billion...

Although Schroeder has the will to fight, he feels heartbroken when he thinks of such a loss.

On November 16, the US president of Yike, who was busy in Silicon Valley, received a call from Larry, the head of Google, and was then asked to visit him for negotiations.

Schroeder was a little surprised by Larry's visit, but soon after seeing him in person, his mood became even heavier.

"Yesterday, a meeting against Yike was held in Washington, and Google is under great pressure." Larry said bluntly after a brief greeting, "Washington will soon upgrade its actions against Yike."

Schroeder has participated in many rounds of discussions with Yike, and naturally he is basically clear about the situation on Google's side. The so-called pressure will only be GMS.

But he thinks that this matter should be discussed between Larry and Mr. Fang. Whether it is a notice or a warning, it should be communicated directly between the two.

"Yi Ke and Google's cooperation on the Android system is one of the most successful examples in the industry's history." Schroeder said without hesitation, "At the same time, the in-depth patent cooperation of the Pro Alliance is also a major initiative to keep the Android system from internal consumption due to patent disputes. Larry, Google is under pressure not only for Yi Ke, but also for itself."

Yi Ke has invested a lot in research and development over the years, and part of the results of the transformation are various patents, which are basically provided to the Pro Patent Alliance of the Android camp free of charge.

Once the relationship breaks down, these patents will also be the counterattack weapon for the Android camp to restart the war, but this will hurt others and hurt oneself, unless it is forced to do so. Moreover, Yi Ke also has the possibility of suffering from Qualcomm 2.0, and the legal provisions are all there.

In addition, Yi Ke owns shares in Android and has signed multiple rounds of agreements with Google on system cooperation.

Basically, Yi Ke's cooperation with Google on Android GMS has been the most solid within the scope of laws and regulations.

However, Schroeder talked about this with Mr. Fang before returning to Silicon Valley. The biggest problem is that the current laws and regulations are not good, and Washington will revise new laws and regulations.

It is easy to destroy but difficult to build. Yike is always passive in this regard and can only passively counterattack.

The current situation is that Google's compliance with Washington's requirements will not bring it any benefits, but it is very likely to suffer losses, which gives it a real motivation to withstand the pressure.

Another key point is that both Google's relationship with Washington and Larry's relationship with Austrian currency are relatively good, which helps Google to stick to its position and not sacrifice its own interests to follow the footsteps of Yike.

Google can say "no" for a certain period of time, this is Fang Zhuo's judgment.

"But Washington is still strongly suggesting that Google do something, and at the same time consider putting pressure on the European Union." Larry did not comment after listening to Schroeder's words, and said with a sharp look, "At the same time, Washington will definitely launch more stringent measures on the supply chain of Yike and Bingxin."

Schroeder nodded intently. It sounds like Larry still withstood the pressure in this Washington meeting.

Larry looked at Yike's American president and said seriously: "It is best that the supply chain of Yike and Bingxin can perform well, otherwise, it will be difficult for Google to persist."

At this Washington meeting attended by many well-known companies in Silicon Valley, the attitude towards Yike was basically half and half, and many were worried about the expansion of this kind of interference.

Larry had communicated with Mr. Fang when he was in Paris, and this time he expressed his views clearly, disapproving of the more drastic measures taken by Washington and BIS.

The U.S. market has already kicked out Yike, so why be aggressive anymore.

Anyway, Google does not agree and does not want the Android camp to suffer unnecessary losses.

In addition to participating in meetings in Washington, Larry also communicated privately with the White House. He felt that he was very careful both in public and private matters.

However, regardless of what should be said, Yike's decisive withdrawal from the US market and Mr. Fang's attitude also angered many people, and the voices of shouting and killing were endless.

Thinking about the upcoming election next year, Larry has a lot of worries in his heart.

If the situation becomes more complicated, Google's position will also need to be weighed more.

Schroeder could only say: "I will convey this to Mr. Fang."

Immediately, he added: "Yike and Bingxin already have sufficient plans in this regard."

Larry glanced at Schroeder and believed this statement.

After he finished telling the news about Yike, a smile appeared on his face and he asked: "Schroeder, I heard that many people here in the center of Silicon Valley are already being contacted by companies. What are your plans for the future?"

Yike's R\u0026D center in Silicon Valley has a very strong team and strength, and it was also affected this time.

After hearing this, Schroeder suddenly understood why Larry made a special trip to visit instead of calling the boss to communicate. He was here for himself.

He thought about the project suggestions mentioned by Mr. Fang and said thoughtfully: "I might be in Silicon Valley, or I might do some cutting-edge research and development projects."

Schroeder then asked, "Well...Larry, do you think I have what it takes to start and lead a new company?"

Larry fully recognized the abilities of Schroeder, the president of Yike USA. Hearing that he really wanted to leave, he smiled and said, "Of course you are good enough to start from scratch, but Schroeder, instead of that, it's better Come to Google, there is enough platform for you to perform, and we all know how fierce the competition is in Silicon Valley.”

He solicited: "Google can provide you with a lot of autonomy, Schroeder, I say it sincerely, unless you find a transformative project, it is certainly worth your effort, and it is certainly worth your gamble. Otherwise, Google is Your best choice, we have a lot of cooperation and we can trust each other. ”

Schroeder didn't have any expression. Well, that's what you said.

Mr. Fang provided him with direction, and Larry provided him with courage. Coupled with his own little ability, it seemed that it might be worth doing.

He still thanked the head of Google for visiting and recruiting this time.

After conveying the news of the Washington meeting and Larry's attitude to his boss, Schroeder also mentioned his latest intention to try a short video project in the mobile era.

"Intel and AMD have obtained licenses from BIS. Our mobile phone industry chain has been de-beautified and has almost completed localization. Now it is the ice core supply chain that needs to withstand the test."

"Take your time, Google's wait-and-see mood is pretty good right now. As long as the company can sustain the pressure for a period of time, its wait-and-see mood will become stronger."

Many organizations now predict that Yike will fail quickly, because more rumors from Washington include future control and restrictions on American technology.

Fang Zhuo already knew the contents of the Washington meeting in advance, and now he only knew Larry's attitude more clearly, which did not exceed expectations.

After talking about the company's situation, he agreed with Schroeder's choice: "Schroeder, you will be excited about your choice in the future. Douyin's success in China will also have commonalities in the global market. You will create a new business." Great cause.”

Schroeder was a little flattered. He rarely heard such praise and predictions from his boss.

Fang Zhuo continued to talk about the support for project incubation during this phone call. Compared with how overseas markets perform, this time he really paid more attention to the impact of overseas Douyin on media and public opinion.

After he finished chatting with Schroeder, he had a direct phone call with Larry to once again clarify the current positions of both parties, and his attitude was still quite calm.

Maintaining communication in this way, paying attention to and thinking about changes in the situation, Fang Zhuo's work on his hands was somewhat free, but his mind was not idle at all.

However, Su Wei, who had been working overtime recently to compete in e-commerce competitions, felt that there must be bad news when she saw Fang Zhuo frowning on the sofa when she got home on the night of the 23rd.

Although Su Wei had not seen the public news, she knew that there were friends of Yi Ke in the United States. She first changed the tea cup on the table for hot tea, then sat down and asked, "Is there any new news in Washington?"

Fang Zhuo said "hmm" and said slowly: "BIS plans to revise the foreign-produced direct product rules FDP, which will restrict semiconductor design based on software and technology from there and chips manufactured based on production equipment in CCL. "

Su Wei understood this sentence and considered: "Is this BIS amending the law to extend its jurisdiction?"

Fang Zhuo did not praise Teacher Su's quick response, and said "hmm" again, and continued: "It will be announced tomorrow, but today, JSR Co., Ltd. and Tokyo Ohka, several photoresist companies that monopolize the market, have contacted Bingxin. They have received a notice from Washington and will have to interrupt their cooperation with Bingxin."

Su Wei pursed her lips. Because the shelf life of photoresist is usually within 6 months, it is a very suitable weapon for restricting. Yike and Bingxin previously promoted the implementation of related research and development in Luzhou, and it is obvious that Washington also knows this and contacted relevant manufacturers in advance before BIS officially revised the FDP.

This means that Bingxin's production capacity will face great challenges.

"In addition, JSR Co., Ltd. and Tokyo Ohka have to pay attention to the purchase and use of other customers." Fang Zhuo said another related situation.

Su Wei listened to the news and frowned, "Any more bad news? Let's talk about it all at once."

Fang Zhuo leaned back on the sofa, shook his head and smiled, "Finally, there is good news. Bingxin's previous orders to JSR Co., Ltd. and Tokyo Ohka have been shipped overnight, and we will try to complete them before the BIS restrictions are officially issued."

As photoresist manufacturers, JSR Co., Ltd. and Tokyo Ohka are businessmen and do not want to lose a big customer. They can only do this at this juncture.

Su Wei did not laugh and asked, "Is the second round of BIS measures coming too fast?"

This is beyond previous cognition. It is generally believed that there will be more measures at least until the end of the year. Today is only the 23rd. If it is announced tomorrow, it will be exactly two weeks away from the 10th.

The first round cuts off Yike's US market, and the second round extends jurisdiction, giving priority to attacking the weak points of Bingxin's operation.

"Who said it wasn't?" Fang Zhuo nodded, "It was indeed very fast, but fortunately, it was only aimed at Yike and Bingxin for the time being."

Yike and Bingxin stood out, and the other side's current target has not changed, but they are just trying more measures.

"Washington and BIS are coming with great momentum, just to put out your arrogance..." Su Wei stretched out her hand and pressed on the arm of the man in front of her, and asked, "What should I do?"

What should I do?

This question also appeared in the minds and mouths of many people after BIS announced the latest measures as scheduled on the 24th. The senior management of Yike and Bingxin knew the main weapon being wielded in this round.

Bingxin was unable to purchase ASML's advanced models in July 2012, and was subject to more stringent restrictions in February 2015.

But it still used the models and technologies available at hand to make breakthroughs, and developed equipment technology and process technology in various ways.

However, the problem of photoresist is indeed serious, and its time limit is a headache.

On November 25, Fang Zhuo convened a joint meeting of Yike and Bingxin to discuss the latest situation. He did not show any strange expression on his face, but smiled and said, "From yesterday to today, many people have asked me what to do. You really asked me the right question."

"I thought I was a god."

"BIS is coming with great force this time. The supply chains of Yike and Bingxin are beginning to be truly tested."


"There is no other way for us to go. No choice is the best choice."

"I read the teacher's book. What he said after the Long March is still very appropriate now - don't be intimidated by the enemy's fierce force, don't be frustrated by the difficulties that can still be endured, don't be discouraged by certain setbacks, and give the necessary patience and persistence. It is completely necessary."

"I am not intimidated, frustrated, or discouraged."

"Everyone should do the same, and should also give the necessary patience and persistence."

"Washington and BIS still have many cards in their hands. They can say, this is just the beginning?"

"But we can answer them with the same words, this is just the beginning?"

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