Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1442 Time Limit (4k)

The head of Yike once again appeared on the cover of Time, and his attitude remained tough, even though he had paid a high price for his choice and even though some organizations had already drawn a timeline for Bingxin.

The restrictions on photoresist are like a small effort to get a lot of weight, and Bingxin really can't see any effective solution in this regard. According to the usual deadline, Bingxin's 16nm process will face the dilemma of material shortage by June next year.

Under this situation, Fang Zhuo's interview, his remarks such as "dumping is greater than blockade" and "countdown to return" are not convincing to Washington, but more like a clamor in the predicament, and some of the thinking and approval voices in Silicon Valley can't make waves in public opinion.

With Yike's products basically sold out in the United States, the stock price market value fell by 280 billion US dollars, and Bingxin was besieged by raw materials, equipment, and technology. The more mainstream view is waiting to verify Yike's prediction of the fall.

Of course, Yike still has a solid Chinese market, but no matter what market it is, it always needs product strength to speak. Once Bingxin cannot provide the production capacity of the most advanced process, how can Yike face the fierce market competition?

Such a situation may not even be far away. June is only half a year away. Considering the inventory produced in advance by Yike, no matter how it controls the channel supply, can its core products survive 2016?

Almost impossible.

"Fang Zhuo once announced to the public in Huaxia through a live broadcast that Yike refused to surrender."

"I don't know if he regrets it now."

"Yike has been kicked out of the US market, its stock price has suffered a heavy blow, its production capacity supply is precarious, and even its domestic market will soon have a Chinese brand equipped with Qualcomm flagship chips. Even if Fang Zhuo regrets it, he has missed the precious 'surrender' option."

"The head of a high-tech company combines the company's interests with personal emotional tendencies, which is doomed to be wrong."

"Fang Zhuo doesn't know if he can realize the countdown he mentioned, but the bell of Yike's June countdown has already sounded in his ears."

The Washington Post commented on Fang Zhuo's latest interview, and the news that the Chinese brand was equipped with Qualcomm's latest flagship mentioned in its report was disclosed for the first time.

Because of Taiji's production capacity, Qualcomm's flagship is currently only used in overseas brands such as Samsung, but as Taiji's production capacity increases, it is obviously ready to go in the Chinese market, aiming directly at the decline of Yike products in the market.

Yike noticed such competitive information, but there was no big fluctuation. The company has already made the worst market expectations, and the proud mobile phone products may really be in short supply.

However, as long as Xinyang Luzhou's photoresist research and development can make a breakthrough, or if SMIC makes a breakthrough in 10nm, Yike mobile phones will return quickly.

On December 30, Fang Zhuo held a meeting in Shencheng with Yike, Yike Optoelectronics, SMIC, Bingxin, Changdian, Xinyang and other companies to discuss the current situation and future direction.

He did not mention Liang Mengsong's secret research and development on the SMIC platform, but only mentioned the further technical cooperation between Bingxin and SMIC, and expressed his meaning euphemistically.

In addition, chip design represented by Yike and Yike Optoelectronics, chip manufacturing represented by SMIC and Bingxin, chip packaging and testing represented by Changdian, and photoresist raw materials represented by Xinyang, these upstream and downstream of the semiconductor industry will have deeper cooperation in the future.

Fang Zhuo did not specifically mention Xinyang at the meeting, but kept Wang Fuxiang, the head of Xinyang, after the meeting, intending to communicate separately.

Before he opened his mouth, Wang Fuxiang talked about a series of Xinyang Luzhou's research and development.

Fang Zhuo did not understand the parameters, but listened to the content patiently. There was some progress, but the time was still not guaranteed.

"Mr. Wang, please sit down, please sit down." Fang Zhuo signaled the secretary to change the tea, and smiled, "Don't be nervous, I'm not a monster, and I'm not going to rush you."

Xinyang's headquarters is obviously in Shanghai, but Wang Fuxiang has been squatting in Luzhou recently and really doesn't want to come back at all.

He put himself in Mr. Fang's shoes. If his company encountered the current crisis, the market value would evaporate. He really wanted to tie up the person who had the hope of solving the problem.

That's not a few dollars, it's a fund calculated in billions, it's a problem in the global market, it's...

Wang Fuxiang could say a series of "that's", he could only say, no wonder it was Mr. Fang, he can sit firmly now, he can be so kind now, this temperament is extraordinary.

He thought about Mr. Fang's attitude towards the public, and he admired him even more.

Of course, admiration is admiration, but he really doesn't want to get too close to the old devil.

"Mr. Fang, Xinyang Luzhou is now a 24-hour research and development mode with three shifts. We are trying our best to solve the problem of domestic photoresist." Wang Fuxiang expressed his position again.

Xinyang Luzhou is a subsidiary of Xinyang and Bingxin. Now this research and development model is actually led by the latter, and this is not the first time Bingxin has developed in this way.

Wang Fuxiang didn't know until he arrived in Luzhou that Bingxin's previous 16nm process was developed in this way.

"Well, this." Fang Zhuo hesitated for a moment, "This situation is indeed unusual. We should rush for research and development and race against time. Bingxin had to do this before, but everyone's support must be in place."

He continued: "Before Bingxin, the three shifts had a 40% increase in base salary and a 60% year-end bonus. What are the regulations here at Xinyang?"

The R\u0026D team formed by Bingxin was led by Liang Mengsong and adopted a voluntary registration method. In addition to 40%+60%, there were additional rewards.

On the one hand, there was material guarantee, and on the other hand, there was spiritual motivation. The team was soon full and really made a technological breakthrough as expected.

Wang Fuxiang immediately said: "Mr. Fang, we also have this standard and will never treat you unfairly."

Fang Zhuo nodded and said with emotion: "I believe that Xinyang's efforts will definitely bear fruit. We cannot let everyone down. At this time, the stocks that should be given should also be given. As long as Xinyang's technology makes a breakthrough, SMIC and Bingxin will not hesitate to remove Japanese suppliers, and I will also find a way to promote this domestic market again."

This is his private promise.

Wang Fuxiang's heart beat. This is the opportunity for domestic manufacturers in this crisis. Bingxin's current experience allows everyone and the upper level to see the importance of a stable supply chain.

Bingxin has achieved the world's best technology, but the global supply chain is still broken. At this time, domestic manufacturers must go up even if they are a little worse.

He understood what Mr. Fang said, and Xinyang's breakthrough should be shared by employees.

Wang Fuxiang said "hmm", but still said cautiously: "Mr. Fang, I also have confidence, but technology research and development needs to conform to objective laws."

Fang Zhuo waved his hand: "Mr. Wang, I know, I am not urging you, on the contrary, I think urging will not bring good results. I just want to provide everyone with everything I can provide, and then wait for the results on this basis."

He paused and continued: "Whether it is one year, two years, or three years, foreign manufacturers are unreliable, let's work together."

This is a combination of subjective and objective factors.

Wang Fuxiang nodded and said with some regret: "It's a pity that 'Core Materials' has not achieved the ideal results in the past three years, otherwise it would not be the current situation."

The current situation is actually beneficial to Xinyang, but from the perspective of Bingxin and the entire industry, he still feels it's a pity. Mr. Fang and Bingxin are not unaware of the difficult situation that photoresist may cause, and have promoted cooperation in mainland R\u0026D, but the progress is not satisfactory.

"This is a historical problem. We have tried our best." Fang Zhuo smiled, "We have done a lot of work, some of which have made good progress, and some need to continue. For example, the large silicon wafer presided over by Mr. Zhang Rujing has made a breakthrough and has entered Bingxin's production line. Otherwise, this will also be cut off. If there is no breakthrough in photoresist, then wait a little longer."

He raised his cup, touched it in the air, and said: "Wait until Xinyang breaks through, then we will celebrate together."

Wang Fuxiang moved his lips, but still didn't say anything, just picked up the teacup and ate tea instead of wine.

Fang Zhuo continued to chat, and his words unconsciously revealed his expectation for a breakthrough in photoresist.

After this exchange, Yike still had an internal meeting to hold, so Fang Zhuo sent Wang Fuxiang out of the president's office.

Wang Fuxiang walked to the door, and the market value of Yike at its peak and now flashed through his mind. Thinking about the gap of more than 100 billion US dollars, it was simply earth-shattering...

He stepped out of the president's office and whispered half a sentence: "Mr. Fang, maybe, maybe this year..."

Wang Fuxiang only said half a sentence like this when he felt his arm being tightly grasped.

He saw a flash of cold light in Mr. Fang's eyes that disappeared in an instant.

Fang Zhuo asked calmly: "What did you say?"

"Oh, this, not this year, next year... next year..." Wang Fuxiang suddenly felt a little regretful, but continued, "Maybe, Mr. Fang, I mean maybe, this..."

Wang Fuxiang felt sweat on his back and stuttered a little.

Fang Zhuo held Mr. Wang's arm tightly and said with a smile: "Mr. Wang, don't worry, sit down and talk."

"Actually, there's nothing to say." Wang Fuxiang still didn't want to sit down. Although Mr. Fang smiled, he still felt a lot of uncomfortable pressure. He made up his mind and spoke smoothly, "Arf photoresist has made good progress in exposure dose sensitivity LDL, and it may soon reach 1J/cm. There are indeed many difficulties in other aspects, but if we estimate optimistically... at the latest next year, I personally think there should be a breakthrough."

In two days, it will be next year.

Fang Zhuo frowned and said, "Boss Wang, you just said next year."

"How can I say this?" Wang Fuxiang knew that the matter was of great importance. "Anyway, I think that if we sacrifice some of the yield, we can see results the year after next."

Fang Zhuo grabbed what he had just heard: "Boss Wang, you just said next year!"

Wang Fuxiang smiled bitterly and said, "Boss Fang, I was a little distracted just now. This, with this time limit, I am just estimating, and I can't guarantee the estimate."

Fang Zhuo threatened, "Boss Wang, tell me what this 'next year' is about. This is related to the layout of the financial market of 100 billion US dollars, and this is related to the overall planning of the mainland semiconductor industry. Since you mentioned the time, since you are optimistic, then make this 'optimism' clear!"

Wang Fuxiang couldn't help wiping the sweat from his forehead. Boss Fang used 100 billion US dollars and the industry to pressure him at this time...

He took a few deep breaths and said, "After all, 'Core Material' has been engaged in Arf for three years. The foundation of these three years is very good. Boss Fang, I, I can't really be sure that we will make a big breakthrough next year, but we are really making effective progress."

Fang Zhuo stared at Wang Fuxiang for a few seconds, nodded slowly, shook hands with this man again, and said in a deep voice: "Okay, Mr. Wang, I'm waiting for your good news."

Wang Fuxiang felt the strength of Mr. Fang's hand, but his heart became heavy.

His optimism just now was an impulse from the heart, and he regretted it when it came to his mouth.

But that’s it, let’s keep going.

It’s for myself and for everyone!

The cautious, optimistic and unguaranteed expectations coming from the head of Xinyang, even with so many modifications, still caused Fang Zhuo's emotions to fluctuate strongly.

He suppressed such emotions and still chaired the Yike meeting as usual.

As it approached noon, Fang Zhuo met his biographer Liang Mu. His work had been delayed because he always encountered events worth writing about.

"Teacher Liang, tell me, how would you summarize what happened during my time at Yike and Bingxin?" Fang Zhuo still felt a little emotional.

Due to the recent setbacks encountered by Yike and Bingxin, Liang Mu has increased his frequency of appearances on the 23rd floor of Yike, and has closely observed the performance of Mr. Fang and the middle and senior management of Yike during this period.

When he heard such a question, he gave an answer of his own: "Rack your brains."

Fang Zhuo was startled for a moment and said with a smile: "I have really racked my brains. It's good. If you subtract when writing, don't modify it, it might sell better."

In fact, Liang Mu couldn't help but modify it. There were some things that just couldn't be written directly...

He asked about the new news he had just heard: "Mr. Fang, I heard that the head of AMD is coming? Will the notebooks cooperated by Yike and AMD be released at this time?"

Yike had previously previewed a notebook with AMD. It had previously said it would be released by the end of the year, but this has passed the time limit and seems to have been aborted due to restrictions in Washington.

"Yike will not be released." Fang Zhuo said bluntly, "But Yike will use a foreign vest and use our operators and various channel resources in the United States to help the development of AMD chips in the US market."

Liang Mu asked: "Is it because of the cooperation between AMD and Ice Core?"

"Well, just write it like this. You can't write about power-for-money transactions." Fang Zhuo nodded, agreeing with Liang Mu's reasons.

Liang Mu: "..."

Can you, Mr. Fang, do it without modifying it?

He pondered the recent public opinion and asked the person involved again for his opinion: "Mr. Fang, you said there will be a countdown to Yike's return. The Washington Post also said there is a countdown to Yike's return in June. What do you think of this?"

"It counts down its time, and I count down mine." Fang Zhuohun said nonchalantly, "Yike has always developed himself well without interference from the outside world."

Liang Mu recorded the general attitude below, and also added his thoughts in his mind. The old devil would only say "Yike is not subject to interference from the outside world." What he would not say is that Yike would occasionally interfere with the outside world.

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