Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1444 Disagreement (4k)

On January 6, 2016, Yike ushered in a large-scale signing meeting. Co-founder Yu Hong, YMS President Qi He, YWS President Wang Jian, EBG President Zhang Yaqin and Shencheng, Jinling, Changzhou, Suzhou, Lu Leaders of the six cities of Yangtze River Delta and Ningbo jointly signed a cooperation agreement aimed at promoting the "Smart Yangtze River Delta" strategic cooperation project.

This project will optimize resource allocation, reduce duplication of construction, reduce IT costs, and enhance the government information sharing and business collaboration capabilities of the six cities.

And, in the future, more cities in the Yangtze River Delta will be encouraged to integrate into this framework, accelerate digital transformation, and improve the efficiency and quality of public services.

It is reported that the order amount obtained by Yike this time exceeds 10 billion, setting a record for domestic cloud services in government data services.

Yike's cloud services started very early, and they are still serving many small and medium-sized enterprises in Europe and establishing localized data centers. But this time it is tantamount to once again widening the gap with domestic competitors.

This news from Yikeyun also attracted the attention of Wall Street when reported by domestic media.

Although Yike has withdrawn from the U.S. market, it is still a rare Nasdaq-listed company and has a lot of traffic. There are still many users criticizing Washington's unfair restrictions on Yike on various platforms.

"Many analysts believe that Yike achieved more than $40 billion in revenue from the U.S. market in 2015, which is undoubtedly good news."

"But the bad news is that Yike lost it in 2016."

"Just yesterday, Yike got a super order for cloud services from the Chinese government, with a total value of more than 1 billion US dollars. This was even Yike Cloud's full-year revenue two years ago, and it is not ruled out that it will cooperate with the government in the future. New city orders will continue to be added to the cooperation framework created.”

"We have always said that Yike will try its best to make up for its revenue losses, and it is obviously capable of making up for it. However, if the vacancy in an important market like the United States can be filled so easily, Yike's stock price will not fall so much. ”

"The consequences of Yike's loss of the US market are not over yet, and may have just begun a complicated prelude."

"At the very least, both Yike and Bingxin need to face a real trial in June, and this is just part of the chain reaction."

"What these two companies need to solve are basic and core thorny issues such as equipment and raw materials, but by the time they can be solved, Yike has lost its competitiveness. This is what Washington wants to see."

"Yike has no chance of breaking Washington's blockade, but the probability is 2%, of which 1% is due to the other party's total respect."

The Wall Street Journal is pessimistic about the future of Yike. This is just the general view of mainstream public opinion. As of January, many influential media and institutions are deconstructing Yike. On the one hand, they are exploring the competition that Yike still has. Strength, on the other hand, it is also a measure of where Yike's market value should be.

Yike's peak market capitalization exceeded US$420 billion, but now only US$278.8 billion is left.

It's so sad. The current Yike is only equivalent to 1.85 Intel, or 1.49 Alibaba, or 10.3 Sony, or 13.2 Duji!

This is what will happen to you, Mr. Fang, if you insist on having your own way!

However, as Yike Cloud received large orders, there was also news from former Yike R\u0026D personnel that was quite eye-catching.

According to a researcher who did not want to be named and has resigned from Yike's Silicon Valley R\u0026D Center, Yike has been conducting research on computer CPUs three years ago, with the goal of creating notebook products more suitable for its own ecological linkage.

At the same time, the R\u0026D staff also talked about the recent situation of Yike's project, "Before I left my job, this R\u0026D project had become the main body of the Huaxia R\u0026D Center, but everyone was hesitant. Hey, it's not what you imagined. , because after acquiring AMD’s core technology, everyone has different opinions on the research direction.”

"Elder originally hoped to build an ARM chip, and wanted to combine it with Yike's YMS ambitiously, and completely build it into a new product that combines Yike's software and hardware innovation."

"But AMD's technology is also very good, exceeding Yike's internal expectations. This provides the company with a new choice for x86."

"Although Yike has encountered some situations now, I think it won't be too far away from seeing the launch of Yike's self-developed CPU."

Former Yike R\u0026D mentioned the name of Elder, the vice president of technology, exposing the surprising R\u0026D status within Yike.

Because the news was published in the New York Times, it has a lot of credibility.

Others were watching the excitement, but Intel was a little confused. After being confused, it quickly grasped the key points. No, why do you have to make up for the missing portion of Yike from me?

Robert Swan, the interim CEO, has strongly questioned why Yike can obtain AMD's core technology?

China is an important market for Intel, accounting for about 30% of its revenue all year round. If a Chinese brand like Yike is affected by competition, it may indeed cause revenue losses.

At the same time, Robert also raised a question that did not attract attention: "What I want to know is that BIS has restricted Ice Core International since last year. Why did AMD still obtain a temporary license this year? Why can AMD still compete with Ice Core International?" Cooperation? This is unfair! It should be corrected immediately!”

AMD did not respond to questions from competitors. As for this temporary license... Anyway, there is no new news from BIS, so just use it.

Just as AMD's latest Ryzen chips arrive, its stock price has been pushed up again due to the news about Yike, and its market value has soared from US$2 billion in the same period last year to US$8 billion now.

What did it do?

It seems to have done nothing but take one temporary license issued to it by BIS one after another.

It’s only this month that new products will be launched.

Domestic media also noticed the changes in the computer CPU field and AMD's stock price, and gave an analysis, "Even Yike internally recognizes AMD's technology, indicating that its technology is indeed good."

The media also asked Yike Company for confirmation. Elder, the vice president of technology who was mentioned in the gossip, responded generously, confirming that the company has indeed initiated research within the company, but there is no clear timetable for listing.

Elder also maintained the cooperative relationship with Intel and praised Intel's excellent performance in computer chips.

"If Yike launches a new computer chip, will it consider selling it to external parties? Or will it simply be used for its own company's products?" The reporter asked a key question on the phone.

Just like Yike's Zhurong chips are still only used in its own products, this brings a certain moat.

Elder hesitated on the phone and ended the interview with a rhetorical question: "Can't you choose them all? Haha, just kidding, the company has many R\u0026D projects, but it always takes a relatively long process to truly enter the market."

On the 16th, AMD's new product launch day actually arrived, and along with the turbulent news, when CEO Su Zifeng introduced the Ryzen series chips to everyone, when she compared the performance of Ryzen 7's 8 cores and 16 threads in video editing, 3D rendering, science The performance was quite advantageous in scenarios such as calculation. When she announced that the price was only half of competing products, the audience burst into warm applause.

"This is the starting point for AMD's next important decade. My colleagues and I are confident that we will work with our partners to provide users with better services."

Su Zifeng is very ambitious and expressed her expectation for manufacturers to provide optimization.

The performance is super strong, the productivity is super strong, and the product price is super strong. Although the pre-orders will not be shipped until March 1st, AMD's stock price soared 18% immediately after the press conference, approaching the market value of US$10 billion.

At the same time in the evening, Su Wei came home from a meeting after working overtime. She was still reading the latest AMD reports on the way. When she entered the living room, she saw Fang Zhuo sitting on the sofa, and the TV that was rarely turned on was playing "The Swordsman".

"Hey, are you exchanging experiences with Zuo Lengchan about being an alliance leader?" Su Wei took off her coat and asked with a smile.

Fang Zhuo: "䱱......"

Su Wei took a few steps and changed her words: "No, he is not as good as you. Is it Zuo Lengchan who asked Mr. Fang for his experience in being an alliance leader?"

Fang Zhuo rolled his eyes at Teacher Xiao Su.

"Stop talking about it, don't let the situation that Tesco finally created be killed by the order of leader Fang." Su Wei said with a smile, "Ali is very vigilant. Once Douyin's live broadcast e-commerce becomes active, its other The field expansion has stopped, and the stock price has also fallen this month.”

Seeing that the man on the sofa was still silent, she asked, "Do you want money? I'll give you some money to spend. Our stock price has been good recently."

Fang Zhuo said subconsciously: "Isn't it appropriate?"

"It's really inappropriate, then forget it." Su Wei smiled and sat down, "You are not short of money, so I can't insult you."

"When this year's Forbes comes out, my position as the richest man in the world will finally be given away." Fang Zhuo sighed, "With the tremendous development of the times, the richest man Fang will eventually be eliminated."

Su Wei made a sound: "Alibaba's traffic is really a big problem. I think domestic competition will find it difficult to find an angle to attack Yike."

"How come there isn't?" Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "I can just say one casually."

Su Wei was surprised and waited for the next step.

"For example, finance." Fang Zhuo gave an example.

Su Wei frowned. The Yike department was indeed very restrained in this regard. There had been voices within Yike demanding the vigorous development of the financialization of Yipay, but this was suppressed by Fang Zhuo, who said that he would pursue long-term development along the lines of a technology company. develop.

She thought about it carefully for a while. The overall scale of Alibaba e-commerce is more than three times that of Tesco. Since the live broadcast e-commerce has just been launched, it will take time to achieve results. However, Alibaba has difficulty solving the traffic problem on the one hand, and on the other hand it faces e-commerce New forms of impact…

"Finance..." Su Wei muttered, "It can easily cause trouble."

Fang Zhuo took a sip of water: "Hey, who knows."

Su Wei glanced at Zuo Lengchan on the TV screen and felt that sometimes the alliance leader had to have a palace.

The Lunar New Year in 2016 is relatively early. February 7 is New Year’s Eve. While the media is making a fuss about AMD’s new products and its shipment in March, trying to explore the ice core production capacity and supply, the entire Yike department is relatively calm. .

The market value of Yike basically fluctuates around US$280 billion. The production and operation of ice cores are still working overtime. The live broadcast e-commerce is full of vitality, and the development of the ecosystem is not affected.

However, problems in the U.S. market forced Yike to start layoffs in the U.S. and only keep minimum service operations except non-research and development. However, some of the laid-off employees have gone to Singapore's emerging computer brand YA, which can be considered a small settlement.

In the domestic market, the BT alliance between Duji and Penguin provided a certain degree of competitiveness for their online videos. However, Penguin soon encountered a familiar competitive situation and found that many users were increasingly siphoned to short video platforms.

As for A, one of the two poles, although Alibaba's stock price growth and expansion momentum in multiple fields have slowed down, the head is very active and has also expressed his views on the future to the media.

——New retail, new finance, new technology, new energy, and new manufacturing.

He believes that the "five new" should lead the future changes.

However, a well-known bigwig in the industry publicly complained that "except for new technology, the rest is nonsense. He is not engaged in the real economy, so what can he make."

Some people took another Y as an example, "If Yi Ke proposed "new manufacturing" and "new technology", it would be okay. They have invested a lot of money in recent years and have become the world's number one, but they are targeted again. Don't just talk about it, but do something with your hands."

Despite some disputes, Alibaba seems to be serious. It is said that it is still preparing to establish the "Five New" Executive Committee, which made Qi He, the president of Yi Ke YMS, who has not spoken much recently, couldn't help but repost the relevant news in the circle of friends.

But he only commented on one symbol:?

Near the end of the month, Su Wei took the time to ask Fang Zhuo about this matter: "What's going on? Three encircled and one missing?"

She noticed that there was a new finance in the "five new".

Fang Zhuo just spread his hands: "It has nothing to do with me. I'm already exhausted in the news. How can I have the time?"

Every day that passes is approaching the June dilemma drawn by foreign media and institutions. Although the head of Yike has not appeared for a while, he has been depressed in some reports.

This once attracted a concerned call from Zhang Chaoyang.

"Okay, weird." Su Wei felt that Yike might have let its opponents run wild in the positions that it had not occupied, but she knew that there was still a New Year's gift for Ali at the end of the year.

On February 1, six days before New Year's Eve, Sun Tongyu, the former "God of Wealth" of Ali and former vice president of Mi Tuan, quietly announced the establishment of a new company "Pinduoduo".

He posted the company's goals in his circle of friends: We want to be more affordable e-commerce, meet the needs of a wider range of users, and create the best cost-effectiveness.

Pinduoduo did not take any large-scale actions before the New Year, but Sun Tongyu's new move was still noticed by Alibaba.

Although Sun Tongyu's words were more euphemistic, the so-called "more affordable" was nothing more than going to the sinking market.

Alibaba discussed this matter at a high-level meeting before the holiday, and everyone was in a relatively stable mood.

However, after the meeting, Peng Lei suddenly asked the head Feng Qingyang with some hesitation: "Douyin is expanding the e-commerce market boundary of Yiguo, Pinduoduo wants to go to the sinking market, we... do we still need to upgrade?"

Yike's route obviously diverged from Alibaba, and the former praised Tmall and advocated upgrading in the past two years...

Before Feng Qingyang answered, the CEO Zhang Yong next to him said firmly: "Upgrade!"

The arrow is on the string, no, the first arrow has been shot!

Seeing that Feng Qingyang did not object, Peng Lei acquiesced to Zhang Yong's answer and had to put away some hesitation.

Forget it, Zhang Yong is the CEO now, if he wants to be promoted, then let him be promoted.

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