Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 144: Being alone is not spring

Fang Zhuo was not familiar with "China Business News". The self-introduction he heard on the phone was "Shen Nan, a reporter from Business News" without a prefix. He intuitively thought it was a local or regional newspaper.

But in fact, this newspaper is a nationally distributed economic newspaper. It was born at the beginning of the economic reform, and its policy is to "encourage reform and opening up and provide advice to practitioners."

Therefore, when an enterprise like "Medical Online" appeared in Pengcheng, a city at the forefront of reform, it immediately attracted the attention of newspapers under the banner of "bold reform of the medical field."

Therefore, when the newspaper had an in-depth understanding of the unique innovations in the Internet and medical fields, it unexpectedly discovered that a similar domestic company had already launched operations in a large central province.

Take a look at the timeline and check the news.

The company "" was obviously the first company to launch online registration. It first attracted attention at a meeting of the Internet Development Forum.

This is also the most intuitive reason why reporter Shen Nan came here. There was a fierce debate about "Medical Online" in the newspaper. Some regarded it as a bold innovation, while others criticized it as too big a step. Many people wanted to hear about another similar company. The founder’s perspective.

"Mr. Fang, can you tell me your opinion in detail?"

Reporter Shen Nan waited for a while but couldn't help but urged.

Fang Zhuo organized his words in his mind and smiled at her: "The reason why I say take it seriously is because registration is a basic people's livelihood issue in society. In terms of the four words 'basic people's livelihood', no matter what it is said or done, , you have to be cautious.”

"First of all, the innovation of online registration cannot solve the problem of lack of medical resources. It is just a distribution innovation based on the development of the Internet."

"Of course, in practice, we have actually found that online registration can guide patients to a certain extent and solve the uneven distribution of medical resources."

"For example, the patient had an upset stomach and wanted to go to the Department of Gastroenterology, but the best hospital in Lin'an, the First Affiliated Hospital, was no longer available. He checked online and found that the Second Affiliated Hospital had a hospital, so he went to the Second Affiliated Hospital. Take a good look."

"Medical resources are actually scarce and unevenly distributed in many places. The registration network can currently make new attempts in this regard."

Fang Zhuo took a breath and saw that the reporter was listening attentively. He turned around to take a cup and took a sip of water before continuing: "Secondly, let's talk about online registration and offline registration. If the total amount remains unchanged, the former will definitely The latter causes a squeeze, the logic is simple."

"However, all new technologies and innovations will squeeze the old ones, so do we stop developing and innovating because of this?"

"the answer is negative."

“I have discussed this matter with many leaders, and we all believe that we need to develop and innovate more. Therefore, if you go to, you can see that our business has spread to almost all major cities in Zhejiang Province, including Luzhou in Anhui Province. Many hospitals were also paved.”

Fang Zhuo sounded quite proud. He turned around and pointed at the "Advanced Unit" trophy on the table: "During this process, we received a lot of recognition."

“But this recognition is not just about the development of Internet-specific innovations, but also about the restraint we have maintained during this rapid development.”

Reporter Shen Nan was listening and thinking. When she heard the word "restraint", she immediately felt that it was a key point.

She was afraid that the young founder in front of her would pass him by casually, so she quickly asked: "How do you maintain restraint? And why do you have to restrain yourself? Didn't you just say that you want to develop vigorously?"

Fang Zhuo said calmly: "Vigorously developing and maintaining restraint are consistent. For example, we launched many hospitals online within a month, which is a vigorous development, but for each hospital's online registration, we only used 10% of the original proportion. , it’s all about maintaining restraint.”

"The reason why we maintain restraint is that the Internet and computers in big cities are better developed. Increasing the ratio too much will obviously lead to a concentration of resources. However, many people do not know how to use the Internet and will still only queue offline. That’s unfair.”

"In the name of development and innovation, rigidly setting a ratio instead of adjusting it according to the actual situation is not innovation, but rigidity and dogma."

Fang Zhuoyi pointed out something and took out his own promotional materials.

This information is not for external publicity, but used by his leaders when he recently visited hospitals in different cities in Zhejiang Province.

The above gives examples of different hospitals. The online ratio of the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University is 10%, that of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University is 15%, and the highest is Lin'an Seventh Hospital, which is 30%.

At the same time, the above also introduces the allocation of local and non-local IP registration areas.

And, the supporting publicity methods that the hospital should do.

It can be said that many parts are indeed very restrained.

Reporter Shen Nan browsed through it in surprise. She felt that the "registration network" here seemed more mature, rational and complete.

"Mr. Fang, can I take this with me?"

Fang Zhuo nodded and said: "Yes, but what you see today may be different from what you see a month later. Not only the hospital's online registration ratio, but also the medical treatment situation in different departments. We have also done a lot of research."

"I said before that this is a new distribution. Since it is a distribution, it must be based on the facts. This situation changes from time to time."

Shen Nan nodded secretly and asked: "Why do I think the maximum is 30%? Why not 35% or even 40%?"

40%, why don’t you just say that the medical service is online...

Fang Zhuo thought to himself and said: "30% is already very high. Moreover, the Lin'an No. 7 Hospital you saw is a specialized hospital for mental illness. In other words, the patient group it faces is larger in geographical scope." With the spread of medical care, there is an even greater need for online methods to save patient costs.”

"Wider in terms of geographical scope?" Shen Nan didn't quite understand.

"To put it simply, there are fewer patients with mental illness who need to be seen in Lin'an or Zhejiang Province. But looking at the entire East China region and even the country, the number of patients is increasing." Fang Zhuo explained seriously, "So, we tried a 30% online ratio , after observing the data and visiting hospitals, I think it can be continued.”

Shen Nan suddenly realized.

"As for the proportion of 40% or more, we don't think it is necessary for the time being. If the value is increased to that level, we feel that it will cause more problems than convenience." Fang Zhuo smiled, "This is a degree of certainty."

"What's the problem?" Shen Nan asked.

Fang Zhuo said bluntly: "Patients cannot register offline and have to learn to use online questions. Sometimes the disease cannot be delayed. Without development and accumulation, the proportion increases too much all at once. I think This is irresponsible."

Shen Nan was satisfied with this answer.

Finally, she asked: "What does Mr. Fang think of competing companies of the same type? Do you know that there is a company in Pengcheng that is also conducting online registration?"

Fang Zhuo shook his head and said sincerely: "I don't know. We are currently working in the East China region and don't pay much attention to other areas. As for competitors, I think as long as we work hard to develop and benefit hospitals and patients, then it will be good."

"One flower blooming alone is not spring, but a hundred flowers blooming together fill the garden. We welcome competition and believe that this matter can improve many people's understanding of the online registration model."

Shen Nan nodded, asked a few more questions and then asked the photographer to take some photos.

Then, she bid farewell to the founder of and went straight to the hospital in Lin'an to conduct on-site filming and investigation to learn more about the real situation.

The first two chapters were coded using mobile phones. I was using my mobile phone last night. I got home today and will have two more chapters in the evening.

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