Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1463 Who is this person? (Finale)

Two cups of poison.

This is the view summarized by reporters when Fang Zhuo was interviewed by Time magazine in December last year.

At that time, Fang Zhuo criticized Washington's wrong decision-making and bluntly believed that dumping was the most powerful means of competition, rather than a blockade that would allow Yike and Bingxin to become self-reliant.

Fang Zhuo said in the camera at that time, "We will be back, in the near future."

The reporter asked, "When do you think the near future will be?"

Fang Zhuo's answer is, "When you think it is necessary to interview me next time, then the countdown will begin."

It has been 11 months, not even a year. Reporter Panier did not expect that a "very necessary" interview moment would appear in such a short period of time.

Only 11 months, which sounds very short, but Yike’s market value has fluctuated by nearly 210 billion U.S. dollars, the world’s most advanced wafer manufacturing plant has suffered production shutdowns, Yike mobile phones have been absent from two major markets, short-selling institutions have set off a wave of siege, and New Sunshine etching Breakthroughs were made, SMIC's manufacturing process exceeded 10nm, Bingxin invested in SMIC, Yike released its leading flagship Mars 10, Yike shorted various short sellers for the third time...

Panier was sitting opposite the head of Yike as if he was yesterday. Looking at the calm expression on the other side, he spread his hands as the camera started working, and said honestly: "Mr. Fang, I didn't expect us to meet again so soon. , In fact, I thought this scene should be three or five years later, not..."

He counted the time silently and continued: "Not today, 328 days later."

Fang Zhuo smiled slightly, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, pressed it a few more times before handing it over: "This is a small gift for us to meet again after 328 days, the latest Mars 10."

Panier accepted the gift with some surprise. Mars 10 is Yike's undisputed flagship with the world's most powerful mobile phone chip for the third consecutive year. It was released with just one line on Yike's official website three days ago and shipped. The time is until next month.

As a product that Yike continues to lead after the production capacity dilemma, it has a very different meaning.

However, when Panier took the phone, he discovered that the countdown page was on the screen, which seemed to be the confirmation of Mr. Fang's last answer in the last interview.

He stared at the countdown and said with emotion: "Once the time starts to count down, it really flies by. Mr. Fang, these 328 days seem to last in just an instant."

Fang Zhuo said with some profound meaning: "This is 328 days for everyone at Yike and Bingxin to double their efforts. I hope this time can be faster."

Panier was startled and sighed: "President Fang, on my own behalf, I would like to pay tribute to the world's number one president."

Fang Zhuo smiled and said: "It's all friends in the world who support me."

Panier raised his formal question: "Mr. Fang, at this moment, how do you evaluate everything that Yike and Bingxin have encountered during this time?"

Fang Zhuo pondered for a while, and first defined the development of Yike and Bingxin: "Yike and Bingxin have achieved proud achievements in their respective fields. These are the result of legitimate and reasonable development."

Then he commented on Washington’s policies: “Washington’s policies toward Yike and Bingxin over the past two years or so are wrong, ridiculous, and incomprehensible.”

Finally, he summarized this unfinished incident: "Facts have proved that Washington's policies cannot contain the development of Yike and Bingxin. I once said that we do not live under the expectations of Washington. We are in compliance with the expectations of most countries and regions around the world. and the common development trends of the market.”

"The success of Yike and Bingxin is inevitable for market development. You can distort part of the market temporarily or permanently, but you cannot distort all markets forever."

Panier felt that Mr. Fang’s quote was quite good when combined with the current facts of Yike and Bingxin.

He thought for a while and asked: "Mr. Fang, what changes do you think the power changes in Washington will bring to Yike and Bingxin in the future?"

"As global companies, Yike and Bingxin always believe that globalization is the wave of world development." Fang Zhuo said simply, "Personally, I also believe that globalization is more conducive to solving many problems."

Panier asked: “Do you think Washington is likely to adopt policies that harm globalization in the future?”

"I have noticed Agawa's statements on trade agreements such as NAFTA and TPP on different occasions this year." Fang Zhuo replied, "As long as you read what he said, I think we all have concerns in this regard."

Panier continued this topic and asked: "How do you evaluate Agawa as a person?"

"Haha, we are old friends, but today, at this stage, he has a new identity. Not only me, we should all take another look, right?" Fang Zhuo said with a smile.

Panier resisted the urge to criticize Agawa on this occasion.

It took him several seconds to hold back his emotions and asked a question: "Mr. Fang, the restrictions of BIS are a non-commercial factor for Yike. How do you deal with it and how do you make such concessions in such a short period of time?" A global surprise?"

Fang Zhuo listened to this question and thought about it seriously for a while. It was a long story.

He thought about his answer and decided to respond briefly: "For a company like Yike, BIS really surprised us, but for a company, it will always encounter various problems, some of which can be imagined Yes, some are unexpected. We live in a world where when we encounter problems, we solve them and keep making progress. This is what Yike has been doing since its establishment. "

"Mr. Fang, as the founders of Yike and Bingxin, are you angry about what happened to them?" Panier asked.

Fang Zhuo smiled and asked, "What kind of person do you think I am?"

Panier considered the answer to this question, Old Devil? Mystery man? An earlier VC hunter? Or maybe a short seller? Otherwise, Shiyi is good?

Fang Zhuo asked and answered himself: "I am an optimist. I believe in the future of Yike and Bingxin. My optimism is more than my anger."

He then added: "I think this is a good thing. It can stimulate my competitive spirit and prevent too much anger from ruining things."

Panier nodded, Mr. Fang's competitive spirit has been clearly demonstrated in the past few days and even in his more than ten years.

He asked a question that is attracting much attention at the moment: "Mr. Fang, what do you want to say to those short sellers now?"

Fang Zhuo pondered for a while: "I used to hate short sellers' short selling of Yike, but after experiencing the restrictions of BIS and greater interference in the past two years, I feel that this is also a challenge that is often faced in business, so , OK, I will modify my statement and welcome shorting Yike.”

Panier almost laughed out loud. Mr. Fang once warned "don't short Yike", but now his "welcome to short Yike" sounds even more mocking.

He went on to ask: “What do you think of Chanos’s series of performances against Yiko?”

Fang Zhuo asked blankly: "Who is Chanos?"

Panier didn't expect Mr. Fang's reaction. He said "uh" and wanted to explain that he was a "short master" and a very powerful fund founder, but...

Well, this short-selling guru’s power no longer stops at shorting Yike.

"No matter who it is, as I said, you are welcome to short Yike." Fang Zhuo added. This is also of practical significance. Yike's stock price will still be pushed up in the future.

If Chanos are irritated and think there is going to be a correction in Yike's stock price, then welcome back.

"Mr. Fang, as far as I know, both Taiji and Intel have plans to officially use EUV lithography machines, but ice cores will be subject to BIS restrictions. What kind of preparations do you have for this?" Panier also said Asked a realistic question.

Fang Zhuo said "hmm" and said thoughtfully: "This is also a challenge. However, Ice Core will soon be able to provide a 10nm process. Generally speaking, Ice Core and SMIC have advantages at the current stage. We can Use this advantage to meet the next challenges.”

Panier glanced at Mr. Fang and suddenly asked quickly: "There are rumors that the MIGA Fund has financial dealings with many powerful people in Washington. Is this true?"

"You also said it was a rumor." Fang Zhuo was not surprised by the turn of the reporter's question. He probably wanted to catch himself off guard. He just replied, "MIGA funds are just normal financial management. I am not responsible for this aspect of business, but it The operation has always been very formal, I am sure of that.”

Panier smiled and asked calmly again: "It is said that Yike established an electric vehicle project at the beginning of this year. Is there a rough timetable for its implementation?"

"This is a good direction, but there is no timetable yet. Perhaps, I need to ask our President Yu." Fang Zhuo answered honestly, "My energy this year is mainly focused on solving difficult problems."

At this point in the interview, Panier revealed a piece of news: "President Fang, we have internally nominated you to be the person of the year for this year's weekly magazine."

Fang Zhuo smiled politely: "Really? I hope I can choose."

Panier blinked, okay, now it seems that this year's Person of the Year is the competition between Mr. Fang and the new owner of the White House.

The Time interview was gentler than expected.

When Fang Zhuo finished the long interview, he described his feelings like this before communicating with Yu Hong, who came from Shanghai, about the company's project.

"Maybe it's because you are too murderous." Yu Hong said with a smile, "All the shorts are gone."

Fang Zhuo shook his head: "Maybe it has something to do with Agawa. The media doesn't like him very much, but it has a more objective perspective on us who have thwarted BIS restrictions."

He and the co-founder of Yike strolled through the ice core factory area and chatted for a while about being interviewed by well-known media.

"How is the tram? The reporter asked me during the interview. I have to ask you. I don't know if it will be presented like this when the time comes." Fang Zhuo turned the topic to business.

Yu Hong thought for a few seconds and said, "I'll ask the secretary to bring the documents."

She is mainly investigating and thinking about this field this year.

Fang Zhuo waved his hand and said with a smile: "Let's chat casually, it doesn't have to be formal, just listen to what you think now."

"It's a bit difficult, but it doesn't seem that difficult. The technical route is feasible. The traditional car dealers in this market..." Yu Hong organized her words and commented, "It's very traditional."

"This word is a bit derogatory in your context." Fang Zhuo said.

Yu Hong said while walking: "Tesla released a Model 3 this year. The price after receiving subsidies is less than 30,000 US dollars. We have looked at its data and the car, and it may have good performance, but Its production capacity will probably be a problem next year.”

"Do you think Tesla can succeed?" Fang Zhuo asked with a smile.

Yu Hong hesitated for a moment: "Wall Street is worried that Tesla will go bankrupt, but I think it has a chance of success. The prices of Model S and Model X are too high and cannot meet the scale effect of the automobile industry. However, Model The number of reservations for 3 is good, and it may become the key to Tesla’s success.”

She continued: "Traditional car manufacturers are not enthusiastic enough about electric vehicles. Their interests and slowness are a good opportunity. The architecture of electric vehicles themselves will also bypass their patent advantages, and intelligence will also be a bright spot."

Fang Zhuo walked a few steps, turned his head and said, "I think you are very confident?"

Yu Hong asked, "Why not?"

"That's good." Fang Zhuo was silent for a while, "This is a good concept to push up the stock price."

"Don't be obsessed with killing short sellers, although their explosion rate is indeed very high." Yu Hong advised the leader.

Fang Zhuo laughed.

There was a smile on Yu Hong's lips. She stopped, pointed in the direction of the Fab1-6 factory area, and asked: "SMIC is working on 10nm. Has the future 7nm project been approved now?"

"The project has been established." Fang Zhuo gave an answer and said casually, "The 7nm process and the 10nm process can share more than 90% of the equipment. It can be regarded as an upgraded version of the 10nm process. According to the route, the transistor density can be increased by at least 50%. Power consumption can be reduced by at least 30%.”

Yu Hong praised: "You really look like a serious semiconductor person now. You have all the data in your heart and you can speak it out with your mouth."

Fang Zhuo laughed again: "It's semi-serious, because I have answered similar questions from leaders several times."

"Rounding off, I think you're serious." Yu Hong walked a few more steps and sighed, "Is this stage considered a victory?"

"There will be a next stage." Fang Zhuo gave a similar response, "But, I count you a victory."

Yu Hong shook her head, nodded again, and said nothing, only silent emotion.

There is no time to rejoice in the victory at this stage, as the next stage seems to be coming again.

It is indeed difficult to keep making progress, but you still have to keep making progress.

At this moment, Yu Hong has strong confidence in future progress after Yike has gone through limitations and breakthroughs.

Yike's stock price has exceeded Wall Street expectations and continued to rise for a week.

It's irrational, it's magical, but it's rising, whether it's a big rise, a medium rise or a small rise, it's indeed always rising.

On November 15, Yike announced the worst Q3 financial report in history on time, which finally caused a small drop in the stock price before the market opened. However, as soon as the market opened, it began to rise again.

As for the reason for the increase...

Relevant experts gave sufficient reasons: when all the negative points are eliminated, it is a good thing.

The worst Q3 financial report in the history of Yike that the short sellers have been waiting for has finally been released. However, it is of no use.

On this day, it was time for Nasdaq to open short positions. Many short sellers had been looking forward to this day, because this was most likely to be the fifth consecutive time that Yike broke the record. Unfortunately...

This day is indeed Yike's record, but it is a different kind of record.

On October 31, Yike’s short position was US$22.5 billion. As of today, its position is only US$1.8 billion, only 8% of half a month ago.

This belated data still chilled the hearts of the surviving short sellers, and made them feel sad for their colleagues who jumped off the rooftop.

You should go to Yike headquarters to dance! Or just hang it in front of the ice core door!

At the very least, risk your life to scare him!

However, no matter how regretful and resentful the short sellers are, this will not affect the continued rise of Yike's stock price.

This rising momentum of Yike has made many people in the same camp confused.

Xiong Xiaoge had made an appointment with Mr. Fang to go to Luzhou for a drink on the 15th. The original intention was to comfort the head of Yike, but... Yike was turned upside down, and in the blink of an eye it became a celebration.

He called before arriving to confirm that the itinerary had not changed, and arrived in Luzhou with Wang Fengyi.

Fang Zhuo still has meetings during the day, discussing the future resource integration and team adjustments of Bingxin and SMIC.

By the time it was over, it was already half past seven in the evening, and there were still some snowflakes in the sky.

"It snows a little early here this year," Fang Zhuo asked his secretary as he walked.

"It started snowing in the afternoon." Liu Zonghong replied, "I checked specifically and found that the last time it snowed at this time was in 2009."

Mr. Fang stretched out his hand to greet the snowflakes and said with a smile, "That's really early enough."

The two of them returned to Bingxin's large dining hall with the winter chill and some snowflakes. Today they made a special trip to open a small stove.

As soon as Wang Fengyi saw Mr. Fang arriving, he immediately picked up the bottle of wine and stood up to greet him: "Finally, I'm here. I didn't eat at noon just for this meal. I almost starved to death."

Fang Zhuo took off his coat and said with a smile, "As for it?"

Wang Fengyi complained: "This is not Lao Xiong's plan. He said it was to celebrate Yike's success. He also said that he specially prepared good ingredients, so I deliberately kept my stomach."

Fang Zhuo smiled slightly. What he gathered today was indeed a family and friends bureau. In addition to Lao Xiong and Brother Wang, there were also Zhou Xin, Xiao Yu, and Wang Yan.

He sat down and said, "What's there to celebrate?"

Yu Hong saw Fang Zhuo's gaze and said, "Weiwei will arrive later. Xiaoman is at home. She said she won't bring her children to drink."

Fang Zhuo laughed dumbly: "Okay, are you here just for the wine today?"

While he was talking, Su Wei also walked in.

"Mr. Xiong mentioned it all. He said we haven't seen each other for a long time and that you are always busy. Now we have an excuse to have a drink." Su Wei sat next to Fang Zhuo.

Xiong Xiaoge pointed to the dish that had just been served: "This is Wuchang fish caught from Liangzi Lake."

"What's the point?" Fang Zhuo asked casually.

Xiong Xiaoge smiled and said, "What do you think?"

Fang Zhuofan suddenly realized: "Hey, I just drank Changsha water and ate Wuchang fish."

Zhou Xin followed this sentence and continued: "Thousands of miles across the Yangtze River, the view is clear and comfortable. Regardless of the wind and waves, it is better than taking a leisurely stroll in the courtyard. Today I have more than enough."

Su Wei knew that this was the teacher's poem, so she took the two wine glasses from Wang Fengyi and said: "The master said on the river: The dead are like this!"

Wang Yan slowly continued: "The wind is moving, the tortoises and snakes are still, and the grand plan is coming up."

Yu Hong pursed her lips and said: "One bridge flies from north to south, and the chasm becomes a thoroughfare."

Xiong Xiaoge stood up, raised his glass and said: "Stand up the stone walls of the Xijiang River and cut off the clouds and rain in Wushan..."

Wang Fengyi said: "Gaoxia comes out of Pinghu."

Everyone raised their glasses, but they were waiting for the last words.

Fang Zhuo held the wine glass and said with a smile: "The goddess should be fine. She should shock the world."

Everyone clinked glasses and drank the first glass of wine.

Just after finishing the glass of wine, Wang Fengyi stood up again: "Hey, my glass of wine has a name."

Fang Zhuo said helplessly: "What's your name? Can you eat some food and then drink it?"

"If you think it's worth drinking, then drink it." Wang Fengyi raised his glass in a toast, "Today the short positions announced by Nasdaq are almost empty. This glass of wine is called, kill the white land and it will be really clean!"

Others raised their glasses in agreement.

Seeing this, Fang Zhuo raised his glass and said, "Short-sellers don't deserve my drink. This glass is to give face to China's number one investor."

Wang Fengyi laughed and raised his glass at Xiong Xiaoge.

Xiong Xiaoge smiled disdainfully, but was too lazy to refute at this moment.

After finishing the second cup, it was time to take the first bite.

However, just after taking a bite, Su Wei raised her wine glass.

Fang Zhuo said with a smile: "Does your wine also have a name? No matter who we are today, we will not drink wine with no name. I will have a meeting tomorrow."

"This glass of wine is called Xiaoman." Su Wei mentioned her son's nickname and continued, "It symbolizes staged results. Yike and Bingxin will still have challenges in the future, but at this stage, it is considered Xiaoman. Let's have a drink for Xiaoman. , President Fangda, is that okay?”

Fang Zhuo had nothing to say and raised his glass.

Everyone drank this glass of pun wine.

From the third to the fourth glass of wine, we finally had some hot food, and everyone also chatted about Yike's bad stock price rise today.

After a while, Zhou Xin raised his glass, but did not give a reason. He just said one sentence before doing it: "Brother Fang, I respect you!"

Fang Zhuo spread his hands and said, "Look, this is the master of Wu Ming."

Despite saying this, he drank the same glass of wine.

When Wang Fengyi saw this, he quickly followed suit and had a drink.

The snow outside is getting heavier and heavier, but the atmosphere in the cafeteria is getting hotter and hotter.

Yu Hong didn't find any excuse, she just raised the cup and clinked it with Su Wei, asked her to sit next to her, and started chatting in a low voice.

Wang Yan moved to Mr. Fang's side. He had not thought of the reason before, but now he raised his glasses and clinked them alone, saying: "Sina Yike has won countless victories in the world as soon as we met."

Fang Zhuo laughed: "Okay, okay, Brother Wang, I respect the hostile takeover back then!"

This sentence interrupted everyone's chat and suddenly added fire to the atmosphere.

"Okay, Mr. Fang is finally willing to show his true colors!" Xiong Xiaoge mocked slightly, "A hostile takeover is a hostile takeover. I think Sina is fine and still arguing about its original nature. Mr. Wang, you will understand now!"

"That's also a well-intentioned hostile takeover." Wang Yan put down his wine glass, "Who doesn't love Mr. Fang from Sina? Even more than Yike!"

Wang Fengyi smiled and said, "Does Mr. Su love you?"

Wang Yan said "Uh", you... do you dare to say another person?

"Yike is Mr. Fang's biological son." Xiong Xiaoge shook his head and said, "Look at the stock price rising today. I heard that Yike has recently set up a new project, which is to make GPUs? Who are you competing with?"

He looked at Mr. Fang, but didn't get an answer, and then looked at Mr. Yu.

Yu Hong didn’t think this was a secret and answered simply: “Those who make computing cards will compete with NVIDIA in the future. We are considering taking more advantage of the industry chain.”

This is the focus of the general office's discussion these days. The one-stop industry from design to manufacturing to packaging and testing has reached a first-class level in each link, and it is natural to give full play to the advantages of integration.

Xiong Xiaoge thought for a moment and said in deep thought: "Nvidia's rise has been very fierce in the past two years. Well, everyone is very optimistic about its transformation. However, AMD's stock price is also very fierce this year. I thought you were going to do this. "

Yu Hong shook her head: "We haven't touched on this yet."

Xiong Xiaoge captured two words: "Temporary, is it temporary?"

"Both directions require effort." Yu Hong glanced at Fang Zhuo and continued, "We feel that any achievement in either direction is a big improvement."

Xiong Xiaoge synthesized Yike's information in his mind and raised his glass: "Yike's technical strength is very strong, and your framework is good. Come, pay homage to Yike! I hope Yike will always keep making progress, and science and technology will always be good!"

Fang Zhuo smiled and said, "Your excuse is a bit confusing."

Xiong Xiaoge pretended to be angry and said: "Are you fooling yourself? Yike, can't you drink this?"

Fang Zhuo did not raise his glass.

"Okay, okay." Xiong Xiaoge held the wine glass and said, "Mr. Fang, I want to ask you something. You cheated me of money. If you feel the slightest bit of guilt, you have to drink this glass of wine!"

"Cheated you of money?" Fang Zhuo pondered and shook his head, "That was 16 years ago. Forget it. I'll find a reason for you. Cheers to these 16 years!"

He raised the glass and drank the wine for who knows how many glasses.

Yu Hong teased at this time: "Boss Xiong, why are you still brooding over what happened 16 years ago?"

Xiong Xiaoge put down his wine glass and complained: "Yes, you are not brooding over it, because you cheated me of my money!"

Su Wei said "tsk": "Boss Xiong, but you also led people to attack Yike."

"I am a victim." Xiong Xiaoge argued, "Hey, are you being unreasonable! I am a victim! The money I just invested, in a blink of an eye, hey, I bought land! You, you..."

Wang Fengyi waved his hand lazily: "Okay, Lao Xiong, you are so petty, no wonder you can't be the first investor."

Xiong Xiaoge shook his head helplessly, forget it, it was indeed 16 years ago.

He poured another glass of wine, held the glass, and couldn't help but sigh: "I'm not that upset, but when I think about it now, it seems like it happened yesterday."

"Okay, you have a good memory, old bear." Fang Zhuo smiled, "Okay, okay, that's enough."

Xiong Xiaoge raised the glass to his lips, thinking about these years and the siege of Yi Ke, and couldn't help asking: "Mr. Fang, you did it on purpose back then, right? Do you regret it a little bit afterwards?"

Fang Zhuo took the glass handed over by Weiwei and stood up with a little sway.

He shook his head and suddenly laughed: "Hahaha, I do regret it."

Xiong Xiaoge asked suspiciously: "Really?"

Fang Zhuo continued to laugh: "I regret not cheating you more money at that time!"

Xiong Xiaoge was speechless and raised his hand to drink the wine in the glass.

Fang Zhuo didn't drink it. He held the glass and saw that it was snowing heavily outside without knowing when.

He walked to the door and looked at the white expanse in the night. He felt that the snow scene was very beautiful.

Fang Zhuo admired it for a while, and drank the wine in his hand.

Xiong Xiaoge looked at Mr. Fang's back, thinking about what he had just said, thinking about sixteen years ago, thinking about these sixteen years, thinking about Yi Ke and Bing Xin, thinking about what he had done along the way, and couldn't help shaking his head. Oh my God, what kind of person is this!

Those who know me say that I am worried, and those who don't know me say what I want.

Oh, the vast sky, who is this person?

Who is this person!

(The whole book is finished)

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