Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 175 Talking on Paper (Part 2)

"Hello everyone, I am player No. 5 Fang Zhuo."

"My entrepreneurial project is a music player."

"The small white machine in my hand now is the prototype we made. Our company named it M1 internally. Of course, it may not be this name when it is launched later."

The judges and guests are watching, the host and the audience are listening, the lights are on, and the camera is zoomed in.

Fang Zhuo stood on the stage holding a white M1 and talking eloquently, giving him a wonderful feeling of facing venture capital investors.

He glanced at the manuscript and then put it aside in full view of everyone.

The program team backstage noticed this action and happily asked for a close-up. Come on, this is it.

"Many people say that the future will be the era of the Internet, but where does this reflect?"

"How can we call this the era of the Internet?"

“How can we, especially entrepreneurs, meet such an era?”

Fang Zhuo paused for a few seconds to digest the information and found a new feeling - as if he was having a meeting in a company conference room.

He put aside this idea and expressed his views calmly: "I believe that the era and opportunities of the Internet are the combined innovation of the Internet and different fields."

"The M1 in my hand is a new era product based on this logic. It will greatly change the current way of listening to music and gradually become an electronic consumer product for thousands of households to enjoy music."

"The Internet and news combined into a portal."

"The combination of the Internet and communications has become Tencent QQ."

“The combination of the Internet and commerce became Alibaba.”

“The combination of the Internet and medical pre-diagnosis has turned into a registration network.”

Fang Zhuo said the last example meaningfully, and then said firmly: "The combination of the Internet and music is the M1 in my hand."

"It is small enough to be carried around. It has a large capacity and can hold ten tapes of songs. It is convenient to obtain songs and can be downloaded directly by plugging it into a computer."

"And, it is very beautiful. It is not only an electronic consumer product, but also an artistic aesthetic expression."

Fang Zhuo's attitude in introducing M1 was serious, but when he talked about the advantages of the product, his tone was slow and slow. He did not regard himself as an eager salesman at the terminal, and kept in mind his position as a corporate CEO.

"This product is a combination of the world's most advanced technologies. We purchase parts from various countries to ensure that it is the best product in the northern hemisphere."

“As for positioning in the market, Sony’s Walkman is the most popular in the world of music players. We are targeting mid-to-high-end products in the Walkman product line, hoping to replace Sony in this field in the next 2-3 years. dominance.”

Fang Zhuo's left hand holding the M1 was a little sore. He faced the camera for three seconds before putting it on the table. He smiled and said: "This is my entrepreneurial project, an epoch-making music player. Thank you everyone."

Regardless of whether it was epoch-making or not, this person's speech was personable, clear in speech, and logical at first glance, and there was no problem at all. Everyone on stage applauded.

Fang Zhuo felt a little relieved and thought about the venture capital institutions off the court this time. In fact, it doesn't matter if cooperation cannot be reached on stage. CCTV's platform is also a good channel to contact more institutions.

"Do other contestants have any questions about No. 5 Fang Zhuo's entrepreneurial project?" the host said next to him.

The judges and guests in today's competition will rate the performance of the five players, and the three with the highest scores will be promoted, which means that either the opponent's poor performance or one's own performance is good, they may get higher scores.

It's just that almost all of Fang Zhuo's speech just now was not a speech but a speech!

Striking style.

This person is really charming.

The four contestants all hesitated in unison.

At this time, the host repeated what he had just said, which was somewhat suggestive.

Contestant No. 4 Zhao Yao raised his hand to indicate his speech.

The host agreed with a smile. Fang Zhuo turned his head and glanced at Zhao Yao not far away. He knew that this person was a returnee from the United States. He had a good work resume and was quite conceited in the simple contact.

"I just listened to Fang Zhuo's speech. His goal is to challenge Sony's Walkman." Zhao Yao said, "As we all know, Walkman has sold hundreds of millions of machines around the world since its birth. For an entrepreneurial project, this is very I don’t think it’s rational and I think it’s going to be very difficult to succeed.”

Fang Zhuo waited for two seconds and saw that he had no further words. He smiled slightly: "This is the charm of the development of the times. Any company that cannot keep up with the times, whether it is a giant or not, may be submerged by the trend."

"I have heard what Zhao Yao said within the company, including Sony's product sales. This is what I told them at the time."

"The size of giants is not an advantage in the new era, but a disadvantage."

Fang Zhuo glanced at the audience and explained to the confused audience and thinking judges: "Sony has achieved great success with Walkman. They will never give up on their stars in the face of an uncertain future. Products, we won’t bet all on innovation.”

"As the old saying goes, a small ship is easy to turn around. Sony's ship is too big. Their internal resistance alone is an extremely difficult problem to solve under the opportunities of the new era."

Fang Zhuo didn’t look like he was at the competition. He was like an outsider, casually commenting on industry giants: “I don’t believe Sony can immediately give up on Walkman, which has sold over 100 million units. By the time they realize the opportunity, the best opportunity will have passed. "

"This is the sorrow and fear of the giants. Sony will only understand the value of this opportunity after suffering."

An extremely wonderful answer received applause from the audience.

Zhao Yao frowned and said: "Why do you think this is a good opportunity? I believe Sony will definitely study the development direction of this market. Their unwillingness to change the course may not be due to internal obstruction, but it may be because they are not optimistic about the technology used in your M1. "

"If you think the Internet is the direction of future development, then M1 is a good opportunity. If you don't recognize the huge development trend of the Internet, there is nothing to say." Fang Zhuo said calmly, "I am the former."

Zhao Yao listened to the applause again and felt that he had lost points.

He took two calm breaths and asked: "You said that your M1 purchased parts from all over the world and was a combination of advanced technologies. How do we know that this is not an exaggeration? How can a start-up project logically obtain the best technology?"

"Well... use money." Fang Zhuo hesitated and said, "So, because of the cost, we are targeting Sony's mid-to-high-end products. Their low-end products will still have a certain space for survival."

There was a burst of laughter at the scene. The young man No. 5 had such a loud tone. Sony still wanted to thank him for not killing everyone?

Zhao Yao immediately asked: "What kind of technology is it? Where do you source your so-called global procurement? Since you have taken out the machine, you must have a stable supply chain, right?"

"This is a commercial secret." Fang Zhuo shrugged, "We are still trying parts from different manufacturers, but the advantages I just mentioned have been achieved. I think this is enough for both consumers and investment institutions. "

Zhao Yao hesitated whether to object, but in a blink of an eye he saw the judges' eyes and felt that if he continued to ask, he would be satisfied.

He gritted his teeth and said the last sentence: "I'm still not optimistic about M1. It's facing Sony. I appreciate Fang Zhuo's courage, but I'm not optimistic about Fang Zhuo's choice. Thank you everyone."

Fang Zhuo glanced at him and said, "You are just talking about things, talking about courage or not. It's a bit of a lie, isn't it?"

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