Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 183 Interview (two in one)

The seasons change from summer to autumn, and the temperature changes from high to low.

The three months since started its money-burning war was a major event in the vertical field of online pre-diagnosis, but in this era of booming development, it was nothing more than some talk among insiders.

Even in cities like Shanghai and Lin'an, the proportion of online registration only accounts for 6% or 7% of the total. It only provides people with another optional registration method, and it is not yet a mainstream registration method.

But for Fangzhuo personally, the pressure was huge.

Shen and Yang are fighting in the two cities, and the consumption of funds is increasing day by day, and competitors continue to follow suit.

He looks at the comparison of website data and the feedback from front-line colleagues almost every day, and evaluates the duration of the account funds available every three days.

Under such pressure, as time entered September, a sudden news from the other side of the ocean suddenly woke up Fang Zhuo, who was immersed in burning money.

It's September 11th.

The world situation has undergone profound changes since then, but people are still hotly discussing the course of the incident.

Fang Zhuo could always hear words like "airplane" and "Middle East" being used in and out of the office in the past two days, and some people were chatting and asking him about his views on the situation in Iraq.

At this time, he stopped and patiently told the other party that it was Afghanistan's problem now.

Of course, the future for Iraq is not very good either.

The world is changing on a predetermined track, but Fang Zhuo doesn't know whether his prediction of the competition between the three companies is accurate enough, and whether now is the time for some kind of change.

Funds are burning like crazy.

This kind of subsidy competition even made Wang Fengyi, who usually doesn't pay much attention to the company's situation, a call.

He asked tactfully: "Brother, I've never seen this kind of gameplay before. Isn't it a bit too brutal? If the three of you continue like this, which one of you will be able to do well?"

Fang Zhuo replied calmly on the phone: "I don't know if they are good or not. Anyway, my side is not the worst. Brother Wang, don't worry, the situation will change soon."

"Really? Didn't I hear that your talks with both companies didn't go well?" Wang Fengyi was doubtful. He had his own information channels.

"The changes I'm talking about come from the other party." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "There's no problem with Sequoia. Besides, even if Sequoia has problems, there's still Brother Wang's scientific innovation."

When Wang Fengyi heard this, he laughed and gave no guarantee.

He can't guarantee it. The situation in front of you is hard to understand. You really don't regard money as money.

Fang Zhuo really felt this attitude and couldn't help but think of a saying he had heard for a long time - brotherhood is not true friendship.

The end of the phone call made him couldn't help but light up another cigarette.

This is not the first time Wang Fengyi has made a similar call. People from Sequoia have also made calls, but the latter does believe in his own judgment of the industry. Perhaps Sequoia also feels that this subsidy war is coming to an end.

Boom, boom, boom.

The door to the CEO's office was pushed open by assistant Yuan Zhen. She was not here to report on official business today.

"Mr. Fang, aunt has arrived at the hospital. I accompanied her for a full physical examination before returning."

Fang Zhuo put out his cigarette, stood up and went to the window to let in some fresh air. He smiled and said, "Have you used our website to register?"

"I used it. My aunt saw the promotional banner and asked me how to get the subsidy." Yuan Zhen replied.

Fang Zhuo imagined his mother's tone and was amused.

Yuan Zhen felt that the boss was in a good mood and continued to speak vividly: "I accompanied her for a physical examination, and she complained all the way that there was nothing wrong with her body, saying that it was a waste of money, and she didn't want to do it halfway."

"I pretended to be pitiful to her, saying that this was the job you assigned me, and if I couldn't complete it, I would deduct money."

"She was so angry that she called you, but she didn't get through twice."

"I just said that you have been very busy recently, so she had to finish the physical examination reluctantly."

Fang Zhuo made himself a cup of coffee, took a sip, and nodded slightly: "I did it once with her during the Chinese New Year, but it wasn't finished at that time. As a son, you can't control it, and you can't force her to go."

"Part of the physical examination results that Auntie has received now are fine, and some of them will not be available until tomorrow." Yuan Zhen said the results and asked, "She asked me when you are not busy."

Fang Zhuo pondered: "We have a meeting tonight. There is an interview tomorrow that I can't refuse. It's from CCTV Finance. There will also be a product briefing meeting from Yike the day after tomorrow."

"How about tomorrow night? I will pick up my aunt to come to the company, otherwise she will be sad even if she has not seen her son before." Yuan Zhen tried to arrange it.

Fang Zhuo actually made arrangements for tomorrow night, but after thinking about it, he agreed: "Okay. I'll call her later and tell her about it. You pick her up tomorrow afternoon and I'll take her around the company."

Yuan Zhen should come down.

After a while, she saw that there were no other instructions, so she said thoughtfully: "Then I'm going out to do some work. Mr. Fang, please stop smoking, pay attention to your health, and don't be too stressed."

Fang Zhuo nodded, feeling that the assistant talked too much.

A moment later, the office door was knocked again, and HR Director Su Wei came in.

As soon as she entered the door, she saw Fang Zhuo smoking and reading information.

Su Wei approached the desk, reached out and threw the remaining half of the box of cigarettes into the trash can, and pointed at the wall behind him: "I posted the four big words 'No Smoking' on the back in front of you. You are Don’t you support my work?”

Fang Zhuo smiled bitterly and said, "My cigarettes are quite expensive. It's such a waste on your part."

Su Wei said forcefully: "Deduct it from my salary! Deduct two boxes!"

"..." Fang Zhuo shook his head and stopped talking.

Su Wei glared at the boss, walked over and opened the window to the maximum, frowning and said: "I obviously didn't smoke before, but you are ruining your body by working in the company!"

"I feel a little panicked. Smoking some cigarettes can distract my attention." Fang Zhuo showed a lazy smile. "Xiao Yu asked me what I thought about the subsidy war. I told her that the critical point was approaching."

"Well, isn't Chen Xing contacting IDG?" Su Wei knew about this.

"Yes, but I don't know if Chen Xing will continue to fight." Fang Zhuo was a little depressed, "It's hard to get off the tiger. It doesn't matter if we fight, or if we don't fight."

Su Wei comforted: "Even you feel like this now, and they must feel the same way."

"Knowing is one thing, suffering is another." Fang Zhuo was both complaining and expressing stress. He had been thinking about too many things recently and dealing with too many people. He felt like he was about to lose his hair.

"People in the company are still very motivated. No matter the middle management or the front line, everyone is holding back a ball of fire and wants to suppress the competitors." Su Wei said, citing the good things.

Fang Zhuo smiled and said, "It doesn't cost them any money."

"That's right, it's venture capital money spent anyway." Su Wei reversed the question and said.

Fang Zhuo was startled: "Two different things."

But regardless of whether they were two different things, chatting with Teacher Xiao Su still made him feel a lot better.

"I took a look at your arrangements. Will a reporter come to the company tomorrow to interview?" Su Wei asked one thing.

"Yes, it was not invited by me. It was a spontaneous interview by CCTV Finance. He called me two days ago. I guess he was curious about the subsidy war." Fang Zhuo pursed his lips, "But there shouldn't be many people watching now. Well, they are all concerned about the international situation."

Su Wei thought for a while and said, "You haven't received your graduation certificate yet. The school leaders want you to go back and get one and then give a speech. You are now a well-known alumnus."

Graduation certificate?

Oh, I graduated.

Fang Zhuo was in a daze and laughed at himself: "I didn't even take the exam, but I actually graduated successfully."

"That's not good." Su Wei said with a smile.

"No, if you don't graduate and start a business after graduation, it will sound more legendary and more in line with the deeds of celebrities." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "When the subsidy war ends, I will go back to Luzhou."

Su Wei nodded.

The two talked for another while. The HR director was still busy, and Fang Zhuo was the only one left in the office.

Both sides of the registration network are very busy, or, if you include Yike, both sides are very busy.

The former is busy with the subsidy war, while the latter has already begun coordinating the launch and supply of M1 machines.

The M1 project has gone through dozens of prototypes, and the finalized machine is now completely different from the original one.

More beautiful lines, more stable work, more reasonable details.

The problems raised by Fang Zhuo as an ordinary consumer have basically been solved.

For example, press the button to find a song.

The original design plan was all overturned, and a roulette design submitted by a Jiaotong University student was finally adopted, which successfully enabled page turning on a small screen to be the best solution currently available.

Something else happened in the meantime.

The M1 machine decided to use Toshiba's 1.8-inch hard drive very early on. This is the best and most stable hardware available to global hard drive manufacturers today, and the two parties have also signed a supply contract.

However, in July, Toshiba said that a company in the United States also wanted to use this hard drive technology, and at the same time, the other party also wanted to sign an exclusive supply contract.

Fang Zhuo almost guessed who the American company was at this time, but he didn't expect that there would be a fight at this time.

He was very nervous and communicated with Toshiba in person. After two contacts, he found that the other party had no intention of breaking the contract and just wanted to wait for a price...

As a last resort, the contract was revised and the length of cooperation was extended.

Fang Zhuo took the opportunity to inquire about the situation of another company, but Toshiba could not provide much information. It only supplied hard drives.

This incident accelerated the progress of the M1 project.

Fang Zhuo didn't know how far the other party had achieved it. He could only let his side finish it as early as possible and release the music player first.

The release date is initially set for October 1. At the same time, the five cities of Beijing, Shenzhou, Peng, Yang and Lin'an have selected store locations and are undergoing renovations in full swing, planning to open at a certain time.

Originally, Fang Zhuo planned to directly purchase stores in several cities, but the subsidy war was burning money. Even with the investment from IDG and Capital Today, he did not choose to buy. He considered that if there was a problem with the registration network, Yike would The borrowed funds can also be moved back.

Both companies were busy with important matters, and Fang Zhuo had an extremely fulfilling summer.

In the blink of an eye, the next day came, and reporters from CCTV Finance came to the company early for interviews.

Reporters Song Qianxi and Fang Zhuo witnessed the first employee of going to work.

Then, she asked the first question of the interview: "Mr. Fang, what do you think of the situation in Afghanistan?"

Fang Zhuo: "..."

Song Qianxi made a joke: "Mr. Fang seems to have no idea. I just don't want our interview to be so tense."

"You asked me that, which makes me feel nervous." Fang Zhuo shook his head, "I'm not nervous. Think about it, if a person like me was nervous, could I still take away the championship representing 10 million investment from your stage?"

Song Qianxi thinks this is reasonable.

While gesturing for the camera to continue filming the employees walking into the company, she asked: "Mr. Fang, let's chat today. I'm here to know the strategic intentions of your industry's staggering subsidy price war." .”

"Competition in an industry is nothing more than overpowering your opponents." Fang Zhuo said calmly, "Moreover, as a passive responder, we are one of those companies that does not want to be overpowered."

Song Qianxi asked: "But as far as I know, it is the registration network that has upgraded subsidies to expand industry competition."

"This is a normal business competition. It's impossible for my opponent to slap me, and I'll slap me back in a polite manner." Fang Zhuo smiled, "It's not wrong to slap me twice. I really want you to slap me in the face of business competition." Turn-based is childish.”

Song Qianxi saw that the photographer had taken a lot of pictures and asked, "Mr. Fang, can I go to your office and have a look?"


A group of three people walked into the president's office of Registration Network.

Song Qianxi walked in, looked around, and saw the slogan on the wall: "I have interviewed many entrepreneurs, and most of them smoke. This is the first time I have seen such four characters in the boss's office."

"Smoking is harmful to health." Fang Zhuo didn't know what expression to give, and he was so embarrassed by his words.

"How long do you think the price war in the industry will last?" Song Qianxi returned to the topic.

Fang Zhuo said calmly and firmly: "Our price war will continue as long as our opponents want to fight. Unless our opponents give up first, we will not take the initiative to stop this competition."

"After all, it is our opponents who come to challenge our business scope."

Song Qianxi said sharply: "But I heard that the registration network has sent a team to the capital?"

Fang Zhuo was surprised: "How did Reporter Song know?"

"We are very well-informed." Song Qianxi smiled slightly.

"It's also a kind of counterattack. Our second round of financing is close to being finalized. Sequoia, which invested tens of millions in the last round, has always been optimistic about the online medical field. They are willing to see us expand our business scope."

"Moreover, it is no exaggeration to say that our registration network is the most experienced team in the country, and we believe that we can provide the best services to hospitals and patients."

Fang Zhuo talked eloquently and was very confident. He did not appear to be under excessive pressure recently.

For today's interview, he had a haircut, a shave, and a shower yesterday to make his face look radiant.

"What do you think of the market order in the online registration industry?" Song Qianxi asked seriously.

Fang Zhuo fell into silence.

After a few seconds, he said: "The online registration business is a combination of the Internet and traditional medical care. The market order requires the joint efforts of all enterprises to maintain it. Similarly, the market scale also requires the joint efforts of everyone to expand."

"Price subsidy is not only competition between enterprises, but also the cultivation of user habits, letting more people know that there is such a channel."

Song Qianxi was not satisfied with this answer and asked directly: "Will the sudden price subsidy disrupt the normal development of the market?"

"Subsidies will only benefit users. As for regular development, who will set this routine?" Fang Zhuo asked rhetorically.

Song Qianxi said: "The subsidy will not last forever. When the subsidy ends, won't the companies that ultimately make profits compensate themselves from the fees?"

She frowned and said, "As the old saying goes, the wool comes from the sheep."

Fang Zhuo showed a subtle smile and said "Yeah", it makes sense.

Song Qianxi waited for a long time, what do you mean by "hmm"? Rather!

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