Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 201 Press Conference (Two in One)

In 2001, the shadow of the global Internet bubble still lingered, and China's disconnected development of the Internet also felt the power of the bubble. Sohu fell to 7% of the issue price, NetEase was suspended from trading for a time, and even the founder of Sina was kicked out.

The worst thing is the small and medium-sized domestic Internet companies. Every once in a while, you can hear the news of bankruptcy. Most of them died of blood loss because they couldn't get money.

In this case, the registration website that first burned money, then raised money, and then failed to make any money and fell out with venture capital, was like a firefly in the dark night, so bright and outstanding.

Perhaps the general public only occasionally sees three or two lines of reports or a four or five second introduction on TV, but in the business world, especially in the Internet and investment circles, Fang Zhuo is really extremely famous.

Many people heard the news that "the core business of collapsed" and felt sorry for those venture capital investors. It would be great if they could get this money for themselves.

Some people are very sorry that Fang Zhuo, a young and talented person, is afraid that he will be hit to the bottom this time. Although he can continue to maintain the registration network after receiving the second round of financing, he will definitely offend a large number of people.

There are also quite a few people who are watching the excitement, the more lively the better - this is the mentality of many media reporters who attended Fang Zhuo's press conference on the 16th.

To be precise, the full name of this press conference is " Press Conference and Yike M1 Music Player Product Launch". Because it is too long, the most famous point is used in the media circle to refer to it.

The press conference was held at two o'clock in the afternoon. Not only reporters from comprehensive newspapers were invited, but also online media from many portal websites were invited, as well as some Yike employees selected by themselves.

The entire press conference seemed quite lively, with people debugging machines, inquiring about news, and introducing each other to expand their contacts.

Anyway, Jay Chou was really shocked when he arrived at the venue at half past one.

so many people!

He didn't wear a peaked cap today. After walking around, he found that no one knew him, and his nervousness was relieved a lot.

The endorsement contract has been signed. Since this is the first invitation from mainland China, the product is related to music, and the other party has promised to create exclusive color products, so the economic team that flew over yesterday discussed it and set the price at 100 10,000 4 years.

Jay Chou is very satisfied with this, this is NT$5.1 million!


"Hey, tell me, will the registration website declare bankruptcy today?"

"Fang Zhuo is a bit unpredictable. I suspect he has transferred all the financing money."

Jay Chou walked around the venue, and from time to time he heard some comments that made him feel upset. Although he knew it was not Yike who was the spokesperson, the registration website was also owned by Mr. Fang.

If the registration network goes bankrupt, will it affect Yike?

Jay Chou thought in confusion and got no results.

Then, he walked into the rest room backstage and saw the young CEO smiling and chatting with the people next to him.

"Baidu has developed very fast this year. Despite the current voices that are not optimistic about the Internet, there are pearls in the sand. The U.S. stock market is in such a miserable state, but Baidu's first financing was 1.2 million from Wall Street. Dollar."

"The second time, we raised US$10 million. Look, this is the trend that everyone knows. It's very popular."

When Jay Chou heard Fang Zhuo's comment, he blinked and asked, "Where is Yike?"

Fang Zhuo turned his head and saw the future king of music. He smiled like a wolf grandmother and explained: "Yike belongs to the exploration of specific application scenarios of the Internet. It is a combination of the Internet and music. Although it is also a combination of hardware, the essence is and The development of music formats on the Internet is closely related.”

Jay Chou was confused. Mr. Fang's enunciation was very clear, but when combined together, he didn't quite understand what it meant.

"Baidu is different. Baidu's future goal is an Internet infrastructure enterprise." Fang Zhuo said with emotion, "Of course, it is still just a technology provider of search engines for other web pages, and its vision is very beautiful."

Jay Chou didn't understand again. He controlled his expression and nodded. For fear of continuing the conversation, he quickly changed the topic: "Mr. Fang, I took a look at the azure color of the Ru kiln in the album. It's really beautiful."

"Well, if everything goes well, this color will be available by the end of this year, but before that, you have to finish the song 'Azure'." Fang Zhuo nodded.

"Ah? Sky Blue Song?" Jay Chou was surprised.

Fang Zhuo said with some confusion: "It should be written in the contract. One song will be released exclusively through the M1 machine as a channel every year. This year is based on the lunar year."

Jay Chou was stunned.

Fang Zhuo looked to the left.

Liu Yangyang, who was standing next to him, immediately stepped forward and replied: "This clause is written into the contract. We discussed it with Director Jay Chou's team yesterday evening and it is clear and correct."

Jay Chou: "???"

"Let's go, it's okay. It's simple. I have half of the manuscript in my stomach." Fang Zhuo said boldly. Although he was tone-deaf and didn't remember much lyrics, due to his dabbling in porcelain, the famous "Blue and White Porcelain" was indeed I listened to it on a loop.

In particular, the azure color in the sentence "Azure is waiting for misty rain" is specifically used to prove that it is "Ru kiln" rather than "blue and white porcelain". The latter is true blue, not azure.

Fang Zhuo was deeply impressed by this and even remembered most of the song.

Now I can use it as a topic composition to properly promote M1.

Jay Chou followed the group of people silently. He was also going to appear on stage today as a product spokesperson. However, on the way from the backstage to the front stage, he was thinking about "Azure", which was quite heavy.

At 1:50 pm, a group of people from and Yike appeared at the press conference, and the media reporters below gradually became quiet.

"That's almost it. We have a lot of friends here today."

Fang Zhuo sat in the middle, picked up the microphone, and said happily: "Some things have happened recently. Because I have been busy, I have refused many interviews from media friends, so today I simply used Yike's project to come Get together.”

"This is what we have planned for today. In the first half, I will listen to what questions you have about or me. In the second half, I will introduce to you the best music player in the northern hemisphere."

The press conference process was very simple and clear. Fang Zhuo originally thought that he would be nervous in front of many reporters, but after sitting on the stage and looking at the crowd of people, he didn't feel too much. Instead, he was thinking about whether the stage was a little high.

Many reporters were uncomfortable with the scene before them, which looked like a speech scene from a government department.

But the media people on the portal are very happy, nice and informal.

The doubtful print media are still hesitating, but the website ones have already raised their hands.

"The friend wearing glasses in the third row." Fang Zhuo clicked on one and vaguely saw the word "Sina" on the other party's table card.

"Mr. Fang, will the registration website go bankrupt? How long do you think it can last?" This person was not polite at all and was thorny in his words, but this is actually a more mainstream view nowadays.

"A company can be sustained as long as it has money. This is superficially speaking. On the inside, it can be sustained if it has value. I think still has some value." Fang Zhuo replied seriously, "Based on the current scale and book funds. , the registration network can still support for four to five years."

Some reporters immediately asked loudly and worriedly: "What will happen in four or five years?"

What to do in four or five years...

That was 2005 and 2006, and the Internet was already blooming more than it is now...

Fang Zhuo couldn't answer the reporter's worries for a moment. He really hadn't thought about it. After a few seconds, he said: "At that time, venture capital institutions will probably forget their resentment towards me and be willing to continue investing money in me." , can continue to support for another four to five years."

There was a burst of laughter in the venue. No one expected that this young CEO was so capable of causing trouble and did not avoid bad relationships with venture capital investors at all.

"There is no charge for online registration. What are the future development plans of the registration website?" The question asked by the print media reporter was quite satisfactory.

Fang Zhuo liked this question very much and replied: "Starting from today, the registration network has changed quite a lot."

"We will try to expand the further integration of the registration network and the Internet, such as online sales of medicines, and also integrate data circulation in different regions. This is very important basic work."

"And we will do some in-depth and long-lasting publicity."

"In the next period of time, it will be roughly these three things. If they can be done well, the value of the registration network will be further enhanced."

Fang Zhuo actually said one thing less, and that was his attempt at payment. This was a quiet attempt and could not be announced to the public. It was best to slowly expose it after it had reached a certain scale.

"Oh yes, has also launched a new logo, a black and white sketch of a panda pattern. I hope everyone will like it."

Along with these words, the huge curtain on the stage projected a clear image, and the panda pattern was quite naive.

"Mr. Fang, what do you think of the development of domestic Internet companies? You were hailed as the most cutting-edge young entrepreneur in the country before October, but now some people say that you are frustrated and confused. Do you feel any difference in mood?" female reporter asked.

"This problem is a bit big. I think domestic Internet companies can develop well." Fang Zhuo gave a thumbs up and shook his head. "It's not a big gap, because I don't feel that I am disappointed. has never failed to do so." Announcing charges for online registration services.”

He said righteously: "On the contrary, was the first company to make a statement. We have long recognized that online registration is a basic people's livelihood issue, and related companies must open up more space if they want to survive."

The reporters did not expect that this person would deny it, and his face was quite shameless, but it seemed like this on the surface. The registration website had never mentioned the registration fee in public, but this was just its administrative sensitivity rather than a wise judgment.

"Where did you get more space? Did you just use venture capital money to buy land?" A slightly fat man stood up and said almost reprimanding.

Fang Zhuo set a goal for himself before today's press conference: he must be gentle, he must be gentle, he must be gentle.

From the moment he came on stage to now, he has basically greeted everyone with a smile, but this question...

He shrugged: "The venture capital and I have differences on the way the business is run. Facts will prove that they are wrong. I would like to give a piece of advice to all entrepreneurs here. If the venture capital can really understand the logic of doing things in the industry, then they will It’s not the VCs but your competitors.”

"The Internet is an emerging economy, and all developments are under exploration."

Fang Zhuo couldn't help but want to start a chat: "Penguin, which was criticized by venture capital and media for burning money last year, is already making profits. Why didn't everyone be optimistic about it at that time? It obviously has such a high market share and amazing users."

Many of the people attending the press conference today are the main writers of the financial section. When they heard this question, they couldn't help but think about it.

"Today, even if it has made a profit, the news I know is that it is not favored by some mainstream capital." Fang Zhuo spread his hands and asked himself, "Because Penguin's business model is used abroad and in advanced markets. I can’t find a benchmark company.”

He chuckled: "Mainstream capital believes that all Internet innovations should appear in Silicon Valley and on Route 6 in Boston. However, different national conditions will inevitably give birth to different companies."

"My advice to all venture capital investors and all investors is that Penguin's potential has clearly been underestimated."

After Fang Zhuo said this, he brought the topic back: "Just like the value of has also been underestimated, venture capital investors are always short-sighted. I can just use one hand to check off the list of domestic startups. Better than they did.”

What is arrogance?

This is.

Many media outlets are in an uproar. This Xiaofang always fails, and he doesn't plan to deal with venture capital in the future?

"Of course, if you want to see my operation, you must support the M1 player, so that I can have money for you to compare." Fang Zhuo casually picked up the exquisite white M1 and showed it to everyone.

The curtain behind the scene switches to a picture of the M1 music player in due course.

The reporters didn't skimp on film. They first captured Mr. Xiao Fang's arrogant speech while holding an M1. Whether it was for the purpose of promoting a product or not, everyone loved to see this.

"What do you think about your competitors going bankrupt one after another?" Another question was raised.

"Only companies that have withstood the impact are eligible to enjoy the benefits of the Internet wave. This is not easy. Fortunately, still has a chance." Fang Zhuo said happily.

"Why do you think the registration network can withstand the impact of the wave?"

Fang Zhuo thought for two seconds: "Probably because I am the hardest link in the registration network. If I didn't fall, the registration network could naturally hold on."

There was a thin male reporter who couldn't stand Fang Zhuo's self-praise. He stood up without raising his hand and asked loudly: "Don't you want to say anything to the eight institutions that invested in you?"

Be gentle, be gentle, be gentle.

Fang Zhuo thought about it three times in his mind, but suddenly felt that being gentle in this kind of question would make people feel weak, and venture capitalists are not easy to deal with.

He could only show his ferocious claws and said seriously: "In most industries, insiders kill outsiders. Entrepreneurs kill VCs, VCs kill PEs, and PEs kill investors. Investors are divided into star investors and grassroots investors."

"This 'killing' can also be said to be a process of profit grabbing."

"I won't worry about investment institutions taking away my shares, and I hope they won't be depressed about being killed."

"It's not easy for anyone to get out, especially this year. Countless companies have died during the Internet bubble. Of course, my priority is to ensure my own survival."

Fang Zhuo spoke very bluntly and cruelly, with a calm tone and an indifferent expression.

Many people present were shocked. The coldness in these words instantly covered up the frivolity of the previous words.

It also made people suddenly realize that the young man on the stage was a ruthless character who fought with venture capital and made them return without success.

Jay Chou, the spokesperson of Yike, who was listening silently next to him, couldn't help but take a sip of water. The audience was completely dark, with scorching eyes and repeated attacks...

This scene made him feel that music is simpler and more pure.

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