Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 229 Traditional Disaster

Hilton hotel conference room.

Big Brown held a stack of documents and looked at the oriental man in front of him blankly.

He and his brother Brown Jr. founded "Brown Brothers Media". They have met a lot of clients in the past few years, but they have never seen a Party A who is so interested in being involved in the whole process.

Isn't this the first time this Oriental has placed an advertisement?

Big Brown frowned, listening to Yike President Fang Zhuo's request, and reminded: "Fang, we are professionals, advertising can be left to us."

"No, no, no, M1 is a high-tech product. I don't trust it if I leave it to you." Fang Zhuo shook his head repeatedly and drew two areas with a pen on his beloved whiteboard. "Let me tell you how to do this main advertisement." shoot."

Big Brown felt disgusted in his heart. If it weren't for the sake of money, he would have thrown this Oriental away.

Fang Zhuo talked eloquently and quickly explained the advertising ideas and desired images.

——The father gave his son tapes and Walkmans as gifts, and when the son grew up, he gave tapes and Walkmans to his own son.

——Another group of fathers gave their sons tapes and Walkmans, and when their sons grew up, they gave them to their own sons M1.

——Two children met. The latter took out his M1 and asked the former to come over and listen. The tape he had just taken out was put aside.

The form is relatively simple, it is a trend contrast, and the beauty of the simple lines of the M1 should also be reflected in the lens.

After listening to the description and requirements, Big Brown thought it was normal. He didn't understand why the young oriental man insisted on it so much.

"By the way, I hope that the actors filming the first family are all African-Americans." Fang Zhuo suddenly added.

Big Brown was about to nod, but suddenly he was startled. Thinking of the differences between the two families described, he asked, "Why?"

Fang Zhuo said nonchalantly: "According to our survey, many African Americans use Walkmans. Our products are designed to pry away users from this camp. Is there a problem?"

Big Brown was silent for a few seconds: "No problem."

Fang Zhuo said with a smile: "I hope the second group of families will be all white."

Da Brown pursed his lips and immediately nodded in agreement without Fang Zhuo having to make up any excuses.

M1 is the latest trend. The consumption level of white people is higher than that of black people. The music players held by white people are better. Is there something wrong with this kind of advertising hint?

Or, regardless of this, the compact and beautiful M1 is better than the Walkman that still uses tapes in comparison. Is this a problem?

Big Brown glanced at the smiling oriental man with some doubts. Suddenly he was a little confused as to what the other man was thinking, but in his heart, his evaluation of this advertisement was inexplicably much higher.

"Fang, you really should come to our company as a creative director. I think your advertisement will have very good results!" Big Brown praised exaggeratedly.

Fang Zhuo thanked him and said: "I hope to see the advertising samples within this week. Regarding the selection of the delivery platform, I hope you can also give me the details as soon as possible. Mr. Brown, do you have any questions?"

Big Brown said confidently: "No problem."

This is a big deal for the company, and it seems that there will be a lot of room for cooperation in the future.

Fang Zhuo chatted with the other party for a while before ending the meeting.

This advertisement, which is based on diamond manufacturer Cybiers, is actually not random. The United States also has a census. Now the proportion of white people in the entire country is over 85%, and the proportion of black people is only about 10%. The former is the electronic product like M1. The largest consumer group of the product.

When the Black Lives Matter movement began, only 60% of the white population in the United States remained. The racial structure of society had changed in just a decade. If Yike was still doing business in the United States at that time, Fang Zhuo would not mind working there. Advertising leads social trends again.

Now, it is just a concept that is conveyed in the advertisements on different platforms - white people are following the trend of the times and using M1, while black people still take the Walkman that their grandparents listened to music as a gift. It is time to use better equipment.

Fang Zhuo planned to observe the effect of this kind of advertising.

In addition, online Amazon and offline Kroger will directly write the slogan "Supports Microsoft system, cheaper than Ipod". These are descriptions of actual conditions, rather than conceptual words such as "better and more perfect" .

Fang Zhuo said before coming to New York that he would compete closely with the Ipod. Now that the product has been launched, the competition has quietly begun.

On November 15, Fangzhuo officially signed a supply contract with Kroger on behalf of Yike Technology.

Yike needs to allocate 1.5% of sales as sales commission, and also needs to pay 7% of sales as Kroger's warehousing commission, as well as add some product discounts to support the expansion of new supermarket stores.

Because the supermarket chain system in the United States is relatively mature, Kroger's payment cycle is the same as Wal-Mart's 60 days, and commissions are settled within two weeks of sales. Other details such as refunds and warranties are handled in accordance with general rules.

After signing the contract with Kroger that day, Fang Zhuo spent the night non-stop signing and pressing fingerprints with the Li family of Anliangtang. Otherwise, he was very picky and waited for the supermarket contract to be finalized before doing this.

"Mr. Li, it's a pleasure to cooperate with you. If nothing else happens, the money plus interest will be returned to your account on May 15th next year. I'm quite confident about this." Fang Zhuo accepted the money and signed, feeling quite calm. , and was not dissatisfied because of the eager gazes of several strong men.

Li Xinyue nodded and said: "I believe Mr. Fang's M1 will have a huge market."

"Then why don't you buy shares?" Fang Zhuo couldn't hold back his half-curious, three-thirds funny, and two-thirds depressed question when he saw that Vice President Li was not there.

Li Xinyue said concisely and clearly: "This is a traditional business and cannot be lost."

Fang Zhuo: "..."

He was speechless for a long time. Before leaving, he remembered something and informed: "Mr. Li, let me inform you that I have to go back to Shanghai next Tuesday. There is a product going online there, and there are some important business matters that need me." Take care of it yourself.”

Li Xinyue suddenly became alert, huh? Return to China as soon as you get the money?

Although there are products in New York, who knows how much the pile of products in the warehouse actually cost?

She thought to herself that it was inevitable that the other party would return to China, and this would have to be resolved sooner or later.

"I haven't been to the mainland for a long time. Mr. Fang is on Tuesday, right? I happen to be going to Shenchengtan to visit an elder. Let's go together." Li Xinyue said slowly.

She planned to take someone with her to Shencheng to find out the situation, in order to intimidate the other person and make him not take chances.

"Okay, let's see you on Tuesday." Fang Zhuo was self-righteous. What bad intentions could he have? What could he do to these merchants with traditional businesses?

Back at the hotel that night, just when Fang Zhuo was about to call Shenxin Wang Fengyi, he suddenly saw a weather warning on TV. The hurricane damage in the central zone was likely to move eastward, and New York was expected to be affected.

hurricane? America’s traditional disaster?

Can the plane still fly?

Fang Zhuo asked the people at Hilton, and then took the initiative to call Team Leader Zheng Danrui, who was closely concerned about his itinerary:

"Brother Zheng, I'm going to tell you that I won't be able to go back next week because of the hurricane. Do you believe it?"

Zheng Danrui: "..."

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