Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 251: Mental arithmetic but no intention (two in one)

The transoceanic flight from New York arrived at Shanghai Pudong International Airport. Fang Zhuo and his party took the commercial vehicle picked up by Yike and drove to the city.

Halfway through, Pan Ben got off the car and drove a few kilometers before picking up marketing director Yu Hong who was discussing business at the bank.

Fang Zhuo introduced the identities of the two white men to his director, and by the way said that Kong Yu, who originally belonged to the marketing department, had transferred to the foundation.

"Well, Mr. Kong is the best person in our marketing department to develop northern channels. He jumped to another company after a trip abroad." Yu Hong expressed a little dissatisfaction.

Kong Yu explained before the boss could speak: "We all work for Mr. Fang. I will go wherever Mr. Fang needs me."

Yu Hong was surprised, but she knew that this Yike was here because he was good at carrying gasoline barrels. In a blink of an eye, he considered himself a direct line of Mr. Fang. She didn’t know whether to say that Kong Yu was more capable of adapting to the wind or that Mr. Fang was more employable. Eclectic.

Fang Zhuo rounded off the situation and asked about the domestic market development.

Yu Hong became energetic when talking about this.

""Blue and White Porcelain" is very popular. The endorsement fee is so worth it. Until now, J1 has been digesting this marketing promotion. The high price of M1 is prohibitive. The price of J1 is a little high but it belongs to It’s within the scope of impacting Sony.”

"We also need a product with a lower price, the profit can be reduced appropriately, and the market can be covered wider."

The marketing director continued: "The current channels in the market are pretty good. Our self-operated stores in five cities are used as transfer points to connect other cooperative stores. However, the area of ​​​​radiation is not enough."

Fang Zhuo's eyes moved, he changed to a comfortable sitting position, and said attentively: "Tell me more about this."

Yu Hong organized the conversation and talked about the establishment of channels. At present, the best seller of Yike M1+J1 is the network influence circle of five stores, followed by provincial capitals with good economic conditions and the following secondary cities.

At the beginning, Yike had no intention of being an agent for distribution. All its energy was focused on opening up dealers and placing advertisements + the sudden huge popularity brought by "Blue and White Porcelain" had to open up part of the distribution system to better cover the market.

Regarding this point, Yu Hong kept chatting until the commercial vehicle arrived at Plaza 66 before she finished speaking briefly.

Fang Zhuo arranged for Kong Yu to take the two foreigners to check into the hotel, and then he and Yu Hong had a quick bite downstairs before going upstairs.

More specific data is needed to verify the effect of channel construction, but Fang Zhuo felt pretty good after listening to it. He suddenly had more ideas about the use of Yu Hong. Yu Hong had already done this in the United States. thing.

"Oh, yes, I have to tell you something. Zhou Xin is in Guangdong Province." Yu Hong suddenly remembered something while going up in the elevator, "The one at Mayong Warehouse needs some re-signing and some procedures, so he just It’s over.”

Fang Zhuo nodded, no doubt.

Yu Hong thought about it for a moment and continued: "In addition, he is lovelorn."

Fang Zhuo smiled: "Aren't you thinking about getting married? Why did you fall out of love?"

"You told me last time that I paid more attention to Zhou Xin's girlfriend. After getting in touch with her, I felt that there was something indescribable." Yu Hong said, "Then I asked someone to check the situation, and there was a slight There were a few twists and turns, but in the end I found out that the guy had a boyfriend at school.”

Fang Zhuo: "..."

He endured his strange mood and asked, "Did you tell Zhou Xin directly?"

Yu Hong shook his head: "How can I talk about this kind of thing... If he wants to ask me how I know, can I tell him to send someone to investigate?"

She continued: "I just observed the pattern, and then drove Zhou Xin around the market, and we bumped into him by coincidence."

"Director Xiao Yu still has some tricks up his sleeve." Fang Zhuo smiled half-heartedly, "How is Zhou Xin's mood?"

"Working like crazy to heal emotional wounds." Yu Hong's words were concise and to the point.

Fang Zhuo sighed: "Okay, it's better than hurting spring and sad autumn."

The matter was over in a matter of minutes, and Fang Zhuo would not mention it in front of Zhou Xin. Time would help the vice president of the registration network heal his wounds.

After entering the company, some colleagues who worked overtime greeted the president. Fang Zhuo sat in his long-lost office and drank a cup of tea made by himself, feeling physically and mentally comfortable.

"You come back today, and you will decide tomorrow whether to open a new production line. Sun Qi has told me twice that it should be opened again." Yu Hong went back to her office to process some documents before coming to the President's Office to discuss the need for a resolution. official business.

"I'm jet lagged tonight, and I'll start busy work again tomorrow." Fang Zhuo laughed at himself and asked, "What should we pay attention to about what Sun Qi said?"

Yu Hong thought for a while and replied: "It's nothing, I just think now is a good time to expand productivity, but I thought you would come back soon, so I said I would wait for you to decide. Well, Sun Qi was inspecting it and felt that Yuzhou's investment policy It’s a very good deal, and I’ll probably try to convince you to build a factory there.”

Fang Zhuo nodded and simply expressed his opinion: "If there is excess productivity, we can also process it for other brands that want to enter this industry."

Yu Hong was noncommittal.

After a while, she continued to chat about news in the brand market.

At the beginning of the night, Fang Zhuo needed to hear a lot of things because he had been out of the country for a while, but after listening to the key points, he was not in a hurry.

"Go back, we'll talk about it at the meeting tomorrow." Yu Hong drank two sips of water, "I have some good news to tell you. Your sister's foundation is very good. The tutor gave her the joint examination paper and she did pretty well in the exam."

Fang Zhuo asked with concern: "Can I go to Tsinghua University?"

Yu Hong almost choked and said slightly angrily: "What kind of education do you have, so you want your sister to go to Tsinghua University?"

"Yes, yes, I reflect on it and shouldn't pin my regret of not being able to go to Tsinghua University on my sister. I am very grateful to Director Yu for taking care of my sister. When she finishes the college entrance examination, I will take her to give Director Yu a good show." Table." Fang Zhuo said with a smile.

Yu Hong glanced sideways: "Tsinghua University is so far away. I think Shencheng is very good. You can come to the company at any time. I heard her say, do you want her to study finance? Shencheng is our domestic financial center."

"Hey, she asked me what I was studying..." Fang Zhuo was speechless, stood up and said, "Let's go, Mr. Yu, I'll take your luxury car back together."

"The dignified president wants to ride on other people's cars. When are you going to buy a car?" Yu Hong quipped.

"I have no money. All the company's money has been invested in reproduction, and they haven't given me any money. My salary is not high. The money for the last shareholding was all from my mother." Fang Zhuo complained, "I can't misappropriate the company's assets. ?”

"What do you want me to do by letting me keep a profit of 10,000 pieces?" Yu Hong thought of this when she heard the word "misappropriation".

"I want to acquire Sina." Fang Zhuo said honestly.

Yu Hong said "ha": "Don't make trouble, tell the truth."

"I really want to acquire Sina." Fang Zhuo insisted on his statement.

Yu Hong didn't believe it at all and gave a sarcastic compliment with a thumbs up.

Fang Zhuo didn't explain much. There hasn't been much progress on this matter for the time being. We'll talk about it after the horoscopes are sorted out.

At eight o'clock in the evening, President Yike got into the marketing director's BMW and drove home talking and laughing.

February 20th.

Sina, which is headquartered in Beijing, received a group of six people from MIGA Fund from abroad.

Four white men and two translators, armed with official documents from MIGA Private Equity, made a request to Beijing Sina Internet Information Services Co., Ltd. to add board seats.

It is reported that MIGA is a private equity securities foundation with a background of major overseas Chinese customers. Therefore, it is very optimistic about the development of Chinese Internet companies and has a long-term shareholding plan for Sina.

For Sina, Jiang Xianbin, Vice President of Global Products, received the MIGA Fund delegation.

Jiang Xianbin is one of the three co-founders of Huayuan Life Information Network. He has been in important positions since the merger of and Lifang Online to form Sina. This time, he came forward to fully express the importance he attaches to American private equity foundations.

The two parties had a pleasant chat. Davis from MIGA fully expressed his amazement and optimism about the development speed of China's Internet. He also believed that Sina, which has been leading China's portals, has broader prospects.

Sina, since I received the letter from the MIGA Fund, I have learned about this American organization. It was established five years ago and has never been exposed. It is quite mysterious. But since everything is a normal procedure, the other party came in person. Hua, that definitely means welcome.

On behalf of Sina's board of directors, Jiang Xianbin agreed in principle to the MIGA Foundation's request to add a director seat, and the election process will be carried out at the shareholders' meeting in June.

The general meeting of shareholders is the company's highest authority. They elect representatives to become directors. These directors are then organized into a board of directors to use the authority granted by shareholders, including the appointment and removal of the chairman, the dismissal and hiring of the CEO, without going through the general meeting of shareholders. decided directly by the board of directors.

Because the MIGA Foundation already holds 5.4% of the shares in the secondary trading market of Nasdaq, its request for additional shares must be voted on by shareholders, which is a right protected by law.

Of course, the board of directors and management have a strong influence on shareholders' meetings, and the direction of similar requirements often depends on how they exert their efforts.

At present, a foreign foundation with good strength and a statement that it will not participate in company affairs is good news for Sina, which is still in shock, and can stabilize people's hearts.

——Look, even American private equity funds are willing to hold shares at this time, and the shadow of the Internet bubble is gradually fading!

A group of people from the MIGA Foundation only stayed in Sina for one day for inspection, and then said they would go to the south to handle work. Jiang Xianbin said goodbye to them on behalf of the Sina board of directors.

Within two days, on the afternoon of February 22, Jiang Xianbin happened to receive a call from another domestic company - Yike Investment called to inquire about Sina's business and expressed its intention to purchase some shares.

Jiang Xianbin is relatively unfamiliar with "Yike Investment". After some understanding, he learned that this company is a related party of Yike Technology.

However... he was also very unfamiliar with "Yike Technology". It wasn't until he mentioned "" that he suddenly realized that it was the Internet peer that won the "First Batch of National Internet Innovation Industry Enterprises".

Jiang Xianbin is aware of the situation in the Internet industry. After paying attention to for a while, he feels that if it can really get through the closed loop of charging, it is really possible to see another listed company.

However, changes in industry policies made everything come to nothing.

He also knew that the young founder of the company had launched a second venture and then stopped caring.

"Look, our domestic people are more meticulous and know how to ask about the business situation before investing." Jiang Xianbin joked to his colleagues after answering the phone, "Yankee, Tama didn't even ask before holding shares. He made the phone call before In the past, I was indifferent."

"Isn't it because Americans are rich? How much money does Yike Investment have? I'm sure I'm afraid of being trapped by a shock." A colleague responded.

Jiang Xianbin is in a good mood: "There are Americans in the past, and domestic... half of our peers. I think our market value will start to improve."

When colleagues talk about the Nasdaq stock price, they are both confident and worried.

No one would associate a small domestic company that plans to invest three to four million Chinese dollars with the MIGA Foundation, a wealthy and wealthy person from the United States who frequently invests in three Chinese listed companies.

Shanghai, evening.

Fang Zhuo, who had been working overtime to deal with the development situation of domestic companies, finally gave himself a half-day holiday.

"I'm so tired. If I had known, I wouldn't have come back so early. I thought I would be lazy in New York and go back to China first, but I didn't expect that I would be busier back in Shanghai than over there."

Fang Zhuo slumped on the sofa and complained.

Zhao Suqi made a cup of tea for his brother and said with a smile: "The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and there will definitely be a wave of craze before the J1 festival."

Fang Zhuo nodded, not wanting to talk about work.

Zhao Suqi thoughtfully turned on the TV and found a Hong Kong and Taiwanese Zhou Xingxing movie to show to her brother. She took out a financial textbook and flipped through it at will.

After a while, Fang Zhuo turned off the TV and fell into thinking.

The only sound left in the living room was Zhao Suqi turning pages from time to time.

"Poison pill plan, what is a poison pill plan?" Zhao Suqi saw a new vocabulary when he saw the case in the textbook.

When Fang Zhuo heard this word, he suddenly came to his senses and explained for his sister: "The poison pill plan is an equity dilution measure set up in advance by listed companies to deal with hostile acquisitions."

"Equity dilution?" Zhao Suqi was puzzled.

"First of all, we cannot have this poison pill plan in China for the time being. They are often foreign listed companies, such as Sina." Fang Zhuo gave an example, "For example, if a fund absorbs a large amount of money without notifying Sina's management, If Sina's stock equity reaches the 10%-20% limit, it may be a hostile takeover."

"However, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has regulations that require listed companies to be notified when their shareholding reaches a certain share. This gives listed companies an opportunity to counterattack."

"They can choose to issue additional rights shares at a low price. According to regulations, hostile acquirers cannot purchase new shares. Only original shareholders can buy them at a low price. This will dilute the equity held by the hostile acquirer."

"For example, if 19% is acquired through a hostile takeover, it may be diluted to 5% after the poison pill plan. Then there is no threat at all and it is impossible to take control of a listed company."

Fang Zhuo is serious about popularizing financial knowledge for his sister.

Zhao Suqi thought for a while and asked, "What about the shortcomings of the poison pill plan?"

"Disadvantages? It is probably that the interests of small and medium-sized shareholders are damaged, but the poison pill plan can be implemented directly by the board of directors without going through the shareholders' meeting." Fang Zhuo said, "This plan has almost no solution for hostile acquirers."

Zhao Suqi asked: "Almost no solution? Why almost?"

Fang Zhuo smiled slightly: "Occasionally, if you calculate mentally but not intentionally, and add some means, you have a chance to solve it."

Zhao Suqi thought for a while: "It's also difficult, right?"

"It's a bit difficult." Fang Zhuo admitted.

One more chapter.

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