Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 257 What’s wrong with him?

Xiong Xiaoge was in a very bearish mood.

Pan Ben in front of him looked like a primary school student who had made a mistake.

Xiong Xiaoge stared at this subordinate who was valued by him. After all, he was still upset. He called Fang Zhuo directly and pressed the external volume.

"Fang! You..."

When the call was connected, Xiong Xiaoge hung up before she could finish her questioning question.

A few seconds later, a call came in from the landline number from the President's Office of Shencheng Yike.

"Mr. Xiong, tell me, my mobile phone is sending text messages. Let's chat on the landline." Fang Zhuo, who was also at the company on New Year's Day, said on the phone.

Xiong Xiaoge's momentum was hindered, and his voice did not rise any louder, but he still said sarcastically: "Mr. Fang, Mr. Fang, you can really do it. I, a project leader of IDG, was poached by you before the project was even completed. Do you want face?" "

He glanced at Pan Ben, whose eyes were wandering, and sneered: "Do you two want to lose face?"

Pan Ben almost lowered his head to his stomach.

"Oh, that's it." Fang Zhuo said lightly and skillfully, "I thought IDG China was going to divest from Yike."

Xiong Xiaoge did not respond to this kind of digestion.

Fang Zhuo continued: "The project has not been completed. Well, Pan Ben took up this project because he was waiting for Yike to achieve certain results. Wouldn't he be able to better promote the project by coming to Yike now? It's not like he gave up, and he didn't Why are you so anxious if you give up halfway?"

Pan Ben quietly sat up a little straighter. Hey, what Mr. Fang said makes sense. He didn't give up halfway.

Xiong Xiaoge didn't like this: "Is this the same thing? What the hell are you doing? Are you even the slightest bit particular about it?"

"Old Xiong, calm down. Think about it, even a venture capital investor is willing to invest in the specific business of players. What's the fuss about? This is enough to prove how correct our vision is." Fang Zhuo Xin calmly said, "Yike is doing business with hundreds of millions of dollars, and it is doing projects that change the industry. How can we do it without talents? The more the better."

Pan Ben slowly raised his head. Yes, Yike is changing the industry. This is an exciting career!

"Are you quarreling with me? Are you quarreling with me? Are you getting an advantage and still being nice!" Xiong Xiaoge became angry after hearing the other person's tone.

"You are the president of IDG China, and I am the president of Yike. As the president, I have to say that we must respect the personal wishes of our employees." Fang Zhuo changed his perspective.

Xiong Xiaoge sneered: "He signed a non-competition agreement."

"Yike is not a venture capital investor, so don't bluff me with this." Fang Zhuo was absolutely right. "Pan Ben, I think he is capable. He is difficult to fully display in your IDG. Rather than scratching the surface in venture capital, why not come here?" Enterprises forge ahead.”

He calmed down and continued: "Is this difficult to accept? Old Xiong, you have to try to accept it. Man, you have to have a pattern."

"Think about it, Pan Ben and I don't have to tell you about this. Anyway, he is following me in New York, but we still choose to inform you. Pan Ben is also very responsible. He is doing it for the joint efforts of Yike and IDG. Work hard for your career.”

"Old Xiong, if you are angry, come at me, not at Xiao Pan. He is not a guaranteed worker."

"He is only thirty years old and is just striving for his dream. What is wrong with him?"

Fang Zhuo's voice was an octave higher, and he guessed that the voice on the other party's phone was also quite loud.

However, Xiong Xiaoge’s cell phone had a foreign voice, and IDG China’s Beijing office was filled with voices saying “What’s wrong with him?”.

Pan Ben seemed to have found his backbone, his eyes stopped wandering, and his face became firm.

Xiong Xiaoge suddenly understood when he saw the expression on his subordinate's face. He switched the voiceover on his phone back and waved to Pan Ben, indicating to leave the office first.

He swore: "Who the hell are you talking about just now?"

"Of course it's you. I feel my feelings sincerely. Hey, Old Xiong, this is really not worth getting angry about. It's the New Year." Fang Zhuo advised, "You are older than me and you are helping my career grow. I’ll call you big brother, and you’ll call me little brother, and we’ll meet for a drink and work on our careers in a friendly manner.”

"I don't dare to have a little brother like you." Xiong Xiaoge said harshly.

"Mr. Xiong, Lao Xiong, Brother Xiong, even if you brought so many people to our company on the registration website, I never said anything to you. If you are really angry today, then I will say sorry to you." Fang Zhuo He said sincerely, "Brother Xiong, we can't let this matter affect our feelings."

Xiong Xiaoge was stunned. Indeed, this was the first time that Fang Zhuo had heard him relent.

Many other entrepreneurs, not only making mistakes, but also making mistakes when seeing venture capital, Fang Zhuo is a completely different type, he is the kind of person who makes venture capital lose three points...

Having said that, there is no point in saying anything more for a subordinate who is disengaged.

Xiong Xiaoge sighed and said, "Forget it, Fang Zhuo, I won't do this again."

"Yeah." Even though he couldn't see the action from thousands of miles away, Fang Zhuo nodded repeatedly on the other end of the phone.

"What do you think about Miller?" Xiong Xiaoge cheered up. The phone was connected, so let's communicate directly. "I'm afraid Yike's funds will be very tight after the new year. I communicated with IDG America yesterday. Try to make concessions as much as possible on the shares.”

He said this because he was willing to use his influence in IDG to make a firm guarantee.

However, Fang Zhuo had already determined this aspect, and he muttered: "Mr. Xiong, I have to say I'm sorry to you."

Xiong Xiaoge suddenly felt that these words were so familiar. He had heard them once just now!

"I have decided that the A round must have at least one more venture capital. To be honest, I can't accept IDG being divided into two sides. It's not just a matter of valuation. As for the funds, I can figure out a way on my own. The US side If the institution is unwilling to invest, I will go to Xiangjiang to try my luck."

Xiong Xiaoge: "..."

This time it was him who persuaded: "IDG China, I can guarantee its independence. Don't let Yike's development be hindered by funds. Time waits for no one."

"The current funding needs of Yike are not that urgent. I think we can try again. In addition, only when Yike has a stock of machines can we negotiate music copyrights. Only by using the number of users to coerce can we make music companies tempted. Simply I'm afraid the cost of spending money on it will be very high." Fang Zhuo has a different view.

Xiong Xiaoge thought.

Before I could think about it for a few seconds, I cursed in my mind, why did the conversation end here on the phone?

He interrupted the topic: "We can talk about these in person. On the third or fourth day of the junior high school, I will fly to Shanghai."

"No problem, Mr. Xiong, I'll sweep up the couch in Shanghai to welcome you." Fang Zhuo agreed.

The call is over.

Xiong Xiaoge called Pan Ben in again.

"Xiao Pan, you know that I value you very much, but I also respect your wishes. As long as you think you will be better in Yike, I am willing to let you go."

Pan Ben breathed a sigh of relief and thanked: "Mr. Xiong, you are a good leader, but I still want to try it in the enterprise."

"Okay." Xiong Xiaoge shook his head helplessly, "You can come to the company tomorrow to go through the resignation procedures. I won't say much else. I hope you will have great potential in the future."

Pan Ben once again thanked his leader for his love and blessings, and left the office when he saw that he had no other words to say.

As soon as he arrived downstairs, he called Mr. Fang Yi Ke and said happily: "Mr. Fang, Mr. Xiong and I submitted our resignations, and he approved it."

"Okay, come on." Fang Zhuozheng opened the door of the conference room, asked the three lawyers from the law firm to sit down and said, "I'm busy here. You can come as soon as you finish the procedures. That's it."

Beep beep, the phone was hung up.

Pan Ben suddenly felt a little uneasy because of this brief response. Mr. Fang's business ethics... is indeed a matter, but don't make any mistakes...

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