Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 264 Strike while the iron is hot (two-in-one)

Fang Zhuo wants to become a shareholder of Sina.

It's easy, just buy its shares from the secondary market.

Fang Zhuo wants to join Sina's board of directors.

This is more difficult.

The board of directors has rights granted by all shareholders, and every seat is very important. Whether the market value is tens of millions or hundreds of billions, the total number of seats in a company is often single.

Currently, Sina's board of directors consists of seven people, and increasing the number of seats is not easy.

It's impossible for Fang Zhuo to buy some stocks and just run up to people and say, "I want to be your director." He's not a high-end private equity fund in the United States with a strong financial background. How could he be accepted? ?

Furthermore, Fang Zhuo had never dealt with Sina before, so this was really difficult to open.

Therefore, he needs to break down the difficulty of entering Sina's board of directors.

If you haven’t dealt with them before, then make them. CCTV’s platform is glittering, and “Win ​​in China” invites executives from all walks of life, including many giants. Such an occasion is perfect for communicating with each other.

As for using Sina's market value as a bet to entertain others and himself, Fang Zhuo just responded to the situation. While chatting about the Internet, he suddenly felt that they could get together and waited for the opportunity to speak.

Moreover, he knew that Sina’s shareholder meeting this year would nominate a director from the MIGA fund. According to convention, an odd number of directors is convenient for voting decisions. Then, either one more seat will be added to 9, or one of the original seats will be replaced. Still maintaining 7.

This is a good opportunity for Yike Investment who wants to get a seat, and it can include a certain nature of making up the numbers.

But this alone is not enough.

Fang Zhuo considers things from the perspective of Sina's major shareholder and feels that he should have more momentum and reputation. Yike's current product sales are very good, which is not known by others and can be amplified through CCTV.

At the same time, from a legal perspective, Yike Investment seeks a non-executive director seat, which means that it does not hold a position in Sina and only plays a role of supervision, inspection and balance for the executive directors.

Anyway, non-executive directors also have votes.

If that doesn't work, you can still pursue the position of an independent director, but that would have to be redesigned because independent directors have low shareholding requirements.

"Mr. Fang, it's finally over. Our Internet still needs to work hard. These people, hey."

The afternoon recording of CCTV's "Win in China" came to an end. Wang Yan, who was sitting next to him, was not as distracted as Fang Zhuo. He was serious from beginning to end and showed respect for the camera. However, he heard some people talking openly and secretly. I feel very dissatisfied if I continue the heated debate.

"Mr. Wang, peace is the most important thing. This kind of thing should be taken seriously if you take it seriously, and take it lightly if you take it lightly." Fang Zhuo persuaded cheerfully, "Everyone, look up and don't look down. Peace is the most important thing."

Wang Yan nodded, no longer looking down on the young president's age.

If anyone can make a name for himself in the country, he must be capable, and this is the case for Mr. Fang.

After the host finished his concluding remarks, the cameras had been put away, and the banquet hall suddenly became noisy.

"Mr. Fang, Mr. Fang, let's save a table tonight."

It is difficult for people from different industries to get together like this, but Fang Zhuo was a little surprised when Mengniu Niu Gensheng, who had made a bet, strode over to invite them.

"No, Mr. Niu, I have an appointment tonight." Fang Zhuo shook hands and refused. He had an appointment with Xiong Xiaoge and Xiangjiang Venture Capital tonight.

At this time, Wang Kangzhen of Jardine Ventures, who also came over, jabbed: "Mr. Fang is really busy, please give me some face."

Wang Kangzhen's Jardine Ventures was previously screened out in the second round of financing, which is completely normal business behavior. However, today he said in front of the camera that it was lucky that "the company does not have an investor". Now it seems that he is here again. As if you owe him money.

Do you owe him money?


Obviously I owe it to Xiong Xiaoge, to Wang Fengyi, to Zhou Zisen, to Lin Jia, to Xu Xin...

Who are you to come here and find yourself uncomfortable?

Fang Zhuo was not recording a show, so he responded directly: "Where do you get the respect from me? Who do you think you are?"

Wang Yan, who was still beside him, was shocked, Mr. Fang, you just said that peace is the most precious thing! This is so unkind!

Fang Zhuo took the initiative to shake Niu Gensheng's hand again, and then took two steps to shake Zhu Yuncan, who had also argued with him, saying that he did have something to do in the evening, and it was not because of the previous incident that he was unwilling to eat together.

Then, without even looking at Wang Kangzhen, he turned around and walked towards NetEase Ding and Sohu Zhang, preparing to say hello to them and go to the appointment.

Wang Kangzhen's face turned red with anger, and he gritted his teeth and said, "This Fang Zhuo is too impetuous! His vision is too narrow!"

He stared at the young president's leaving figure and mocked: "I heard that he came from a not-so-reputable school, and everyone on my team is from Qingbei!"

Wang Yan has long known that position does not reflect quality, and he has seen too many rude remarks from corporate executives.

However, because of what he saw today, the strength of Fang Zhuo's speech, and his support for Sina, he still said to Wang Kangzhen: "Isn't your brain not working well?"

Only then did Wang Kangzhen feel that he had made a mistake.

However, Wang Yan didn't even listen to the explanation, and went to NetEase and Sohu to plan a dinner party for a small circle.

Wang Kangzhen's face darkened.

Niu Gensheng smiled and had no intention of inviting Wang Kangzhen into the dinner. He turned around and went to find his old friend.

He has no need to have a relationship with such a low-profile venture capital investor.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Fang Zhuo met Xiong Xiaoge from IDG and Liang Qihua, director of Xiangjiang Universal Ventures, in a private room of a low-key restaurant.

"Old Xiong, I'm late. I was mainly dragged by Sister Hu to talk about the show for a while."

"Is this Mr. Liang? Hello, hello, please take care of me."

Fang Zhuo first greeted Xiong Xiaoge, who was in the middle, and then shook hands with Liang Qihua politely.

"Mr. Fang is indeed a talented person." Liang Qihua smiled and sat down, "I have been hearing Mr. Xiong praise Mr. Fang for the past two days. This meeting is really better than being famous."

Fang Zhuo felt relieved. This is a venture capital investment. You should be polite, right?

He smiled and said, "Mr. Xiong praises me? Is he complaining about me with Mr. Liang?"

Liang Qihua shook his head repeatedly: "Mr. Xiong speaks highly of Fang. Well, some say that Mr. Fang has a distinctive personality."

"Hahaha." Fang Zhuo laughed, "Generally speaking, if I praise someone, I can always find some good points, such as hard work, talent, etc. If I really can't find anything to praise, then I have to say He has a lot of personality."

Xiong Xiaoge interrupted: "Okay, okay, seeing you so happy, did the recording of the show go well today?"

The waiters in the private room began to serve food, open wine, and pour wine.

"It went well. We also sold 15,000 players." Fang Zhuo smiled slightly.

Xiong Xiaoge was surprised: "Recording programs to sell players?"

Liang Qihua next to him was also very curious. He heard Xiong Xiaoge talk about Fang Zhuo's itinerary and knew that he was recording CCTV's entrepreneurial program "Win in China".

Fang Zhuo organized his speech and talked about the recording of today's program.

He is the person involved, and he has always been good at talking. This description is vivid and vivid.

Liang Qihua sounded like this, and felt that Xiong Xiaoge's "distinctive personality" was really an appropriate evaluation.

"Well, I'm not here. If I were here, I would have knocked you down when you took the microphone." Xiong Xiaoge has no plans to participate in the recording of CCTV programs this year because he has too many things to do.

"Can you knock me down?" Fang Zhuo shook his head repeatedly.

Xiong Xiaoge complained: "When you took the microphone, I had to say loudly. The portal just now was able to talk about stock prices and ridicule. Here comes another person who is about to die. How dare you?"

Fang Zhuo looked disdainful: "That's it? That's it? It's drizzling."

"Well, I have always admired Mr. Fang's face." Xiong Xiaoge said seriously.

Fang Zhuo said with a smile: "Thank you, Mr. Xiong, for the compliment."

He added: "Since Mr. Xiong is a shareholder of our, and Mr. Liang is here today, I have to explain that is operating well, and all businesses are being carried out in an orderly manner. Now it has taken over two projects from Lin'an. Information system construction for a tertiary hospital."

"What does it mean to be about to die? I am confident that I can continue to work on the registration network for another ten years!"

Xiong Xiaoge and Fang Zhuo were already very familiar with each other, but he still felt a little uncomfortable when he mentioned this. He said unceremoniously: "What's the point of working for ten years? Does it have stable profit prospects? The business of the two hospitals is very big." Is it worth bragging about?"

"From encountering force majeure changes in industry policies to trying to find new business profit directions, I think a good start is definitely something worth boasting about." Fang Zhuo replied calmly.

Liang Qihua listened to the two people bickering, hurting each other, and then arguing. He weakly raised his wine glass: "Mr. Xiong, Mr. Fang, how about we have a drink?"

Fang Zhuo and Xiong Xiaoge looked at each other, suddenly realized, and immediately started fighting to make peace, with smiles on their respective faces.

Xiong Xiaoge said with a smile: "Yes, Mr. Liang came all the way from Xiangjiang and is full of sincerity. I have to drink a toast."

Fang Zhuo also smiled and said: "It's all fate, it's all fate. Mr. Liang, I'd like to toast you."

Liang Qihua watched the expressions of these two people change and said, "Mr. Xiong, Mr. Fang, I respect you, I respect you."

The three of them drank a glass of wine together.

I won’t mention the registration network anymore, but the implications from it can be discussed naturally.

"Industrial policies are indeed difficult to grasp. For example, Mr. Fang's current project is very clear." Xiong Xiaoge added, "It has begun to make profits now, and the efficiency is much faster than that of the registration network."

"When starting a business, you have to learn from experience and lessons. I am sincerely grateful to every investor who grew up with me." Fang Zhuo mentioned the full wine glass again, "I would also like to thank Mr. Liang for coming all the way. I would like to give you my best wishes again. One cup, as you wish."

Liang Qihua drank the glass of wine without hesitation.

Fang Zhuo looked at the director's face, assessed his drinking capacity, and decided not to toast like this.

He talked about business: "Mr. Liang should know something about our situation at Yike. We are selling well in the domestic market. Does Mr. Liang know this?"

Liang Qihua nodded. It was because of his basic base in the domestic market that he was very sincere in this trip. Now M1 and J1 have no competitors in the country.

However, Fang Zhuo did not talk about the basic market: "But I don't want to talk about the domestic market, because the domestic market is quite good. Yike has sufficient funds in this area and does not need financing. I can see Mr. Liang today. , in fact, it is because we have set our sights on foreign markets."

Liang Qihua frowned slightly.

"In fact, if this round of financing were not for the establishment of IDG's US and Chinese branches, I would not have introduced new investors." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "I have a very good relationship with Lao Xiong, and I also admire him very much. I have a good vision, but IDG’s shareholding in Yike is too high for me to accept.”

Liang Qihua nodded. He saw that the two had a good relationship. It was also a common problem for the chairman to worry about shares.

"According to our current sales situation abroad, we don't actually need external funds. However, if we focus solely on hardware sales, it would be a bit short-sighted." Fang Zhuo gave an example, "Our competitor in the United States, Apple, It has launched music management software.”

He continued: "As far as I know, Apple is negotiating copyright licensing with music companies, and will definitely charge for digital music downloads in the future."

Xiong Xiaoge glanced at Fang Zhuo calmly, is Apple talking about copyright licensing? Are you so sure of this? Digital music downloads? Is this direction Apple’s plan? Haven’t we always talked about solving copyright issues as a hardware moat?

He feels that it is necessary to evaluate the prospects of charging for digital music downloads. This is a brand new field. Even though intuitively, the prospects seem good-but, before, he thought that the offline payment closed loop of had good prospects.

Fang Zhuo looked at Xiong Xiaoge and asked, "Old Xiong, right? You also understand how important this trend is."

Xiong Xiaoge said helplessly with a nasal sound, "Yeah."

Liang Qihua thought deeply.

“Most of the money raised in this round of financing will be used for licensing negotiations for music copyrights, and part of it will be used to expand our channel layout abroad. Because the time is still short, we currently rely on Kroger’s channel structure in the United States. It's unhealthy." Fang Zhuo said steadily.

Liang Qihua was silent for a while and said thoughtfully: "You have to take a closer look at the downloading of digital music. There are too many uncertain factors."

"Real venture capital dares to face the prospects of risky projects." Fang Zhuo smiled.

"Eat food, eat food. This chef is very famous in the capital." Xiong Xiaoge felt that it was not appropriate to speak too hastily.

Liang Qihua took a deep breath and picked up the food with chopsticks. This Xiao Fang always had a kind of magic in his words.

Fang Zhuo felt that he should strike while the iron was hot, and there happened to be a piece of iron next to him. He smiled and said: "Speaking of risks and prospects, I have established an investment company under Yike, so I feel more and more sorry for Lao Xiong. Why didn't he win last year? Why did you sell out more than half of Tencent's shares if you couldn't resist the pressure?"

He added: "However, compared to Xiangjiang Yingke Digital who all took action, Lao Xiong's is not bad."

Liang Qihua also knows this. Tencent's recent performance has been quite impressive. Mr. Li's Yingke Digital really shouldn't sell its shares. He understands that Fang always uses this to criticize himself.

Xiong Xiaoge glared at Fang Zhuo, and said in front of Liang Qihua the second company he was going to meet tomorrow: "Mr. Fang, the one tomorrow will be Yingke Digital. You can say so when the time comes."

"How do you say that?" Fang Zhuo asked with a smile.

"It's like stabbing a knife in my heart right now with Yingke Digital. After all, their hearts bleed more." Xiong Xiaoge said lightly.

Fang Zhuo laughed, raised his hand and said, "Okay, drink, drink, Mr. Liang, drink, don't be in a hurry."

Liang Qihua raised his wine glass. Today's face-to-face encounter with entrepreneurs gave him some inclinations, but there was still a lot to know.

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