Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 302 Powerless

Duan Yongji is out.

The news first spread on Sina, causing uproar and shock.

Therefore, Fang Zhuo's Audi car left with all kinds of complicated looks. Many people didn't understand how the meeting to remove the co-chairman could continue for an hour.

In the Audi car, Zhao Suqi, who was acting as the recorder, was finally shocked and asked his doubts, why was Duan Yongji eliminated?

"Wu Zheng contacted me yesterday and offered to sell shares at twice the price. I agreed."

"Then I called Wang Yan and told him that one of the directors had changed his position."

"This morning, Duan Yongji called and asked me who I was, and I told him my last name."

"In the morning, I told Wu Zheng that Duan Yongji already knew about it."

"At noon, Mao Daolin expressed to me through Wu Zheng that he was willing to accept me into Sina and needed my vote."

"On the way to Sina in the afternoon, I asked Wang Zhidong to call Chairman Jiang Fengnian."

"As for their contacts, changes, and confrontations from last night to today." Fang Zhuo shrugged, "I don't know, I'm just here to vote."

Zhao Suqi's head was a little confused and he suddenly asked: "Didn't Jiang Fengnian say that Wang Zhidong didn't contact him when Duan Yongji asked him?"

"He lied." Fang Zhuo said calmly.

Zhao Suqi: "..."

"Jiang Fengnian and Wang Zhidong are good friends. He voted the only abstention last year. Today, he himself said that no matter last year or today, he will exercise his removal based on Sina's performance. It is very fair." Fang Zhuoxiao He said, "I think he said it very well."

He sighed again: "The one who started making the figurines has no descendants?"

"Duan Yongji used his performance to connect others to remove Wang Zhidong, and Jiang Fengnian used the same reason to cast the fatal vote for removal. It is very reasonable."

Zhao Suqi asked again: "Well, what about that Mao Daolin? Why did he remove Duan Yongji today? He is the president of Sina!"

"Mao Daolin is the president. He is responsible for Sina's performance. He also has a share in Wu Zheng's sunshine culture. Talking about sunshine culture is actually talking about him, the president." Fang Zhuo explained, "Wu Zheng must be the victim. Mao Daolin If you don’t want to be next, then take action first.”

Fang Zhuo thought for a while and continued: "Duan Yongji will definitely take action today. I suspect that he has communicated with Mao Daolin about his actions today, but there may be a problem with this communication, or Mao Daolin may have his own ideas."

Zhao Suqi asked a little cautiously: "Has Mao Daolin achieved his goal? Can he continue to be president?"

Fang Zhuo glanced at his sister and showed a weak smile: "Remember, you must not be as naive as him."

Zhao Suqi was speechless.

After a while, she asked: "Where is Yongji? Has he failed like this? What will he do?"

Fang Zhuoran: "Public opinion? Public opinion can only exert pressure. This is entirely an internal appointment and removal of personnel."

"Share? Our shareholding is 34%, can he still get 34%? Because of SEC regulations, Duan Yongji has not been able to absorb shares during this period."

"Extraordinary general meeting of shareholders? This is very possible."

Zhao Suqi asked: "Isn't this extraordinary shareholders' meeting something that can cause trouble? Can it be done?"

Fang Zhuo said with a smile: "Our extraordinary shareholders' meeting can be declared over."

"If he wants to open it, let him apply. According to regulations, the company is scheduled to open in two months at the latest."

"By then, the daylilies will be cold."

Fang Zhuo finally laughed loudly: "Let's make an established fact this time and let Lao Duan see how fast the Internet is developing and how many people his status in the world will affect."

"This..." Zhao Suqi watched her brother fall down laughing in his seat, and she also showed a relieved smile.

Fang Zhuo managed to hold back his emotions and concluded: "Lao Duan is a business tycoon after all. People like him stand tall and sometimes underestimate other people's IQ and overestimate other people's morality."

"The board's vote is very important."

"He'll remember it next time."

Zhao Suqi couldn't help laughing. From yesterday to today, President Fang Da had not moved the information, otherwise Duan Yongji would have caught Wu Zheng off guard.

"Sina News: Duan Yongji is dismissed!"

“Sina’s board of directors votes, high-level turmoil!”

"Duan Yongji was unexpectedly eliminated. What happened at this meeting?"

"Can Fang Zhuo have the last laugh?"

"Sina has reached a turning point, or it may turn from prosperity to decline!"

"Why Duan Yongji?"

"How can old people lose to young people?"

Sina dismissed Duan Yongji, and the battle for control added twists and turns, completely beyond expectations.

Duan Yongji, who had always attracted attention, but this time was considered very stable, was suddenly kicked out of the board of directors, shocking countless people's jaws.

Although according to the leaked news, Fang Zhuo didn't take much action at this recall meeting, everyone knew that he must have done something.

Everyone believed that Fang Zhuo was behind the coup.

Some media analyzed Fang Zhuo’s line of action in detail and found a very clear context:

MIGA funds acquire stocks from the secondary trading market.

Yike Investment acquires Duan Yongji's shares.

Both companies received Sina board seats.

MIGA Fund proposed an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders.

Fang Zhuo attended the meeting to show his identity as a major shareholder, named Sunshine Culture, and pointed his sword at the board of directors.

Fang Zhuo continued to attend meetings with a tough attitude.

Administrative forces intervene to bring the two parties together for negotiation.

Fang Zhuo dominated the board of directors and suddenly dismissed Duan Yongji.

"The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. Fang Zhuo never revealed his thoughts about Duan Yongji, and always targeted the entire board of directors. This smoke bomb completely confused Duan Yongji."

"Duan Yongji never thought that Fang Zhuo's real target was him."

"If you don't make a sound, it will be a blockbuster."

"Fang Zhuo put pressure on him, contacted the director of Sina, and killed Duan Yongji with one blow."

"Last year Wang Zhidong, this year Duan Yongji."

“Where will Sina, like a revolving lantern, go?”

On June 29, just as the media was reporting Duan Yongji's defeat, the former Sina co-chairman, who was waiting for the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders, suddenly received the news that the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders had ended.

Shocked and angry, he immediately protested.

Sina said the protest was invalid.

Duan Yongji exercised his rights as a shareholder and requested another extraordinary general meeting of shareholders.

Sina readily agreed and determined that the next extraordinary general meeting of shareholders will be held on August 29, 2002, which is two months later.

Duan Yongji was hospitalized.

On June 30, Sina held its board of directors again and confirmed the appointment of Mr. Fang Zhuo as Vice President of Sina, responsible for the newly established independent business entity SINA Online.

Because director seats must be elected by all shareholders, Fang Zhuo cannot join the board of directors without convening a shareholders' meeting, but he can take up positions at Sina through recruitment.

In other words, Sina, which continues to fluctuate, has welcomed a young vice president.

On the afternoon of the 30th, Sina chief writer Xu Changlun was summoned by name by Fang Zhuo. His talent and reputation had been noticed a few months ago when he criticized Fang Zhuo. Today, we finally had a cordial meeting.

That night, Xu Changlun returned home happily and wrote a welcoming speech:

"We warmly welcome Mr. Fang Zhuo to be elected as Vice President of Sina!"

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