Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 306 Nonstop

Shencheng Yike Technology is here to support our brother company!

There are nine people in total, five are directly from Sina, two are from NetEase, one is from Alibaba, and one is from Foxmail, all of whom were once middle-level backbones of their respective companies.

Especially Zhang Shenghui, who used to be the director of Sina Wireless Project. It’s really hard to describe how he feels about returning to his old place this time. Who would have thought that he would have to deal with the previous work after such a long time...

The reasons for the nine people's resignation and re-employment were varied, but the main reason was the industry downturn caused by the Internet bubble. Under such circumstances, Yike Technology absorbed talents and enriched the company's personnel reserve.

After being selected and self-recommended, the nine-member team that went to Beijing this time was nicknamed the "Beijing Qinwang Team" by others who were not able to come to Yike, code-named Y1.

The appearance of Yike's nine members shocked Sina's internal staff. Fang Zhuo, who was originally considered to have a rough style, suddenly became "strong and soft".

In addition, considering Fang Zhuo's notorious hostile takeover in the past month, the return of former Sina employees seems even more deliberate.

That's what Wang Yan thinks, and he increasingly feels that Fang Zhuo is unpredictable and has a hidden agenda.

Because they have reached a consensus, the vice president and CEO need to have more work communication.

On this night when the "King of Qin came to Beijing", Fang Zhuo held a banquet to welcome his employees, and by the way, he also called Wang Yan.

"Mr. Fang, you are sending an expert research team here." Wang Yan saw nine people and some familiar faces, and he felt very complicated.

Fang Zhuo smiled: "Aren't you afraid that something will happen on the Sina hotline? This will make things easier."

He gave another example: "Yesterday I was able to find an office all morning long. If I really wanted to carry out my work normally, personnel sorting, team building, etc. would be a mess."

Zhang Shenghui on the side said: "Our trip is the sharp knife in Mr. Fang's hand."

Wang Yan was still young, and felt a subtle embarrassment when looking at the familiar Zhang Shenghui. He smiled and said, "Well, Mr. Fang's punch hit many people's hearts, and it has a great effect on establishing authority."

He continued: "The six people who were quickly dismissed from their posts are now in an embarrassing situation. I heard that Zou Xuelin threatened to go to Duan Yongji at night."

Fang Zhuo said calmly: "These are all small things. They can do whatever they like, as long as they don't hinder us from getting the Sina hotline active."

Wang Yan nodded, feeling a little envious of Fang Zhuo's composure.

Fang Zhuo casually chatted a few words about the night's accommodation, picked up the wine glass, and said a toast first: "It's been a hard work for everyone on this trip. This is the situation. It seems that my personal reputation may very well be in your hands." ”

Zhang Shenghui and others quickly expressed their opinions. This was not only their job, but also a feeling of competition in front of former colleagues and peers.

Fang Zhuo was very satisfied and raised his wine glass: "Here's to Yike!"

Wang Yan, the CEO of Sina, also raised his hand and whispered in a weird and helpless voice: "Jing Yike..."

Fang Zhuo finished the drink in one gulp and poured a second glass of wine: "Here's to Sina Hotline!"

"Here's to Sina Hotline!" This time the response was more heartfelt and heartfelt.

Fang Zhuo poured a third glass of wine, pondered for a moment, and said with a smile: "Here's to Sina Hot Money!"

"Hot Sina hot, hot money..."

"Honor Sina and hot money."

"Sina hot money?"

Everyone was shocked, this time it was very messy.

Wang Yan chewed for a while and suddenly realized that the word was very clever, Sina hotline, Sina hot money.

On July 5, Sina's independent business unit Sina Hotline held a meeting in the morning.

Sina Hotline President Fang Zhuo, Sina Hotline CEO Wang Yan, Sina Hotline Vice President Wang Gaofei, Sina Personal Business Department Director Chen Tenghua, as well as two key teams from Yike Technology and Sina Hotline attended the meeting.

The news of this meeting was not concealed, so everyone who entered the conference room could see six former key employees sitting at their workstations.

The six people headed by Zou Xuelin are still maintaining their protest attitude. Especially after the communication with Chairman Duan Yongji last night, they are more confident.

Compared with other people's worries and discomforts about this matter, Fang Zhuo only mentioned it once in the meeting. He was more talking about the goals and significance of Sina Hotline.

"Everyone who came to the meeting today is here to advance the work. Anyone who has opinions about me or disagrees with Sina's hotline strategy can learn from the people outside. Anyway, I have no shortage of people here."

Fang Zhuo's words were a bit harsh.

Seeing that there was no feedback, he regarded it as positive feedback and continued the conversation.

"Sina Hotline is an independent business entity, and Sina is the leader in domestic portal websites."

“The meaning of our existence is to leverage Sina’s advantages in brand, technology, market, and user base.”

"How to play it?"

"Join telecom operators and network operators to provide services to our users."

"Simple, right?"

Fang Zhuo looked around and asked, "Why is it so simple?"

He asked himself and answered: "Because it is that simple. The mobile phone market is developing faster and faster. The year before last, our domestic mobile phone sales were 18 million units."

"The year before last it was 40 million units, and last year it was 60 million units. According to this trend this year, there should be 70 million units, not to mention too many."

"Mobile phone prices are falling, feature phones are being launched, and consumption levels are improving. These have created a huge stock market."

Fang Zhuo said with certainty: "Sina should not miss this market. Behind the number of mobile phones are users. Users have the need to obtain information. The desire for this demand and the convenience of realizing this desire are largely the factors that make the portal website possible." .”

"Now, we need to transplant this desire and convenience to users' mobile phones through text messages. They spend money, and we split the bill with the operators."

"Is there anything you don't understand about these?"

Fang Zhuo feels that his speech should be more straightforward. What is more straightforward is that Sina has the content and the operators have the methods. Users can obtain the content so that both parties can make money.

Everyone in the conference room expressed their understanding that this is actually a business that Sina is doing, but they just don’t pay enough attention to it.

Portal websites have always lacked stable profitable businesses other than advertising. Regardless of Sina, Sohu, or NetEase, all three are similar. This is a problem that is difficult to solve from establishment to listing.

The best performer in the current market is the rising star Tencent. The way it breaks through the profit dilemma is to work with China Unicom to develop value-added services.

Tencent can increase its own revenue through China Unicom's call charges. This is a huge breakthrough and has successfully allowed it to get rid of burning cash and look forward to going public.

Now, the same opportunity lies in front of the portal website. Sina can obtain revenue through the charging of SMS business.

To put it simply, you can make a lot of money.

"The key to this business is the operator. In the past few days, I briefly learned about cooperation in this area and found that we are already lagging behind."

"This is not your fault. It is a mistake in Sina's strategic development."

"I will personally discuss cooperation with operators and discuss more proactive and radical cooperation. The hotline is to be prepared for business docking."

Fang Zhuo knocked on the table and named two people on the Sina hotline, asking them to take the lead.

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