Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 312 Famous Paintings of the Year (please vote for me)

There was no board of directors meeting, no shareholder meeting, no attempt to lead the public to force the government to oust, and no attempt to vote to leave.

In fact, it only took fifteen minutes from the time Fang Zhuo walked into the president's office to when he left.

In this way, a change of power was quietly completed within Sina.

This came as a relief to many people.

Compared with the last power grab by the board of directors, this gentle concession is much more comfortable.

Chinese people are very particular about being friendly and making money, and not looking up when they look down. Many people feel morally uncomfortable when they have to vote in front of others.

Of course, if you really want that time, you will still vote as you should, and a sly vote is still a vote.

But now that there is such a tacit understanding, the next most important task is to resist foreign enemies.

On August 29, Sina held another extraordinary shareholders meeting.

Duanwai Enemy, come here!

Some directors and executives at Sina are already mentally prepared.

On Friday, the 29th, in Beijing, the scorching sunshine showed its power from the morning.

Fortunately, the hotel conference hall where Sina held its extraordinary shareholders' meeting was fully air-conditioned, which made the many media reporters who came here very happy.

In addition, a lot of iced drinks were provided in the conference hall, which immediately made people feel considerate of the conference party.

Compared with the last extraordinary shareholders' meeting, which only allowed reporters from Sina and CCTV to enter, this time the scope of reporters has been relaxed. Basically, well-known media can enter as long as they apply.

So, at one o'clock in the afternoon, the conference hall was already very lively and full of media, and the sound of everyone drinking drinks was the same as drinking half a bottle of iced Coke on a hot summer day.

When Duan Yongji arrived at the conference hall, he was surprised to see so many reporters.

There was still half an hour before the meeting, and Sina's directors and senior executives had not yet arrived. Reporters swarmed over when they saw a key party involved.

"Mr. Duan, Mr. Duan, are you confident in returning to Sina today?"

"Mr. Duan, what is your goal today?"

"Mr. Duan, are you in good health?"

Duan Yongji felt great enthusiasm and care.

He did not answer the question and sighed: "Everyone is very concerned about Sina."

Then, Duan Yongji faced many media and firmly reiterated the purpose of his trip: "Sina has been very unstable recently. As a Sina person who has watched it grow to this point, I am very sad."

"I have the responsibility, obligation, and determination to continue to lead Sina forward!"

A little further away, there were Sina hotline employees who had arrived early. They looked at each other, wondering if this "recently very unstable" Sina and the Sina in full swing around them were two different companies.

Duan Yongji looked very sonorous and excited under the camera, especially seeing that many shareholders of Sina were also watching, and he did not hesitate to show his passionate and decisive side.

The employees at Sina's hotline quietly walked away. They were among those who signed up to attend this extraordinary shareholders' meeting. They were both fresh and shocked by the lively atmosphere at the scene.

"Duan Cheng, are you really not related to Mr. Duan?" Xu Yilin signed up enthusiastically and successfully came to witness Sina's ownership, but she was really worried at this time.

"No, no." Duan Cheng denied it repeatedly and said with the same worry, "A lot of people are surrounding Duan Yongji. When President Fang comes to the meeting, we have to support President Fang!"

"Mr. Fang didn't select people here today for this reason..." Xu Yilin said thoughtfully.

Duan Cheng was surprised: "Isn't it? Aren't we required to express our feelings to shareholders on behalf of Sina employees?"

"It seems not." Xu Yilin thought for a while, "The tone I heard seems to be to prevent shareholders from having any emotional fluctuations in our employees. It was just for us to take a look..."

Duan Cheng said "Huh", and before he could express his emotion, he saw a commotion at the entrance of the conference hall.

Sina's directors and senior management team attended.

Sina Chairman Jiang Fengnian, Sina Co-Chairman Wu Zheng, Sina President Mao Daolin, Sina CEO Wang Yan, Sina Vice President Fang Zhuo and many senior executives arrived on time.

There are two aisles in the conference hall. This group of people walked to the podium through another aisle parallel to Duan Yongji. They did not seem to mean to say hello.

However, Fang Zhuo, who was walking at the front, stopped, and everyone else stopped behind him.

Fang Zhuo looked at Duan Yongji across half of the conference hall and nodded in greeting.

Duan Yongji stared at Fang Zhuo walking in front of a group of new people, his brows furrowed.

A reporter captured this moment from a good angle, creating a famous painting of the year.

The hustle and bustle of the conference hall, the confrontational gazes of old and new people, Duan Yongji’s solemnity, Fang Zhuo’s calmness, the media hesitating about which side to take photos of, the wavering microphones, and the employees standing on tiptoe beside them.

And, Sina's logo on the rostrum.

A moment passed, and Fang Zhuo no longer stopped, leading the Sina team to the podium.

After a while, two directors belonging to Duan Yongji also sat on the edge of the podium. Since the last board meeting, they have been excluded from participating in company affairs, but they are also qualified to attend today.

The conference hall gradually became quiet, and the media reporters each found their own angles.

Sina's shareholders or shareholders' principals sit in the middle of the podium, Duan Yongji sits at the front, and the rest of the side positions are surrounded by employees from different departments of Sina.

On the rostrum, Chairman Jiang Fengnian was in the middle, and Vice President Fang Zhuo sat next to him. On the other side of Jiang Fengnian was Sina CEO Wang Yan, and Sina President Mao Daolin was slightly outside.

Duan Yongji looked at the seat and frowned slightly, but his attention was quickly diverted by Chairman Jiang Fengnian's words.

"Today, Sina held an extraordinary shareholders' meeting at the request of shareholder Mr. Duan Yongji. This is also the third shareholders' meeting we have held this year." Jiang Fengnian said with emotion, feeling that young people today are too powerful.

He continued: "I hope this shareholders' meeting can resolve our disputes over Sina's development and bring the company's development to another level."

Jiang Fengnian started the meeting without saying much, and directly asked the shareholder who requested this meeting: "Mr. Duan, as a shareholder of Sina, what do you need to solve in the form of a shareholders' meeting? What do you need the management to solve?" To answer?"

Duan Yongji was a little surprised at today's straight-to-the-point meeting. He cheered up and without any hesitation, just made a strong request just like the scene at the last extraordinary shareholders' meeting:

"Sina's development has now entered a critical period. I don't think the current board of directors is reasonable, and I don't think someone like Fang Zhuo who adopts a hostile takeover approach is suitable for the position of Sina's vice president."

"So, I demand the re-election of the board of directors and the removal of Fang Zhuo's position in the company!"

Duan Yongji stood up directly from his seat, impassioned.

All of a sudden, there were countless flashes of light.

The audience was whispering, and the media was overjoyed.

But most of the directors and senior executives on the rostrum had no expressions, and everyone just looked at shareholder Duan Yongji quietly.

Duan Yongji also looked back strongly.

Jiang Fengnian waited for a while and asked, "Is it gone?"

Duan Yongji: "..."

He always feels that the atmosphere today is weird!

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