Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 336 Eight Angers (2 in 1)

On the morning of Friday, December 2, President Yike and his team hurriedly arrived in Yangcheng, the capital of Guangdong Province.

The last time Fang Zhuo came here was because of the competition between the registration network and the medical online. This time, his opponent had long been wiped out. The registration network had been fully connected to the hospitals in the provincial capital and used it to radiate the richest province in the south.

"How's it going? How's the situation?"

Fang Zhuo got into the car picking up the airport and asked Liu Yangyang, who arrived first yesterday.

"Experts are still visiting and investigating, some are going to hospitals to check patients, and some are conducting traceability." Liu Yangyang answered quickly.

"I heard what you said yesterday, did the experts judge the seriousness of the matter?" Fang Zhuo asked, "Is there a paper report in the morning?"

"Not yet. Experts say we need to be rigorous and not be careless about this kind of thing." Liu Yangyanghui reported, "I privately asked several experts who are close to our registration network and urged them to give formal opinions as soon as possible. I also asked them to They report it to their own hospital.”

She continued: "Experts said there is also a newly established Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and they have also reported it."

"Is this center of a high level? Have more experts come here?" Fang Zhuo looked at the list of expert teams he had compiled and felt that a higher status was needed to create greater appeal.

Liu Yangyang hesitated and said: "Generally speaking, when such an organization is just established, I'm afraid it won't be too..."

Fang Zhuo understood the meaning and nodded.

The convoy that picked up the airport left the airport, and the two cars behind did not follow the boss and drove in other directions.

During the flight, Fang Zhuo had already assigned tasks, involving Mayong's warehouse, registration network and hospital information linkage. In special moments, efficiency is king.

Fang Zhuo thought for a while and asked, "Do you think it would be too drastic to have this situation reported on the Sina website now?"

Liu Yangyang said with some embarrassment: "Mr. Fang, when I received your call the day before yesterday, I thought you were overreacting, but after listening to the experts' analysis last night, I felt that you should take it very seriously... I don't dare to judge easily."

Fang Zhuo nodded slowly.

"But according to my feeling, the news will definitely give the leaders a bad impression." Liu Yangyang said carefully, "After all, Sina has a high number of views, and this is not an ordinary matter. Should we let it go first? Official media?"

"I have contacted people from CCTV before coming here." Fang Zhuo frowned slightly, "There will be reporters from the nearest area, but they said that they must fully investigate the facts and not report lightly. Experts must give opinions."

"The bigger the media and newspapers, the more cautious they must be." Liu Yangyang advised, "Mr. Fang, we have to wait for the opinion of the expert group. If we are more cautious, we should wait for the opinion of a higher-level expert group."

She paused, but she still said what she wanted to say: "No matter how much we are capable of doing, we are just a website after all. Our professional judgment, authority, and status in the field are not enough to bear too much pressure."

This is very sincere.

Although has shareholders from Shenxin Technology and Shenzhen Venture Capital, it is essentially a private enterprise and is quite powerless when it comes to issues at this level.

Even if something happens, if does its job well, reminds the health department, communicates with the hospital, and donates medical supplies, everything will be fine.

Fang Zhuo showed a smile for the first time since he got off the plane. Wasn't this sentence "how capable" he said to Lao Qiu yesterday?

"That is to say, you can do great things as long as you are capable." He said calmly, "But I don't know how capable I am, so what should I do?"

Fang Zhuo continued: "I can only do my best. I can only let myself have a clear conscience when I think about this in the future."

100% truth.

When I first set up the registration website, I was thinking about turning away my sister’s medical expenses, and I was also willing to take advantage of policies and the Internet to do something that would benefit more people.

At that time, I didn’t have much confidence, so I took advantage of the situation, took it one step at a time, and gradually mixed in some small tricks to build the company by luck.

Now compared to that time, the money I can use is countless times higher, the people I know are at a higher level than before, and the resources I can mobilize are far greater than before.

Fang Zhuo felt that he had no reason not to try to do more things.

After being away for half of my life, when I came back, in addition to making money, starting a business, and engaging in private equity, I was still willing to do something beneficial to the public.

"Mr. Fang, I don't think you have anything to be ashamed of, even if it's only to this point." Liu Yangyang felt a little moved when he heard his boss's sincerity and said relieved.

Fang Zhuo waved his hand. The problem was that he knew that there was such a thing that was beyond the imagination of many people nowadays. Not to mention others, not to mention society, he was worried about it in his own heart.

But this cannot be said. My current behavior can be explained as sensitivity and stress. When the official opinion of the expert group is released and the causal relationship in the past few days is slightly blurred, everything will fall into place.

"Please contact the local official media. The sooner this matter is paid attention to, the better. I'm afraid that the official media will have to follow strict procedures. Some things are emergency in nature." Fang Zhuo said after considering, "Sina Posting this matter directly on the Internet will easily cause bad effects, so you can first put the opinions of experts on Sina’s local website.”

Sina has local stations and city channels for different regions, which are not as broad as national news coverage and are more targeted.

At the very least, the people of Yangcheng and Guangdong Province are reminded to pay attention to protection.

"Well, it's better to compromise this way. Let's say hello to the health department here." Liu Yangyang said cautiously, giving a small-scale reminder first, and there should be higher-level instructions soon.

It's approaching noon.

"Let's have a quick bite first." Fang Zhuo said, "The expert group does not have a formal written opinion now. Please notify an expert and we will go to the Health Bureau of Yangcheng together later."

Liu Yangyang pondered, selecting the experts he had brief contact with during the day. He had to choose someone who was responsible and courageous.

After a moment, she started dialing the number.

After just two or three simple conversations, the other person agreed and was willing to meet the leader together.

"This is Shao Chunkun from Lin'an, an associate professor at Zhejiang University School of Medicine." Liu Yangyang introduced to his boss, "At the expert discussion meeting last night, he thought this matter was urgent, and he was the first to propose that the entire team wear protective clothing. investigation."

Fang Zhuo suddenly felt good in his heart and praised: "As expected of a professor, very good, very good."

Liu Yangyang didn't say anything. He was an associate professor, but he didn't care much at first because he was a real professor.

A carload of people had a simple lunch and then immediately rushed to the Health Bureau in Yangcheng.

Associate Professor Shao Chunkun was almost there. They exchanged simple greetings and waited for five more minutes for the two people from the Sina News team.

The three parties gathered together, and a total of six people entered the Yangcheng Health Bureau.

Liu Yangyang has contacted here twice. The first time was before the experts arrived, and the second time was to report the investigation situation.

The group met Zhou Wuhua, deputy director of the Health Bureau.

Zhou Wuhua was very polite when they introduced their identities to each other.

However, when Fang Zhuo mentioned that news about the situation in Yangcheng would be published on Sina City Channel, he couldn't help but change his expression.

Zhou Wuhua didn't say anything harsh, but he just said: "This has a very bad impact. Our director went to investigate, and I can't make the decision. Mr. Fang, why don't I call the director to ask for instructions."

"Okay, Director Zhou, let Professor Shao join you. He can explain the situation from a professional perspective." Fang Zhuo suggested.

"Okay." Zhou Wuhua agreed, turned around and led Shao Chunkun out of the reception room.

About fifteen minutes later, the two came back, but there was one more person behind them.

"Mr. Fang, this is Zhao Shengmei, the deputy director of our Health Bureau." Zhou Wuhua introduced, "As for the fact that you said Sina is going to be on the news, I had a phone call with the director, and also asked Professor Shao to explain the situation, and we briefly discussed it internally. For a moment.”

He continued to give his opinion: "Should we not release the news for now, and then release the news rigorously and formally after further clarification of the situation."

Fang Zhuo frowned: "Zhou Bureau, this is indeed the normal situation, but now we have to consider more impacts."

The last person who came in looked at the rather elderly deputy director Zhao Shengmei and said: "Mr. Fang, this situation requires more investigation and research on our part. Do you understand?"

Fang Zhuo motioned to Professor Shao Chunkun next to him to introduce the situation. This person was a professional.

Professor Shao seriously stated the facts he learned and was willing to use his identity as Zhejiang University as a guarantee.

"Let's see. When we get the news, we really have to go through the process." Zhao Shengmei said after considering it, "We have to pay attention to the impact of this matter."

Fang Zhuo glanced at Professor Shao, then at the two people in front of him, and said sincerely: "The process must be as fast as possible and in time. The earlier the better."

After he said this, he stood up to say goodbye and led others out.

Zhao Shengmei looked at the backs of several people, turned to the colleagues next to her and said, "Old Zhou, have you seen this? This guy thinks more than us."

"This matter must be taken seriously. Let's talk to the director again." Zhou Wuhua was a little worried.

"Did I say we don't take it seriously?" Zhao Shengmei said a little dissatisfied, "Things must be done, but everyone has to follow the process."

Zhou Wuhua was silent for a while and nodded slowly.

The atmosphere of the situation just now was a bit beyond his imagination. President Fang Zhuo of Sina was too indignant and took it seriously.

"I'll make a call. We also need to form an expert investigation team to investigate this matter carefully." Zhao Shengmei shook her head and walked out of the office.

When Zhou Wuhua saw the deputy bureau going to make a phone call, he thought about it and decided to tell the city about the matter. Everything had to follow the arrangements from above. He felt that this matter must be done as soon as possible.

On the other side, Fang Zhuo and his group hurriedly left the health bureau.

"What to do now?" Liu Yangyang asked.

"Xiao Li, please synthesize the experts' opinions and the current status of the investigation, and send it to our city channel on Sina tonight." Fang Zhuo had no intention of changing.

Now is the time for the media to take on the responsibility of supervision.

"Don't be afraid. I'll call someone later to see if I can get in touch with someone more important in Yangcheng." Fang Zhuo said, "It's best to be the number one or number two in the city."

He decided to find someone through Zheng Danrui, at least to make a phone call.

I originally thought there would be no problem if I just said hello to the Health Bureau, but now I feel like I still need to find more influence.

At this time, Professor Shao Chunkun suddenly said: "Mr. Fang, do you want me to go with you to meet more leaders?"

"Professor Shao is unwilling?" Fang Zhuo breathed out.

Shao Chunkun shook his head: "No, of course I am willing. I want to ask about the following process. Otherwise, I would like to go to the front line with them to see the situation again. I can still be of some help."

Fang Zhuo felt respect rising in his heart.

A group of people prepared to get on the bus.

However, someone suddenly trotted over next to him.

"Mr. Fang? Is this Mr. Fang?" A middle-aged man held a briefcase and said with a smile, "Hello, hello."

Fang Zhuo stopped and asked doubtfully: "I am, you are...?"

"I heard that Mr. Fang came to Yangcheng. I am Liu Weide from China Merchants Bureau, so I have caught up." The middle-aged man said with a smile, "Mr. Fang, this is a rare time for me to come here. I will introduce to you our policies in Yangcheng, which are definitely the best in the country." most favorable."

"This... you, I..." Fang Zhuo was stunned. How did this person know his whereabouts, and why was he still thinking about attracting investment...

Liu Weide handed over his business card and introduced the city's investment policies in a non-stop manner.

Fang Zhuo took a long breath and interrupted the deputy director of investment promotion who was working hard with complicated emotions: "Director Liu, we can't talk about this now, there are more important things."

"The most important thing is to ensure the policy environment for your business." Liu Weide said with a smile.

"No, ensuring everyone's safety is the most important thing." Fang Zhuo patted the deputy director's shoulder and said seriously, "Your safety, my safety, their safety."

Liu Weide was a little confused and asked, "Is Mr. Fang coming here this time?"

Fang Zhuo briefly introduced the situation.

"Then I can help with the urging. This is a good thing. The department's work must be solid, and I know Lao Zhao." Liu Weide smiled and said, "Mr. Fang wants to see the weather in our Yangcheng."

Fang Zhuo's eyes lit up and he felt that this person's arrival could help.

"Mr. Fang, I still have to introduce our investment policy to you. I heard that Yike is selling very well in the United States." Liu Weide didn't dislike the place, so he chatted about the work of his department in front of other departments.

Fang Zhuo listened patiently to the deputy director's lecture while thinking about what he could do next.

"Mr. Fang, this is my business card. I hope you can come and sit down if you have time in the next few days." Liu Weide said pragmatically.

Fang Zhuo took the business card and shook hands with the deputy director. Yangcheng's investment policy is indeed good... When you have time later, you can consider setting up a production line for Yike products here.

"Director Liu, thank you for your explanation of Yangcheng investment promotion. I also hope you can help explain it and let us work together." Fang Zhuo pointed to the unit behind him.

Liu Weide nodded in agreement, not feeling too embarrassed. A stable environment is more conducive to attracting investment.

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