Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 339 Combination Boxing (Two in One)

"Where did you get this report?"

"I asked you where this report came from?"

On the afternoon of December 3, Fang Zhuo met Director Liu above.

The two are not strangers. They have dealt with each other whether it was the battle for control of Sina or the information construction conference in which participated.

"There was a little news on Sina a few days ago, and happened to be undergoing a transformation recently, and a group of experts was gathered to check out the situation. This is the joint report of the expert group."

Fang Zhuo briefly stated that this process was like the linkage between and

Director Liu nodded slightly, there is no problem.

Fang Zhuo handed over another list of the expert group, with names, professional titles, and work units on it, and said: "These are the experts who signed after the report. They all agree with the preliminary judgment of Yangcheng."

Director Liu took it and browsed through it solemnly. He found that there were both professors from the school and doctors on the front line.

"I originally wanted to sign this written report, as it would be considered responsible." Fang Zhuo continued, "But on second thought, this is the opinion of a professional after all, and it would not be good for me, a business person, to be involved. "

Director Liu said with mixed approval: "You have thought a lot."

Fang Zhuo replied steadily: "It's just the right time."

Director Liu stopped evaluating Fang Zhuo's actions and began to consider the news requests from Sina.

After a while, he read the list of experts and the report twice before speaking: "As for news, Sina can publish it, but Sina cannot publish it alone."

Fang Zhuo listened intently.

Director Liu explained, "After all, this expert group is organized by your company, and the impact must be considered. I don't mean to suppress Sina News. Didn't you say you have contacted CCTV? I will communicate with them and ask again. Ask Yangcheng about this situation, and then Sina and CCTV will post it together."

This is the right kind of leadership.

Fang Zhuo felt a sense of emotion in his heart. He looked at the director who was still explaining and just... continued to listen to his explanation.

Although Sina has been on the market for two years, it is still a new thing in the eyes of leaders. This kind of news related to the Yangcheng judgment and the form in which this judgment came about forced Director Liu to say more.

In the eyes of Director Liu, Fang Zhuo, who made a hostile takeover, fought a fierce battle, and drove away the company president, has a relatively tough character. It is best if they can communicate and understand each other, and Fang Zhuo's current attitude also makes him satisfy.

Ever since, both of them gave each other a good score in their hearts, and the communication went very smoothly.

That night, Fang Zhuo was finally able to sleep well.

At this point in time at the end of this year, there are basically two things he can do.

The first is to try our best to provide medical supplies that may be needed in large quantities.

The second is to use public opinion and professional judgment as reminders to attract sufficient attention.

At dawn, Fang Zhuo, who had not slept for eight hours but felt that his energy was fully restored, woke up. He stood up and fumbled to light a cigarette without turning on the light.

For some reason, the first thing that came to his mind was the phone call from Yangcheng he received during the car ride yesterday, and then came the precautionary and even drastic arrangements made by the two companies in the eyes of others.

I don’t know what effect this action will have, but every time one more person benefits, Fang Zhuo’s simple wish can be fulfilled.

Let everyone be well.

Two days later, Sina's news report on the situation in Yangcheng was issued simultaneously with CCTV's, reminding Guangdong Province to take precautions and reminding the public to pay attention to the situation.

Even so, the Sina President Office still received several stressful calls. The situation was relieved when a higher-level medical expert team went to Yangcheng.

Fang Zhuo didn't know if CCTV was under pressure. Anyway, he contacted the director he knew and failed to make an appointment, which meant that things were very busy.

On December 6, more official media, media, and websites began to pay attention to the situation in Yangcheng. According to a wider range of judgments, the disease existed in Yangcheng in November.

Now we are trying to find the first case for better research, treatment, protection and tracking.

Against this background, Sina website published another headline, reminding everyone to be vigilant that Yangcheng may not be just an endemic disease, but to be careful in the wider area.

However, such remarks are less harsh than the initial release.

Fang Zhuo was sitting at the Sina headquarters, silently observing the changes in the situation, and communicating with hospitals in Guangdong Province through the registration network in a timely manner.

He asked Sina to open a special column on the homepage of the website and pay close attention to relevant information.

At the same time, after discussion at the meeting, Sina President asked everyone to be prepared to work from home under certain circumstances.

On December 13, Sina concluded a performance summary meeting for 2002.

Wang Yan found the president after the meeting and said optimistically: "Mr. Fang, our fourth quarter financial report and full-year annual report should further stimulate the stock price. Everyone feels that Sina's stock price will have a better response."

"Well, this is inevitable." Fang Zhuo stopped reading the fax sent by the registration network working group and talked about a matter that was not discussed today, "Brother Wang, there is something I think it is necessary to communicate with you."

"Mr. Fang, tell me." Wang Yan looked serious.

"The development of Sina Hotline is obvious to all, and it will definitely have a bigger market." Fang Zhuo said, "But this market is not endless, and SP service providers are still restricted by China Mobile and China Unicom. This needs to be noted."

Wang Yan was a little hesitant after being splashed with cold water.

"Those who don't think about the overall situation can't think about a domain." Fang Zhuo said eloquently, "There are many service providers on the market now. They use non-compliant information to seize the market. This area will inevitably be subject to supervision."

"Sina is the best portal in the industry, but it is not the best SP service provider in the industry. TOM is the number one."

"And what's behind us? There are also the efforts of NetEase and Sohu."

"Mr. Wang, we can't indulge in the SP business. The competitiveness it brings to Sina is not core enough and has a certain degree of substitutability."

"The spring of the Internet is here, and spring is the time for a hundred schools of thought to contend. We at Sina must continue to strengthen our core competitiveness in order to go further."

Fang Zhuo took out two pieces of information, one was a market analysis of SP business, and the other was "Blog China" founded by Fang Xingdong in August this year.

Wang Yan took a closer look and found that his recent energy was to continue to lead Sina Hotline to expand the market in the direction pioneered by Fang Zhuo, and his competitors did not pay enough attention.

"Mr. Fang, you just poured cold water on me, and now you have another acquisition intention?"

Wang Yan was a little stunned. He closed the first document and said while reading the second one: "Sina's own SP business is very good. Of course, Yangcheng Xunlong is also good. Do we need to talk about it?"

"I'm pouring cold water on it, but the SP business still has a long time to provide us with profits, and we have to turn profits into resource motivation for Sina to move forward." Fang Zhuo replied, "The acquisition of Xunlong is partly due to integration. "

He pondered for a moment and then said bluntly: "Part of the reason is to use it to stimulate the stock price. The stock market likes this kind of news."

SP business is an area that can bring direct income. If you do it, you will get cash inflow.

A leading domestic portal website, its stock price has entered a period of rapid growth, and it is focusing on the SP business. At this time, acquisitions and integration of related resources will show a better future.

This kind of acquisition is the sort of move that would excite the stock market.

Wang Yan turned his thoughts and vaguely understood the president's thoughts, but he still hesitated: "Xunlong is not small in scale and the price is high."

"Just make sure it's not too small, not too big, not too small, just right." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "It's not cost-effective if it's too big, and it's not effective if it's too small."

He paused and continued: "Or you can change to a similar SP service provider. The purpose is to focus on Sina's stock price. In addition, the timing of releasing this news will be after our 2002 annual report."

Wang Yan could see that the president had thought it over carefully.

"It's up to you to get in touch with this matter. Keep it confidential first." Fang Zhuo lowered his voice a little, "You can consider communicating with several directors about this action. It is the time for them to leave."

Wang Yan's heart trembled. Is it the time for them to leave or exchange the time for them to leave? Use one action to stimulate the stock price and then further strengthen control of Sina?

It is said that former CEO Mao Zong was a master of capital operations, and this president seems to be not bad at all.

Fang Zhuo hasn't finished speaking yet.

He poured a glass of water and pressed the call on his mobile phone: "If Xunlong can raise Sina's price to a suitable position, we will consider a wave of additional stock issuance, which will give us more confidence."

What are the benefits of listed companies?

Listed companies can directly take money from the secondary trading market, which is not a small amount.

Unlisted companies can only find banks and financial institutions, and the conditions may be harsh and the cost is relatively high.

Listed companies are different.

First, a turnaround from loss to profit will start the rise in Sina's stock price, then an acquisition will continue to stimulate the stock price and clear out people, and finally, on the basis of the rising stock price, additional funds will be raised.

This is a set of combo punches.

Wang Yan tasted the ambiguity... This party always thought about it and wouldn't transfer the company's assets in the end.

"Mr. Fang, well, you are very thoughtful." He expressed his admiration.

"As long as you have an idea." Fang Zhuo glanced at Wang Yan and promised, "Next June, you will sit in this office, and I will go to the chairman's room."

Wang Yan understood that this was the condition given to him by the president. Regardless of this period or the foreseeable future, he and Fang would always be tied.

He nodded, feeling quite excited. The Sina stock price sketched out was a gratifying scene. This was not an increase in assets, but a surge in capital!

"Where's that document? How do you feel after reading it?" Fang Zhuo calmly plotted for a while, then babbled and motioned to the CEO to read the second document.

Wang Yan had already read it before, and looked at it again this time, and said, "It's an okay idea. Is this also something I want to acquire? What a new thing."

Blog Huaxia was founded in August. Founder Fang Xingdong translated "Blog" as "blog" for the first time.

Fang Zhuo shook his head: "An emerging trend is not enough to stimulate Sina's stock price. What the stock market wants is the short-term status quo or the profitability that can be seen in the future."

"Who always thinks this can be done?" Wang Yan asked doubtfully.

"Actually, the third document about blogs has not been typed out. When I was in New York, I had already seen a lot of blogs in the United States." Fang Zhuo introduced calmly, "This form has been around for a long time, but after 911 fast development."

911 is a national scar memory for the United States, and it needs a channel for emotional catharsis and sustenance.

Therefore, Blog gave birth to a new term WarBlog, war blog.

Many Americans write about the fragility of life and the communication between people on the Internet, and the blogs of 9/11 survivors have attracted the most attention.

This is how the blog flourished.

Fang Zhuo witnessed the situation on the Internet in New York. Now that he is back in China and has Sina in hand, it is naturally impossible not to pay attention to this area.

"Portals are information browsing, from the website as a whole to individuals, which is the need for information."

"But is there any need for interaction between individuals?"

"Yes, and it's big."

Fang Zhuo pointed to the document: "This person's blog in China has great potential, but there is no rush. The blog is not known by most people in China. We will enter the market after he develops and develops."

Blog Huaxia can tap people's potential needs, but as a company, it also faces the problem of profit sources.

What's more, Blog China keeps making mistakes.

Fang Zhuo felt that there was no need to rush into the market. It was better to do a good job in Sina's current business and raise the stock price first.

Sina's president and CEO had an extensive discussion about Sina's future.

After Wang Yan left, Fang Zhuo responded to the missed call.

"Hey, new sister, you were busy earlier. What happened?"

"Oh, the car is almost here? Just pull it to Hang Lung 23, and I'll let them take over."

"Okay, okay, thank you, Sister Xin. Come to Sina when you have time. I've been here recently."

When Fang Zhuo saw the number, he roughly guessed what was going on. Sure enough, the car he asked Xu Xin, the president of Capital Today, to help him buy arrived.

The reward for winning Sina before was the best car in the world.

Fang Zhuo is a man of his word. After getting to know it a bit, he decided to buy a Ferrari Enzo (ENZO), the latest model released this year.

However, Enzo is a limited edition, with a total of 400 units in the world. One car was dedicated to God. The purchase requirement for the remaining 399 units is that you already have 2 Ferraris in your name.

Its price is $670,000.

Fang Zhuo really didn't know anyone around him who was qualified to buy it. After asking around, Xu Xin was able to get someone to buy it from Xiangjiang and transfer it back, so that's what he did.

If nothing else happens, this will be Shanghai's first Ferrari and the only Enzo in mainland China.

Fang Zhuo originally felt a little excited about this, but after suppressing the events of these days, he only had the thought of "it'll be there when the car arrives".

After hanging up the phone call from Xu Xin in the blink of an eye, Yu Hong, who had returned to New York, made another call and talked about a new brand spokesperson.

Yao Ming, the No. 1 draft pick who landed in NAB this year, signed a six-year contract and became the brand spokesperson of Yike. He didn't ask for a high price because he also came from Shanghai.

Compared with the previous message, Fang Zhuo was much happier about this one. Well, he must shoot an interesting commercial for Dayao listening to mp3.

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