Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 348 Epoch-making (two in one)

The two Forbes billionaires in Shanghai did not know that each other had been interviewed by the media at similar times.

But soon, everyone, including themselves, saw an interesting contrast.

About the Internet.

One party was full of enthusiastic praise.

On the one hand, there are cold words and derogatory remarks.

Fang Zhuo’s original words were, “The Internet industry has ushered in development and will surely create more wealth. Although I am the only one in the IT industry on this Forbes list, it is like the first ray of dawn shining in. What follows? Of course it’s bright.”

Xu Mingchang's original words were, "You only need to look at the list to understand the wealth effect of the Internet. You know, there is only one person in a hundred. What is there to talk about? Don't make friends! It's early!"

About the process of your own success.

Fang Zhuo's original words were, "I have said a lot before when I was at CCTV that success itself requires some luck. This luck may be due to industry changes, policy changes, or simply the wave of the times. I think all success It would be too arrogant to attribute it to your own efforts, but without hard work, you won’t be able to catch luck when it comes.”

Xu Mingchang's original words are: "Success requires hard work, early work, and late work. I believe in one sentence, hard work makes you rich. When I was selling wontons on the street, I was the hardest working person on the street. If you want to succeed, you have to work hard and be better than others." effort."

Share some interesting facts.

Fang Zhuo talked about Yike's competition with Apple overseas, several business negotiations he had experienced, and his observations of his competitor Steve Jobs. He also shared his views on the development of the overseas Internet industry and believed that there are many problems in China. There are few places to learn from.

Xu Mingchang talked enthusiastically about attending a reception with wealthy people in Xiangjiang, and how he made the two listed companies in Xiangjiang famous there.

Two rich people who were active in Shanghai, two rich people who ranked at the top of the Forbes list, suddenly had extremely contrasting media interviews, which made many people find it particularly interesting.

What successful people say is often particularly convincing.

But there is a conflict between what the two successful people said, so who should you listen to?

Which bowl of chicken soup should you drink?

Just as the country is pursuing the numerical indicator of GDP, the public currently has a positive emotion towards wealth, and everyone is willing to see what successful people look like.

But Xu Mingchang was very angry.

As a native of Shanghai, he believes that he is outstanding in his ability to grasp the city's general impression of the rich, but...

A younger, more energetic, more confident and calm wealthy CEO appears on the media pages, and he seems to have won more praise.

Since Yu is born, how can Liang be born?

Xu Mingchang felt the complicated emotions in his heart, but became even more angry because of it. He did not feel that he was worse than others.

From a hawker selling chaos to becoming a rich man proudly proud of Shen and Hong Kong today, he has put in a lot of dedication, hard work, blood and tears. Why would a random person come out and try to suppress him?

The interview times of Dragon TV and Xinmin Evening News were different, but due to the process, the exposure times were very close, which sparked a lot of discussion.

As a portal website that focuses on clicks and browsing, Sina simply gave these two interviews a vote of approval.

Obviously, the more humble and sincere Sina president gets higher support.

Of course, this may also be related to the fact that Sina made this happen, and may have changed the data.

When Xu Mingchang learned about this situation, he felt very unhappy and thought that Fang Zhuo was shamefully using the public opinion function of the Sina portal.

On March 3rd, he finally found an opportunity to show his displeasure openly and openly.

This day was the co-option meeting of the Shencheng City General Chamber of Commerce. Xu Mingchang, as the vice president, also attended. He met Fang Zhuo himself, who was one of the candidates for the election.

The General Chamber of Commerce is a relatively broad organization. The title of vice president is more of an honor and does not have many substantive rights, but it still requires voting through the organizational process.

When Xu Mingchang saw Fang Zhuo, he acted as if he hadn't seen him and didn't say hello. He chose to choke and get angry when he was asked "if you have any different opinions" in a procedural way.

"President Ding, you just asked if you had any opinions. I do."

"As for the co-optation of vice-president, I remember that the process of our chamber of commerce requires one to have been a member for one year, right?"

Xu Mingchang nakedly showed his eccentricity: "It seems that President Fang, who is ranked ninth on the Forbes rich list, only joined the association last month? How come he is going to be the vice president in a blink of an eye?"

He smiled and said: "No way? Does money mean everything?"

Everyone in the conference room was stunned. A few people had heard rumors that Xu Mingchang and Fang Zhuo had a bad relationship, but most people had seen the recent interview reports and regarded it as an interesting thing.

But unexpectedly, Xu Mingchang directly objected.

In fact, the vice-president cannot affect anything at all. It is a trivial matter, but it is difficult to get away with it.

Are there such big conflicts between these two people?

The industry span is quite large!

Could it be the turmoil caused by Xu Mingchang's recent project to renovate the old city?

Everyone present was very well-informed. Even so, it was unclear how the two rich men had their feud, but this did not prevent them from considering deeper reasons and reasoning about more complex reasons.

It is said that the competition for the project in Jing'an District was very fierce. There were companies from the local area, Xiangjiang, and Beijing that wanted to win. In the end, Xu Mingchang was the winner.

President Fang Zhuo seems to be very close to Liu Suyi of Yonghe Real Estate. The latter also tried to get a piece of the pie from Jing'an but failed. Is Mr. Fang behind this?

The relationship suddenly became somewhat clear.

Many people remained polite and did not look at the person involved, Fang Zhuo, but there were also many people who watched the excitement with interest.

"This, this..." Ding Huarong, the president of the Chamber of Commerce, did not expect to be criticized in the articles of association. He himself did not remember such an article. Today, he just went through the process and was silent for a while.

Even if it is true that money is everything, it cannot be said in public.

Fang Zhuo, who was sitting next to Liu Suyi, looked at this scene and knew that what Xu Mingchang said was true. He was too lazy to think about how he had offended the rich man now, and he thought about how to answer after a moment's thought.

Fang Zhuoxian waved his hand to Ding Huarong, the president of the Chamber of Commerce, indicating that he didn't need to embarrass himself.

Then, he looked at Xu Mingchang amidst the different eyes of everyone, and said with a relaxed smile: "Just listen to Lao Shiyi, what he said makes sense."

There was silence in the conference room.

Xu Mingchang was stunned for a moment before he realized the title... Forbes ranked 11th, Lao 11th...

Veins appeared on his forehead, and he wished he could get up and punch the opponent.

But the more he does that, the more he proves that he cares about this pheasant list.

Xu Mingchang looked at Fang Zhuo coldly, and the latter gave him a calm look without fear - that's you, Old Eleven.


I don't know who couldn't help but laugh out loud. Even though he quickly stopped laughing, the atmosphere in the conference room suddenly became fun.

Old Eleven!

Look at Xu Fuhao’s face!

Mr. Fang’s mouth is really damaging!

Xu Shiyi!

The process in the conference room continued. Everyone present was either the chairman or the CEO. They were quite rested and continued to move forward with the thought of "this trip is not in vain".

Fang Zhuo cannot hold the honorary position of vice president because of the organization's articles of association.

But this is no longer the point.

After the meeting of the Shanghai General Chamber of Commerce, Xu Shiyi's nickname spread silently, and the disagreement between him and Fang Zhuo quickly became widely known in the Shanghai business circle.

"Hey, have you heard about Fang Zhuo, who is known as the new richest man in Shanghai? Let me tell you, he and Xu Mingchang are particularly difficult to deal with."

"Old Liu, let me tell you something. Don't tell others. Fang Zhuo and Xu Mingchang once had an unpleasant quarrel at a dinner party. Not many people know about it."

"Mr. Mao, did you hear that President Yike and Xu Mingchang were messing with each other?"

The grievances and grudges among the rich are often widely circulated in the form of gossip.

When he returned home one day, Fang Zhuo was stopped by his mother, and he was stunned to hear a question.

"Son, you are rich now, but you must have a bottom line. Were you rude to the rich man's wife at the wine party?"

Fang Zhuo: "?"

The grapevine is fast, but it is not very accurate!

Fang Zhuo promised his mother that he was still a man of five principles, four virtues and three loves, and angrily rebuked the extreme absurdity of the gossip.

As for the relationship with Xu Mingchang, although I still don’t know how it happened, let it happen if it has happened...

Firstly, Fang Zhuo didn't have much time to pay attention to him, and secondly, he knew that he didn't have much time to jump around, so he just watched with cold eyes to see how the other party would end up.

As March enters, Fang Zhuo has a lot to do.

The warehouse of Medical Group in Mayong is running intensively, and medical protective clothing, masks and other materials with the word "Medical" printed on them are delivered to Yangcheng on demand.

And news suddenly spread from the capital city, which faced Yangcheng across a vast space, and the situation suddenly became serious.

Sina issued a warning from the beginning that "vigilance is not an endemic disease," but it was unable to play a key role in promoting public opinion.

Fang Zhuo was mentally prepared to be better and kept the warehouses in the three places full for material reserves.

There are two production lines in Shangdu and Kunshan.

Warehouses in Beijing, Kunshan and Mayong.

Use the online platform of as a link with different hospitals in the city., which was awarded the title of "One of the First Batch of National Internet Innovation Industry Enterprises", had already been declared dead by many media when the policy changed. However, this time it suddenly burst out with astonishing power, which is eye-catching.

Let the most scarce medical supplies be less in short supply, let become the first platform to aggregate hospital information from all over the country, and link up with to professionally refute rumors...

As the situation in Beijing changes, the Medical Group Registration Network is working hard to provide the greatest support it can.

Fang Zhuo sits on the 23rd floor of Jinmao. He receives many calls every day, some of whom are well-connected leaders. He has no time to care about what an inexplicable rich man thinks of him.

At the same time, due to changes in the situation, the iMusic music subscription and download function planned by Yike has also been postponed.

After Fang Zhuo's careful consideration, the matter was handed over to Director Yu in New York to preside over. Anyway, the most important part of it was reaching copyright cooperation, which was regarded as establishing a real moat for the product.

That is to say, when Yike and Apple obtained different copyrights respectively, competing music player products on the market lost their greatest potential for development and were almost unable to break through the product layouts of these two companies.

Music players can still procure parts from different manufacturers around the world for assembly, and the quality can even be almost the same, but the binding and combination of music copyright, software usage, and hardware products cannot be completed by other manufacturers.

This does not mention factors such as first-mover advantage, brand building, and publicity strategies.

The time has finally been set, and Yike will hold an iMusic launch conference in New York on March 23.

Because of the confirmation and publicity of this news, Apple’s original press conference on April 20 was suddenly announced to be mentioned on the same day.

The two companies did not engage in the arrogant competition that I must be one day earlier than you. The date of March 23 was set and has not been changed.

Fang Zhuo actually really wanted to go live to witness the arrival of a new era in the industry, but he really couldn't leave Shanghai at this juncture, so he could only tell Xiaoyu on the phone to take more photos of the press conference as a souvenir.

"Mr. Fang, do you still have protective clothing in the warehouse in Kunshan? There are more in Lin'an, right? Pudong New Area is your home."

On March 13, District Mayor Qiu Di personally called to urge for medical supplies. He seemed to have forgotten that he was once the deputy chief of Lin'an City and insisted on ensuring the supply of supplies to Pudong New Area.

Of course, it is also a good spirit to love one place...

Fang Zhuo responded on the phone that he had actually reserved supplies for Shencheng, but it was true that with use, the production lines and warehouses were already very tight.

District Chief Qiu was very happy to receive the agreement, and by the way, he notified another piece of news that had not yet been made public.

"There will be something good on the 23rd of this month, something epoch-making."

Fang Zhuo thought to himself that Lao Qiu still cares about him, as expected of his old friend. In this case, everyone should pay attention to the new model of the music industry that Yike has led the times.

"The chip from Jiaotong University is going to hold a press conference. Let's show our faces together at that time. Not only our city, but also the higher-ups are paying attention to it. It is a large scale and has high specifications." Qiu Di said happily.

Fang Zhuo: "..."

The completely opposite news seemed to explode in his ears, and Professor Chen came right after polishing the chip.

It's really epoch-making.

A press conference that can single-handedly slow down the development of the domestic semiconductor era.

"Hello, hello? Do you hear that? Hoo, hoo." Judy didn't hear the response and thought the signal was not very good.

"Oh, I heard it, District Chief Qiu, this..." Fang Zhuo wanted to refuse, but then thought about his status as a "victim" and decided to show up, "This is a great thing, I will definitely get it."

Judy was happy from the bottom of her heart: "This is a new atmosphere and a new situation. It's great."

"Really, good." Fang Zhuo agreed lightly.

He ended the call, put down the phone, and considered how to proceed with the next step of cooperation with Professor Chen. He had to try his best to control this matter.

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