Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 350 Don’t make mistakes (two in one)

Fang Zhuo never thought that sending money to Professor Chen would involve competing with others.

When he gave money before...

Oh, he hasn't given away much money before, and he does lack some experience. Now he encounters another competitor with rich experience in giving away money, which is inevitably a bit unexpected.

Also a little angry.

Let's play, let's make trouble, old Eleven, don't make fun of such serious matters.

Fang Zhuo searched Xu Mingchang's location for a while and received a satisfied look from the other party.

He suppressed his emotions and said to Chen Jin: "Professor Chen, my support for semiconductors can be seen from the scholarships of our school. Xu Mingchang, his main business and interest..."

Fang Zhuo suddenly stopped mid-sentence.

Hey, I'm confused, why are you talking to this person?

He shook his head slightly in his mind and said sincerely: "More money."

Fang Zhuo met Chen Jin's peaceful gaze and said with a respectful expression: "Professor Chen, I will try my best to satisfy Xu Mingchang no matter what he pays. I'm not trying to get angry with him, I just believe what Professor Chen did." Things can work out.”

This is Qi! There has been a lot of news recently about the quarrel between you two rich men!

Chen Jin thought so in his mind and explained: "Mr. Fang, it's not all because of Mr. Xu's wishes. Semiconductor research and the commercialization of our chips require a lot of investment. Only investment can produce output."

"I understand." Fang Zhuo muttered, "I understand the effort involved in scientific research, and Professor Chen also has to understand the expectations and progress of our commercial projects."

"How about we allocate two million to set up a scientific research team first, and let's get the work started?" Chen Jin said the specific number, which was double the previous communication and higher than the number just communicated with Xu Mingchang. A little more.

After all, the man in front of me is ranked ninth on the rich list, so he should pay more than the eleventh.

Moreover, I am not just asking for it. Referring to the 2 million applied for the "Hanxin PDA-SOC" project with the Shanghai Information Commission in January, it is almost the same.

"Okay." Fang Zhuo agreed directly.

Chen Jin applauded in his heart, but then felt that the money he said was a bit short.

"With Professor Chen presiding over, our career is becoming more and more decisive." Fang Zhuo stretched out his right hand and said with a smile.

Chen Jin shook hands with the rich man and felt that he was more pleasing to the eye than Xu Mingchang, whom he had just met, because this man respected himself and knowledge more.

He nodded slightly and expressed his attitude: "Don't worry, Mr. Fang, I still value your side more."

Fang Zhuo smiled and heard the idea of ​​two families taking it all, but he didn't say anything. He had no choice but to increase the amount of illegal income. What could he do?

Once the dinner officially started, there was no big disturbance.

The leaders are very happy. Whether it is part of the political achievements or not, it has effectively promoted the development of the semiconductor industry. Even the expert group said so. There are even orders from abroad. This is so exciting.

Fang Zhuo also looked very happy, chatting and laughing while waiting to go home after eating.

However, as the dinner was coming to an end, Xu Mingchang came over with a wine glass to toast Fang Zhuo.

As soon as he moved, many people looked over.

Xu Mingchang has been very impressive and made great moves in the past two years. Especially his victory in the Jing'an District project without any blood is even more surprising.

As for Fang Zhuo, a new kid on the rich list, the battle for control of Sina once aroused the attention of many industry leaders. He is especially good at capital operations and has recently shown his ambitions in Shanghai.

The news of the feud between the two people has been reported by the media recently, and it has spread in the ears of many people present. It is quite similar to the drama of the dispute between the two heroes in Shanghai.

"Mr. Fang, I'd like to toast you." Xu Mingchang didn't say much under the leader's gaze. He just said with a smile, "There will be many opportunities for us to deal with each other in the future."

Fang Zhuo sighed quietly and said softly: "Mr. Xu, don't make a mistake."

Xu Mingchang just wanted to laugh out loud, but he didn't want to act so arrogant in front of everyone. He held the wine glass and deliberately raised his voice, pretending to be shocked: "What? Mr. Fang told me not to make mistakes? Did I offend you in some way?" ?”

The dinner was about to end, and everyone was basically chatting and drinking with each other, but when these words came out, people couldn't help but look over.

Fang Zhuo pursed his lips, not wanting to show any smile. He raised his hand and drank the wine in the glass, nodding towards Xu Mingchang.

Xu Mingchang was a little confused by this nod, but felt that he had the upper hand. He smiled and drank a glass of wine and returned to his position.

Young people want to fight with themselves. If they lose points in front of the leaders today, they will continue to do so in the future.

Fang Zhuo poured himself another glass of wine, smiled at a few eyes that were still looking at him, and said nothing else.

He wasn't entirely trying to scare Xu Shiyi, and the other party was obviously not that scared, but it was still annoying to interfere with business this time, and he was indeed making a mistake.

Fang Zhuo couldn't help Xu Mingchang. He didn't have any power. Even if he knew a few leaders, he wouldn't be able to do anything illegal and disciplinary, so he couldn't send him in first.

But what happens once Xu Mingchang enters?

That would be a lot of fun to watch.

Therefore, Fang Zhuo was sincerely trying to persuade Xu Shiyi not to mess with him. As the other party said, if he wanted to, there would indeed be many opportunities to deal with him in the future.

The press conference ended and the media covered it enthusiastically.

The major breakthrough in chips quickly aroused heated discussions. Even in 2003, even though many people had no idea what semiconductors did, the assertion of "internationally advanced level" was enough to be proud of.

A few people knew that this project of Jiaotong University was not too long ago, but they did not doubt anything because of this. They just felt that the project team was outstanding and admired it from the bottom of their hearts.

After all, this is a result endorsed by experts. Who can doubt its authenticity?

Fang Zhuo went back that night and didn't want to wait for a moment. He asked the company's legal affairs department to make a contract, and then sent a text message to Professor Chen asking him to submit a project proposal.

To show his sincerity, he also said that he would transfer part of the money to the professor's account first.

This text message did not get a reply until the next day, which once made Fang Zhuo doubt whether there would be any changes, but Chen Jin's affirmative answer made him relieved.

When transferring from public to private, indicate the purpose of the funds.

Subsequent funds will flow into the company account actually controlled by Chen Jin.

Fang Zhuo also urged Professor Chen's project document, showing full enthusiasm for work.

The latter didn't reply this time, but it shouldn't be a big problem.

Fang Zhuo witnessed the media's praise and heated discussions, and also saw the report on his own Sina website. He reviewed the hardships of the Hanxin project and praised Professor Chen's sentiments of returning to China to serve.

He looked a little worried and just wanted to wait for a suitable opportunity to discuss things with Professor Chen.

However, these two days were not all heartbreaking.

Just as Fang Zhuo attended the Hanxin press conference, two company press conferences were also held in New York - two competitors, Yike and Apple, announced at the same time that they would support the purchase and download of music on iMusic and iTunes.

The products of the two companies account for almost 90% of the market in the emerging market of MP3 music players. Therefore, their simultaneous actions are considered to have potential tacit understanding, aiming to squeeze out a larger market.

--music player.

Compared with mp3 music players, music players are a completely mature market and a market full of imagination.

After these two competing product launches, the secondary trading market immediately reacted to Apple's stock price, rising sharply for several days.

Although the real performance of digital music purchases has not yet been seen, institutions and investors have already made judgments about certain possibilities in the future.

Good news!

Big benefit!

Moreover, this judgment was quickly confirmed.

An Apple executive told the media that nearly one million pieces of music were purchased within three days of iTunes opening the music purchase function.

Apple and Yike both charge 99 cents for digital music, and nearly one million pieces of music translate into nearly one million dollars in revenue.

Three days, nearly a million dollars.

This is much higher than the imagination that hardware products bring to investors!

Apple's stock price has soared again thanks to this!

As another hardware + software + genuine music company on the market, Yike has finally received interest from investment institutions for the first time. Not only has New York received investment intentions, but Shanghai's Fang Zhuo has also been contacted by well-known institutions.

It can be said that the digital music model jointly established by Yike and Apple has excited many people with a keen sense of smell.

As for Sony...

Fang Zhuo did not observe the reaction of the global giant. Instead, he received a congratulatory letter from Sony Music in his e-mail, believing that this initially confirmed model still has great potential.

Sony Music belongs to Sony, Sony's walkman is being destroyed, and Sony's future is crumbling!

It’s not like no one at Sony Music can’t see this, but they still team up with outsiders to cooperate.

All we can say is that there are bad people in the parent company.

Fang Zhuo lamented the foreseeable loneliness of the giants and stepped up his company's promotion of digital music.

In the past, music copyright agencies and record companies accused Yike of infringement. Now with the iMusic channel, Yike turned to join the party fighting against infringement, aiming to perform better in digital music.

At the same time, Yike should consider introducing more funds to provide more support for exploring the European market and competing in the US market.

On March 28, Fang Zhuo held a conference call with Yike's senior executives. People from New York, Paris, and Beijing were connected by phone and were excited about the current situation.

It was also at this meeting that Fang Zhuo finally officially stated this year's company goal - Nasdaq after Yike completed the closed-loop outline of hardware + software + digital music.

This goal became a news within Yike, and soon everyone knew that the company might launch a listing plan by the end of the year.

That afternoon, Fang Zhuo held another Sina conference call without stopping.

Due to the current situation in Yangcheng and Beijing, Sina's signing cooperation on the acquisition of Yangcheng Xunlong will be completed in Shanghai at the end of the month.

Yangcheng Xunlong is a leading independent mobile value-added service provider with two million monthly paying users. The company currently has 160 employees and its business covers more than 20 provinces across the country.

After contact and negotiation by Sina CEO Wang Yan, Yangcheng Xunlong was willing to sell it for US$20 million.

Of this amount, one-third is in cash.

Just as Sina executives and Chairman of Yangcheng Xunlong flew to Shanghai together, Sina announced the acquisition of Yangcheng Xunlong Technology Co., Ltd., a leading independent wireless value-added service provider in China.

Moreover, Sina announced the progress and will complete the merger and acquisition by April at the latest, targeting the largest wireless value-added service provider in China.

Of course, this is all official talk.

Fang Zhuo has already approved the deal with Sina's board of directors. The main goal of this merger is the stock price, and he wants everyone to have a satisfactory alternative opportunity.

On March 29, Sina's stock price rose sharply, and the closing price hit a new high, with $19.15 approaching the 20 mark.

Many people in Sina Company knew the news and were waiting for the president to issue an open letter. However, the young president did not seem to have this intention.

On March 30, Sina CEO Wang Yan was the first to arrive in Shanghai, bringing his employees’ expectations and greetings.

Fang Zhuo was a little puzzled: "The stock price has been rising recently, why do you want me to send an open letter this time?"

Wang Yan himself couldn't hide his excitement while sitting in the car picking up the airport. He said half seriously and half sighing: "Because Sina's stock price has exceeded the issue price!"

The price at which Sina went public that year was its highest price from 2000 to now.


Yesterday's stock price was $19.15.

From April 13, 2000 to March 29, 2003, after almost three years, Sina, under the leadership of President Fang Zhuo and CEO Wang Yan, brought Sina's stock price to a new height.

This sense of accomplishment makes Wang Yan extremely satisfied.

Especially when he met the young president who had changed Sina's situation, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Mr. Fang did not lie to himself. What he said at the Sina Beijing headquarters office came true.

——"Mr. Wang, how will future generations evaluate you?"

——"An ordinary and unsuccessful Sina CEO?"

——"Or is he a business strongman who solves Sina's profit dilemma and leads Sina to create glory?"

Wang Yan remembered that question clearly. He chose the latter and created the current situation with his own hands.

"Oh, sure." Fang Zhuo flipped through the documents in his hand and gave the CEO an answer without raising his head.

Wang Yan didn't hear clearly, or he felt that he heard wrongly: "What? Mr. Fang?"

"I said yes, Sina's stock price is okay now." Fang Zhuo was a little distracted, "However, it seems that the last open letter was not long ago, is it too close to publish it now?"

Wang Yan: "..."

He skillfully adjusted the emotional gap in his heart by looking at the scenery of Shanghai outside the car, and said slowly: "Mr. Fang, you're not close."

"Okay, you can draft an open letter and I will sign and second it when you send it." Fang Zhuo arranged it.

Wang Yan moved his lips a little, then simply lowered the car window and felt the spring wind in Shanghai with his hands.

Mr. Fang’s last open letter was not only circulated within the company, but also circulated throughout the industry, saying that “the spring of the Internet is coming.”

If you have to draw it yourself, how can you draw it?

Wang Yan shook his head and said a little firmly: "Mr. Fang, write it yourself. Next time I can be the president, I will write it again. This time it will be of extraordinary significance."

Hearing this, Fang Zhuo raised his head in surprise and couldn't help but smile: "Okay, I'll write it this time and you write it next time."

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