Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 352 Thunder Wave (two in one)

The table in the inquiry room is triangular.

The tables in the interrogation room are high and low.

The difference between the two is that the former faces more insiders and witnesses, and communicates equally with each other. It also symbolizes two different attitudes of the police.

Fang Zhuo was asked about his dealings with Xu Mingchang and about property issues. During the process, his mood became more stable. These were simple and easy to answer.

Originally considering the gentle inquiry he faced and the inevitable reaction from the outside world, Fang Zhuo felt that there would be no problem as long as he waited.

But a seemingly unintentional question of "How much do you know about the director of Orchid District?" still made him take the initiative to ask for a phone call.

The phone call works great.

Because Fang Zhuo directly picked a number that he had never contacted in his mind.

Soon, the cooperation on the topic of asking about Xu Mingchang's situation ended. After all, Fang Zhuo and Xu Mingchang had no business dealings at all, and the limited interactions they had were brief, and property issues were easy to explain clearly.

Then a local leader and a non-local leader appeared. They shook hands politely and thanked them for their cooperation. The local leader casually revealed Xu Mingchang's problem and said that the standards this time were very high and the investigation was relatively broad.

Fang Zhuo understood the underlying meaning and showed no additional emotions.

From the time I arrived to the time I left, it took more than two hours, and even the car I was riding in seemed to be still warm.

Fang Zhuo sat in his car, holding his mobile phone, answering a series of calls and thinking about the situation behind the incident.

Are you asking yourself about the situation, or are you trying to dig someone out?

When did Lao Qiu have such a nickname?

Fang Zhuo thought about the connection behind Xu Mingchang and the changes in Shencheng in the next few years, and felt a hint of uncertainty.

He didn't know whose intention this came from, nor whether this inquiry was distorted midway.

As the phone calls became more frequent, things gradually became clearer.

Today, not only he and Xu Mingchang were questioned about their situation, but also several wealthy people in Shanghai were asked to take different measures. What he encountered was just the aftermath of a thunderbolt.

Even the main body is not here in Shanghai.

When Fang Zhuo was about to return to the company, he received a call from Lao Qiu. He didn't mention the issue that made him think too much, and only made an appointment to meet in the evening.

On the 23rd floor of Hang Lung, the president left at ten o'clock, and people began to feel uneasy at that time.

When Fang Zhuo reappeared, he was greeted by many uneasy and questioning looks - the boss, the boss went in, and the boss came out again. It seemed that the anxiety and discussion ended abruptly as soon as it started.

"It's nothing. I was asked about Lao Xu's situation in the past. Everything is normal and safe."

Fang Zhuo shook his cell phone and said it was nothing serious, making everyone feel relieved.

Before he could enter the office and sit down, Lao Qiu suddenly called again and said uncharacteristically that there was no need to meet him in the near future until the situation was stable and stable.

After the phone call ended, Zheng Danrui also called in, his tone was quite calm, he didn't mention what happened today, he just said that the company must operate smoothly.

Fang Zhuo had just put down his cell phone and lit a cigarette when the number of a Sina counterpart leader in Beijing appeared on the screen of his cell phone again.

Compared with the seriousness of Zheng and Qiu, the deputy secretary's tone was quite relaxed, and he did not ask any questions. He only made a request for Sina's news reports, and the publication of the content had to wait for confirmation.

Fang Zhuo asked a few questions after hearing this tone. It was definitely a storm coming from the financial world. It had the potential to pre-book the most shocking news in the industry this year. The person involved also had the qualifications to be written down in China's financial history.

It was precisely because of this that Xu Mingchang's deep connections in Shanghai could not protect him and he got in for the first time.

Knowing this, he felt even more relaxed. The company under his name had never dealt with Hua Xia Bank, and it was not affected by the domestic financial situation. Sina was listed in the United States and was not involved.

In the afternoon, the phone calls gradually died down, and Hang Lung 23 was no longer disturbed. The outside world continued to be turbulent, and more big shots were invited for questioning.

In the evening, a call came from the 22nd floor of Jinmao, asking if the financial news report could be published. This was suppressed by Fang Zhuo. There were leaders in Beijing who specifically asked not to publish it yet.

However, the fact that Sina did not publish does not mean that there is no movement in other media, especially this is related to Xiangjiang Finance. With the situation of Xu Mingchang, a well-known rich man in Xiangjiang, many people realized that something was wrong with the bank.

In the evening, Fang Zhuo deliberately browsed the Internet situation in Xiangjiang and found that someone asked whether the Hong Kong dollars he signed and issued were still valid after he left.

Hua Xia Bank really stated its position on this. The personal signature is to perform functions on behalf of the institution, and the issuance of currency is of course valid.

A closer look at the situation shows that the wealthy people in the context of the financial crisis are just embellishments. Huaxia's banking system, especially in Shanghai and Hong Kong, is bound to undergo huge changes.

Fang Zhuo arrived home in the evening and comforted his family with some kind words. After thinking about it for two cigarettes, he still felt that he should give Lao Qiu a warning.

He called Liu Yangyang and described what he saw and heard today to her face to face, and asked Lao Qiu's old subordinate to go and convey the message in person.

As for whether there is anything that needs to be considered, let them leave it to themselves.

April 10th, Shanghai Bund.

Fang Zhuo attended the Internet industry development meeting as usual. Because he slept late last night, he came a little late today.

Then, he sat in his seat facing the complicated eyes, listening to Sohu Zhang Chaoyang's speech halfway.

The heads of Internet companies present here are all relatively young, and this meeting is not that restrictive. The venue is still on the Shanghai Bund, which adds to the salon feel.

However, the penguin Ma Huateng sitting next to him said something meaningfully: "It's not a good time today, the situation is changing."

"The sky is clear and the wind is gentle and gentle. It's quite good." Fang Zhuo said with a smile.

Ma Huateng nodded, feeling the meaning only in his heart.

"Penguin is developing so fast, when will you go public?" Fang Zhuo didn't want to talk about the situation, so he changed the topic of interest.

"If we maintain the growth rate this year, we will consider next year or the year after." Ma Huateng replied.

"Going to the United States or Hong Kong? I will buy more stocks then." Fang Zhuo said jokingly.

Ma Huateng shook his head, he hadn't decided yet.

Fang Zhuo said half-boastly: "If I'm on Nasdaq, I can introduce a few people to Penguin, and maybe the road to listing will be smoother."

Ma Huateng believed it, thanked him, and asked, "If it were you, what do you think would be better?"

"Xiangjiang." Fang Zhuo replied.

Ma Huateng: "..."

Zhang Chaoyang, who was holding the microphone in the middle, had already seen the two people communicating in low voices. Near the end of his speech, he finally called his name: "Hey, hey, those two who are whispering, come up and talk in the middle."

Ma Huateng smiled and said nothing.

Zhang Chaoyang met Fang Zhuo last time in the capital. He thought this person was interesting, but he didn't expect Sina's stock price to rise so sharply.

When he arrived in Shanghai last night, he first heard the news that Fang Zhuo was in trouble, and then heard that he was fine. He was confused. After asking other people, he didn't know what the situation was.

By this morning, the president of Sina had not shown up, and it seemed that the rumors of "something happening" were confirmed again. However, while he was chatting about the portal with a microphone, this person actually appeared. Combined with the rumors, it was quite mysterious and unclear.

"Mr. Fang, come on, come on, I want to hear you tell me in person how the spring of our Internet came about." Zhang Chaoyang called the name.

Fang Zhuo stood up with a smile, walked to where Zhang Chaoyang was standing, and took the microphone in his hand.

He looked at the guests attending today. They had all seen Sohu, NetEase, Tencent, and Baidu. Alibaba was attended by CFO Cai Chongxin because Jack Ma was at home.

In addition, there are Li Guoqing from Dangdang, Zhou Kaixuan from, Xing Ming from Tianya Community, Fang Xingdong from Blog China, Zhen Ronghui from Wishful Future, etc.

Almost all the representatives of China's Internet industry are in the Shanghai Bund.

Fang Zhuo looked at these people, and these people also looked at him with somewhat strange and curious eyes.

Sina's performance since its change of leadership last year is something that no one who is interested in the Internet can ignore. Coupled with the blessing of being the only industry listed on the Forbes rich list, and the recent situation revealed by the turmoil in Shanghai...

People like Li Guoqing, Fang Xingdong and others who met Fang Zhuo for the first time had more subtle feelings towards him. He was so young.

As for Zhou Kaixuan, who attended the industry conference this time, she had more considerations outside of the conference - as a confidante of Hong Kong Li Fuhao, her eyes were not only on, but also on Hutchison Whampoa.

Lee Regal's Hutchison Whampoa had suffered setbacks in Shanghai before. Now that Xu Mingchang's situation is unclear, it seems that something can be done here.

Xu Mingchang is a local snake, and Fang Zhuo has always been at odds with him. What Hutchison Whampoa wants may not be achieved by contacting Fang Zhuo.

Zhou Kaixuan has lived in Xiangjiang for a long time and has already heard some rumors about Xiangjiang Finance. Now that she knows about Xu Mingchang's accident, she can almost conclude that the Shencheng project will change.

The reason why Xu Mingchang was able to stir up trouble in Xiangjiang was not because he was connected to the bank. If this line was broken, he himself might be able to wait, but the development in Shencheng could not wait.

Zhou Kaixuan originally thought that Fang Zhuo was also involved, but he didn't expect to see him standing in front of him alive today, and he became more worried in his heart.

"Mr. Zhang asked me to talk about the spring of the Internet. What should I say?"

The CEO of Sina, holding the microphone, seemed not to be affected by the recent turmoil at all. He was smiling broadly. He waved his right hand flatly and said in a brisk tone: "The spring of the Internet is for all of you here."

Everyone here is smiling.

Fang Zhuo changed the topic: "Of course, if those of you here don't shout the slogan of fighting for the first portal website, I would even give you the summer of the Internet."

This time there was not only a smile, but also laughter.

Not to mention the traditional competitive relationship between NetEase, Sohu and Sina, executives of TOM Network, which leads the wireless value-added market, have shouted the slogan of "consolidate the market, enter the portal, and catch up with Sina".

Also because Sina's wireless SP business poses a threat to TOM network.

Competition between enterprises is considered lighthearted in Fang Zhuo's words, and can even be used to make fun of. Regardless of the efforts of TOM in private or Sina's intention to promote benign content, talking about it now in the cool breeze of the Bund makes everyone feel quite happy. interesting.

"As far as I'm concerned, the impact of the Internet bubble has not only disappeared from our side, but has also gradually eased in the United States. Let's not mention this for the time being, and I will talk about China."

"From an attribute perspective, the portals in the past few years were relatively outstanding, with three companies listed in the United States. This year, we can see that the industry is increasingly flourishing."

"Baidu's search, Alibaba's e-commerce, Tencent's instant messaging, Dangdang's online book sales...etc."

"As a member of the industry, I am very happy, and I believe everyone is also happy to see more and more online content being presented to our netizens."

Fang Zhuo paused and said with a smile: "Mr. Zhang just made fun of my open letter within Sina. So, you see, even to internal employees, I said..."

"The spring of the Internet has come, not the spring of Sina."

“The richer the Internet ecology becomes and the more advanced the industry becomes, the better each of us here will rise.”

"Three or four years ago, everyone often said that the Internet was a sunrise industry and a dawn. Last year, I had a heated discussion on the Internet with several CEOs of traditional industries on CCTV."

"But from the end of the year to the first half of this year, the voice in this regard seems to be very small. Is it because the stock prices of Sina, NetEase, and Sohu have soared?"

"There is this factor, but it is not only this factor, but also the fact that the Internet is increasingly penetrating into the lives of netizens. This is even more obvious due to the special circumstances this year."

"Many netizens are more willing to use the Internet to watch news, including hotspot tracking of the situation in Yangcheng and Xiangjiang. This is an instant update that traditional media cannot achieve."

"Many netizens have begun to try to use Dangdang to buy books, and many people in Yangcheng, Jingcheng, Lin'an, and Shanghai have tried to use registered websites to buy masks."

"Speaking of Lin'an, Mr. Cai, I heard that Ali is now working from home and can add more than 3,000 new members every day. Is it true?"

Fang Zhuo spoke eloquently and interacted with Alibaba's Tsai Chongxin. After getting a positive reply from the latter, he continued.

"Everyone is increasingly aware of the convenience of the Internet, is increasingly able to rely on the Internet for homework, and is increasingly able to communicate, read, play, think, and share on the Internet."

“And this ‘more and more’ will surely continue to develop at a rapid pace in the next few years.”

"I'm very lucky to be able to compete with you all. I believe that in ten years' time, when we look back together, this will be a magnificent story for the Internet industry."

"At that time, I will still be waiting for you on the Bund."

Fang Zhuo smiled, continued Zhang Chaoyang's ending, and said: "I am very interested in the development of Baidu and would like to hear Robin's experience in search."

When Robin Li's name was called, he stood up and walked to the middle to get the microphone.

Fang Zhuo returned to his seat amidst the applause of various leaders. He also saw Zhang Chaoyang giving him a thumbs up.

Just as he sat down, Sina CEO Wang Yan on the left suddenly turned sideways and said softly: "Mr. Fang, I just received news that Sohu wants to sign Yao Ming. Do you have any way to fight for it?"

He knew that Yao Ming was the brand spokesperson of Yike.

Fang Zhuo glanced at Wang Yan angrily. He had just finished talking about the competition. At least he had waited for this occasion.

"Yes, I'll contact you."

Fang Zhuo took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Yu Hong in New York, asking him to tell Sina that he had better sincerity, no matter what conditions Sohu proposed.

"Oh, yes, what did Sohu sign Yao Ming for?" He only remembered to ask this after sending the message.

"Brand endorsement." Wang Yan replied.

Fang Zhuo nodded slightly, thinking about toasting Zhang Chaoyang with two more glasses of wine at today's dinner.

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