Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 359: Each uses his or her own methods (two in one)

The city of Shenzhen City needs to conduct detailed research on the project in the East Eight Blocks.

Whether to shelve it or continue development may depend on the situation this time.

Zhou Kaixuan was deeply excited about this.

As long as Hutchison Whampoa gets the project, it will definitely be more profitable than Xu Mingchang, and the land value in Shencheng will continue to rise within ten years.

Zhou Kaixuan began to attract friends and lead others.

Not only Hutchison Whampoa but also the vice presidents, directors and other senior executives of Cheung Kong Industries gathered in Shanghai. She also informed the Jing'an District Government early that Hong Kong Li Chaoren would also attend the meeting.

Zhou Kaixuan quickly led the Hutchison Whampoa team to meet with China Real Estate Shencheng Real Estate. After two rounds of negotiations, the other party agreed in principle to the cooperation between the two parties and was willing to set up a joint venture to jointly plan projects.

After the deal was negotiated, she just called Fang Zhuo, president of Yike, to report her progress and inquire about cooperation intentions.

However, this Shanghai rich man who had high hopes from Zhou Kaixuan was hesitant on the phone, and when she came to visit vigorously and resolutely, he avoided her again.

It seemed that he had no hope.

"President Zhou, I think Yike doesn't want to cooperate. Should we visit again and talk?" A vice president of Hutchison asked Zhou Kaixuan.

Zhou Kaixuan shook his head slightly and commented: "This Fang Zhuo is too petty. He will act like this if he doesn't cooperate. Since he is unwilling, forget it. Let's visit the city leaders first."

She thought for a while and then said: "Although Fang Zhuo didn't say he wanted to cooperate, he didn't formally refuse it in person. We can vaguely use his side when introducing partners. One more point is one point."

The vice president nodded and asked, "Which leader should I visit first?"

Zhou Kaixuan took the information, thought, hesitated, considered, and made a choice, and decided: "Starting from the easiest, let's visit Zheng Danrui first. He is not from Shanghai, and he should be happy to see companies from Xiangjiang compete."

The Vice President responded.

Regarding this piece of land, Hutchison Whampoa is quite confident because the big boss is about to fly to Shanghai.

Yonghe Real Estate Office.

Counting Fang Zhuo and Liu Suyi, the actual controllers of seven companies gathered together.

In other words, five of the six people Fang Zhuo visited that night agreed to join, and the only one regretfully refused because of the company's financial problems.

Capitalist, profit, rope.

Those who are capable in real estate are often courageous. If an excellent meat-eating opportunity is in front of them, they can't wait to join in without Fang Zhuo's urging.

"Mr. Fang, how does this joint venture cooperate with Hutchison Whampoa?"

In the conference room, a boss saw someone who did not know Hutchison and asked this question.

Fang Zhuo said without changing his expression: "Hehuang is still talking to me."

Immediately, he said with a bit of embarrassment: "You also know that a large company from Xiangjiang like Hutchison Whampoa is backed by Li Jiacheng, which has a relatively large appetite...According to their wishes, the number of joint ventures must be controlled..."

Several people looked at each other, this was something they had not mentioned before.

Huang Jin from Hengfeng Real Estate said in a deep voice: "Mr. Fang, I understand what you mean. In business discussions, should Hutchison Whampoa determine the quota based on capital contribution or something else?"

"No, no, no." Fang Zhuo shook his head quickly, "I mean I continued to talk with Hutchison and the others. To be honest, I originally visited six real estate properties. I expected two to come together, but I didn't expect everyone to be so enthusiastic. .”

He lowered his stance: "The five of you here, plus Mr. Liu, you are all seniors in the real estate industry. Although I have some reputation, this is the Internet industry. This time I have alarmed everyone. It would really be against me if we let people quit again." Principles of life.”

"Business talks about business, but it's not all about business. Businessmen and businessmen must also have people."

"I'm trying my best to talk to Hutchison, but when I looked at the seniors in the conference room just now, I suddenly felt that if we really can't reach an agreement, if Hutchison is really unwilling to give up more shares, then the seven of us can do it together. There is a lot of energy here together.”

When Fang Zhuo said this, he looked confused and hesitated: "I just don't know if the technology of big companies is better in this real estate industry? I am a layman and I really don't understand. Do Hutchison Whampoa have any key technologies? The building you built will be Wouldn’t it be as strong as Hutchison?”

Ask the real estate developer whether the building structure is strong...

Huang Jin from Hengfeng Real Estate was speechless, patted his chest and said, "Mr. Fang, you are kidding me. All of us here are companies from Shencheng. Who will build an unsound building for his fellow villagers? You don't have to worry about this."

Huang Jin spoke up, and the others who remained silent nodded.

Everyone actually saw the meaning. This pretentious gesture by Mr. Fang, which was half-acting and half-not acting, was probably to unite everyone to negotiate with Hutchison Whampoa.

Fang Zhuo nodded lightly, took a sip of tea, and said slowly: "That's good. When doing things, you must have a final plan. I'm used to making it clear."

"However, Mr. Huang also said just now that in business terms, it's okay if we can't get the Dongba Block project. I've troubled everyone so much. I'll definitely serve wine some other time. Thank you all for giving me this face."

"But if we really get it, let's make a fuss about it. Whoever's building has safety problems will no longer be able to live in Shanghai."

After Fang Zhuo said this, he glanced around with a smile on his face, but there was no smile in his eyes.

The bosses of the five companies were all stunned. They had shouted "seniors, seniors" before. This warning immediately reminded people of the misty background relationship of the young man in front of them.

"Mr. Fang, don't worry, this is still guaranteed."

"Mr. Fang, if we take the East Eight Block, we will definitely build it beautifully for you."

"Our building is famous in East China! Just take a look!"

"This project is entirely due to Mr. Fang, and we will never hold back."

Five people expressed their opinions one after another.

Fang Zhuo nodded: "If you have money, please contribute more, and if you have power, please contribute more. I will talk to Hutchison Whampoa first. As for this project, you will also organize elite soldiers to prepare a project document. We are a red heart and prepared with both hands." "

The answering voice sounded again in the conference room.

After the five people left, Liu Suyi sent them out. When he came back, Fang Zhuo said with a smile: "Mr. Fang, you really shocked them just now."

Fang Zhuo said calmly: "Do you think I didn't tell you?"

Liu Suyi's expression froze.

"Haha, Lao Liu, just kidding." Fang Zhuo smiled, stood up and patted Liu Suyi's shoulder, saying, "Let's go, let's sit in your office and study the joint venture structure."

Liu Suyi's throat was a little dry, so he turned around and walked out of the conference room.

Regarding the joint venture, it is initially decided that Yike and Yonghe Real Estate will jointly hold 55% of the shares, and the remaining 45% will be held by the five companies according to the amount of funds.

Xu Mingchang previously told the media that this project would require an investment of 6 billion. In fact, Liu Suyi made an overall assessment and found that it could be completed with roughly 4 billion.

55% of 4 billion is 2.2 billion, and the progress will be carried out in stages.

If divided into four parts, the start-up capital of the first part is 550 million.

If you find three or four more banks to lend money, each bank will lend more than 100 million, which will be very easy for Yike.

In fact, in order to better build the motherland, Fang Zhuo is considering making another two-year financial product from MIGA Fund to absorb some funds from across the ocean.

In this way, the funding channels are divided layer by layer, and the impact on Yike itself will be very small.

As for the company structure, Yike Group will first establish a wholly-owned subsidiary, and then let MIGA Fund invest in the company with funds from financial products. Finally, this subsidiary will form a joint venture with Yonghe Real Estate and others in the new company.

Such a three-tier structure, Yike Group → Yike Real Estate → Yongke Real Estate, finally Fang Zhuo served as the chairman of Yongke Real Estate to compete for the East 8th Block project.

There will also be some details. For example, Yike Group will sell the Kunshan factory to Yonghe Real Estate at a high price and hold part of the other party's shares. It must ensure that the newly established Yongke Real Estate can be sold if Yike Group holds no more than 50% of the shares. Fang Zhuo is firmly in control.

In business, first be a villain and then a gentleman.

Liu Suyi can accept this method, because if he does not accept it, the funds borrowed to deal with bank loans may be gone...

Liu Suyi actually expressed in a joking way that the lending funds came from the leadership's instructions. Unfortunately, Xiao Fang didn't care about this at all and had a "so what" attitude.

Anyway, after seeing some of Mr. Xiao Fang's behavior, he verified a rumor in the world - Mr. Xiao Fang is good at capital operation.

Moreover, Liu Suyi went to the leader's house with Mr. Xiao Fang that night. He watched helplessly as the other party discussed with the leader before deciding to take action against Dongba District, and then quickly put in place an effective framework within a few days.

What is a Forbes billionaire?

Xiaofang is always like this.

Liu Suyi suddenly looked forward to Mr. Xiao Fang's meeting with Zhou Kaixuan at the city seminar.

In mid-April, Fang Zhuo was busy secretly working on the project in Dongba Block.

Reports in the media about the rich man Xu Mingchang have not stopped.

Following the tone of "under investigation", the more clear disclosure of the status has stimulated more discussions. Every year, people are on the Forbes rich list, and every year there are rich people who encounter the Waterloo of life because of being on the list.

Xu Mingchang may be one of the most high-profile billionaires to date.

Everyone loves to see this.

Even Fang Zhuo watched netizens' discussions about this on his Sina with relish, and saw some conjectures that were close to the truth.

On April 19, he received a call from Zheng Danrui.

"Brother Zheng, what's the matter? Tell me."

After exchanging pleasantries, Fang Zhuo went straight to the topic.

Immediately, he heard the news from Hutchison that Li Jiacheng would attend the Shanghai City Project Seminar on April 25. In addition to Hutchison and Sun Hung Kai, there would also be a real estate giant Hans Company from the United States.

"Hans Company?" Fang Zhuo is really new to real estate and has never heard of this name.

"Yes, but it may just be a make-up. This company may be really interested, but the city is not interested in it. Sun Hung Kai doesn't know who is coming." Zheng Danrui's tone was a little worried, "But this trip to Hutchison was actually made by Li Jiacheng himself. , attaches great importance to it.”

He asked again: "Do you have faith?"

Fang Zhuo replied naturally: "No."

Zheng Danrui: "..."

"I've never worked in real estate, so isn't it normal to lose?" Fang Zhuo said confidently, "Besides, isn't it normal for me, the richest man in Shanghai, to lose to the richest man in China?"

Zheng Danrui thought for a while: "That's the truth, but who wants to lose?"

"Brother Zheng, so in order not to lose, we have to be unreasonable for a while." Fang Zhuo lowered his voice, "What do you think?"

Zheng Danrui suddenly felt Tu Qiong's dagger and waited for the next step.

"Not to mention the American Hans, we only have two competitors, both from Xiangjiang. Since Li Jiacheng personally came forward this time, I suspect that Sun Hung Kai will also have to give face. Even if Li Jiacheng wins the land, he may not win over Sun Hung Kai. cooperate."

Fang Zhuo said his analysis: "Zhou Kaixuan originally wanted to bring me together. The contract she drafted involved a local real estate developer, a state-owned company with a state-owned background. Isn't there a seminar on the 25th? Hutchison Whampoa wanted to show their Determined, I should also bring someone from the middle room with me.”

"Brother Zheng, if China Real Estate Company withdraws from cooperation on the spot, what will be the city's impression of Hutchison? Even if Li Jiacheng comes in person, this at least means that Hutchison has not done a good job in cooperating with local real estate companies in Shanghai, right? "

There was no need for Fang Zhuo to continue. Zheng Danrui could already imagine this scene and understood what Fang Zhuo meant. He was trying to get himself into trouble with Shen Cheng, the middle-aged man.

This stumbling block can really find a relationship.

In the past two years, Zheng Danrui was seconded to the informatization promotion team. His original unit was the deputy director. This year, several colleagues were transferred to the newly established State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, and they were able to speak out.

China Real Estate Shencheng is a subsidiary of China Real Estate Group in Shanghai. Leaders can be found in Beijing and connections can be made locally.

"You do have the means." Zheng Danrui tried his best to objectively describe what he heard.

"Brother Zheng, who wants to lose? Even if the opponent is Li Jiacheng, since I am in the game, I have to give it a try anyway. I can't just run away." Fang Zhuo expressed his attitude, "If I lose, someone will poke me in the spine. It’s just the Internet guy who wants to seize the land and doesn’t overestimate his own capabilities.”

He added: "If the city doesn't like my side, it's best not to give it to Hutchison and just shelve it."

Zheng Danrui burst into laughter and complained: "I'll give it a try. You still have to work hard on the project and show your face to the city. You have to discuss and decide whether to shelve it or not."

"Understood, several real estate developers have been looking at projects and doing homework these days. Our plan may not be the most brilliant, but it must be the most stable." Fang Zhuo paused, "Isn't it that the city now requires stability? What?"

Zheng Danrui on the other end of the phone showed a brief smile and said "Hmm": "Let's do this for now. We will communicate when there is news."

call ended.

Fang Zhuo put his phone on his desk and thought about it for a while. He thought he was going to bump into Zhou Kaixuan, but he didn't expect to see Li Jiacheng this time.

Hutchison is indeed coming in force this time, regardless of Zhou Kaixuan's contact or Li Jiacheng's appearance, they all showed their attitude.

This is a dragon crossing the river.

Last time, the dragon crossing the river failed at Xu Mingchang's place. Now that Old Eleven has entered, they are salivating again. They can only carry the banner of city construction by themselves.

The richest man has the responsibility to protect Jing'an.

With great power, comes great responsibility.

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