Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 372: Happy to See Hunting Heart (Two in One)

——Qiu Ciyun

——Born in 1956, 47 years old.

——Senior Vice President of Operations, SMIC.

——Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley, and an Executive Master of Business Administration from Columbia University.

——In his early years, he worked in scientific research at the Institute of Solid State Technology in Munich, Germany, and later joined AT\u0026T Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill, New Jersey, USA, and became the head of its high-speed electronics R\u0026D department. Later, he joined TSMC as a senior director of the factory, and finally followed Zhang Rujing works at SMIC.

——"Qiu Ciyun has more than 20 years of experience in the semiconductor industry. He is currently the SVP of SMIC and is the right-hand man of President Zhang Rujing..."

On the 23rd floor of Hang Lung, Fang Zhuo was sitting in the CEO's office, reading the information from the headhunter, feeling itchy.

He had guessed that Qiu Ciyun must be very good, but he didn't expect him to be so good.

It really makes people eager to try it, and it makes them happy to see it.

The most important thing is that Vice President Qiu came to apply for building the factory with Zhang Rujing. He has complete start-up experience and is suitable to participate in the construction of new projects as a core figure.


Fang Zhuo looked at his resume repeatedly, put it down with a sigh of relief, took out his phone and called Ding Lei from NetEase.

"Mr. Ding, how are you doing with "Westward Journey 2"? Are you confident that the performance will be better in the second half of the year?"

Ding Lei received the call in the waiting room. He was a little confused and said cautiously: "It's okay, Mr. Fang, what are you doing?"

"If you say it's okay, then it must be okay. I'm just calling you to encourage you. Come on, Mr. Ding, come on, NetEase!" Fang Zhuo conveyed his sincere encouragement to the head of NetEase through the air.

"Come on, come on, come on, let's go together." Ding Lei thought about it three times, guessing the purpose of Mr. Fang's call.

However, the call was short and the voice of cheering was still in my ears, so the call was hung up.

Ding Lei thought about the flight time for a while, but still couldn't figure out the other party's intentions. Sina's stock price has been very strong recently, and the competition in the e-mail field is also very fierce. This person is a bit unpredictable, so he can only stop with silence. .

Fang Zhuo on the other side didn't think too much. He simply hoped that NetEase's market value would reach a new high and that it must give the capital market a dazzling performance.

He considered the funding issue for a while and thought about it for a long time. He felt that Qiu Ciyun could strike while the iron was hot and express his wishes first.

In the afternoon when he saw his resume, Fang Zhuo called Qiu Ciyun and arranged to meet him in the city.

Qiu Ciyun's attitude was calm and he did not agree immediately. Instead, he asked, "Mr. Fang is a busy man. I have a lot of things to do at SMIC. I wonder what Mr. Fang wants?"

"I learned a lot from SMIC in the past two days. Some leaders heard about my arrival at SMIC and advised me to participate in SMIC's fund-raising. But after all, I am a layman. After all, I just wanted to trouble Mr. Qiu, which is fine. Enhance your understanding of SMIC." Fang Zhuo chose the most legitimate name.

"That's it. We at SMIC do welcome strong investors, and Mr. Fang must be strong." Qiu Ciyun said thoughtfully, "But I have a lot of work recently. I will confirm the time before replying to Mr. Fang."

This was a legitimate reply, but it was not the answer Fang Zhuo wanted.

He thought rapidly for two seconds and said again: "Okay, okay, thank you Mr. Qiu. To be honest, I was particularly interested in what you said about SMIC's overseas equipment procurement experience last time. As a layman, I I have learned about some of the restrictions in this area in the past two days. It is indeed difficult. Hey, I also hope that Mr. Qiu will talk to me about the development status of our semiconductor industry when we meet."

Fang Zhuo has mentioned his layman attributes twice.

This is a drawback.

But it can also become an advantage under different circumstances. If a wealthy layman wants to enter a field with technical and experience thresholds, he needs experts and must value experts.

The words are more straightforward when it comes to equipment procurement. You don’t need to understand this to invest in SMIC.

After Fang Zhuo finished speaking, he silently waited for the other party's response.

Qiu Ciyun on the other end of the phone was sitting alone in the office and replied first: "Oh, Mr. Fang, wait a moment, I want to ask the assistant about the work arrangements here."

Then, he half-covered the microphone and raised his voice: "Xiao Liu, let's see when I am free in a few days."

Finally, Qiu Ciyun completely covered the phone and waited for about ten seconds before replying to the richest man in Shanghai: "Mr. Fang, at 2:30 tomorrow afternoon, I happen to have something to do in the city. If you can spare time, you can tell me."

Fang Zhuo waited for the answer he wanted, and thought for a while: "I'm not going far away, Mr. Qiu, let's have some tea and chat at Plaza 66, and have something to eat together in the evening."

Qiu Ciyun smiled and said: "Mr. Fang, let's have tea. Dinner is waived. There will be a work meeting in the evening."

"Okay, Mr. Qiu, we won't miss this meal, we will grow up in the future." Fang Zhuo agreed readily.

"Yes, we have a long time to come, see you tomorrow afternoon." Qiu Ciyun said.

The end of the phone call cheered up Fang Zhuo a lot. The other party's attitude towards "investing in SMIC" and "explaining the development of semiconductors" were different. Mr. Qiu, as Zhang Rujing's right-hand man, may indeed have some differences. idea.

This is an opportunity that needs to be seized.

Fang Zhuo sat in the CEO's office and dealt with Yike's work content for a while. Before leaving get off work, he was thinking about his meeting with Qiu Ciyun tomorrow. Finally, he assigned another task, which was to see TSMC Liang Mengsong's resume the next day.

Liang Mengsong is a well-known figure in the semiconductor industry, but he is far away in Baodao, and the exchange of information is actually not that developed at this time. It took a lot of effort for the headhunter to send his detailed resume to Mr. Fang at noon the next day. .

——Liang Mengsong

——Born in 1952, 51 years old.

——Ph.D., Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of California, Berkeley. He holds hundreds of semiconductor patents, has published more than 200 technical papers, and serves as an academician of the International Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

——Currently the senior R\u0026D director of TSMC.

——"Liang Mengsong is an internationally renowned technical talent. Since joining TSMC in 1992, he has been mainly engaged in the development of memory storage and advanced logic process technology. He and his doctoral supervisor Hu Zhengming used Low-KDielectric (low dielectric insulation) technology to This allowed TSMC to directly skip the 150nm process and enter the 130nm process, successfully defeating IBM this year and winning the key battle of the 'copper process'."

——"In the TSMC commendation meeting, the advanced module led by Liang Mengsong ranked second, followed by senior vice president of R\u0026D Jiang Shangyi. It is worth mentioning that Hu Zhengming's name did not appear at the commendation meeting. Some sources claimed that Hu Zhengming It is very likely that he will leave TSMC and return to the United States to teach at the University of California, Berkeley (note: the information is doubtful and difficult to confirm)."

When the resume of technology tycoon Liang Mengsong was put in front of him, Fang Zhuo became ill.

He suffered from itchy hands and heart.

From this resume, Fang Zhuo confirmed a lot of information. It also mentioned that Liang Mengsong's wife was of Korean descent and was his colleague when he worked in the United States. She had worked as a semiconductor engineer and a flight attendant.

This may be an influencing factor for Liang Mengsong’s subsequent job-hopping from TSMC to Samsung.

In addition, when Liang Mengsong chose to leave the successful TSMC, it was definitely not a matter of salary, but simply a matter of feeling aggrieved.

TSMC R\u0026D Vice President Chiang Shangyi appeared in his resume. Fang Zhuo knew that Liang Mengsong later had a bad relationship with him at SMIC, which was probably the root cause of TSMC's decline during the period.

However, Liang Mengsong has just been commended by TSMC this year, and it may be difficult for him to have the idea of ​​​​leaving.

Fang Zhuo put away the resume of this technology tycoon and sent out two more tasks, one to investigate Jiang Shangyi, Vice President of R\u0026D of TSMC, and Hu Zhengming, Liang Mengsong’s doctoral supervisor. The former had little hope, and the latter was suspected to have The idea of ​​​​leaving may be able to contact and give some advice.

The richest man in Shanghai has a lot of thoughts, but putting them into practice requires a little processing.

At 2:30 in the afternoon, Fang Zhuo met Qiu Ciyun, SMIC's senior vice president of operations, at a high-end tea restaurant in Plaza 66.

Coincidentally, neither of them took anyone else with them, and they opened a private room for tea.

Fang Zhuo felt that there was no need to be secretive anymore when he met someone, so he gave him a heavy blow: "Mr. Qiu, I definitely won't invest in SMIC. When the leaders in Pudong New Area asked about this matter, that's how I responded."

Qiu Ciyun took a sip of tea with a slightly surprised expression.

"I am determined to build my own wafer foundry and build a 12-inch advanced production line." Fang Zhuo raised the flag, "Mr. Qiu, why do you teach me?"

As the initiator, as the intender, he needs to show the flag rather than being secretive. Otherwise, the two people will have to test things back and forth. The transmission of information in the middle is complicated and prone to misunderstandings. It is better to be straightforward like this.

Qiu Ciyun said calmly: "Mr. Fang, why don't you invest in SMIC? This is my question, and it must be the question that Mr. Zhang heard your idea."

You can find a hundred reasons to vote, and you can find a hundred reasons not to vote.

Fang Zhuo took a second to read and understand, and what he understood was that Qiu Ciyun was just looking for a reasonable logic that could support the willingness of a layman, the richest man in Shanghai, to continue working in semiconductors.

Otherwise, if today the richest man in Shanghai is on a whim, and tomorrow the richest man in Shanghai has no interest, how will he, a dignified vice president of SMIC, deal with himself?

The richest man in Shanghai was able to walk away with a pat on the back, but Qiu Ciyun was so obsessed that he was about to cry when he quit SMIC.

But Fang Zhuo really couldn't answer this question.

It is possible to talk about the significance of domestic backward industries and a simple wish, but it is not easy to convince Qiu Ciyun of his long-term willingness to pay.

The current chat is not about speaking from the heart, but to make the vice president of SMIC believe that what he heard is from the heart.

Fang Zhuo spent three seconds looking back on his experience and came up with an entry point: "Maybe it's because I'm used to being the leader of a company. If possible, I would rather this is a company where I keep my word. SMIC's Equity gives me deep concerns.”

"Moreover, what can I get from investing in SMIC? When people mention SMIC, one of the ten sentences they will mention is, oh, SMIC has a shareholder named Fang Zhuo."

"What I want to hear is that Fang Zhuo has a core."

After Fang Zhuo said this, he brought up the larger meaning: "Of course, those are my selfish thoughts. Because of my work, I often go to the United States and see that there is a huge gap between us. The semiconductor industry is definitely worth catching up with. It is an important industry, and I am very willing to see our country better. I believe Mr. Qiu is the same about this, otherwise you would not come to Shanghai from Baodao."

"It's just that when it comes to catching up with the industry level for our country, I don't think we need to be limited to one company. The more healthy competition there is, the more long-term progress I believe can be achieved."

Fang Zhuo glanced at the vice president: "Can the semiconductor industry only have the voice of one company? Not necessarily."

Qiu Ciyun felt great sincerity.

Recently, Qiu Ciyun and Zhang Rujing had some differences of opinion on the development of SMIC's 12-inch production line. He wanted stability, while Zhang wanted expansion. This was a bit unpleasant.

But the outcome of the disagreement is doomed, and SMIC will definitely implement Zhang Rujing’s will.

Qiu Ciyun frowned and drank tea, with many thoughts surging in his heart.

At this time, Fang Zhuo repeated: "Mr. Qiu, why are you teaching me?"

Qiu Ciyun relaxed his brows and said with a smile: "Mr. Fang, are you going to ask someone who is engaged in semiconductors to teach me how to teach him?"

"Even a layman like me has heard of Mr. Qiu's reputation. SMIC's development is inseparable from Mr. Qiu's great contributions." Fang Zhuo said, "Just meeting a semiconductor expert like Mr. Qiu, I can show off I think if Mr. Qiu is willing to help me, then great things can be expected."

Fang Zhuo had a rough look at Qiu Ciyun, whom he met for the second time.

Qiu Ciyun had already guessed the intention of the richest man in Shanghai, but hearing the straightforward poaching was still funny and... a little heart-warming, just a little bit.

He shook his head: "Mr. Fang, being a semiconductor company requires investment from all aspects. I don't doubt Mr. Fang's determination. However, with all due respect, it may be difficult for Mr. Fang alone to advance this matter."

Fang Zhuo started reading comprehension and received the message that the vice president was interested, but he couldn't really make the move with just a few words. He had to see greater possibilities before seriously considering "big things can be expected".

This was consistent with his previous judgment.

Fang Zhuo didn't expect that he would be able to recruit a vice president just by chatting like this today. Even Pan Ben, Xiong Xiaoge's subordinate, had worked with him in the United States for a long time before he was hired, let alone such a big boss.

Today, I want to tell the other party that our flag is carefully written and not scrawled casually. This point must be conveyed in place.

"Mr. Qiu, I understand that no matter how confident and arrogant I am, I don't think I can do it alone, but I do still lack a backbone." Fang Zhuo clicked on the position of the other party and directly talked about a key progress advancement, "Qiu In summary, if the project funds are in place, where do you think it is appropriate to choose? After all, this requires policy cooperation and support, or early planning."

Qiu Ciyun thought for a moment: "Beijing, Tianjin, Shenzhou, Peng, Xiangjiang, Wuhan, and Chengdu. We talked with all these places when we first started building SMIC. In the end, Shencheng provided the best policies and the greatest support."

Fang Zhuo said: "It may be difficult to get the same policy from Shanghai as SMIC. First, there is already a successful company, and second, they may have to worry about SMIC's ideas."

Qiu Ciyun nodded and said with a smile: "It's not necessarily impossible. Mr. Fang can talk about it. The policies in these places are all compared before making a decision. If we can definitely get money and find people, a framework will come out."

"Well, Mr. Qiu, let me toast you with tea instead of wine today. This glass of wine is for nothing else but for your contribution to our domestic semiconductor industry." Fang Zhuo raised his tea cup and said sincerely.

Qiu Ciyun smiled and said something modestly. He wondered if the two of them had hit it off. He felt that the communication with the young richest man in Shanghai was particularly smooth.

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