Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 374: Begging for Entrepreneurship (Two in One)

Today is not the past.

When Fang Zhuo was sitting in the CEO office of Hang Lung 23 and making a call to a friend in his mobile phone address book, he couldn't help but think of a night three years ago when Sequoia's Vice President Zheng Lang went to Luzhou overnight to look at a project...

Oh, yes, Zheng Lang seems to be very busy. He plans to go somewhere else after visiting Luzhou.

That night, in order to make the registration website look decent, even the office was rented on a daily basis...

It’s different now. Not only the office, but the entire floor belongs to your own company. When looking for people to invest, you don’t have to organize the words in your mind over and over again, and you don’t need to rely on data to inject moisture.

Life and career have reached different stages.

Although, there is still a lack of money!

"Pony, when will Tencent go public? Come and sit down when you have time. My fund is waiting for you to go public so I can buy your stocks."

"That's right, it's not a big deal. I'm going to support our domestic semiconductor industry. This aspect is too backward. Many leaders are also paying attention to this area, so I volunteered to give it a try."

"However, semiconductors are indeed very expensive, especially if I want to build an advanced production line. I called Zhang Chaoyang just now and thought that we should all invest and sponsor to get the project started. He agreed enthusiastically, and I just thought about it. I want to ask you what you mean by inviting a few more people.”

"Hey, okay, let's wait and see what happens. I'll wait for the good news about your listing."

"Hey, Mr. Zhang, Sohu's market value has been good recently. It has exceeded the original issue price. Congratulations."

"No, I actually admire Mr. Zhang. To be honest, the only two major companies in the world are Sohu and Sinaer. This is my personal opinion."

"Oh, yes, there is a small matter. I was entrusted by the leader to build a wafer fab project to support the domestic semiconductor industry. I just called Pony and he agreed enthusiastically. I have been thinking about it for a while. Get a few houses and I won’t call you again.”

"Don't worry, I will definitely vote more than you all. I know, you know, give me some face. Okay, I'll come to the capital to meet you for dinner."

"Hey, Mr. Niu, it's me, Fang Zhuo."

"You're welcome. I looked at the company's stock price today and suddenly remembered that the bet I made with Mr. Niu last year seemed to have expired. Sina's current stock price has exceeded last year's bet by a lot."

"Hey, hey, Mr. Niu, don't take it seriously, it's all a joke. The development of the Internet industry has made progress. Not only are people in the industry like me happy, I believe Mr. Niu is also happy."

"The spring of the Internet is now here, but there are still many domestic industries that are lagging behind."

"There is such a thing today. I was asked by the leader to build a semiconductor fab. I just want to raise funds and show the leaders the responsibility of our domestic entrepreneurs."

"Hey, okay, okay, this is a good talk if it gets out."

Success is the best bargaining chip, and worth is the most beautiful PPT.

What Fang Zhuo made was a phone call and what he got back was money.

He has never hesitated to use the word "leader" when necessary. Moreover, the head of Lanhua District is also a leader, so he does care about him.

Fang Zhuo's last call was to Mengniu Niu Gensheng. When he was recording a program on CCTV, there was a one-year bet on the Internet. At that time, Mengniu, Huiyuan, and Jardine Ventures made a bet of 5,000 units of Yihe. Ke Player, the content is that Sina’s stock price will inevitably double within a year.

Now, Sina's stock price has already exceeded several times, but the bet has not been implemented.

While calling the people in the address book, I might as well turn this bet into an investment. If it succeeds in the future, it will be a good deal.

Most of the people Fang Zhuo contacted on the phone tended to agree. It didn’t matter how much it was, the face was given.

When he put down the phone, he felt a sense of satisfaction in his heart.

As the phone calls continued, Fang Zhuo also had new ideas on how to use money. He planned to pool money from different companies to establish an industrial investment foundation. There would only be one new shareholder of the wafer factory. , to avoid clutter.

The name of the foundation can be called China Entrepreneur Industrial Investment Foundation, and maybe it will be used in the future.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Fang Zhuo summarized what he had learned on the phone, and finally dialed the number to Zhou Xin from the medical department and asked him one thing.

"Mr. Zhou, you select people in the company to set up a small team to regularly test the food and drink on the market. Well, you can regularly publish the evaluation results on Sina, such as different brands of bread, different brands of milk powder, different brands of Oil, these.”

"Medical evaluation is positioned as an independent third party and does not accept sponsorship or interference."

"Diseases enter through the mouth, so pay attention to food safety."

"is that OK?"

"Well, let me think about it, we need to pay more attention to what children and the elderly eat, and we need to review it regularly."

Fang Zhuo thought of this when he called Niu Gensheng today and planned to take precautions first.

Zhou Xin agreed wholeheartedly and thought it was a good small direction. The registration network was upgraded to the medical department. In addition to the original online registration and online drug sales, there should be more distinctive things. This is also being discussed within the company.

After the interlude ended, Fang Zhuo's attention returned to the current business. The next day, he discussed the idea of ​​establishing a foundation with Xiong Xiaoge.

Xiong Xiaoge, who was in the capital, was extremely puzzled. He said in a small voice on the phone: "Mr. Fang, what are you messing around with? We have also set up an industrial investment foundation. How many people are there? Let me take a look at the project and invest in it. If you invest some points, it’s like looking at your signature.”

Fang Zhuo read the names: "Zhang Chaoyang, Ding Lei, Ma Huateng, Robin Li, Niu Gensheng, Zhu Yuncan, Wang Fengyi..."

He rattled off a dozen names in one go.

Xiong Xiaoge was shocked!

"Mr. Fang, you..."

Fang Zhuo was somewhat proud and said in a low-key voice: "Perhaps everyone thinks that I am more reliable in my work. Some are more reliable and some are less. In fact, they are far from enough for me to engage in semiconductors. It's all based on my heart, so I took the lead."

Some of them, such as Ma Huateng and Niu Gensheng, said on the phone that they could invest more than 10 million, while some of them, such as Ding Lei and Zhu Yuncan, estimated that they could invest in the millions.

Fang Zhuo made a rough calculation. Regardless of the number of people, it was actually less than 200 million. When converted into U.S. dollars, it was just over 20 million. Adding in his own 230 million U.S. dollars, it was still far from the 1 billion goal.

But he didn't feel that it was less. 20 million dollars was money, and it belonged to someone else.

Xiong Xiaoge had never seen such an approach to creating a project. He was stunned for a long time and complained: "Mr. Fang, your alms-based entrepreneurship... really opened my eyes!"

The even worse words were kept in my heart and I didn’t say them!

Start a business by collecting protection fees!

Robbery Entrepreneurship!

Xiong Xiaoge has always known that Fang Zhuo is unconventional, but he never expected that he could be so unique. Mr. Fang always brings surprises to people.

As for those who gave money, I'm afraid they also took into account the president's recent actions in Shanghai. They knew that Mr. Fang had a background and didn't have much money, so they invested accordingly.

The problem is, there are so many people here. A small number becomes a large number, and connections become cash...

"Not much." Fang Zhuo disagreed, "All of them are corporate bosses, and the investment of millions and millions is just a sprinkling of water. Besides, it is an investment, not a gift, and there will be dividends in the future. To be honest, Xiong Sir, please be more relaxed. Semiconductors say their returns are slow, but if they can be like SMIC, it won’t be much slower.”

The news that SMIC is preparing to go public is not a secret. It may set a record for the fastest listing of semiconductor companies.

In just over three years, a semiconductor company has gone public. Compared with the project cycles IDG has invested in in the past, this is also very good.

For a long time in the past, IDG cast a wide net and invested heavily. Then it hit the Internet bubble and lost 80% to 90% of its value.

Failure is the main theme of entrepreneurship.

No one understands this better than Xiong Xiaoge.

In the past two years, he has gained a deeper understanding of "venture capital means investing in people". No matter how unique Mr. Fang's style is, he undoubtedly has a very high-level guarantee for success.

"Mr. Fang, I just don't understand why you suddenly want to make semiconductors?" Xiong Xiaoge needed a strong reason to convince himself.

"Old Xiong, I'm optimistic about the explosive growth of consumer electronics. The future of semiconductors will be bright, and it won't even take many years." Fang Zhuo called so many people, and then had a serious chat with Old Xiong about the future potential. , "Not to mention other products, I build a production line, and my own players alone can absorb part of the production capacity."

"Just like Samsung, they produce and sell their own products. My fab also plans to follow this model, so as long as the technology is in place, it can survive."

"What's more, the future growth trend of consumer electronics is very fast, and Yike is based on this."

"Old Xiong, do you understand? I can connect the upstream and downstream of this industry chain."

Fang Zhuo gave a closed-loop logic.

He did think this way. The chips that Yike is currently purchasing are from Philips. Philips designs → wafer factory manufacturing → packaging factory packaging → Philips gets the chips and sells them to customers.

Fangzhuo's wafer fab will replace the middle link, and the upstream design and downstream packaging will not be involved. If Philips is unwilling to accept such a result, Yike will change to a manufacturer that is willing to cooperate.

Anyway, there are many chip manufacturers for music players, and Philips is not irreplaceable.

Wafer factory, wafer foundry, often referred to as wafer foundry, earns a technical processing fee.

TSMC in Baodao is currently also a foundry, which is called the Foundry model.

Of course, there is more than one foundry model for semiconductors. South Korea's Samsung integrates upstream and downstream. This is called the IDM model.

There is also the Fabless model, which is mainly responsible for the circuit design and sales of chips, as is the case with Qualcomm.

This is the industry chain model of semiconductors.

Generally speaking, chip customers like Fang Zhuo are not included in the industry chain. He only needs to look for chips with suitable cost performance.

But if you have to participate...then just participate.

Just talking about the wafer factory that Fang Zhuo wants to build, it is a Foundry foundry model. If you include the Yike products under his own name, it can be regarded as a non-complete IDM model.

You can move forward to IDM integration, or you can maintain the current status.

Fang Zhuo carefully and clearly explained to Xiong Xiaoge the status of the science industry, and also discussed the future planning of the project in detail.

Xiong Xiaoge was really moved.

Because Yike is successful.

As Fang Zhuo said, as long as Yike continues to be successful, such a wafer fab project will at least survive starvation. If it does not starve to death, I am afraid it can really grow with Yike's size.

Xiong Xiaoge knows Yike's internal market estimates. Last year, the sales volume of the entire US MP3 market was around 800,000 units. This year's forecast is to double that. By the middle of the year, this goal may be achieved ahead of schedule.

And he clearly remembered that the market report signed by Fang Zhuo still had an optimistic view that the overall sales volume in 2004 would continue to double.

800,000 units in 2002, 1.6 million units this year, and 3.2 million units next year in 2004.

Under such strong product demand, with Yike's product verification, the wafer fab seems to be able to show its competitiveness.

For a wafer fab, it is difficult to establish it, but as long as it is built, orders can be filled directly, and it will be no problem to survive.

Fang Zhuo can also use chip orders to make some contributions during this establishment process to add support.

It is true that the richest man in Shanghai is a layman, but this layman is a powerful layman.

"Send me a copy of the project document. Really, Mr. Fang, the entrepreneurs I meet should learn from you how to persuade venture capital investors." Xiong Xiaoge had already agreed in principle.

"If it's just because of his eloquence, I believe Xiong will never invest." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "There is no project document. It's basically what I told you. If you want to invest, you can invest. By the way, you have to help me invest in the industry." The fund is whole, I can call to raise money, but it’s boring to go there one by one asking for money.”

Xiong Xiaoge said: "If you are familiar with it, you must also have an attitude towards investors, right? I also want to help you get a foundation?"

"I'm busy looking for a place for the project, isn't that more important than this form?" Fang Zhuo said plausibly, "Besides, our relationship, Yike will be listed on the market this year, and I will have two more drinks with you when we have a good time. What more?"

Xiong Xiaoge wants to drink.

I felt like there was no big problem.

"I believe Mr. Fang. I will fly to Shanghai in a few days. Let's meet and finalize this matter. We will also talk about Yike's listing plan." Xiong Xiaoge said.

"No problem, give me a call first when you arrive so I don't have to go on a business trip."

Fang Zhuo agreed and planned to discuss the amount of his investment with Lao Xiong after they met in person. Others would forget about it. The venture capital's trust had to be proven with money.

When Lao Xiong can implement the financing from his friends and the capital budget can reach 250 million US dollars, well... Next, we can line up the local government's options and see how much of the local gap can be filled.

If SMIC's treatment in Shanghai is followed, Fang Zhuo hopes that local investment can be around 25%, so that the remaining half of the budget can be considered for foreign institutions.

"Let's not go to the capital yet. Xiangjiang may not be easy to deal with. Let's take a look at the attitudes of these two places in Yangcheng and Lin'an."

"In case you have to shave your head and choose one, you have to quickly seize the support that Pudong can provide."

Fang Zhuo held the first meeting of the project team and selected two preliminary negotiation locations.

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