Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 383 Like-minded

As soon as I hear the name, the balance in my heart begins to tilt.

This is Hu Zhengming’s weight.

What outsiders don’t understand is clear to insiders.

The shock in Qiu Ciyun's heart was far greater than what he showed on the surface. He calmed down and asked in detail about the cause and effect of this incident.

Fang Zhuo’s source of information is a headhunter. He is currently not 100% sure, but there are already many rumors coming from different departments of TSMC.

In order to confirm this, Fang Zhuo even asked people from the United States to go to the University of California to ask the school about Hu Zhengming's movements in a roundabout way.

There are various signs that the technology tycoon is likely to return to California to teach at the end of the year.

The specific method of recruiting people was related to the University of Science and Technology of China, so Fang Zhuo followed this topic and described the attitude of Luzhou leaders in full.

"Mr. Fang really worked hard." Qiu Ciyun's tone was praise. Hearing this, if nothing else, he found that Mr. Fang's ability to act was truly amazing.

The first meeting was to inquire about intentions, the second time was to talk about policies, and the third time we had already negotiated local conditions and targeted TSMC’s generals.

It is indeed extraordinary for Mr. Fang to become the richest man in Shanghai at such a young age!

"If my painstaking efforts can lure Hu Zhengming, then I will have to work hard a few more times." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "Mr. Qiu, it is precisely because of the energy of Luzhou and the University of Science and Technology of China that I have a strong tendency in my heart. sex."

"Today we can use the University of Science and Technology of China to poach Hu Zhengming, and tomorrow we can use the University of Science and Technology of China to poach Li Zhengming and Zhao Zhengming. This will give them a time and place to resolve their competition agreement with TSMC."

Regarding TSMC’s competition agreement, this is a factor that must be considered.

If the project is really officially built, Fang Zhuo believes that TSMC will not quickly set its sights on a patchwork team, but it will definitely gradually notice that there is such a competitor.

In particular, Fang Zhuo had already set his sights on TSMC's talents.

"Well, it can indeed be used as a transfer station and cultivation ground for talent accumulation." Qiu Ciyun said thoughtfully, "Hu Zhengming has very strong technical skills. Once he can join directly or indirectly, it will be like a shot in the arm. Moreover, he Well aware of TSMC’s latest technologies.”

Fang Zhuo nodded seriously: "Yes, I will keep in touch with Luzhou and the University of Science and Technology of China. This matter is a top priority."

Qiu Ciyun agrees with this.

Fang Zhuo had a smile on his face and changed the topic: "But there is another more important thing, which I think is more important than Hu Zhengming."

Qiu Ciyun listened seriously, guessing whether it was a funding problem or something else.

"Mr. Qiu, I wonder if SMIC has a competition agreement?" Fang Zhuo looked at the expression of SMIC's vice president, his words were tactful and his purpose was clear.

From the first meeting to the contact in the middle to today, his attitude has always been quite clear. He wants to attract Qiu Ciyun to join the group. Now he has completely expressed his willingness to move forward.

Does SMIC have a non-competition agreement?

If not, come here quickly!

Fang Zhuo actually knew the answer to this question. SMIC had not made any settings in this regard. He just wanted to use these words to force Qiu Ciyun into action.

Qiu Ciyun didn't expect that the most important thing was himself, so he felt good when he was praised by Mr. Fang and Hu Zhengming.

However, he still did not directly give the most definite answer. He just said: "Mr. Fang's project speed is indeed faster than I expected. I want to discuss this matter with Mr. Zhang."

Although he and Zhang Rujing have differences in work direction, Qiu Ciyun still respects the president who led everyone to build SMIC. If he wants to leave, he hopes that they can leave with mutual understanding.

Fang Zhuo also respected Qiu Ciyun's statement and didn't say much about it. He just talked about his plan for project talents from the side.

"Mr. Qiu, no matter how we consider Luzhou's advantages from different perspectives, for those technical talents and leaders, it is indeed difficult to compare Luzhou with other cities."

"So, I considered setting up an option pool directly in the first round of financing to bind talents." Fang Zhuo said after considering, "The initial consideration is 15-20%."

This is enough for Qiu Ciyun.

If when we met today and listened to Fang Zhuo's description of the leaders of Luzhou, Anhui Province, we were surprised by the local courage, now we are once again admiring Fang Zhuo's courage.

For such a tens of billions project, the 15-20% option pool is 1.5-2 billion!

This recent city inspection has only attracted an investment of 1.3 billion at most!

Qiu Ciyun watched Fang Zhuo say such a figure lightly. He was a little unbelievable for a moment, and subconsciously repeated: "15-20%?"

"Yes, after all, what else can we do with a project like ours besides giving everyone money?" Fang Zhuo said matter-of-factly.

It can also be said to revitalize the industry...

Qiu Ciyun didn't say this out loud. He suddenly realized that these two reasons were not in conflict.

Fang Zhuo added with a smile: "What's more, it's about future money. I've thought about it over and over again, and this is the only one that impresses people the most."

The "period" of an option is the future. The usual operation is to set an exercise time. For example, you can work for 4 years to get the promise in the contract, and you will get 1/48 every month.

Qiu Ciyun said frankly: "It's really impressive. If we can build another SMIC, these options will be of great value."

Fang Zhuo said from his own point of view: "In other words, it is not important to no longer build. What is important is to make people believe that we can build another SMIC, so that we can attract talents to the greatest extent."

“Only by attracting talents can we build another SMIC.”

Qiu Ciyun discovered the difference between the young CEO in front of him and Mr. Zhang. In fact, this had been shown from the beginning. Mr. Fang held the funds and had great autonomy.

Like SMIC, Mr. Zhang Rujing can certainly control the strategic direction of SMIC and can check and balance various shareholders, but he only holds less than 1% of the shares, and he cannot be so free when it comes to setting equity options.

Of course, Mr. Zhang does not need to work hard to attract talents like Mr. Fang. He has his own personal industry reputation.

Qiu Ciyun couldn't help but make a small comparison in his mind between his quasi-predecessor and his quasi-incumbent, and his momentum was temporarily taken away from him.

He took a sip of tea and asked, "Can investment institutions agree to setting up an option pool like this?"

Fang Zhuo just said calmly: "It's okay, Mr. Qiu. If you believe in my ability in capital operation, I can do this."

Qiu Ciyun didn't know what to say.

One moment, he had the mentality of an industry expert, and the next moment, he was surprised to feel the charm of factors outside the industry.

Qiu Ciyun had to admit that he was professional in establishing the wafer fab, but Mr. Fang was the professional in capital operation and fund raising.

Fang Zhuo didn't expect that such a small gesture would shock Qiu Ciyun so much. He was chatting about his plans and plans normally, and just wanted to show the SMIC vice president a feasible blueprint.

I talked a lot about talent before, but actually the target included this vice president.

At 3:30 in the afternoon, Fang Zhuo and Qiu Ciyun, who had only met for the third time, ended their exchange. The latter had already planned to talk to the president of SMIC about his whereabouts in the near future.

Seeing that it was still early, Fang Zhuo went back to Hang Lung 23 first to complete the CEO's check-in.

"Mr. Fang is very happy. It seems that the progress is very good."

Su Wei came over and told her boss about her contact with DCM Huaxia, and the scheduled meeting time was tomorrow.

"It's not bad, mainly because we found the right person." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "I guess there will be some movement on Qiu Ciyun's side soon."

Su Wei could see the boss's unprecedented attention and expectations for Qiu Ciyun, and asked, "Is this Mr. Qiu really like a CEO?"

Fang Zhuo said without hesitation: "Absolutely. If Qiu Ciyun comes out of SMIC like this, even if he doesn't come to us, he can become CEO of any semiconductor company."

"What's more, he worked with Zhang Rujing to build SMIC from scratch. This valuable experience is perfect for us. When he comes, he wants to be CEO, CEO, president, president."

Su Wei smiled and said, "You just can't be the chairman?"

"Professionals can do professional things. I should do the boring work of the board of directors." Fang Zhuo shrugged, "From the perspective of a chairman, Qiu Ciyun is the most suitable candidate for our current position."

He thought for a while and then commented: "I think even if Zhang Rujing is no longer at SMIC, Qiu Ciyun will not be too uncomfortable if he takes over immediately."

Su Wei was surprised: "This is a really high evaluation! Well, wait, at this stage? What does this mean?"

Fang Zhuo said calmly: "It means now, nothing else. Where are you thinking?"

Su Wei stared at the boss's expression suspiciously and said in astonishment: "No way? It's not what I thought, is it? You haven't got it yet! Is the honeymoon period so short?"

"It's really not what you think. Regarding the wafer fab, my position as a layman is to raise money, coordinate, respect the advice of professionals, and find available markets." Fang Zhuo said.

The more Su Wei thought about it, the more wrong she became. She suddenly realized the problem. The boss always seemed to say that the establishment of the wafer fab required Qiu Ciyun's experience in building SMIC from scratch...

"Mr. Fang, you should be cautious about personnel issues." Su Wei reminded, "Once Qiu Ciyun comes, he will definitely not come alone. He will definitely bring a group of people to join the project. If you have any ideas, you must make reasonable arrangements. "

"You really misunderstood me. Am I such a bad person?" Fang Zhuo shook his head.

"I don't know if you are bad or not, but I believe you can be ruthless when it comes to corporate development." Su Wei said seriously.

Fang Zhuo sighed in his heart. This person's experience in handling affairs in different positions was different. He had some vague ideas about the development of the project stage...

But it should be manageable, everything depends on the situation at the time.

Teacher Xiao Su is right about one thing. It should be considered the honeymoon period now, and the "Ice Drink Project" is particularly eager for Qiu Ciyun's approach.

The entire domestic semiconductor industry lacks talents from top to bottom. There is a gap in front-line engineers and there is a gap in senior talents. Fang Zhuo is clearly aware of this and has great respect for the technological influence that exists in the semiconductor industry.

During this trip to Luzhou, he became more aware of one thing - the most touching trick in the world is to be sincere.

Therefore, Fang Zhuo now needs to be sincere to friends who may join the project, and also needs to find more funds to reflect his sincerity.

On July 14, Fang Zhuo met with Connor, the head of DCM China, at the CEO office of Yike.

Connor is a Chinese-American who grew up in New York. He can speak fluent Chinese. He has been working at DCM for nearly ten years and is now responsible for the agency's business development in China.

When Fang Zhuo saw this person, he noticed one detail. When Connor introduced himself, he did not mention his Chinese name. His mental cognition was obviously on the other side.

"Mr. Fang, as far as I know, you don't seem to have experience in the semiconductor industry."

Connor saw Fang Zhuo and was extremely shocked after hearing the young president's explanation.

"If you are looking for me to invest in Yike, I can make an investment decision happily in five minutes."

"Now you ask me to invest in semiconductors, well, I can spend five minutes, but this is rejection."

Connor didn't think this was anything to discuss.

"Mr. Connor, even if you want to refuse, it's too soon. It's only been two minutes." Fang Zhuo was not hit and handed over a document. "This is the contract we initialed with Luzhou, the capital city of Anhui Province. You You can look at the content.”

Fang Zhuo was afraid that Connor didn't know about Luzhou, so he clicked on it and said the key point: "The other party is willing to invest 1.3 billion."

Connor looked through the files and examined the "ice drink plan" that suddenly appeared, suspecting that it was a scam.

Fang Zhuo didn't wait for him to finish reading, then handed over another piece of information and said, "This is the property certificate issued by MIGA Fund and PL Fund. It is my side's project investment."

Connor took it again and saw the conspicuous 00000 on the first page...

"This is domestic investment. This one is relatively small, only 20 million US dollars." Fang Zhuo's third document was also an initialed contract, and the money came from alms.

It’s funny to say that the stocks held by the fund have not been sold yet, but the money invested by the local government is still the intention. The money from outstanding entrepreneurs has basically arrived.

As soon as Fang Zhuo raised his hand, Connor subconsciously raised his hand to pick it up.

However, the president wants to drink tea this time.

In order not to disappoint the person in charge of DCM China, he thought for a while and gave a small reason: "I will see you today and see Goldman Sachs tomorrow."

"Goldman Sachs is very interested in us."

Yes, Goldman Sachs is very interested in Yike's US-listed business.

Fang Zhuo didn't lie. He will first talk to Goldman Sachs about Yike tomorrow, and then talk about semiconductors by the way.

If today goes well, the sequence of chatting with Goldman Sachs tomorrow will be very simple.

Local government support.

own funds.

investment by domestic enterprises.

DCM China has strong interest.

and, recent negotiations with Deutsche Bank.

There is another point... no matter which party you talk to, you must talk about industry talent issues.

Fang Zhuo looked at Connor's confused expression and smiled: "We have found more than 50 engineers with rich experience. The most important thing is that there is a senior vice president in the best wafer factory in the country. But I don't have it yet." So the executive who said his name will join us.”

Connor breathed a sigh of relief: "Does Qiu Ciyun want to join?"

Fang Zhuo: "???"

Connor nodded, holding several unread materials in his hand, and corrected his judgment: "There are funds, Mr. Qiu, and the government, which is good."

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