Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 390 Standing on the Wind (2-in-1)

"If you want to evaluate the business figures of 2002, you must mention Fang Zhuo's name."

"Opening up the overseas music player market, challenging the global giant Sony, and fighting fiercely with the US listed company Apple in North America, this is what Fang Zhuo's Yike Technology did in 2002."

"At the same time, the CEO of Yike made unexpected arrangements for Sina's equity, ousted the board of directors with lightning speed, and successfully controlled the No. 1 portal in China."

“This year alone, Fang Zhuo is enough to leave a mark in the development history of the domestic Internet.”

"Today, Sina's stock price has been more than 40 times its original price, making it the highest-priced Chinese concept stock in the United States. Yike's products are also selling well at home and abroad, and it is beginning to plan to go public."

"So... this makes people more and more confused about Fang Zhuo's choice at this moment."

"Why would he want to enter an unfamiliar semiconductor field?"

"How is he going to complete an investment operation using a snake to control an elephant?"

"Fangzhuo's capital operation capabilities have been revealed during the acquisition of Sina. Even so, the scale of tens of billions of funds is still daunting."

“What’s even more frightening is that this scale of funding is likely to be unavailable due to the special nature of the wafer fab project.”

"The scariest thing is that the tens of billions number is probably just the beginning."

"If I were anyone else, I would probably oppose and look down on such a reckless move across industries. But if this person is Fang Zhuo, I have to say that although my final conclusion remains unchanged, my judgment based on business common sense is correct. shaken.”

"When I heard about Fang Zhuo's tens of billions of semiconductor investments, my first reaction was to question him, and my second reaction was to doubt myself."

"This is the power of the most dazzling business figures in 2002."

"It's just that if Fang Zhuo is complacent about his past success and thinks that the project can succeed as long as he is willing, then this year's success may be Fang Zhuo's last good fortune."

"After all, the business situation is constantly changing, and we have seen too many powerful people fall into the dust."

——"China Business News".

"It is reported that Fang Zhuo is working intensively on semiconductor investment matters."

"In response to this news, we interviewed several professionals in the semiconductor industry."

"A vice president of Huahong said that this news is true and has been circulated in the industry for a long time. Although it is not yet certain where the project will be located, Fang Zhuo's malicious poaching has made the entire industry tremble."

"Informed sources at SMIC revealed that the project Fang Zhuo wants to invest in involves the participation of former SMIC senior leaders, and a small number of the company's engineers have also been poached."

"Unlike the attitudes of Huahong and SMIC, the senior vice president of HiSilicon, which designs domestic independent ICs, told our newspaper that he is happy to see more wafer fabs appearing in the mainland, but he does not think Fangzhuo's project will be able to do so in the next few years. It creates too much competitiveness.”

"Readers may not be aware that wafer fabs are the most critical part of the IC industry chain and are capital- and technology-intensive industries. The strongest one in our country is SMIC, and only it is expected to continue to catch up with the world's first-class level."

"At present, people in the industry are generally not optimistic about Fang Zhuo's investment this time. Whether the head of Sina and Yike can break through the judgment of professionals, time will verify everything."

--"Southern Metropolis Daily"

As Fang Zhuo's "Ice Drink Plan" begins its second round of city inspections, media reports that comprehensively integrate information from all aspects have also caught the attention of many people.

In addition to Fang Zhuo's own analysis and the opinions of his peers in the industry, more media are paying attention to one thing - how did Fang Zhuo, the ninth-richest man in Forbes, manage 10 billion in funds?

You know, Fang Zhuo's net worth listed on the rich list is only over 2 billion, which is still a long way from 10 billion.

So where is the source of money invested by this CEO?

Who dares to spend so much money to allow this president to move from the Internet to semiconductors?

There are still many questions from the media and the public, and even some of Fang Zhuo’s friends on the Internet called to inquire about the situation.

Fang Zhuo had a good relationship before. At that time, he was talking about "leaders care about semiconductors". Now after news broke, this... Even if the leaders care, it would be too big to spend 10 billion in one go. Come on!

In such a comparison, alms money is simply not money!

When NetEase Ding Lei, Sohu Zhang Chaoyang, Tencent Ma Huateng and others saw the description in the news and the analysis in public opinion, they suddenly felt ashamed of "sending beggars" to the money they had previously given, and they also suddenly felt sorry for China. Entrepreneur Industrial Investment Fund has a lot more enthusiasm.

In their view, they would definitely not be able to get such a large amount of money without the leadership's care. Although it is surprising to actually get such a large amount of money, it seems to be understandable when it comes to Mr. Xiao Fang.

Under such circumstances, the high-profile party Fang Zhuo did not accept an interview. He was preoccupied with finalizing investments from different institutions.

Because the funds involved in the project are too large, although Fang Zhuo has created a lot of tacit understanding, it is still difficult to implement it quickly. Even though the chief financial officer recommended by Goldman Sachs to Yike has already arrived, the investment contract has still not been finalized. Agreed.

This requires a breakthrough.

Luzhou State Investment Corporation cannot be used as a breakthrough point. It is the weakest party in the investment conference and can even be kicked out at any time in the eyes of several institutions.

Yike Group and MIGA Fund cannot be the breakthrough point. The funds they show are what they should be. If Fang Zhuo neither understands technology nor has funds, institutions will not consider entering the market at all.

After thinking about it, Fang Zhuo realized that Goldman Sachs has a kind of ambiguous cunning, and Deutsche Bank has a kind of deceit that seems to be honest. The breakthrough point must be found in the honest DCM.

Three rounds of investment meetings have been held, and several institutions are not in a hurry to express their stance. However, Fang Zhuo's requirement for the establishment of an option pool has been reduced to 10%. This is the bottom line he uses to attract talented people, and it can no longer be lowered.

On August 1, Fang Zhuo informed Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, IDG, and DCM that they would hold the fourth round of investment meetings on the 4th.

On this day, Fang Zhuo finally accepted an interview with the media and responded positively to the investment action that attracted much attention.

Fang Zhuo first explained the funding situation, because it is gradually taking action and there is nothing to hide now: "Many media have written about tens of billions of scale. In fact, this is our project budget. We are striving for this number, not what we already have." Everyone thinks about money too easily."

"When I read the newspaper reports, I felt like I was printing money."

"Of course, I also have some funds on hand, which came from my original investment in Sohu and NetEase."

"In the past two years, I have been convinced that China's Internet industry has a bright future. This belief is not only verbal, but also implemented in actions. Sohu's stocks are almost sold out, and NetEase's stock is still partly."

Fang Zhuo talked about this very frankly.

The reporter asked curiously: "Mr. Fang, how many shares of Sohu and NetEase do you hold? If I remember correctly, your private equity fund has been on their shareholder lists, right?"

"At the beginning, it triggered a U.S. stock price line. The sales of these two parts of stocks were almost 200 million US dollars." Fang Zhuo gave an answer lightly. With NetEase's rise, he still had some unsold stocks. The holdings are actually higher than originally predicted.

The reporter was silent.

Even the camera behind him shook, as if he was marveling at this number.

"Then, how much did Mr. Fang cost to invest in them in the first place?" The reporter stuttered and couldn't help but ask.

Fang Zhuo thought for a while: "The cost is not high. All in all, it cost more than one yuan."

NetEase's cost is the lowest, less than US$1 after the suspension last year, and its growth rate is quite astonishing and has to catch up with Sina.

The reporter was silent again, and asked after several seconds: "Mr. Fang, is this the legendary value investment?"

Fang Zhuo laughed loudly: "This is just value investment + luck. Even so, this money is still far from investing in semiconductors, so we are talking with some internationally renowned investment institutions to see if we can fill this gap."

The reporter asked: "Can it be filled?"

"I don't know. I'm working hard. I've met some new friends and also found some old friends, such as IDG, our shareholder of Yike. They didn't plan to invest in this project before." Fang Zhuo pretended to be an old friend, "Later, I got serious After learning about our project, they are actively planning to invest money.”

Fang Zhuo actually asked Lao Xiong if he would invest money before he returned to the capital.

Xiong Xiaoge refused very firmly, without any intention of considering it. He believed from the bottom of his heart that the payback period of this project might be unexpectedly long.

However, as an old friend, he also said that no matter who wants to consider an investment project, he can support the scene as soon as possible.

"Mr. Fang, many people are curious, why did you choose semiconductors? This industry seems to be a bit thankless. Especially, you can gain huge wealth so easily by selling Sohu and NetEase stocks, why do you want to enter a world where the word 'bitter' is on your mind?" Industry?" The reporter asked a long question.

Fang Zhuo has different answers for different people. Now facing the official media, he thought about it and said: "Standing on the wind, even pigs can fly."

"Just like the take-off of the Internet industry from last year to this year, this is the development of the wave of the times. My entry into semiconductors was based on my judgment of the situation."

"If my judgment is right, there will be one more good fab in the country. If I am wrong, then I am wrong."

"I like the key points of the development of this era, and it is very interesting to be a part of it."

At this moment, the reporter thought of the title of the report - "Standing on the wind, pigs can fly".

As for whether it is a wind outlet, and whether the pig will fall after the wind outlet passes... this is something that can be left to the audience to discuss.

The interview continues.

Fang Zhuo did not avoid questions and answered most of the things that made everyone curious.

This project is extremely open-minded and has nothing to hide. Apart from the goal of poaching people, everything else can be revealed.

Also coming from the mouth of a wealthy man, the sentence "Standing on the wind, pigs will fly" was quickly posted on major BBS forums, and once occupied the comment areas of different Sina news.

What kind of wind is needed to blow up a pig with a scale of tens of billions?

Such a confident statement made many people who were previously optimistic about the prospects hesitate. It seems that Mr. Fang is not aimless, and it is impossible for him to invest so much money randomly. Are semiconductors really promising?

After a brief understanding, the high threshold of the wafer fab made many people give up the idea of ​​​​entering the mainstream.

It is worth mentioning that just when Fang Zhuo's words aroused heated discussion, Sohu's stock price the next day made Zhang Chaoyang express his bad luck in his office in Beijing.

At first, everyone didn't know where Fang Zhuo's funds came from, but now they know that he sold his shares in Sohu and NetEase.

Well, no matter what the reason is, the rich people are selling, let’s take a look at the stocks of these two companies before talking about it.

NetEase is better, because it has extremely solid gaming performance, but even so, the momentum of strong growth yesterday has suddenly stopped, but it did not fall like Sohu.

The employees of Sohu and NetEase are very aggrieved. Their stock prices are actually caused by the bosses of their competitors to fluctuate. This is really ironic!

But they were also shocked that Mr. Fang made a lot of profits from this sell-off.

value investment?

Oriental Buffett?

This operation made many investors drool, and accordingly increased the popularity of some MIGA funds in the country. Even if a lot of money was made by the fund boss, it would be nice for everyone to have some soup.

Fang Zhuo did not expect such a development, which was an unexpected surprise.

Before preparing for the fourth investment meeting, he first called Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, and DCM, saying that IDG would enter the market this time.

At the same time, he also conducted some private communications with Goldman Sachs and Deutsche Bank respectively, intending to truly open a breakthrough at this meeting.

August 4, Wednesday afternoon, Henglong Yike Conference Room.

Xiong Xiaoge, an outsider pretending to be an investor, arrived first. He watched with a bystander attitude as Xu Kaiwei from Goldman Sachs communicated with Fang Zhuo after he came in. He also saw Zhang Hongli from Deutsche Bank giving Fang Zhuo a look after he came in.

Seeing this, his heart moved and he asked Fang Zhuo in a low voice: "Do Goldman Sachs and Deutsche Bank know the tacit understanding between each other and you?"

"The two families probably don't know each other. It's unclear whether they communicated privately." Fang Zhuo shook his head slightly, "It doesn't matter whether they know or not. They are not the protagonists this time."

As soon as the president finished speaking, the door of the conference room was pushed open, and Connor from DCM came in with his team.

At this moment, the eyes of Fang Zhuo, Zhang Hongli, Xu Kaiwei, and Xiong Xiaoge all lit up, and the most sincere smiles appeared on their faces.

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