Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 392: Press fingerprints and press fingerprints (two-in-one)

The fourth investment meeting of the "Ice Core Project" is underway.

Fang Zhuo expressed his attitude and requirements and confirmed the institution's opinions one by one, hoping to finalize the investment intention as soon as possible.

Sometimes, he feels that these investment institutions are quite interesting. If you want to invest, just invest quickly, why don't you let others enter first?

Of course, Fang Zhuo was just complaining in his heart and would not express his emotions to these companies in person. At the very least, he would not express his emotions until he made money.

From 9:10 am to 11:40 noon, Fang Zhuo talked for more than two hours. When he talked about having lunch first, he suddenly realized that his voice was a little hoarse.

However, this is not yet the crucial part.

"I feel sorry for you all at noon today. Let's just have a quick bite down here and don't drink any more. We have something to do in the afternoon, so we all need to stay awake."

Fang Zhuo moistened his throat before standing up to greet a group of guests.

There was no need to worry about lunch. We simply ate and chatted at the Hong Kong-style restaurant in Plaza 66.

After the meal was over, Fang Zhuo set aside an office for several people to have space to discuss on their own.

From the first investment meeting to now, Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, and DCM have been in the stage of examining whether the project is feasible, and the investment amount is occasionally vague. Fang Zhuo wants to determine an amount today.

You have to figure out how much to give!

The tacit understanding between Goldman Sachs and Deutsche Bank is to let DCM pay for it first, and then with such an internationally renowned venture capital investment, even if their own investment cannot fill the gap, they will go with the status quo that DCM has entered the market. If you talk to other people, you might end up attracting more people.

This is consistent with Fang Zhuo's position, but for Fang Zhuo, whether it is DCM, Goldman Sachs or Deutsche Bank, only one company can be confirmed and initialed, and he can use this progress to find more money.

However, he still has one difference, that is, he has to raise the funds needed for the first production line before SMIC goes public.

According to the progress of the company's listing, SMIC estimates that it will only take half a year and a few months to complete the listing. It sounds like there is still a lot of time for each institution to truly determine the investment process. The further things go, the more likely things will happen.

Goldman Sachs and Deutsche Bank can wait until the end, but Fang Zhuo cannot wait. Instead, he must try his best to finalize the investment matter, because no matter what the situation in the country, they can deal with it. Once these big dogs want to quit, it will not be easy to catch them. .

At two o'clock in the afternoon, a cup of coffee or strong tea was placed in front of everyone in the conference room to help everyone stay awake.

However, before DCM's Connor had a chance to take two sips of coffee, he felt that IDG's Xiong Xiaoge was a little not sober.

"Mr. Fang, we are old friends. I am also familiar with Mr. Qiu. I am very confident in your cooperation with Mr. Qiu and also in the ice core." Xiong Xiaoge said boldly, "I think we can First, the investment share must be determined. Since our IDG is divided into two companies, China and the United States, some processes need to be confirmed first.”

IDG's US and Chinese businesses are relatively independent and basically have a brotherly relationship.

DCM, on the other hand, relies entirely on the U.S. to determine major investment matters. Connor is at the partner level and has great influence in developing business in China.

The processing authority of Goldman Sachs and Deutsche Bank is relatively intermediate. Deutsche Bank is a bit like IDG, and Goldman Sachs is a bit like DCM.

When Xiong Xiaoge said this, Zhang Hongli and Xu Kaiwei suddenly looked at each other inexplicably.

It was this look that made the two of them make a guess, and then they coincidentally looked at Fang Zhuo where the old god was. Finally, they looked at each other again because of this "coincidence".

Good guy!

So that’s it!

After a long meeting, Zhang Hongli and Xu Kaiwei finally figured out what was wrong with others because of their own small actions.

After such a few glances, the two of them were thinking about a similar question. If they are not running for Goldman Sachs/Deutsche Bank, then who are they running for?

At this time, Connor said cheerfully: "Mr. Xiong, there is no need to be in such a hurry. I think we can wait until Bingxin's second round of city inspections is confirmed before making a decision. Besides, isn't Mr. Fang still selling stocks?"

It turns out that the goals of today’s meeting are not two or three, but only one!

Only then did Zhang Hongli and Xu Kaiwei fully understand the situation, and they sighed inwardly at the invisible cooperation that had appeared for half a day in the morning.


So dirty!

Zang Hongli said: "It's not impossible. The city inspection will not affect it. Anyway, the minimum guarantee is 1.3 billion in Luzhou. Let's see if we can meet the financing target now. Don't keep hesitating on the funding issue."

Xu Kaiwei also immediately agreed: "Well, I know that IDG's process is relatively complicated. Let's confirm it if we can, so as not to have meetings all the time."

Connor hesitated for a few seconds, then talked sideways with the team for two minutes, changed his small plan, and agreed to talk about investment shares today.

Anyway, let’s talk first, it’s not a big deal.

If you want to talk about share, let’s talk about what can be determined first.

Taking Luzhou State Investment Corporation as the investment bottom line for local cities, 1.3 billion Chinese dollars would be about 160 million U.S. dollars.

China Entrepreneur Industrial Investment Foundation has more than 20 million US dollars in alms money.

Fang Zhuo’s own funds came from selling Sohu and NetEase stocks. Currently, there are 240 million US dollars in his account. NetEase stocks have not been completely sold out. According to its still rising trend, the final total amount is about 300 million US dollars more than expected. .

1.6+0.2+3=480 million.

The first round of financing for the ice core project is targeting US$1 billion.

Fang Zhuo thoughtfully erased the fraction and placed the claimed share of US$500 million in front of four investment institutions: Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, DCM, and IDG.


Goldman Sachs Xu Kaiwei, Deutsche Bank Zhang Hongli, and IDG Xiong Xiaoge cleared their throats in unison when they heard the final number given by the young president.

It's normal to clear your throat. Who can't speak clearly at this time?

DCM's Connor didn't want to clear his throat, so he coughed along with him.

However, after the coughing, everyone remained silent and began to make their own calculations in their minds.

500 million U.S. dollars, with an average of 125 million U.S. dollars per company, which is not as much money as Luzhou State Investment Corporation.

This money is indeed a lot of money, but it is not bad for large institutions. However, if it is implemented to the leaders who finalize the investment, they must be more cautious.

What should I do if I am optimistic about a project but don’t want to invest so much money immediately?

Anyway, there will definitely be a second round of financing in the future. If the project takes off, there will be more follow-up investment. Now, we just want other companies to contribute more money to get the project off the ground first.

I don’t want to pay more, but I want other companies to pay more. What should I do?

Xiong Xiaoge, who didn't want to contribute any money, spoke up first: "Mr. Fang has actually raised half of the funds. This is much more than I thought."

He was telling the truth from the bottom of his heart. He had never expected Mr. Fang to work so hard and be so willing to make such a sacrifice.

Fang Zhuo said "Yeah", supported himself, and said: "My Sina shares are very valuable, and Yike's listing prospects are also good, but I can't just fish in the water. I also have to consider the risks of purchasing equipment. That's why this round of Financing, I hope your joining will enable Bingxin to develop smoothly."

"In the second round, I will definitely have to pursue more shots. I will make a statement here."

What the young president means is - I am not that short of money in the foreseeable future, and there is no big problem with the future capital chain of this project.

"Mr. Fang's Sina and Yike do have great potential." Xiong Xiaoge praised the field, and on behalf of the investment institutions, he gestured to his comrades in the trenches with his eyes, and then said, "We at IDG are willing to claim more shares and have confidence in this project. .”

Xu Kaiwei asked with a subtle expression: "The four companies are equally divided at 1.25. Mr. Xiong wants to vote more. That's no problem, but you can't take my share."

What he meant was that Goldman Sachs would invest at least US$125 million.

Zhang Hongli chuckled and said: "Then who gets it? If anyone doesn't think highly of Bing Xin and Mr. Fang, why would he be sitting here? He can't take my share either. We bankers are still short of money?"

He handles business in China on behalf of Deutsche Bank. The amount of funds that can affect decision-making is very high. Whether he invests or not is another matter. The sense of presence should be put first.

Connor laughed loudly: "In just a few words, you want to take my share? Do we at DCM have no money or something?"

Several people laughed.

Everyone has money, and since they want to invest in semiconductors, no one is short of money.

Xu Kaiwei advised: "It's not that DCM has no money. Let's not talk about Mr. Xiong. Both Goldman Sachs and Deutsche Bank participated in SMIC's first round of financing. I heard that DCM will invest in SMIC's second round this time. Mr. Fang Here, we invest more and reduce the pressure on DCM."

Connor flatly refused: "We at DCM have no pressure. Both SMIC and Ice Core are good projects."

Zhang Hongli said: "Wait a minute, the investment share should be based on strength. I was almost fooled by Mr. Xiong. We at Deutsche Bank are not short of money, we are very rich. Not only can we not be occupied, we also need to invest more." "

"Mr. Zhang, who are you talking about? I don't care about Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, or DCM. Anyway, IDG is going to invest 150 million." Xiong Xiaoge was full of momentum and gave a specific number.

Not to be outdone, Xu Kaiwei said: “We at Goldman Sachs also want 1.5.”

Zhang Hongli smiled and said: "Has Deutsche Bank become a minor player? We are also 1.5."

Without any hesitation, these three companies raised US$500 million and took away US$450 million in the blink of an eye.

Fang Zhuo nodded slowly and smiled slightly: "In that case, then..."

"Hey, wait, what's child's play? I don't agree with this either. I also said that we are going to invest 150 million in DCM!" Connor was a little anxious. Did he really cut his own share by saying this?

There are only so many in total. How can you divide them? If you don’t take the initiative, you can divide them.

Fang Zhuo pondered: "It stands to reason that the more money, the better. However, these are our goals for the first round of financing. Who can wait for the second round before investing?"

He looked around and found that unfortunately, no one was willing to invest less.

However, even if these four companies all asked for 150 million, the young president was stubbornly unwilling to ask for more money, 1.5*4=600 million.

The scene froze for a moment.

Zhang Hongli of Deutsche Bank placed his chips: "Mr. Fang, our Deutsche Bank has done a lot of business in China in the past two years, not to mention its influence in Europe. Deutsche Bank can help in the product market of wafer fabs."

"Heh." Xu Kaiwei of Goldman Sachs also has leverage, "We at Goldman Sachs have influence all over the world, and the procurement of ice core equipment will definitely help."

IDG's Xiong Xiaoge gave the reason: "We at IDG and Mr. Fang have always had a good cooperative relationship and are good partners on the road to corporate development. I believe Mr. Fang should know this."

Good partners can bring help such as people acting in concert on equity, and feelings and emotions are also valuable.

Fang Zhuo took a sip of coffee and looked at DCM's Connor.

Connor is a little confused. If the co-author doesn't have any talent, why don't you let him invest money?

Don’t mention it, DCM has it, the other three companies have it, DCM is just a lousy venture capital company that focuses on early investment!

"Hey, you guys are going to eat up my share." Connor smiled in confusion, "You guys are working together to bully others."

Fang Zhuo waved his hand: "Everyone is discussing it, all with the goal of making the ice core good. I'll do it, I'll do it."

The young CEO pondered: "How could you make sense at the beginning? Oh yes, the root cause is that Mr. Xiong said to invest more, and those of you who are not short of money should also invest more. So, don't mention whether to invest more or not, just invest more. Let’s take the share of 1.25.”

"Anyone who can't pay 1.25 can make up for it if they are willing to invest more."

"According to our preliminary budget, 125 million means holding 11.25% of the shares, which is also a very reasonable shareholding."

The four companies each hold 11.25% of the shares, with Luzhou State Investment holding 14.4%, China Enterprise Investment Foundation holding 1.8%, Fang Zhuo’s remaining 28.8%, and finally 10% of the option pool.

The option pool will be held on behalf of a third-party company, which is basically controlled by Fang Zhuolai. Coupled with Luzhou State Investment Corporation, corporate control is guaranteed.

Such an investment and equity allocation seems much more reasonable.

There was a discussion in the conference room, and each team gave their opinions.

Fang Zhuo drank coffee and observed the performance of the three institutions.

After a while, DCM's Connor took the lead and said: "No problem, this number is fair to everyone."

Zhang Hongli of Deutsche Bank also nodded: "1.25 is just 1.25. Now that this share can be determined, we will implement it as soon as possible. Mr. Fang will go to Beijing at the end of the month."

IDG's Xiong Xiaoge and Goldman Sachs' Xu Kaiwei both agreed that they had previously mentioned that there would be a framework by the end of the month, and the content of this framework will soon be revealed.

Seeing that no one objected, Fang Zhuo respected everyone's opinions and said: "Then we will tentatively decide on this. Everyone should go through the internal process. From tomorrow on, I will ask the company to follow up with the four of you separately. The fifth investment meeting will be held temporarily. We won’t open it until I come back from the capital, and we’ll open it again.”

Make collective decisions, contact them individually, and set aside time for easy operation.

Connor nodded seriously.

Zhang Hongli picked up the coffee cup: "No objection, there has been some progress today. If I can't drink, I will drink coffee instead. I hope there will be better news at the fifth meeting."

He stood up and clinked glasses with Connor.

Xu Kaiwei also clinked glasses with Connor, and then clinked glasses with Zhang Hongli.

Xiong Xiaoge clinked glasses in sequence from Connor, Zhang Hongli to Xu Kaiwei.

"The coffee is very mellow. I hope we can taste the champagne to celebrate the victory as soon as possible." Fang Zhuo looked at this group of people and then at DCM Connor who was smiling, with a somewhat complicated mood.

Once upon a time, I faced venture capital alone.

Unexpectedly, for the sake of semiconductors, I have to join forces with Goldman Sachs and others.

This is what life forces us to do, and we have to do it as a last resort.

In this life, even the air is filled with the smell of money.

Fang Zhuo put down his coffee cup and looked at the sponsors in the conference room, keeping a proper smile on his face.

"We at DCM have to thank Mr. Fang for dividing the shares fairly. I will confirm the process as soon as possible after I go back." Connor thanked the young president. Today's trip was okay. Although it was a bit unplanned, it was practical. Saw the project progress.

Fang Zhuo took a breath of the money-smelling air and shook Connor's hand vigorously: "You're welcome, that's right. We are win-win and mutually beneficial and develop healthily. Connor, don't be polite to me."

Connor smiled and said, "Don't be polite to me, Mr. Fang. If you have any questions, please communicate directly."

Fang Zhuo let go of his hand and said seriously: "I've never been polite."

Connor liked the young president's sense of humor from the first meeting.

He smiled, turned around and chatted with the other three companies, and soon ended this fourth investment meeting happily.

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