Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 409: Catching Fire (2-in-1)

Gu Zoujun was full of confidence at the reception and threatened to make Lang Xianping pay the price.

Then efforts were made from both the legal and public opinion levels, not only submitting the indictment to the Xiangjiang High Court, but also inviting experts from well-known economic research institutes.

Fang Zhuo can actually understand this person's idea, which is nothing more than using experts to treat experts.

Are you, Lang Xianping, a professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong? Then I will invite experts from institutions affiliated with the State Council.

You, Lang Xianping, criticize me in the media, but there are still scholars who support me in the media to win over.

Why would it be useful for you, Lang Xianping, to speak?

The experts I invited are more famous than you. Wouldn’t their words be more effective?

If it were a normal incident handled this way, it might actually have some effects, but what Gu Zoujun and Greencool encountered were topics involving economic reform, and the debate between the two sides was escalating day by day...

Can Lang Xianping be cowardly in this situation? Will you be timid?

He even wished that the four companies he had named and criticized would come forward and respond.

For example, Changhong, Haier and TCL all dealt with the situation in a low-key manner. Haier briefly stated that "Haier is not a state-owned enterprise, but a collective enterprise and has no violations of any regulations." TCL said "no response" and Changhong quietly did not even say a word.

Greencool who dared to stand up in this situation...

He is a warrior!

He must be the target of the fire!

Guo*wuy sounds scary, but its full name has a long part at the end, which is the so-called Development Research Center Enterprise Economics Research Institute.

With such a name, Fang Zhuo was not sure whether this was an organization that was just trying to bluff people.

Anyway, even if it is true, this organization cannot suppress Lang Xianping, nor can it suppress Zhang Weiying and Zhou Qiren of Peking University. It will only arouse everyone's enthusiasm for debate.

Zhang Weiying and Zhou Qiren opposed Lang Xianping's remarks, and in disguise were siding with Greencool. But what Greencool needs now is not support, but cooling down.

On October 10, just as Gu Zoujun triumphantly faced the media again and said, "Many comments outside made me feel like I was in another world, as if I had returned to the 1960s... Now overnight, many economists think that I have no "issue", Lang Xianping held a media meeting at the office of the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business in Beijing to publicly respond to Greencool's lawsuit.

"I will never change my opinion about Greencool and I will never apologize."

"Power cannot trample on academics."

As soon as this sentence came out, it immediately became the news headline on major portal websites.

It was Fang Zhuo. When he saw the title on, he also admired it in his heart. Regardless of other aspects, speaking out on such a node is really the most powerful and resonant response.

That night, Sina launched a new campaign and invited netizens to vote for Greencool's Gu Zoujun on the public opinion war that has been going on for more than a week.

As a result, 90% of netizens believed that there must be a problem with Gu Zoujun, and 10% of netizens believed that there was no problem with Gu Zoujun.

When Fang Zhuo saw this survey on Sina near midnight, he couldn't help but burst out laughing. Shouldn't it be said that the public's eyes are sharp?

However, judging from this situation and trend, Changhong's Ni Runfeng may be relieved.

The next morning, when Fang Zhuo held his first meeting in Bingxin's office, he unexpectedly received a call from Gu Zoujun. The other party cheerfully said that the Anhui Provincial Entrepreneurs Federation wanted to visit Bingxin in the afternoon.

Gu Zoujun is the honorary president of this association, so there is no problem in contacting such corporate tours.

But is he still so leisurely at this time? Are you really that confident?

Fang Zhuo agreed in confusion.

He slightly adjusted his work arrangements, thought about it and decided to take this group of people to see the construction site.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Fang Zhuo welcomed the visiting team from the Anhui Provincial Entrepreneurs Federation. After exchanging business cards with pleasantries, he went straight to the ice core factory site in the suburbs.

Although Yongke Real Estate is new here, it has already begun to pile up building materials.

Bingxin's factory has technical requirements and requires careful construction, but the surrounding employee dormitories are ordinary buildings. Yongke Real Estate works first and then renews the certificate. Anyway, there is no obstacle in a suburban area.

Fang Zhuo stood next to the slightly messy building materials and described the plan of the wafer foundry for a group of provincial entrepreneurs, and also talked about its market situation for overseas sales.

There is a wasteland underfoot, but the investment is tens of billions.

Provincial leaders personally invited the company, and overseas markets were ready.

Fang Zhuo's boring introduction made a group of people stunned.

"Mr. Fang has courage and perseverance. If it were me, I would never dare to engage in semiconductors." Gu Zoujun took advantage of everyone to look around the unremarkable construction site and started chatting with Fang Zhuo with a smile.

You even dare to die, what else can you dare not do?

Fang Zhuo slandered and said: "It's just a business, and different fields are engaged in economic construction."

"Yes, Mr. Fang returned to Anhui Province this time to build the economy of his hometown." Gu Zoujun praised him repeatedly, and then said, "It is a blessing for Anhui Province to have entrepreneurs like Mr. Fang. Yesterday I was at the federation's meeting It says that Mr. Fang has to come to the meeting like this to live up to this name."

"President Fang, this year you will be the vice president of the association, and next year you will have the title of honorary president."

Fang Zhuo didn't care about the federation. He smiled and said a few words of humility before settling on the matter.

After Gu Zoujun said this, he changed the topic and complained: "Mr. Fang, you know that Greencool has encountered some inexplicable attacks recently, which troubles me."

Fang Zhuo nodded, not quite understanding why Gu Zoujun mentioned this in front of him.

"Yesterday, your Sina conducted a vote against me. Mr. Fang, do you know about this?" Gu Zoujun got to the point.

Fang Zhuo was stunned. It turned out that this trip was to raise an army to question the perpetrators?

The boss takes the blame for the website overhaul!

He frowned and said in surprise: "Is there such a thing? Mr. Gu, I don't know."

Gu Zoujun observed the young CEO's expression and confirmed that he really didn't know. He complained: "Mr. Fang, everyone knows that Sina belongs to you. This wave suddenly made many people think that it was Mr. Fang who wanted to target me. .”

"We are all members of the Anhui Provincial Enterprise Federation. We cannot let our relatives hate and hate our enemies."

Fang Zhuo had just been verbally granted a membership, and in the blink of an eye he was married.

On the one hand, he felt dumbfounded, but on the other hand, he also felt that it would not be unfair if something happened to Gu Zoujun.

What's the most important thing now?

Could it be that the owner of a portal website was hired to publicize a netizen voting event?

Is Lang Xianping done? Have you said hello at the administrative level? Have all the company's accounts been sorted out?

I don't even know how to grasp the main contradiction, and it's totally meaningless to conduct such a visit.

Fang Zhuo lowered his evaluation of Gu Zoujun by two levels in his heart and said in deep thought: "Mr. Gu, I really don't know about this matter. You also know that I have been in Luzhou recently. Well, I'll ask the capital in the evening. Let’s see what’s going on.”

"I will not interfere with Sina's normal operations. Mr. Gu, don't worry too much about this matter. You should still try your best to calm down the main public opinion dispute."

Gu Zoujun said with a calm expression: "Isn't it that I am here to see Mr. Fang to stabilize public opinion?"

"I am not the center of public opinion." Fang Zhuo shook his head.

"Just do it one by one." Gu Zoujun said with a smile, "Mr. Fang gave me some face, others gave me some face, and this matter will gradually calm down."

"This is no longer a matter of face, Mr. Gu, haven't you noticed that more and more people are involved in public opinion?" Fang Zhuo said a little rudely, "At times like this, soldiers are very valuable, and if you can't make the final decision, you have to have someone. Be prepared to abandon your car to save your commander-in-chief.”

Gu Zoujun stopped laughing and said stiffly: "It seems that Mr. Fang's Sina didn't do this unintentionally."


Fang Zhuo couldn't help but sneer. He understood his current mentality. He wanted to comment on rough work when he saw it.

"Mr. Gu, what you are dealing with right now is not about telling me whether it is intentional or not, and I am too lazy to interfere with public opinion." Fang Zhuo felt a little strange, "It's up to you whether you believe it or not."

Gu Zoujun was suspicious.

Fang Zhuo didn't want to talk about this anymore and ended the chat unilaterally.

He clapped his hands to attract the attention of the visiting team. When everyone gathered together again, he smiled and said: "There is nothing interesting in this construction site. When the ice core has an outline, everyone is welcome to visit."

"I'm in charge of food in the evening, so I came here anyway, and we chatted over dinner. Today I want to talk about something more formal, and I'm going to talk about how I negotiated cooperation with Wal-Mart in New York."

Fang Zhuo casually found a topic that aroused interest, and then greeted everyone to get in the car.

However, he stopped the car not far after driving.

Fang Zhuo lowered the window of his commercial vehicle, pointed to the newly painted road sign at the intersection, and said, "This road was just renamed. It is now called Yuhu Road."

"Jade gourd?" Some people wondered, "Are gourds grown around here?"

Gu Zoujun spoke up: "It's a jade pot, a jade pot with a heart of ice in the jade pot, the jade pot road."

Everyone heard this saying, and the people who were covered behind stretched their heads forward to look at the street signs. It turned out to be a jade pot with a heart of ice in it.

The city government even changed the name of the road for this project...

Even though there were several rough guys in the car, I felt an indescribable Chinese romance at this time.

This is no longer just a piece of ice core in the jade pot, it is simply a naked sincerity in the ice core.

"It is indeed the biggest project in our province this year."

"President Fang, our city and province are really paying more attention than ever before!"

"When the ice core is completed, Mr. Fang must notify me. I have to come and take a group photo."

Almost everyone in the car was sincerely amazed and envious. The importance behind this kind of small treatment is unparalleled.

Fang Zhuo learned the name of the road the day before yesterday. At this moment, he was a little proud to see everyone's reaction. He laughed twice and raised the car window again: "The intensity and sincerity of investment promotion in our province are good, really. , our Anhui Province is not considered a strong province, and the more this happens, the more we need to work together."

The Forbes billionaire made such a statement, and others naturally followed suit, and the atmosphere in the car was peaceful.

However, some people noticed that the honorary president Gu Zoujun's attitude was quite different from before. He seemed to be a little uninterested after chatting with Mr. Fang, and they didn't know what the two people were talking about.

The atmosphere during dinner continued to be good. Fang Zhuo, who is rich in wealth, did not seem to be so difficult to communicate with in his words. The content of the company he talked about was meaningful, and he became the focus almost immediately.

As the honorary president who organized this tour, Gu Zoujun went out to answer a phone call during the middle of the meal, but when he came back, he looked ugly.

Fang Zhuo noticed this detail, but did not ask what new situation the other party had encountered.

After the guest of honor had enjoyed himself, Fang Zhuo returned to the hotel room. He opened his notebook and read the relevant news for a while, and immediately guessed what news Gu Zoujun had received.

——More than a dozen researchers from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences jointly issued a statement to safeguard academic independence and support Professor Lang Xianping.

I wonder if an institution like the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences can compete with the various experts invited by Gu Zoujun.

Along with this most important news, there are also many professors and scholars who have suffered from stress.

Doing some calculations, in less than two weeks, almost all the heavyweight scholars in the Chinese economic circle have expressed their own opinions, with clear and opposing positions. It can be said that the economic theory circle is the largest and most explosive in the past 20 years. a debate.

Is this just talking about the restructuring of state-owned enterprises?


What are you talking about?

Fang Zhuo fell into deep thought as he stared at the laptop screen. That, that, experts, professors, and scholars, do you still remember that in the beginning, they were just criticizing Changhong's possible problems...

Nowadays, almost no one mentions Changhong. What everyone refutes is the theory, and the example given is Greencool.

It depends on whether Gu Zou Jun can withstand this wave.

In such a turbulent public opinion war on economic theory, if you want to know right from wrong, or if you want to put a sentence or a comma on it, the easiest way is to look it up.

Anyway, Gu Zoujun has already promised that he is not afraid of investigation, so the relevant departments may not be polite.

Fang Zhuo assessed the situation and suspected that the investigation faced by Gu Zoujun and Greencool would not last long, but he was thinking more about Changhong's situation.

Everyone was concerned about whether Mr. Gu Zoujun and Mr. Gu had any problems, but he was the only one who was worried about whether Mr. Ni was scared.

Soon, as the public opinion war raged for the past two weeks, a joint investigation by the securities regulatory bureaus of the four provinces of Guangdong, Jiangsu, Hubei and Anhui was officially launched to investigate Greencool's use of Kelon Electric funds. Investigation into the acquisition of Meiling Electrical Appliances and other incidents was launched.

Just one day later, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange also announced that they would settle in Kelon's headquarters to conduct centralized verification of financial issues.

Different provinces and exchanges responded quickly, and they all investigated Greencool and Gu Zoujun at almost the same time. To say that there was no higher-level will behind this... Fang Zhuo didn't believe it.

Moreover, he somewhat doubted whether Gu Zoujun himself had been controlled.

Fang Zhuo didn't try to verify this. He just planned to wait for the outcome of an event that was almost a high probability.

As far as the property rights reform of state-owned enterprises is concerned, there are many things that can only be done but cannot be said, and everything said is wrong.

Gu Zoujun ordered Greencool and Kelon Electric to rush to the front without any sensitivity. His fate may have been inevitable from the beginning.

On October 15th, in the middle of the month, a reporter came to Luzhou to visit Meiling, whose equity was acquired by Gu Zoujun during the public opinion dispute.

Just when they were about to buy air tickets to return after finishing the shooting and interview, they thought they would come here and interview Fang Zhuo, who was also in Luzhou.

Immediately, the reporter called Yike, seeking an interview with President Fang Zhuo, and drove to the location of Bingxin's office.

This paragraph is basically based on the historical facts of the turbulent thirty years.

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