Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 415 Real Investors (2-in-1)

The door to Yike's president's office was shut hard.

Everyone outside looked at Xiong Xiaoge who came out, and some even stuck their heads out of the department office to take a look.

Contrary to everyone's imagination, IDG China President Xiong Xiaoge's expression was calm and natural, not red with anger at all, and not gloomy at all.

He walked straight to Yike's reception room, ignoring the veiled glances.

Almost the moment Xiong Xiaoge closed the door to the reception room, buzzing discussions started.

As the vice president of Yike, Su Wei immediately rushed to the front line of eating melons.

She also took some less important company information in her hand. She knocked gently on the door of the president's office and walked in. She saw Mr. Fang smoking.

"It's nothing."

Su Wei put down the information and asked.

Fang Zhuo shook his head in disappointment and sighed: "Old Xiong came here early because he cut off his robe and severed his righteousness."

"Ah?" Su Wei thought, "Yike rings the bell, won't he go?"

Fang Zhuo raised his head and glanced at Teacher Xiao Su, but said nothing.

Su Wei thought for another twenty seconds and said, "IDG is already a shareholder of Bingxin, and Mr. Xiong is a director. This relationship cannot be severed."

Fang Zhuo extinguished his cigarette in surprise and stared at Vice President Su.

Su Wei didn't know why.

The two stared at each other for half a minute.

Su Wei avoided the burning expectant eyes and asked strangely: "Is there anything wrong with what I said?"

Fang Zhuo nodded slightly, it was not bad to have his own level of skill.

He said melancholy: "Old Xiong is a very strange person. Sometimes he believes in me, and sometimes he doesn't believe me. One moment he invests in people, and the next moment he doesn't believe that the people he invests in can reach the finish line smoothly. "

"It's obvious that at this time, I want to be conceited and submissive, but here comes the cutting off of justice."

Su Wei thought about it and commented: "Mr. Xiong may be a person of temperament."

She continued: "The ice core was hit, and he thinks you may have some misleading information. When the situation is not so bad, he should be able to figure it out."

Su Wei looked at the boss's thoughtful expression and made a small suggestion: "The business situation is complicated and unpredictable. Mr. Xiong seems to think that you are not treating him with sincerity. Just communicate more in the future and show your sincerity." ."

That makes sense.

From now on, just be a human being.

Fang Zhuo stood up: "Let's go."

"Huh? Are you going to find Mr. Xiong?" Su Wei didn't react at all.

"It's a meeting, it's a meeting." Fang Zhuo said, his mood swings had calmed down, and we would talk about Lao Xiong later.

"Uh, um, okay." Su Wei couldn't see any trace of previous depression on the boss's face, so she could only think that psychological quality has always been a strong part of business people.

Fang Zhuo asked as he walked: "Go downstairs to prepare some security before the meeting. Don't be too conspicuous."

Su Wei was stunned: "As for that?"

As for that? Today's meeting is full of high-profile people. What kind of fierce conflict could break out between the president of this company and the chief executive of that company?

"I have had some communication with Goldman Sachs, and this is not the first time for Lao Xiong, but until now, Zhang Hongli from Deutsche Bank has only briefly informed me of the news from SMIC, and Connor from DCM has not contacted me at all." Fang Zhuo explained. , "Teacher Xiao Su, you must be prepared at all times, otherwise, if someone jumps on the table and pulls my hair, it would be too embarrassing."

You definitely won't pull your hair, the boss's hair is so short.

Su Wei realized in the next second that Fang always said that her hair was very long from her own perspective.

She asked with some worry: "What if there is a conflict?"

Fang Zhuo stopped, turned to look at Vice President Su, and said strangely: "At that time, will you still be merciful?"

Su Wei: "I..."

"The contract is written in black and white. We are innocent and we should do whatever we want. Anyone who tries to mess up will be beaten out with a stick." Fang Zhuo comforted him, "That's just the worst case scenario, but we have to be prepared. Don't be afraid."

Business activities are sometimes not so gentle and require preparation.

If there is no last resort, who would want to have a conflict with Party A?

Judging from the normal situation, everyone should have a sense of propriety. Even if something suddenly goes out of the ordinary, they still have to be able to cope with it.

Fang Zhuo walked out of the CEO's office and came to the conference room, while Su Wei left the 23rd floor to make some necessary preparations.

At 9:50, Xu Kaiwei's team from Goldman Sachs was welcomed into the conference room. They came from the UK after a long journey.

Two minutes later, Fang Zhuo and Zhang Hongli shook hands, and the Deutsche Bank team sat across from Goldman Sachs.

At ten o'clock sharp, Xiong Xiaoge led his team from the reception room to the conference room, all with solemn expressions. This group of people had already been reprimanded by Xiong Xiaoge, and the atmosphere of laughter and laughter was strictly prohibited.

Fang Zhuo was sitting alone in the main seat. Yike's assistant just poured tea for everyone and then left the conference room.

There were nearly twenty people sitting in the conference room from all directions, but Yike's conference room was very large and could accommodate even more people.

Another five minutes passed, and Fang Zhuo, president of Bingxin CSMC, broke the dull silence: "Connor hasn't come yet, DCM is late."


The door was pushed open and hit the wall.

Connor arrived with his people.

DCM has the most people, including Connor, there are ten people in total.

Fang Zhuo heard the sound and looked at them. They were all okay. They were all gentle and gentle, and none of them were strong.

At this time, Su Wei also walked in and sat next to Fang Zhuo. She gave the boss a look and said it was done.

Seeing DCM take his seat, Fang Zhuo said calmly: "It's enough that the directors will be here, everyone else can go out."

As soon as these words came out.

Several people from IDG stood up immediately and prepared to return to the reception room. Goldman Sachs also stood up when they saw this, Deutsche Bank was a little commotion, and DCM was hesitant.

Xiong Xiaoge turned his head and glared, and when IDG saw the president's eyes, he quickly sat back.

Goldman Sachs also stopped, while Deutsche Bank and DCM looked at their presidents.

Fang Zhuo did not urge.

Xu Kaiwei waved his hand, and the Goldman Sachs team left the conference room.

Zhang Hongli also nodded slightly, and Deyin's people got up and followed him out.

Xiong Xiaoge then gave his subordinates a look, and the IDG team stood up for the second time and walked out of the conference room.

Connor was unmoved, glanced at Su Wei next to Fang Zhuo, and said lukewarmly: "Why is this person still here?"

Fang Zhuo said calmly: "She represents Luzhou SDIC, and Director Wu Hongquan can't get over."

Even Xu Kaiwei from the UK came here, but Wu Hongquan couldn't come?

Just an excuse.

Luzhou SDIC is undoubtedly on Fang Zhuo's side.

Connor gave a slight "hum" and said to the nine people in DCM: "You guys can get out."

The nine gentle senior talents stood up and walked out of the conference room. As they walked from the conference room to the reception room, it was strange that many of the employees in white shirts of Yike Group were so majestic and looked like basketball players.

At ten past ten, there were only six people left in the conference room of Hang Lung 23.

At this time, Connor questioned again: "No! She represents Luzhou SDIC? She was there when I came last time. Is she an employee of Yike?"

Fang Zhuo nodded: "This is Vice President Su Wei of Yike. She was entrusted by Luzhou State Investment Corporation to attend the Ice Core Board of Directors meeting on behalf of the company today."

Connor held on to it and said, "Where's the power of attorney?"

Fang Zhuo turned to Su Wei and ordered: "Write a power of attorney and show it to him."

Su Wei got up, she could write a copy and have Luzhou SDIC stamp it and fax it over.

Connor said angrily: "You!"

Xu Kaiwei took a flight all night, and came out exhausted and said: "Okay, is it interesting? Today we are going to discuss the development of ice cores."

Connor no longer struggled with the power of attorney, but he didn't lose face either.

He even stood up and scolded Xu Kaiwei first: "What happened to you before? Join forces to let us DCM invest?"

Xu Kaiwei glanced at Zhang Hongli of Deyin. When Connor said this with such certainty, he could only be relieved.

Connor continued to shout angrily: "What a great move! You cheated our DCM, and you Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, and IDG just got away with it?!"

"But in just a month or two, you are all in a hurry to tie the rope around your neck?"

"You tie me, I tie him, he strangles you, good, good, good, look what happens now!"

He raised his right hand and pointed at Fang Zhuo, whose expression remained unchanged: "Isn't it all easy for Fang Zhuo!"

The expressions of Xu Kaiwei and Zhang Hongli were a bit subtle. This matter, this matter...

Alas, there is no reason to reason.

Connor continued: "Fang Zhuo, what do you think you want to do by pushing forward the investment progress so actively?"

Fang Zhuo explained: "Of course, the project must be implemented as soon as possible, Connor. Some facts do not warrant conspiracy theories."

Connor pressed: "Then what do you want to do by recruiting Xiong Xiaoge and colluding with Goldman Sachs and Deutsche Bank?"

Fang Zhuo said calmly: "Let one family's investment enter the market first. Is there anything strange about this?"

He asked back: "Connor, let's talk about it, Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, IDG, which one of them has invested less money than you?"

Connor was stunned, looked around, and raised his voice: "Yeah, which one of you hasn't been trapped? Are you just sitting here without your mouth today?"

Zhang Hongli remained silent. He had a rather stubborn personality and wanted to hear other people's opinions.

Xu Kaiwei pondered, Goldman Sachs is different from other companies. In the end, it will definitely be the one with the least losses.

Xiong Xiaoge looked at this scene in the conference room and suddenly felt a little sad. Such a familiar scene seemed vaguely like his lost youth.

"Connor, you are so excited. Why do you think everyone is sitting here calmly?" Fang Zhuo finally stood up and looked around, "Real investors will not be aggrieved because of a small setback."

He emphasized: "Besides, does Yike invest less money than you? When it comes to being hit, I, Yike, am the one who has suffered the most losses. I'm not in a hurry. Why are you in a hurry?"

Connor had a phone call with Zhang Hongli from Deutsche Bank this morning, and was informed of the tacit understanding of a previous investment meeting, intentionally or unintentionally.

Therefore, he was shocked and angry, and considering that SMIC was sued by TSMC, most of the emotions he showed today were true.

DCM has done a quick review of TSMC’s electric hand, and it’s basically all negative.

SMIC is now facing a listing. If it does not go public, it will die. Once it does, it will lose blood. This will inevitably affect the capital market's confidence in China's semiconductor industry.

Not to mention this kind of confidence, it turns mid-term planning directly into long-term hold-up. In the short term, who will invest in the next wave of financing?

If Bingxin wants to develop, this round of financing alone will definitely not be enough. In the context of SMIC’s difficulties, it will be difficult to find international capital to take over the second round of financing. Even if Fang Zhuo has great powers and can bring state-owned assets into the market, then this project will be returned immediately. A tried and true route to China.

As the proportion of state-owned assets increases, the difficulty of international equipment procurement immediately increases.

This is an extremely real neck-stuck problem.

In addition to capital market and financial considerations, the main part of Bingxin's current technical team is still Qiu Ciyun and others who came from SMIC. Qiu Ciyun was the senior director of TSMC before going to SMIC.

Sino-core suffered disaster, can Bing-core escape?

TSMC didn't tell SMIC early or late, and just picked the node before it went on the market. Isn't this fattening the pig before killing it?

If Ice Core continues SMIC’s technology, will there be such risks in the future?

If it does not continue, how can it develop rapidly?

The technology in the semiconductor industry changes very rapidly. If it cannot develop like SMIC, why choose such a project to invest?

As for other domestic policy support and support, they are not the main factors for the success of the project. They can only be the icing on the cake and cannot provide help in times of need. Otherwise, Huajing and Huahong would not be in the current situation.

Now, judging from a series of events, Connor even suspected that Fang Zhuo had learned about the prosecution in advance through Qiu Ciyun, the former senior director of TSMC, so he urgently built an ice core project.

"Fang Zhuo, SMIC is facing a very serious situation. I don't think it is a good idea to develop a wafer fab project at this point in time." Connor said solemnly, "What we should do now is to step back from the brink and stop losses in time. "

Fang Zhuo raised his eyebrows and smiled for the first time since he entered the conference room: "Are you kidding me? The international equipment purchase contract, the Luzhou local land contract, and the support policies given by the ministry, this is what you can do if you just stop the loss in time. Can it be stopped?"

"Is your DCM planning to give up on the domestic market?"

"Still, you, Connor, are planning to resign from being in charge of this place."

Fang Zhuo turned to sneer: "Didn't you bring legal affairs with you today? Didn't you read the contract before coming here? What are you wishing for?"

Connor said earnestly: "Why bother? Do you know how TSMC sued SMIC?"

"They submitted a lot of evidence in favor of TSMC in the United States!"

"They are asking for $1 billion in compensation!"

"This will definitely have a chain reaction on SMIC, and it is definitely not just the impact of a listing!"

"In this case, cutting the flesh is the best option. Fang Zhuo, whether it's from the top or the local government, if you are worried about the impact of these factors on your domestic company, I can come forward to take care of this bad reputation, and I can mediate."

Evidence + US$1 billion in compensation, this is the latest confirmed situation.

From all aspects, it will be difficult for SMIC to make a comeback in this matter.

Xu Kaiwei and Zhang Hongli looked at the two standing CEOs, while Xiong Xiaoge made no movement and only frowned.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Fang Zhuo suddenly laughed: "You mediate? You mediate?"

"Mr. Connor, President Connor, where do you think this is?"

"Come on, which leader do you know and whose number is on your mobile phone? Give me a mediation plan today and let's continue the discussion."

"If there is no plan and you don't want to talk about it, then don't disturb our Bingxin meeting of the board of directors."

Fang Zhuo sat down again, put his cell phone on the conference table, raised his head slightly, and stared at Connor.

Connor was stunned for a moment, and after a few seconds he said, "How about Boss Zheng from Shencheng? I know him very well, and he also has connections above."

Xiong Xiaoge turned around and glanced at Mr. Connor, the DCM partner from the United States, in shock. "Good guy, who are you looking for to mediate with whom?"

Fang Zhuo was amused, laughing from the bottom of his heart.

Connor looked at the gaffeed young president coldly.

Fang Zhuo stopped laughing: "Who are you talking about? Looking for him? That's my brother."


Fang Zhuo gave him a funny look: "Then my brother."

"Connor, you have already wasted too much time. Go out without talking. Otherwise, I will have someone take you out."

At this time, Su Wei, who had been holding the phone in her hand, pressed the dial button.

After a few seconds, the door to the conference room was opened.

People outside looked inside with eager eyes.

Connor sneered, that's it?

Xiong Xiaoge sighed and smoothed things over: "Connor, sit down, brainstorm ideas and adapt measures to local conditions. We are here today to solve the problem."

Connor sneered twice and sat down.

Su Wei stood up gently, waved outside, and closed the conference room door of Hang Lung 23.

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