Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 417 Pass it on, Mr. Fang... (two in one)

Elite teams from Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, IDG, and DCM were in the same room, and they all contributed their own opinions on TSMC's lawsuit against SMIC.

Compared with the more exciting and straightforward collision of intentions on the previous board meeting, what these people said contained more rational coldness.

For example, IDG's team assessed SMIC's sales this year and the possible market impact.

This made Xiong Xiaoge a little embarrassed, especially when several other presidents heard this and gave more or less funny reactions.

He also understood that this data could not be as detailed as the one given by Fang Zhuo, and it could only be regarded as an add-on when corroborated by two factors.

The elites worked hard to output data and opinions, and there was a vague feeling of comparison between them because of each other's names. However, the leader basically did not speak, and only President Bingxin listened with interest.

"What's your name for this one?"

Fang Zhuo's listening was not just pretending, he also made comments and inquiries.

"It's Xu Jiakai, our asset management researcher." Zhang Hongli from Deutsche Bank introduced him. This person has a Ph.D. from MIT.

"Jiakai, the market estimation data model you just mentioned is a bit interesting." Fang Zhuo heard his assessment of the future ice core market from this person, so he asked further, "Have you done any research on China's domestic market? ?"

Xu Jiakai said steadily: "Mr. Fang, please do some research."

Fang Zhuo nodded, turned his head and said, "Mr. Su, please bring in some more drinks and water. Several of our voices are a little hoarse."

Bingxin's president is caring even for non-employees, while Xu Jiakai shared some of his own analysis and opinions on the Chinese market under Fang Zhuo's eyes.

He knew that what Mr. Fang wanted to hear was not the development trend of the entire semiconductor market, but the impact of future demand on ice cores.

However, Xu Jiakai's views were not entirely in line with what he thought Mr. Fang wanted to hear.

China's economy will develop greatly, and the demand for semiconductors will gradually become stronger. However, the increase in domestic sales may not be as much as imagined.

Taking SMIC as an example, its domestic sales accounted for less than 14% this year.

In the next three years, the increase in domestic share is not very optimistic according to Xu Jiakai's data model analysis. It is only an increase of one percentage point per year. This still excludes the impact of TSMC's lawsuit.

In fact, this lawsuit is likely to lead to a reduction in the proportion of domestic market demand.

The reason is that SMIC and Ice Core are only intermediate links in the semiconductor industry. They are engaged in wafer foundry. What they produce is not direct chips, but must be tested and packaged in downstream links before they can be sent to the end market.

This type of foundry is commonly known as a Fab factory, while the ones from Samsung and Intel that cover the entire process from design to production to sales are IDM factories.

Fang Zhuo has been paying close attention to current industry information since he wanted to be a semiconductor. He has a vague memory. Currently, TSMC has not been involved in the field of IC packaging, but in the future, TSMC will master world-class packaging technology.

In other words, TSMC will choose to spread to the downstream of the production chain in the future.

Wafer raw materials → IC design → wafer foundry → IC testing → IC packaging, compared to the powerful TSMC in Fang Zhuo’s memory, although it is also powerful now, it has not yet reached the level of half of the industry chain leader.

Moore's Law of semiconductors will rush forward in the next ten years, and newly entered ice cores can only do whatever they can to find a leading position.

Xu Jiakai has finished speaking from his point of view using data model analysis.

Fang Zhuo let out a long breath.

Everyone in the conference room thought that the young president was regretful or dissatisfied with his unoptimistic views.

"Jiakai, your analysis is very interesting. I believe that Ice Core will be able to personally verify whether it is correct or not in the future. If you are interested, you can come to my place for development."

Fang Zhuo poached people so nakedly in front of the other president... but many people thought he was very calm and humorous.

"Everyone talked a lot and listened to a lot of analysis from colleagues. I believe we all have a preliminary idea of ​​the impact of this incident."

"Jiakai just said that due to the weakness of the domestic industry, it is difficult for ice core to reap the dividends of future domestic demand development. There is no need to be discouraged."

"Originally, the customers of wafer foundry are large foreign manufacturers. We cannot have the mentality that if we don't take advantage, we will suffer a loss. Moreover, there is a lot of room for operation in this kind of thing. I have a certain degree of confidence in this aspect."

"Today, Goldman Sachs, IDG, DCM, and Deutsche Bank came together to care about the future development of Ice Core and jointly make suggestions. As the president, I am very grateful to everyone."

"Everyone gave me a lot of suggestions, and I also gave me some ideas based on the current situation."

Fang Zhuo calmly expressed his position again: "Ice core still has good development prospects. There may be twists and turns, but we will definitely be able to overcome it with our joint efforts."

"We will communicate the impact of the SMIC incident on the entire domestic semiconductor industry and any new developments as soon as possible."

"In this way, if we are still here a week later, Bingxin will hold a board meeting. Presumably the SMIC incident will be clearer by then. We will discuss it then."

Different from being passive when this meeting was requested, Fang Zhuo took the initiative to set up a second meeting after the entire meeting process was completed.

A week will almost bring clarity to the SMIC incident, and it will also allow the heads of the China region of these four institutions to deal with internal pressure.

As for how to deal with it, anyway, the progress of the ice core will only move forward, not backward. Fang Zhuo has provided the best method he can provide.

The four presidents who came to the meeting today were mainly responsible for the investment business, but Fang Zhuo provided an overall vision, so they were all silenced at once.

Deep linkage of business, mutual support of strong and weak, and related processing of transactions.

This is not only an advance road show, but also a blueprint.

Fang Zhuo's response today was actually quite restrained. What he wanted to do was not to fight off Bingxin's directors, but to continue to make more friends so that they could still maintain confidence in Bingxin.

Goldman Sachs is to the United States, Deutsche Bank is to Germany, and the funds and connections of IDG and DCM are all the help that ice core can solidify as it continues to move forward.

The ice core board meeting ended at 1:30 p.m. Fang Zhuo invited everyone to have lunch, but his friends declined due to emergencies, information feedback from the board of directors and other factors.

The four teams left Hang Lung 23 under the leadership of their respective presidents. Compared with the discussions when they arrived, the presidents seemed more preoccupied.

Fang Zhuo waited until all these people got off and then thought about it again. He still felt that he could clear up the misunderstanding with Lao Xiong, so he took the next elevator downstairs.

The cars of the other three institutions are parked in underground parking lots. The people at IDG are familiar with Plaza 66 and park directly in the ground parking spaces.

When Fang Zhuo arrived on the first floor, Xiong Xiaoge was waiting for his subordinate to move the car.

"Old Xiong, please take a step to speak." Fang Zhuo came over quickly and said hello.

Everything Xiong Xiaoge said in the CEO's office came from the bottom of his heart. Ever since he met Fang Desi, he had begun to doubt his professional abilities, but now he might as well listen to what this guy wanted to say after him.

"Old Bear, you..."

"Call me Mr. Xiong."

"Mr. Xiong, you..."

Xiong Xiaoge turned around and left.

Fang Zhuo smiled and compromised: "Mr. Xiong, Mr. Xiong, why are you angry with me, a young man?"

Xiong Xiaoge pointed to the car that was slowly driving over and said, "Mr. Fang, we are father-in-law. If you have anything to say, just say it. Otherwise, the car will arrive as soon as it arrives."

Fang Zhuo raised his index finger at IDG's business car.

The car stopped.

Xiong Xiaoge felt his temples twitching. His family members were so shameless today!

"Mr. Xiong, to be honest, I also think that the SMIC incident is a big event in the domestic semiconductor industry, but the construction of production lines and production capacity of Ice Core will be at least a matter of the next year. This impact will be diluted by time. .”

"Ice Core has enough time to digest the financing that Connor is worried about and the technology that Xu Kaiwei is worried about."

"Hu Zhengming, who is coming to HKUST, has a two-year non-compete agreement starting from this year, which will expire the year after tomorrow."

“That’s when ice cores have their chance to shine.”

"Furthermore, when I look at TSMC, it may not be internally stable."

Fang Zhuo spoke a little faster and with a sincere attitude: "Mr. Xiong, if I am after money, Yike's listing will bring me endless money, so why bother to deceive you venture capital investors?"

Xiong Xiaoge was going to be bitter, and he laughed angrily: "You also know that we are bitter? Fang Zhuo, Fang Zhuo, if you talk about friendship, if you really treat me as a friend, you can't arrest IDG. !”

"That's because I really believe that ice core can be successful!" Fang Zhuo said categorically, "Take the registration network that you are so worried about. Is it dead now? Although it cannot complete the closed loop of registration fees, it can On the contrary, it is precisely because of this that we are more rooted in the medical field, and the online medical sales license we obtained and the hospital system development we launched are all rooted in this!"

"For one year, if you say I lied to you, that's fine."

"For two years, if you say I'm malicious, that's fine."

"What will look like in three, four, or five years? You see, Alibaba's Taobao is booming now. E-commerce is the trend of the times. Medical Science is the only online pharmaceutical sales, but it has not yet launched. It’s just strength!”

"Old Xiong, you are prejudiced against me!"

"Prejudice is a mountain in your heart!"

Fang Zhuo frowned: "I chose semiconductors because I wanted to make it a success, not to use it to make money. You may say that I am unscrupulous, or you may say that I am not honest enough, but you must not think that I raised this money. If you don’t do things, you won’t strive for success.”

Xiong Xiaoge questioned: "So, even if others don't want to invest, you still have to do everything possible to get them to invest together? Even if I don't invest, it won't work?"

"Even if I regard you as a friend, I don't want you to miss the opportunity to succeed together." Fang Zhuo said.

Xiong Xiaoge didn't know whether to laugh or frown: "Okay, okay, Mr. Fang, I can't explain your fallacy. You are a eloquent person and the best at drawing pictures, but I tell you, IDG has stopped participating in ice cores. That’s it.”

Fang Zhuo sighed, it seemed that no private reconciliation could be reached today.

He waved to the car.

The commercial vehicle slowly drove over again.

"Old Xiong, if it were anyone else, I wouldn't have said so much." Fang Zhuo said seriously, "You didn't hear me finish the third sentence in the CEO's office before, so I'll say it all here. I’ll take you to invest in the future.”

Xiong Xiaoge laughed three times, opened the door and got into the car.

The commercial vehicle accelerated slowly and left Plaza 66.

Fang Zhuo watched the group leave.

"Mr. Fang, let's have something to eat. I'll treat you." Su Wei also came down from upstairs, feeling that the boss might be in a bad mood.

"There are so many things going on every day, and I have to deal with so many people with different personalities. I really feel like I am intimidated by society." Fang Zhuo sighed slightly.

Su Wei repeated one word: "Social fear?"

"Oh, social phobia, it takes too much effort to deal with people." Fang Zhuo explained.

Su Wei stopped talking. Is she suffering from social phobia? Social bullshit...

"What do you want to eat? I heard that a delicious Shandong cuisine restaurant has opened nearby? Try it." Fang Zhuo was indeed hungry.

"Okay..." Su Wei could always see her boss quickly dispelling her depression, and she didn't know if he was just faking it.

IDG's commercial vehicle silently left Plaza 66.

"Mr. Xiong, how did you communicate with Mr. Fang in the office today?"

After the car drove for a while, project director Liao Yu couldn't help but ask.

Xiong Xiaoge was not interested in talking about private interpersonal relationships. He shook his head and did not answer.

After a while, Liao Yu asked again: "Mr. Xiong, can the ice core project be completed? The SMIC incident will indeed cause a lot of waves."

"I don't know if ice cores can be made." Xiong Xiaoge was willing to speak this time, "But that's Fang Zhuo. If he can't even operate this project, it won't be possible."

With such a comment from the president, the atmosphere in the business car suddenly became lively.

Several people communicated for a while, and Liao Yu asked: "Mr. Xiong, what exchanges did you have at the small meeting?"

Xiong Xiaoge instantly thought of the most impressive scene in this meeting: "There was no exchange, just Fang Zhuo choked up."

Mr. Fang choked?

Mr. Fang is so awesome that everyone chokes up? !

real or fake? ?

"Mr. Fang choked up, Mr. Xiong, I really don't believe it! Mr. Fang's character... is he pretending? Is he deceiving us as Sabi?" Another person couldn't help but swore, "No way." Believe in the authenticity of this scene.

Liao Yu asked at this time: "Then what about us?"

The commercial vehicle made an emergency stop on the roadside.

Xiong Xiaoge opened the car door: "Get off the car, get off the car, have you wanted to defect to Fang Zhuo for a long time? Go back to Fang Zhuo!"

Soon, Liao Yu was driven out of the car by Xiong Xiaoge, who was filled with evil spirits.

The commercial car really left one passenger behind and continued to move forward.

"Mr. Xiong, Liao Yu had the most fun chatting in the Yike reception room today." Another deputy director complained.

The commercial vehicle pulled over again.

"Get off the car, you get off the car too!" Xiong Xiaoge's evil fire hadn't finished yet, and she really pretended that she couldn't see him, "What kind of look would you make with Fang Zhuo? Go, go find him too."

The commercial vehicle once again left behind a passenger and sped away.

Liao Yu soon reunited with his colleagues, and the two of them didn't panic. This was not a wilderness, and Mr. Xiong had a good temper. After this period, there would be no problem.

"What's wrong with Mr. Xiong today? Are you so angry?"

The two of them stood on the roadside waiting for a taxi, and started talking casually.

"Maybe I felt something because I saw Mr. Fang cry. I guess someone on the board of directors forced Mr. Fang." Liao Yu guessed.

Soon, he mentioned this speculation in a casual chat with his friends. It was said that Mr. Fang of Yike shed tears at the board meeting today.

SMIC is in crisis, Mr. Fang sheds tears?

The grapevine travels fast.

After passing it on, Mr. Fang shed tears.

Passed on, Mr. Fang shed tears for Zhongxin.

Passed on, Mr. Fang shed tears for Huaxia Semiconductor.

On November 27, "China Securities News" published news, mentioning that SMIC had encountered setbacks in its road to listing, and also mentioned industry rumors - Bingxin President Fang, who was obsessed with the development of the domestic semiconductor industry, heard that SMIC was The news of TSMC's malicious sniping made the board of directors burst into tears.

That night, SMIC President Zhang Rujing finally sent a text message back to Fang Zhuo four days after the incident.

"I know, thank you, Mr. Fang, and take care."

Fang Zhuo sent a text message on the evening of the 23rd to remind the ITC of the risks of the ban. Only then did the person involved receive a brief response.

Thank you to the world-dominating leader for the reward... Next month, more updates next month...

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