Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 423 What is far-sightedness (two in one)

Yike's listing road show in Xiangjiang was quite successful.

Therefore, Xu Kaiwei couldn't wait to say that night that he could invite more investors to have another road show the next day.

Fang Zhuo rejected the suggestion for the second show. Firstly, he felt that there were already many organizations coming, and secondly, he felt that there was no point in making a last-minute phone call to do it again. You couldn't call Lao Xiong and ask him to play the oboe.

I am not that kind of person.

The flight to Singapore was scheduled for the next night, so I could have a good night's rest when I arrived there. During the day, Xu Kaiwei took Fang Zhuo around the metropolis of Xiangjiang.

Because of the increased business dealings with Goldman Sachs, Xu Kaiwei, the president of Goldman Sachs China, already has a status of 0.5 points in Fang Zhuo's heart, which is quite impressive.

In the evening, Xu Kaiwei sent Fang Zhuo and his team to the airport. He heard that the young president once again rejected the rich man who came unexpectedly yesterday.

"How is the relationship between Li Xiaochao and his father?"

Fang Zhuo put down his cell phone and was no longer surprised by the rich man's son's inexplicable behavior. He casually asked Xu Kaiwei.

"I heard it was a bit awkward." Xu Kaiwei laughed, "Oh, yes, it was said before that Li Xiaochao wrote a memoir of his mother this year and was bought out by Zhou Kaixuan at a high price. Now it may be even more awkward."

Fang Zhuo understood and regretted that this kind of thing did not happen when Bingxin was short of money, but the future was long and there would be opportunities in the future.

Because Xu Kaiwei had projects to do in Hong Kong and did not want to fly to Singapore, the chat content along the way gradually turned back to the road show business.

"This trip to Xiangjiang was just a brief taste, but the investors here left a deep impression on me." Fang Zhuo said half-heartedly, "This morning, I woke up and picked up my phone, and there was a suggestion from a fund manager on it. He said He studied the prospectus overnight and believed that Yike could indeed enter the Japanese market."

He continued: "Another investment director said this when he left the meeting last night, and he actually texted me to give me advice."

Fang Zhuo complained strongly: "Do these two people have any humanity? Lao Tian almost cried. I couldn't bear to hear it. In the end, he even asked me to break the contract to do the Japanese market."

Xu Kaiwei thought to himself, didn't you take the initiative to break the contract with the Japanese president on the phone? It is conclusive, and I also analyzed that Lexiang Electronics is completely controlled by you...

He shook his head and asked: "Can Yike do the Japanese market?"

Fang Zhuo glanced at the CEO of Goldman Sachs. He didn't include you in what he just said, did he?

"Yike can do it, but it's not necessary. The Japanese market spends 5% of its efforts to achieve 6% of results, and other markets spend 5% of its efforts to achieve 10% of results." He explained, "Japan is Sony's home base. Even if we go, it won’t be now, Sony is in decline, and it hasn’t reached the bottom yet.”

"Our current focus is on high-growth markets. If other markets slow down, then we will consider Japan. There may be a better time then."

Xu Kaiwei listened to the young president's judgment and nodded thoughtfully.

The sun was about to completely set and we arrived at the airport.

Xu Kaiwei gave a few final instructions to the Goldman Sachs team, and then gave a summary of the trip to Mr. Fang: "Mr. Fang, do you know how the investors in Xiangjiang will evaluate you in private after listening to yesterday's road show?"

"They said they didn't expect people from the mainland to be quite cool and far-sighted."

Fang Zhuo smiled: "Is this what you said in private? Mr. Xu, make sure there are no words like 'country bumpkin' or 'make do' in it."

Xu Kaiwei said seriously: "I promise."

Didn't say guaranteed not.

Fang Zhuo patted the CEO of Goldman Sachs in China on the shoulder, shook hands with 0.5 Bear, turned around and boarded the plane, and led the team to Singapore, the second stop of the roadshow trip.

Unlike his colleagues at Universal Capital in Xiangjiang, and unlike the United States, which is the business center, Fang Zhuo has no special expectations for Singapore. He just follows Goldman Sachs's recommendations to complete his job.

In fact, the area he is more interested in in Singapore is semiconductors.

In previous meetings, Fang Zhuo used Singapore as an example of the development of a national system for semiconductors, and the equipment procurement of ice cores also regarded Singapore as a key country in Asia.

That night, Fang Zhuo did not read the speech. Instead, he read the analysis of Singapore's semiconductor industry in the middle of the night with great interest.

However, the enthusiasm of investors at the Yike IPO Roadshow Singapore on the next day, December 5, surprised Fang Zhuo.

The banquet hall of the roadshow is in the Fullerton Hotel, located in the central business district of Singapore. It is quite magnificent and luxurious. The history of this building can be traced back nearly a hundred years, and the establishment of the hotel was announced by Singaporean leaders personally only the year before last.

The Goldman Sachs and Yike teams arrived in advance to arrange the event, while Fang Zhuo waited until the investors were almost there before walking into the banquet hall with the manuscript.

However, when he walked into the banquet hall, or to be precise, when he took two steps into the banquet hall, all the investors stood up and applauded. The atmosphere could no longer be said to be warm, but violent.

Fang Zhuo was startled.

What's going on with this applause and enthusiasm?

Are you just about to start? Isn't it over already?

Did I go to the wrong place?

Fang Zhuo took the manuscript and silently walked onto the stage full of doubts.

The banquet hall was actually quite big, and there were only a few dozen people in it. Counting my own team members, it was probably enough to fill the room with over a hundred people, but the applause really had to make the palms of my hands red to have this effect.

Fang Zhuo stood on the stage and had an unobstructed view of the banquet hall, and glanced at Chen Huiyao, the person in charge of Goldman Sachs.

This guy didn't show off when he was with Xu Kaiwei in Xiangjiang. He immediately started to work as soon as he led the team.

Hey, you want to show your ability?

you say! Do you want to come to Yike?

However, Chen Huiyao was also surprised by the scene in front of him. When he saw Mr. Fang's eyes, he immediately confirmed that Mr. Fang had made preparations in advance.

"Hello everyone, I am Fang Zhuo, the president of Yike. I am very happy to come to Singapore. I have just felt everyone's enthusiasm."

"This trip here is called a road show, but actually I want to talk to you about the changes in the industry in today's world."

"Twenty-four years ago, Sony released the first Walkman, which took the world by storm."

"To be honest, what I wanted most when I was in junior high school was a music player like this. I talked about it with my family for a long time, but in the end I couldn't buy it."

"At that time, I really didn't expect that an MP3 player would impact Sony Walkman's industry status."

"Nearly three years ago, my global marketing director and I found the product director to make a prototype of the machine. I told them with certainty that this would be a product that could shake Walkman and even Sony. As a result, they still refused. Do not believe."

"What they think is that they can sell domestically. They didn't expect that today's Yike has been contacted and competed by Sony several times. But in fact, we don't care much about Sony's competition now. The only real competitor is the United States. of Apple."

Fang Zhuo glanced at the investors who were listening very seriously and felt that the atmosphere could be relaxed.

He shrugged and said with a smile: "Because Sony's era has passed."

Unexpectedly, as soon as these words came out, the banquet hall burst into warm applause again.

Fang Zhuo didn't hold it back this time. He seemed to see confusion on Goldman Sachs Chen Yaohui's face just now. The atmosphere was so good and a bit weird. Those who didn't know better thought that members of a pyramid scheme organization were traveling to Singapore for a meeting.

He interrupted his speech, walked two steps down, and asked an investor in the first row who applauded most enthusiastically: "Hi, hi, big brother, you applaud so hard, are you not a supporter of our Yike?"

These words made the banquet hall burst into laughter, and there was even sporadic applause.

What the hell is this star treatment? Fang Zhuo muttered in his heart.

"Hello, Mr. Fang, I am Gao Ruixiang, the investment director of Singapore Panshi Fund. I am very happy to come to Mr. Fang Yike's listing road show." The investor introduced himself with a smile, then turned to the person behind him and said, "I didn't receive any Mr. Fang’s salary, I’m from Panshi Fund.”

Fang Zhuo echoed the laughter in the banquet hall this time.

Gao Ruixiang continued: "There are two reasons why I applaud. One is that I am very happy to see Mr. Fang today, and the other is that I admire Mr. Fang's vision of the market."

The two reasons are unremarkable, even a bit polite and perfunctory.

Fang Zhuo's doubts were not answered, and he did not hide his expression.

Gao Ruixiang continued: "I believe that many colleagues here today have the same admiration as me. Mr. Fang, may I ask if you have made suggestions to Sony very early?"

Fang Zhuo thought for a few seconds: "I don't think I had any suggestions? I did give you a warning."

"Yes, yes, that's it." Gao Ruixiang said with a smile, "In the past half month, a comment about Mr. Fang's evaluation of Sony has been circulated on Singapore TV. The source is a TV program in Tokyo. The material in it seems to be Mr. Fang's evaluation of Sony. TV shows I participated in before.”

Fang Zhuo suddenly realized.

"It's a Chinese CCTV program." Gao Ruixiang added.

Fang Zhuo no longer needed to add anything. He knew that it was the entrepreneurial program "Win in China" that he had participated in. At that time, he did let Sony go... more than once.

Another investor also spoke up: “After reading Mr. Fang’s evaluation of Sony and looking at the materials found again by financial programs, we learned that Mr. Fang had already predicted the direction of Sony’s player business when the product project was established. , Mr. Fang’s vision, ability and execution are really admirable.”

The reason for today's fierce enthusiasm lies in investors' descriptions.

Global giant Sony is the pride of the Japanese people, but its business has declined significantly in the past year. What's even more fatal is that Sony's 2002 financial report released in April this year showed huge losses!

Not only that, its stock price limit also caused Japan's high-tech stocks to dive collectively, even shaking the Nikkei Index!

Therefore, under such a situation, reflection on "What happened to Sony" and suggestions for it have become the topics of many Japanese programs.

This type of program has been on the air for a while, and I don’t know where a clip came from that was included in TV Tokyo’s program analysis.

——Sony is a giant, but they have not realized that the Internet era is opening up a new channel.

——The starting gun has been fired, we are running out of the first position, and there is not much time left for Sony.

Time is running out for Sony?

If this sentence was said after Sony released its loss-making financial report, it would be a relatively radical expression in general perception.


After an investigation by TV Tokyo, this sentence was discovered to great shock. It was said by an entrepreneur on a Chinese TV program 2 years ago!

2 years ago, 2001!

Did the Chinese entrepreneurs at that time issue a warning to Sony? !

Two years later, Sony fell, and this entrepreneur was already one of the most eye-catching business figures in China!

This development was reported by TV Tokyo and immediately became popular in various Japanese programs, followed by more detailed excavations.

——Sony has achieved great success with Walkman. When facing an uncertain future, they will not give up their star products and will not fully invest in innovation.

——Any enterprise that cannot keep up with the times, whether it is a giant or not, may be submerged by the trend.

——This is the sorrow and fear of the giants. Sony will understand the value of this opportunity only after suffering.

——Yes, just because the M1, which is less than the size of a palm in my hand, is available, there is not much time left for Sony.

It is not difficult to find the material for the CCTV program "Win in China", and Fang Zhuo made a lot of comments about Sony at the time. What he said 2 years ago is now confirmed, and it is becoming more and more popular in Japan.

This Chinese man not only sharply pointed out Sony's problems two years ago, but also personally buried Sony's music player business in a sense. This not only made many programs sour when playing the material, but also forced Fang Zhuo to conduct high recommendation.

Later, video clips from the Japanese program spread to Singapore and also caused a lot of heated discussion.

It happened that Yike came to Singapore for its IPO road show, so Fang Zhuo was caught off guard by his enthusiasm.

"So that's it. Then when I get back to the hotel, I'll make sure to find the video and watch it. It sounds quite interesting."

Fang Zhuo understood the reason and shook his head slightly, feeling quite emotional and curious.

"Mr. Fang, I have it on my computer. You can watch it now. Doesn't it have a screen?" The investor in the back row raised his hand.

"Uh." Fang Zhuo glanced at the audience, saw everyone's expressions, and simply followed everyone's thoughts and said simply, "Okay, let's watch it together on the big screen. I really can't remember exactly what it was. What did you say?"

Soon, the video was played on the big screen.

You can see the triple watermarks of CCTV 3, TV Tokyo, and Mediacorp Premium Channel on it, but the picture is quite clear.

This video is marked with the timeline and program date, and the subtitles are in Chinese, English, and Japanese. The main screen is a clip of "Win in China", and the picture-in-picture is the commentary of the Japanese program guest.

Fang Zhuo stood in the audience and relived the clip from two years ago with the investors in the banquet hall. He saw a decisive, confident, ambitious and high-spirited young man appear on the screen.

He admired it carefully and felt a little emotional in his heart.

I used to be young, confident, and energetic, but now I am only young, confident, energetic, graceful, tasteful, courageous, and charming. Time has indeed flown by.

Within a few minutes, the video on the big screen finished playing.

Fang Zhuo stepped onto the stage again, not knowing how to praise himself for a moment.

There are no words here.

He could only take the initiative to applaud.

The applause in the banquet hall was warm again. Roadshows in Singapore came and went, but there were really not many legendary figures like Mr. Fang.

Confidently warned and buried with his own hands, many Japanese programs discussed it.

What happened to Sony?

Not so much about Sony, it just met Mr. Fang.

What else needs to be said about a road show like this?

Watch the video, watch Mr. Fang, and see what it means to be far-sighted!

Mr. Fang is called far-sighted!

Three updates tomorrow.

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